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The problem with playing Shaw at cb is that you lose a lot of the chance creation he gives you at lb. Malacia isn't really offering anything offensively


100% get Martinez on at half


I couldn't agree more.


He has a good long cross field pass but not much else in his attacking arsenal


He skied about ten of them


Malacia is elite in the first two phases of buildup it just fizzles out as he goes higher up the pitch




You mean Antony that put away our first goal?


Mate. He has been shocking.


We’d be losing without Antony


David playing pinball between his own legs wasn't on my 2023 bingo card. Anyways, started well and didn't really control after that.


We do still love overplaying it a bit.


We're like Arsenal back in the day. Trying to walk it into the net.


Credit to that Arsenal side, when the ball went in, it was a thing of beauty


That Wilshere goal is still one of my all time favorites


Did you see that ludicrous display last night ?


Ref, you alright mate?


Everton’s 12th man. Undeniable. It was laughable that everton’s goal buildup involves exactly the same sort of contact on Casemiro that isn’t a foul, and then later in the match Casemiro is whistled for a contact that’s actually less than what he received earlier. The standard of refereeing is shockingly bad these days. Even with VAR.


4-1 Ft the boys will come alive second half


What I predicted 🙈


Has Antony lost all of his confidence? Doesn’t go forward and only loses possession


He’s frustrating at times - hardly ever beats his man


If he could also stop misplacing simple passes that would be great too


Why does this seem to happen to every fucking winger we buy, god i miss the days of giggs and even beckham taking on fullbacks


Not sure if there's rose tinted glass or what but Becks was not the type to take on a man with pace, he was special at getting that half yard to get his cross in through.


Thats why i said even beckham, he wasn’t known for beating players but even he used to do it more than these wingers if you watch his early days


Ah my bad I missed the even.


Hardly ever tries.


I don't remember him beating his man at United expect 1-2 times at touchlines nowhere near the penalty box


Can't lose possession if you don't attempt to beat him. He should be embarrassed that Varane has shown better wing play than what he has done since he's arrived here.


I think Valencia's left puts Antony's right to shame. He's not a threat whatsoever to go wide


Receive the ball. First touch back towards goal. Pass back. ... Profit?


He's too left footed


I’m not actually sure he can complete a pass while dribbling with the ball.


Definitely seems to be lacking confidence. Been criticized a lot since the world cup. Must weigh on his confidence. When you lack confidence it shows so much in your game, you start becoming tunnel visioned and afraid of risks


He's the reverse Valencia, he can only really cut in. Or play it backwards. Need him running at players.


Varane showing Antony how to beat his man


No need to panic, not every game is going to look like liquid football. Everton are playing almost 11 behind the ball, its like a training exercise. Its scrappy but apart from the goal we havent really looked in any danger.


What's the point of reddit if we aren't throwing our pitchforks out whenever something happens that doesnt go our way?!


I'm clearly getting soft in my old age


He scored, but Antony just looks extremely limited. Doesn't ever even take on his man never mind beat him. Horribly one footed. Needs to do more. Rashford needs to lay it off more too. Varane has been excellent


Like I don't know how bad his right foot is, but it basically nullifies 70% of his attacking threat that he cuts inside literally evvvvery sing time


Not impressed by our right side today


Spot on about both wingers. Will still see people saying antony had a decent game tho. He may give us balance by actually being a rw but it’s no use when he’s a black hole for attacks.


Never understand how pro footballers can't use both feet




I don't even see the raw talent I'm gonna be honest. As a winger, there's two main attributes: 1) ability to beat your man and 2) ability to put a good cross in. He can't do either. He also finds linking up difficult and avoids making difficult decisions, and when he is ambitious and tries something it doesn't work out too well. Idk. I just don't see a player there.


To be fair he is an inverted winger his role is more to be threatening on the right and cut in on his left to create chances and shoot alot. He is just really raw. Give him time


Varane passed up a defender in the corner before Antony did😂


Everyone told us he was a 40 million pound player and its starting to look true. I don't know who keeps approving these huge transfer fees cause it just impacts other transfers


He doesn't even seem like a £40 million player currently tbh


Yeah future potential aside, Garnacho's current level seems to be higher than Antony's. The 100mil price tag doesn't even seem remotely close


Obviously I think he'll improve but the way he's playing he's not much better than Dan James was for us


Dan James was much better for us than this




From what we've seen this season so far, he's been a massive waste of money. Especially since his cost has fucked us in getting a striker.




I actually can’t believe we spent that much on Antony. He is so extremely predictable. And like u said he doesn’t even try taking his man on. Will need to greatly improve to get close to being a sensible purchase.


