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Make the offer, if it’s rejected, we move on. Would do wonders towards establishing with other teams too that they can’t drag us out for months and get massive fees.


Exactly, except we won't do that. This club will try to seduce Kane and Levy until like early August.


End of the transfer window. Fixed it for ya.


Last day of window: another loan of Weghorst…


Then after that fails, sign Fellaini's son on the deadline day


Exactly! No point dilly-dallying all summer without making a if until the window is almost closed


Unless suddenly the management has changed already, that’s exactly Utd themselves operate in the market. I do believe our transfers have improved in the last few windows but the efficiency hasn’t. I don’t know what goes behind the scenes but our transfers are always dragged on.


The most important thing is that whoever we get, it's got to be done long before the end of the transfer window. Rashford, Sancho, Garnacho, Antony, Elanga and co need experience playing with a proper number 9 in the pre-season.


Levy doesn’t seem to like money


Or success


or just anything really


Loves stadiums


Loves underground f1 tracks


*go kart track, marketed by f1


Loves fucking over United too it seems. Bald cunt.


And cheese rooms


He loves American football


It doesn't seem to like him it seems


How would he even know if he likes success or not? He'd have to experience it first.


Or Tottenham


Where would they be without Kane ? Fighting relegation imo


Without Kane they literally don't have that new stadium. He's had that club on his back for years. Whenever he goes they are going to be so shit.


They will be even worse without the money to replace him. I think they can’t even contemplate him walking for free but they didn’t let him leave last time. Kane likely remember being burnt by levy and will fuck him over


That's what I don't get. Levy will absolutely be trying to get 100m over nothing at all. He has shown consistently he is a business man first and business men don't let valueable assets go down to nothing if they can get close to 100m for.


2 ways, 1: levy wants more than 100 for Kane so he's checking how much more united will give him. 2: looking from a spurs fan perspective, levy doesn't want to be the guy to sell kane to a premier league club which will bite back Tottenham in the coming seasons.


Selling to Chelsea or Liverpool will bite him back. There's no world where Tottenham finishes above United. So really selling to us helps Tottenham because we take more points off the other teams. 4D chess.


What’s the payout on CL vs not CL? Gotta think that’s factored in there really. So it’s not losing 100M next season it’s 100M - CL Payout they wouldn’t have without Kane might be Levy’s thought


Which makes the decision not to sell him completely justifiable, even if it's for 100 million. Not sure why people are finding that hard to understand.


Except I don't know if I agree. Would you let 100 million walk out the front door because of a petty feeling of not wanting to deal with someone local?


Kane could be the difference between them competing for European places or them having a Chelsea like season and finishing bottom half. For 100 million, that's probably worth it for Spurs. And it's not like 100 million gets you that much in 2023. Every half decent player is now quoted at 100 million.


But why not get those funds now and try to start the rebuild with the new coach instead of just accepting a lame duck year waiting for Kane to leave and hopefully have funds from a European spot that they weren't able to get even with Kane this year?


Exactly this. Is Kane for one more season (a motivated one at that) worth 100m to Spurs? Probably given that he IS that team right now. Unless they have good recruitment plans, I'm not sure where they're gunna get their goals from going forward. For sure if Levy let him go to a domestic "rival", it would absolutely be for 150m at least and Kane isn't going to push the issue this year.


An actual sensible take finally lol, I don't get why people are so shocked and outraged with him denying to sell kane to us. A lot change in a season, if spurs get their shit straight by getting a good manager+decent signings at the back , they can definitely have a season similar to ours. And they will need kane for that to happen, as he's simply irreplaceable. However I still believe we should give our best and tempt him to join us at all costs


I hate this narrative. This is what people said when they had Bale. They are not going to play without a striker. In fact, with Kane gone, they may be able to attract a great quality striker. Right now, one of the problems they must face is getting a good striker to come to them as the player knows he will be a backup. With the funds they get from selling Kane, they may be able to buy more players that can help spread the goals. Plus they will have Son, too. Another thing to consider is their reputation amongst players. If players know they won't be let go even if it makes sporting and financial sense, they will be reluctant to come to Spurs. All in all, it just makes sense to sell Kane.


