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I would have tried if it were a button choice scenario I still kinda liked Sadie's insane ass tho too. Lol.


Would have been great if they let players choose more paths for Arthur. For example a super happy ending would have been him leaving and living out the rest of his days with Mary. I think that’s where a lot of Rockstar games fall short, choice and consequence. They are very much on a railroad and there’s no leaving it


>if they let players choose more paths for Arthur Lol.


I agree, but I guess thats a consequence of how detailed the games are though too?


Half way thru Chapter 6 I was wondering why Arthur stayed. He was basically convinced Dutch had lost it & had backtracked on everything he preached. Dutch basically didnt say anything different all thru Chapter 5 & 6. Have some Faith. I have a Plan. & yet people rave about the story of this game.


GTA V and RDR2 are definitely two of the most overrated games in recent memory. Rockstars game design has been outdated for years. NakeyJakeys RDR2 video goes into it a lot better than I could. I mean I’m glad they exist, and they are better than 99% of other games out there, but they aren’t 10/10 like people say. In my opinion Fallout New Vegas and Witcher 3 are miles better in comparison.


RDR2 doesn't have a single definitive mission like what Witcher3 has with "Family Values". In fact the majority of missions in RDR2 are short & simple. The part of the game that leaves the greatest impression is character arc of Chapter 6, but even then the character motive & story progression leaves you wondering why Arthur bothered to stay. New Vegas was amazing for how it wove 3 separate factions together & gave you legitimate reasons for backing either one.


Also: the only women in the game that got some story missions was the one women who didnt want the outlaw life at all. Nothing for Tilly. Nothing for Abigail. Nothing for Marybeth. Nothing for Molly. Only Karen got to go along on *one* of the bank heists. But that was it. She got nothing else.


I think sadie isn't one of the worst. she lost her husband. barely talked in the first couple of chapters. wasn't until you get to rhodes where you see sadie for who she is. her and her husband shared their work. she also didn't make Arthur do anything. it was his choice to help her with the o'driscolls. his choice to help her do what she needed to do. and at the end of it all?? she became a bounty hunter. and from what I gather. mostly she kept her bounties alive didn't kill them. then goes off, probably to start her transport business. Molly I don't like much, because she thought dating dutch meant she didn't need to lift a finger to do anything. Micah definitely I do not like. but sadie Adler? she isn't one of the worst. to me. she's one of the better ones.


I like Sadie. She basically gives up on life for a while but eventually finds her own redemption by working with Arthur; also, in the epilogue, through helping others by removing lethal parasites from the land.




Well her character is poorly developed, she is insane (for example, in further questions of female suffrage), she kills an O’Driscoll any chance she gets, she got the hot air balloon guy killed for no reason, she gets Arthur to go with her to get revenge, which goes against what Arthur was taught, she kills Cleet no matter what, she’s incredibly stupid (sneaks up on a camp, outlaws are asleep, easy chance for a sneaky kill, yet decides to start shooting, the writers made her just be a ‘badass’ with no extra layers, she had a lot of potential, yet they just throw that out the window.


I cant argue with any of those facts...however i still disagree with your opinion on sadie. She obviously isnt the main character but i think her background story and her interactions with arthur at the end of the game just added a little bit more depth to the story


I really just think she was added to give a sense of diversity, other than that she doesn’t have much use


Diversity how?


Well that use her to show that women can be badass gunslingers too, obviously I don’t disagree with that but I feel like her personality it exaggerated


they have 3-4 women who are all badass... i think they just wanted to highlight how dutch would bring in lost souls (sadie just lost her husband) and the different types of backgrounds that are in the gang


I said a badass gunslinger, I wasn’t talking about the other women, at least the others have personality


Why do you hate sadie?


In a game as good as RDR2 she sticks out like a sore thumb. I think Rockstar has a lot of trouble creating female characters. Compare Sadie with any of the main females from Witcher 3 and that’s clear


Im not sure why she sticks out to you tho


Sadie grew on me, but not my favorite character. Not by a long shot. She's kind of a Mary Sue though.


"Strong women are too intimidating for me!" -OP


If sadie didn't have any lines to say she'd be more interesting. As soon as she starts talking I'm looking for the skip notice


You take that back, Sadie was awesome xD