Exactly this. I think in a few years when our project has evolved we might see a lot more from him - but right now it’s a bit baffling why we rushed and overpaid for him.


Jesus wtf is with the hate in this comment and the responses, it was one mediocre half (and the man still scored a goal).


Legitimate criticism isn't hate. He hasn't been good for 3 months now


The world cup was going on for a month and a half of that... and before that he was injured. Chill the fuck out


He was injured for maybe two weeks before the world cup and was then bad at the world cup. Not like his form was great before the injury either


He was a bench player at the world cup... Why can't you just relax and let the kid have a season to integrate? It's not even like he HASN'T contributed.


Seems very overpriced for a 1 trick pony, let’s hope it’s because he’s adapting to new league.. gotta coach him to go both ways though.. or try him on the left


Kind of wonder why he never takes on his man - that’s one of the things I thought we were getting with him. Makes me think he’s instructed not to


yeah i noticed this as well.


He has been so poor. He seems very reluctant to try and beat his man. It’s like the physicality of the PL has him scared.


Antony looks awful, need Shaw at LB


You're right. Think he also has a problem with his studs. Looked like he was on an ice rink a couple of times early on.


Lee Dixon is such a negative fuck


He was pretty spot on about Dalot there. Why didn't he cross?


He has so much of time with no everton player near him, and just waited for them to get back into position


yeah no clue why he didnt


Childhood City fan who played for Arsenal, what do you expect!


To be honest I don't think that has anything to do with it. He's just a negative boring twat. Absolutely hate watching England because he's always the co commentator.


If I see he's commentating I turn off my laptop and watch it on my TV through my swedish app. I'd rather not know what's being said than listen to him.


Having looked at the goal again, it seems to me that De Gea was too concerned with ensuring his post was marked (can see how he has his arm outstretched on the post to make sure it’s covered) and he wasn’t expecting the ball to come to him as Varane was quite close to Maupay. By the time the ball came to him, he was slow to react to the ricochet between his legs. Looks far worse in slow motion imo.


Got to agree, more I watch it, the more it’s looking less like a blatant error and more like a sort of panic ‘oh the balls right there’ Watching it live, as Maupay was slotted in, i expected Varane to slide to block the cross


It always looks worse in slo-mo. It was just awkward. Shit happens.


Being a keeper is the hardest position in football. You can be flawless for 89 minutes of the game but one mistake and it usually leads to a goal. I don't think it looked that bad in real time.


He has always had far too many of these howler moments in his game that the likes of Alisson and Courtois don’t. The collective amnesia our fans seem to get about the dozens and dozens of mistakes that have led to goals conceded from him is strange


My mates when we play five a side wouldn't make this many excuses for me like this sub does for De Gea, and I can proudly say I don't remember ever letting a ball get underneath my legs like that.


Don't know why people are having a go at you, it's an absolute appalling and shocking error no matter what we think of De Gea overall. No need for excuses for it, it's shite.


Yeah there’s a reason you play five a side mate and aren’t in goal for United


Congratulations. Do you want a cookie?


I'll make like Dave and settle for a 350k a week instead.


In fairness you probably also don’t remember making like I dunno, a hundred game-salvaging saves in a 9 year stint as the undisputed #1 at one of the world’s biggest clubs ever. Shit happens to the best of us.


You're not genuinely trying to say that you're better than David De Gea? You are having a laugh pal


He's obviously not saying that haha. He's saying that the sub is making excuses for summat that doesn't need excuses made for it - it's a shit, basic error and owt that disagrees with that is mental gymnastics. These things happen


He's saying people make excuses for De Gea that his team mates would never make for him... then says he can proudly say he's never made a blunder like that. I understand that his comment maybe began with the throughline you're describing... but it is a totally braindead take.


They totally switched off after going up and let in a stupid fucking goal. Ridiculous.


Eriksen is such a joy to watch. Imagine we got him years earlier


Martial has to bury one of those chances. Antony and Malacia consistently were so poor on the ball


Martial has looked rusty since the World Cup break, he needs to find his poachers instinct again


He's too cheeky with his finishes. Always tries to place it which leads to them never having any power


Yeah he always tries to curl it in. Strike the balls ffs, so frustrating


The only proper chance he got was the 1v1 against Pickford. You expect him to shoot even with 4 Everton defenders in front of him blocking his view to goal?


That should have been a shot for Antony, Martial should have laid it off to him as Antony had a lot of space. Poor decision making all in.


Exactly. People are criticising Martial for not shooting when I thought there were a couple of times he got a bit greedy instead of laying it off to Antony. Weird to see such a disparity in how people are viewing this game.