So who is this great striker under 100 million? And why aren't we going for them?


They’ll be playing in different league - NFL


On the contrary, I think he's using us to try and squeeze a few more pesos out of Madrid. Also lol at Spurs thinking they're our rivals, they are neither in financial or football success terms.


The famous currency of Spain. Keep your mexican pesetas


Spanish Doubloons then.


Many pieces of eight


Don’t you know Conte chose Spurs than United? They’re a massive massive club /s


And we’re stuck with Reject ten Haag 😩


Kane isnt leaving England.


If Benzema leaves, Madrid will do what they can to bring a striker. Hard to think of many alternatives.


They've literally been direct top 4 rivals for the last decade. I know it's fun to shit on Spurs but of fucking course he's gonna be adamant on not selling to us as they try to get back into CL spots next season


They aren't direct rivals anymore though. They have to compete with Brighton, villa and Brentford.


You realize that other teams also looking for that spot doesn't negate Spurs from being a top 4 competitor /rival, right? You literally just watched our difference from last season to this season and went " Spurs were shit this year, Brighton are our top 4 rivals now, Spurs are nothing" like there is no chance they'll even slightly bounce back lol


The last 10 years have been our worst decade in 40 and their best in 40 yet we have still won significantly more (5 vs 0 with a possible 6th on Saturday ). Not to mention, their trajectory looks much worse currently


In recent years,they reached the UCL final and put up a proper title challenge,something which we are far off still.


Proper title challenge where? Though you can thank Ten Hag for dealing with Real in that CL campaign. Thinking about it, so can Klopp.


I mean spurs could have beaten madrid as well, they were quite shit that season. Besides spurs have been top 4 regulars in the last decade, now they seem to be in a similar position as we were last season, they can hope for a quick turnaround if they get a proper manager back again and some decent signings at the back. You are really underestimating the impact of a new managee


In first season of conte at Chelsea(16-17 i think)


Well there's two ways to look at it. He's serious about this and won't sell Kane, or it's complete gamesmanship and he's just trying to force United into paying as much as possible for him. I'd like Kane at United, but the only way he leaves is if he forces a move I think. I don't see that happening somehow, even with everything going on. Him staying really doesn't make that much sense. He only has so many seasons left in him, with no European football next season, no guarantee of it the season after with how many teams are on the uptick and how poor Spurs looked towards the end of the season, and with their management situation. But I still see Kane staying if only out of his love for the club. If that's the case, I just hope we don't spend the whole summer chasing him for nothing.


Too much ego


Or understand the meaning of "domestic rival".


I think Levy just love watching his boys training and sweating


He's doing his part in squashing those stereotypes.




I just checked the prem table and feel bad for Villa, Brentford and Fullham, feel like Kane would really improve their squads.


15th time I’ve seen this joke today istg


Bro kane would improve 95% of the sides itw except Barca,city and maybe psg




Guess this sub needed a bit of an /s lmao


Only for morons


Try telling this sub that


Why are you making this worse, my man?


Not my fault they r acting like literal children lmao. Can't take a fuckin joke


I think the problem is your reply killed the original joke, which was funny on its own.


Yeah I don’t know what joke he made


LMAO rival. Lads,










What do we think of shit?




Seriously, Levy is an idiot. Common sense would suggest he should run with the money and rebuild the team, which is awful.


Levy got 86m for Bale and the only player that he can say was a success with the rebuild money was Eriksen. He bought Lamela who was okaaay I guess, Chadli didn't exactly tear it up either. Can't remember the others. As a side note 86m about 10 years ago was a helluva lot of money.


The idea was better than the execution.


Yeah for sure. I'd like to know who else was available at that time. Also just checked eriksen fee.....11m.


And back in 2014 that was the spending power of at least 150m in today's market. Trying signing an Ajax midfielder with 30+ goal involvements for <15m today lol


A player like Eriksen at Ajax would cost about 60m now. Probably more, considering Frenkie left for 75m years ago.


Soldado was GOAT.


Ofc. Forgot about the total goal machine.