Antony gives the ball away way too much & slows down attacks & This ref is doing my fucking nut in


Martial and Anthony have been very frustrating! Making it hard for ourselves overthinking in the final third.


i do at least love casemiro's ability to commit 5 fouls in a half without even a sniff of a yellow card


Full time thread is gonna have 900 posts about ‘we need a striker’.


Antony out for Garnacho, Rashford on the right Martinez for Malacia, Shaw lb


Antony at the moment is one of the most painfully predictable footballers I've seen in a long time. Off the ball he's fine, tracks back a bit and pops up in good areas but when he has the ball at his feet full-backs must love playing against him.


I really like Antony so far, but I am absolutely confused how a player can be at this level and have, what appears to be, zero confidence in their weaker foot. Like that opportunity to Rashford, simple 6 meter square pass with his right foot... Butchers it with the outside of his left - it's schoolboy stuff really


lots of chances! big mistake! football!


Good game if you're a neutral. Both teams playing both good and bad football. United should be ahead though.


Malacia is leaving Rashy on an island out there. He needs to be more attacking.


this game is weird as hell


Anthony slowing play and passing back rather than taking on defenders, just as Sancho did. Hopefully they can both move past this soon. Anthony hasn’t been the same since his 720 spin, so I wonder what happened immediately after that… aside from pundits and fans ruining him.


We've lost the plot a bit here. Letting Everton's justified shithousery get to us.


Antony has to be much more cleaner with his passes and also start to go outside of the left back. Get Lisandro in instead of malacia to leverage Shaw’s attacking threat


Hope ETH tears right into them. Feels like we thought we'd win by just showing up. That early goal reinforced this bad thinking.


Martial has played well I don’t care what people are saying, he’s been really good in posession


Antony is too raw.. needs to develop his game. Absurd that we spent that much money.. should get way more if you spend that much


Not nice conceding a goal


Antony is painfully one footed


Malacia is invisible. Antony has been one footed. Rashford abit greedy at times


How are we not discussing ROY KEANES FACE??


Doesn't even seem like Everton are even trying to wi... HOLY FOOK WHAT A MUSTACHE ROY KEANE


Ref trying to save fat Frank his job. Cmon lads these are shit. No silly fouls in the second half and we should pummel them


Martial is non-existent, I was so hopeful of him at the start of the season. Somehow our game plan was not to cross even when there are chances and people waiting.


Shit goal to concede. Need better final pass and decision making


Antony just slows the attack


DDG - Brain fade, Antony - Good goal but nothing else, Martial - Finish ffs, Bruno - Try to be a little less wasteful


3 players in the box with an easy cross but the ball doesnt come in. this is the part I hate from Dalot's game. shit decision making.


antony is chronically left footed


First 10 mins I thought we'd absolutely rinse them, especially with how easy we got the first goal. Then they get a freak of an equaliser. Now they're galvanised and we're rattled. It's almost psychological at this point - this is the same soon-to-be utter relegation fodder Everton side that came onto the pitch 45 mins ago. EtH needs to give the team a bit of a kick up the ass and get them to believe that again. They're nowhere as good as us.


I hope Everton go down this year, absolute shit-house of a club. Wouldn’t put it past them to net a 95th min winner.


If Antony doesn't run down the side once this match I'm going to fight something


Dalot needs to learn to cross it when he has space. Like what is he waiting for?


Think he’s afraid of misplacing it, I notice when usually he takes a cross during a game and fucks it up, he stops crossing


That moustache is the worst play of the game


Sorry I wrote worst when I meant to write best


It’s ok u/fuzzy_man_cum, we’ve all bean there.




If you zoom in enough you'll find our next signing.


Antony controlling the ball out of the air all fancy but has less successful dribbles than Varane. The beautiful game!


Can someone remind De Gea that he's the only player in the team allowed to use his hands? What a shocking goal


Varane doing side quests 🔥😂


What a freak goal, that gets saved 99/100


depending on martial will be the death of of charge to solidify top 4.


Far too much sloppy passing, City will punish us if we give them as much free ball. Also thought Martial was particularly bad for taking too long to either pass or shoot, wasted a lot just hesitating. A pot noodle would get goals in this side but his overall play continues to be a weak link. Don't want to jump to conclusions about Antony but at the top level surely you need to develop your weaker foot.


Imo Martial’s been good overall especially his link up play which helped lead to our goal. Could’ve done better on the shot that Pickford saved but we haven’t really fashioned clear chances apart from that. Everton have packed their box since the equalizer whilst we’ve also been wasteful and sometimes too selfish in the final third. Antony does look underwhelming though.