Failure in execution rather than concept. And that doesn't negate the fact that he's probably leaving next summer on a free if he doesn't go this summer, which makes Kane even harder to replace than having 100mil in the bank. This is such a poor choice from Levy. He's more concerned with his rivals (and I use that term very loosely considering the season they had) than he is with actually improving his squad.


He'd be a fool not to take the 100m and run. He'll look even more foolish if kane leaves on a free. Spurs had their chance to establish themselves as a top 4club with and after potch. Glad to see them back to their mediocre best.


Soldado lol


Soldadoooo! Hahaha


No, he isn’t and stop pretending a guy running multi billion dollar club doesn’t know what he is doing when it comes to money. If anything Levy is brilliant at how he has managed Spurs financially. Kane to Spurs is worth more than 100mn/season. Bar this season, he is consistently one of the reasons they remain top 6, scores tons of goals, is also their primary playmaker in final 3rd, brings in tons of money indirectly as the face of the club. If Spurs were to replace him this season, it’ll cost more in money than they will earn plus the risk of slipping down further in standings in PL. Spurs also need to invest heavily in areas like CB, GK, CM, LB. I think they’d rather prioritise recruiting for those areas than suddenly making it all about replacing Kane. If Kane goes on a free next season, Spurs will be better positioned to replace him than this coming season.


Well, I guess you kind of summed up the reason Spurs fans hate him. He cares more about the financial side of things than football. Next year when he's gone for free they'll have to spend a 100 million plus to replace him with two players anyway.


The same fans who shout best stadium, top 6 club, spend 200mn in transfers all thanks to him. Clearly he is an idiot, you should send your resume to replace him


Your strange hard on for Danny Levy is amusing and weird. Who cares about all those things compared to winning trophies?


Its not any more a hard on coz I like him than your hate boner calling him an idiot without any rational thought. I get being edgy on the internet to sound cool and get karma but maybe consider backing your statements with some rationale next time.


My rationale was pretty obvious from the first post. He should use the money to rebuild the team because in a year, Kane will go, and they'll have to replace him with two players for over a 100m anyway. He's a savvier version of Ed Woodward, none of us called him brilliant. No hate for Levy on my part, Tottenham could easily be a much more threatening entity if they were run well as a footballing entity.


Spurs’ league rivals are Bournemouth and Luton Town


Doubt either of those respectable clubs want to be associated with Spuds


I would do disgusting things to see Kane captaining Luton Town at Kenilworth road.


There's no way Kane stays at spurs. He scored 30 prem goals and they finished 8th.


He's really emulating Shearer at Newcastle


At least Shearer won the league with Blackburn before going trophyless at Newcastle side that was challenging for the title when he joined them. Kane seems to have no ambition for silverware at all


Such a stupid decision, you have a terrible team, take the 100m and rebuild. Kane for an extra season surely isn’t worth 100 million to spurs. Not sure why he doesn’t recognize that is a perfect opportunity for spurs to enter their rebuilding phase and actually build a team worth competing.


Because he thinks maybe he will extend his contract next year and change his mind. Probably the only reason why not selling now would make sense. If he were to leave anyway and to only an English club? That’s not smart at all because even 50m is more than 0 and it helps to build a squad for the new manager and future.


100m isn't enough for a rebuild nowadays and if they lost Kane they'd have to use almost all of that money on a replacement and it still wouldn't get them someone who scores the same amount of goals as him. I actually think this is sensible from Levy. They can use all of their transfer budget on strengthening other positions knowing that for one more season they've got a world class striker who will score them 20+ EPL goals. Worst case scenario he leaves on a free next summer. Best case scenario they appoint a good manager this summer, make the right signings, the team improves and they finish higher up the table and Kane signs a new contract.


Worst case scenario? They manager appointment fails. Signings are not success and Kane is injured half of season and don’t score them. They crash course out of europe againg and then Kane leaves free. Their FFP Numbers are becoming problematic.


Okay but all of that still leads to the same outcome of Kane leaving on a free and the point still stands that he’s essentially irreplaceable. Also, for all we know Kane and his family may well be happy in London. Most people seem to think the only two outcomes from this situation are that he is sold this summer or leaves on a free next summer, but I wouldn’t put it past him to sign a new deal tbh.


The striker market is so dead that they don't have any hopes of replacing Kane anyway. So they would rather bet on Kane to get them to CL next season and use the increased revenue on new players. And if Spur's get top 4, Kane may even sign an extension. With a child coming , I don't think Kane will be rocking the boat all that much to leave.


I think United proves that having a solid back 4 and a CDM is faaaar more important than a striker.


What's the child got to do with this?


Moving from London I suppose


He might be actually. If they attract a decent manager and they can get back into the champions league then he resigns then it's worth it. The other side that there's absolutely no chance of them replacing him so I'm not sure the 100 really helps them rebuild the squad.


as much as I’d love Kane here, the outrage that Levy won’t just let us have him is hilarious, of course he’s going to fight tooth and nail to keep him, he’s their entire team, Tottenham would have been bottom half of the table without him considering he won 20+ points personally for them this season, Levy knows that the ball is completely in Harry’s court, if he wants to leave he needs to kick up a fuss, if he doesn’t then we need to look elsewhere regrettably


I really think Son may finally be tempted to leave if Kane is gone.


Unfortunately Son looked a shadow of himself this season but I haven’t watched many Spurs games so I could be wrong


Son played his best football post Poch when Kane was injured, so he might actually thrive as the main man


It has been pretty funny watching this sub froth at the mouth for weeks assuming this would be a very straightforward and easy deal. Somehow we manage to learn nothing window after window.


Imagine he walked out on a free next season and joined poch at chelsea. Don’t get why you wouldn’t want to cash in 100m for him and then try to invest into the rebuild that’s been long needed at spurs for a while now


Kane doesn't seem like the type of guy who wants to move to Spain but it's not like I've got him on speed dial so who knows


I’ve got him on speed dial mate I’ll ask


We don't need to test this for too long. If Kane ain't putting a request in by the 3rd week of June, we have to completely move on from him.


If Kane doesn’t push for this, we shouldn’t insist. Levy clearly has a stick up his arse and won’t even want to negotiate. If reports coming out are anything close to being true. I would love to have Kane as our No 9 but not at the cost of a timely and efficient summer transfer window.


This tells me Levy is a low risk businessman. If he’s willing to sell Kane, Spurs can use the money to build their team and finally win some trophies, like Liverpool after they sold Coutinho.


They have a perfect example from themselves after they sold Bale


Well I would say that it could be taken either way, because the risk of not selling him now is quite high. He is effectively gambling 100 million on whether or not Spurs have a good season, because if they do, then (potentially, but unlikely) Kane may renew, or (more likely) better coaches and players will consider joining Spurs. But if not, then he has rejected 100 million, lost the guy a year later and has an underperforming team. And based on this season, betting 100 million on this current team doing well sounds pretty risky to me. TLDR: By not letting Kane go now, Levy is gambling 100 mill on spurs having a decent season, which is pretty risky.


lol @ spurs thinking they are rivals


They'll all say he's dead right this summer and when they miss out on the CL again next year and Kane walks for free they'll say "how could he have been so stupid?"


Kane should do everything to make the move happen. These reports just sound like Levy is in complete control. He's just putting out briefs cause he can.


If Kane didn't make too much of a fuss for a City move then he isn't making too much noise to join us as well.


Had it been another player, we'd have an issue if Real Madrid is sniffing around. But Kane wants to stay in the Prem to beat Shearer's record. That gives us more of an edge than normal. No other team outside of us are really a good option for Kane. The issue for Kane is - if we don't get him this summer, we may have already bought a player to fill his role in the team. Thus leaving him no option to join (similar to when City bought Haaland). City don't need Kane anymore. If Kane really wants to join, he needs to kick up a fuss, and soon. We can't have a drawn out saga again.


We're not rivals you fucking specialists in failure


That’s fine. Move on. Can’t blame the guy his entire life is in London. Whether he stays or leaves he’ll go down as a legend of the game regrdless. Trophies aren’t everything to every player and that’s okay. Make a decent offer, have it rejected, move on to the next.