Yeah martial has not been it at all 😭🙈


How offside for the original pass wasn't called for the goal I don't know but shocker from de gea, if that doesn't go in I feel we were on for a big scoreline


Antony did get the goal, but damn his dribbling and especially passing has been fucking wank.


Absolutely awful. Martial messing 3 good chances up, Anthony has been woeful after his goal and De Gea, what the fuck was that, seriously wake up!


This is the exact kind of nervous game you get knocked out in


Can’t stand Sam Matterface


Well that was just weird


Clownish way to concede


Stupid goal to concede, got a feeling that it shook our confidence a bit, but otherwise I feel quite confident we'll finish them off in the 2nd half. Hopefully a goal from Rashy and Garnacho.


Still dominating the game but we seem to be over complicating everything in the final third. So many chances to get a decisive pass/shot off.


Get Martinez on, stick Shaw back to where he's supposed to be and watch these Everton squirm. Fucking anti football dickheads


Passing's been really off from people you wouldn't expect. Case, Eriksen not being their usual ball-secure self. Antony has to offer more, the explosiveness and interplay from before the World Cup was so deadly but he seems hesitant now.


Antony and Malacia have probably been the 2 worst players on the ball. Antony in particular needs to do more than turn back and lose the ball. Guilty of overplaying the ball a little in offensive areas and some general sloppiness in midfield. A bit slow closing down Gray in particular too, at times. If we increase the pace and take care of the ball better, we should be fine in the 2nd half.


I don’t know why, but watching this game has me really on edge. Like ready to shout on edge


We're playing 4-1-5 and at times 3-0-7. So many times we have the ball and there's nobody in the midfield. Or just Casemiro trying to receive the ball from defense. Urgency was pretty shit from the 25/30th minute.


We're doing too much in the final 3rd. It shows confidence but it might also cost us.


The gulf in quality between our LW and RW is massive. Thank fuck that Antony has scored a few goals else he’d have been eaten alive


Antony has all the stylistic traits that Neymar has.. but his passing always seems more like flicks than real passes and he doesn’t actually really seem to take a man on. There’s a player in there but he seems more interested in making it look stylish as opposed to just being effective


Antony is the inverted Valencia. Use your right man. I know he scored with his right technically but he needs to stop doing trivelas all the time that don’t work and put his right foot on it


Martinez on for malacia, he's not offering anything on offence and add on to his poor distribution. Shaw atleast offers much better going forward.


After the goal that was a REALLY poor half Everton have been absolutely terrible and basically giving the ball but we've also bee so careless and poor going forward.


Varane with the fancy feet.


I feel like its not long till Antony gonna be 'missing' from the squads for ten hag to fix his limitation


Rashford once again a fucking star


Imagine if Antony took people on like Rashy and Martial do.


ESPN halftime reporters are so godawful


pretty bad from ddg even if there was an offside/foul in the build up


I know Malacia is young but he needs to develop his attacking game. Otherwise he will just be a left sided AWB


David messed up.


Martinez on at HT and move Shaw over to LB, we need some more ball progression on that side


Fuck, if only that Eriksen banger was on target.


Bruno needs to start making the simple pass


I don't like Antony there i said it, i know it's not his fault that we bought a 20-30 million player for 100m and talking about tonys or other one could not score a gol eavan if his life would depend on it


Antony, Martial and Bruno need to fix up. Really poor half from everyone except maybe Rashford, Varane and Shaw


Rashford needs to pass more. He’s been abit too greedy


Roy Keane analysis on De Gea.. Fucking brilliant




Dalot's jockeying and defensive awareness is insanely good, where did this come from!?


Roy Keane with that moustache looks like a sadistic secondary school geography teacher


Looks more like a retired WW2 Fighter pilot lol.




There were worse players than him tbh


I’d say this game is different to the last 2, he’s contributed well in build up but not finished his chance


I’ve said this before but why does Antony always look like he’s going to sleep when he has the ball?


Dalot and Antony been beyond poor.


i mean....we're not playing AWFUL by any means, nor are we getting dominated ​ The howler SHOULD have been avoided but here we are. I dont know if anyone wants to hear this but this martial redemption project isnt working. We need a striker ASAP, He isnt that guy anymore. its been 7 years, if it was gonna work, it would have by now For a pacy trickster with bags of dribbling ability, ive never seen a brazilian winger so scared to take a man on. That lack of directness is frustrating.


Martial decision making isn't good, some bad moments when inside the box that could have been good chances


Rashford needs to pass a bit more


I don’t know about Martial man