>Whether he stays or leaves he’ll go down as a legend of the game regrdless. If he doesn't though, his career will always have that shadow of 'what if he had the mentality to challenge himself'. It's a real shame as he seems to have the ability to be at the top level. >Trophies aren’t everything to every player and that’s okay. True, but to the very top players they are. Mentality is just as much as an ability/attribute as ball control etc. Go ask Michael Jordan about whether it's about stats or trophies.


Oh definitely, he’ll never be classed as one of the greatest but a great nonetheless should his career carry on as it is. And that’s fine for MJ, but this is Harry Kane. Someone who may not be as egotistical and have a god complex that the likes of MJ had. He will always be the best a basketball and he’s earned that. Kane won’t and he seems fine with that. Sometimes one’s personal life outweighs their professional and once again he’ll go down as a great of the game, not one of the greatest.


>Kane won’t and he seems fine with that. This is the part that is odd though. As he shows an ego etc etc to be aiming for his goals records. It just comes across as he wants to do that with the lowest amount of pressure possible. >Sometimes one’s personal life outweighs their professional and once again he’ll go down as a great of the game, not one of the greatest I don't see any 'personal life' things that means he stays at spurs. Its stupidity or lack of mentality. True, but for what he has done now he isn't a 'great of the game' He hasn't even done what Shearer or Batistuta has and unless he moves he won't reach that level. His current trajectory is to go down with a shadow on his career. Like Balotelli, Ben Arfa. Obviously not the same as the circumstances are different, but he will always have that 'what if' It's just crazy he has reached where he has so far with either an awful mentality and/or abysmal decision making. If Madrid comes calling and he doesn't go, the lads an absolute idiot in addition to a complete bottle job that doesn't want the pressure that comes with the level this modern stat based game thinks he is at. Hopefully he does what's best for his legacy whilst he can still contribute at the top of his game.


Yeah I can see that, he’s got it as easy as he can at spurs and will always be the shining light in an otherwise average team. Well he has been in London his entire life (bar the odd loan early in his career). Has another kid on the way, and stability for a family ‘could’ be more important than his career, where he’s already a multimillionaire. Oh yeah definitely, there will always be that what if looming over his head if he doesn’t decide to move but he’ll have broken records in a bang average team. He’s englands all time goal scorer, tottenhams and only a matter of time before PLs all time top goal scorer. Not saying any of this outweighs the ‘what if’ but to some having that along with comfort is a huge success. I agree that he should move for his own legacy. To prove that he can do it under the hardest of circumstances but I also would understand if he didn’t. He’s just a human trying to do what’s best for him and his family. And uprooting his entire life could damage that (not to mention his image if it did t work out in Spain, for example).


But Tottenham is their own domestic rival though isn’t it


If Kane still doesn't push for a move and ends up signing contract extension that means he does not have any ambition to win trophies. Its better we distance ourselves from buying such kind of players tbh regardless how world class they are


Or he loves Tottenham or wants to stay. With so many mercenaries, a player wanting to stay at his club shouldn't be sneered at. We're not entitled to any player.


The right way to go about it is to set an internal deadline, the same way Dortmund did when we first went for Sancho. We cannot start the season without a ST.


Ornstein and now two spurs tier 1 sources saying that levy is not willing to let Harry Kane leave in the summer to united a “rival” we should make a bid if it gets rejected and kane doesn’t push for it move on quickly to alternatives


Kane isn't leaving the PL without the record.


Which is really stupid because the "record" is not the actual record.


I do like that it seems we’re willing to try and move on early and show Kane we’re serious about signing him and not do the whole de Jong fiasco. Whether he moves this summer is entirely up to how much of a fuss he kicks up and that’s what Levy’s counting on.


Like it wasn’t already obvious enough that this move would have to come from Kane himself.. We’d have to figure out if he’s willing to publicly refuse to play for them next season before we even entertain talking to Levy


Either Kane fights for the move or we simply move on. If I’m Kane, I would 100% fight for the move. I mean how many years of disappointment can you endure with Spurs? I will respect his loyalty if he plans on staying but that’s a huge lack of ambition imo.


Kane is going to have to force his way out of he wants a transfer. Levy is probably the only person worse than Barcelona to deal with.


If kane wants to come to United he should agree to a deal starting next summer and tell levy. Let him either make 100m or go on a free next year but either way he's going to utd sooner or later. Levy is treating kane like dogshit at this point and kane needs to put the power in his own hands.


The irony being they aren't our competitors. Maybe someone like Villa or another mid table team, but Levy is fooling himself thinking Spurs are on par with Utd. They don't even have a manager ffs!


Oh I see, we're rivals now are we?


> Domestic rivals Bad news for Brentford I guess


"Rivals" AS IF!


Whether he comes or goes, I like that the reports are coming early. Get a bid in and then just move on and leave Levy to twiddle his thumbs.


can we not just give them Maguire and Martial as part of the deal, I don't think either of those two would refuse to play for Spurs, it would probably suit both quite well actually with the reduced amount of pressure. Maguire would actually be a really good signing for them.


"Domestic rival" is a bit of a redundant statement given all their rivals will be domestic next year hahah


Surely there’s a way to negotiate this all if they really want Maguire


Levy needs to understand his rivals are effing Brentford and not us.


I can understand why he isn't selling him. Kane is tottenham and without him they are another mid-table team. Well one can argue with him they are also a mid-table team. But if he goes, tottenham is done.


I’ll be honest, I’m getting Lewandowski to Bayern vibes


I don’t understand Levy whatsoever. With Kane money he could actually get decent players in 3 or 4 areas, and make a genuine improvement to his squad instead of having 10 sacks of shit and an elite striker up front. That club as ever is going nowhere like that


I can understand Spurs' position, to be honest. We know that they are miles from challenging for the Champions League next season, but they have to believe it is a possibility. They have a very expensive stadium to pay for, and they are targeting the guaranteed income that the CL represents. Having Kane in their team improves their chances of achieving a top four finish. If they don't have him, they're essentially accepting that they are not going to be challenging next year, because they would have zero chance without him. They would lose out on £80m-£100m by keeping him, but they wouldn't be able to replace him for that. He's irreplaceable, as he's one of the best in the world in his position. People saying they can "rebuild" their squad with the £100m they might get for him aren't really taking into account the transfer market at the moment, particularly for strikers. When Frankfurt are asking £100m for Randal Kolo Muani, you know that the market has gone a bit mad. And that's just replacing the guy who left, not rebuilding anything.


Ugh. Don’t even bother with Levy anymore. Guy’s gonna delay our plans all summer to the last minute and have us pay 50% more than he’s worth. Would love to see him at United, but it’s a waste of effort.


No way he’ll go Madrid, he’ll want to break the prem goals record I reckon. Guess he’ll have another summer of being imprisoned by Levy, the absolute nonce


100m is like paying kane 2million a week on top of his current wages. We'd gladly take Kane on a free next year and give him 25% of that, 500k a week. But i think we can probably be smarter and give him 400k plus bonuses.


Test their resolve, sure, but move on quickly to other targets. This isn't like De Jong, there's no casemiro equivalent to pull out of the hat when we miss out on him as I believe we will. The likes of Osimhen will be targeted by other teams and will be complicated to get even if Napoli sell.


Murtough's bread and butter is testing resolve. Prepare for another FDJ.


I'd love EtH to come out and say we're not interested. I'm so sick of this already. It's a budget FDJ summer


I don’t know why we’d bother. Levy never gonna sell to us. Put all efforts into someone achievable


Is this going to be FDJ saga 2.0?


FDJ saga was because of the player himself and both clubs has agreed a deal, this time it’s because of a club executive. Although this time we shouldn’t waste time like last year


Levy should sell Kane to Real Madrid.


Should go to Madrid if he wants many shots at silverware before hanging up the boots


Serious question: With the ownership situation up in the air like this, how much power or money do we have exactly in the transfer market at this moment in time? I was under the impression that it’s unlikely that no big sales will take place, unless we have like excess funds from a mass sale of extra players.


How can Madrid afford all these signings? Does FFP not exist in Spain?


All of what signings?


Biggest revenue in the entire sport and been consistently winning trophies for years.....


Honestly at this point I hope he goes for free and joins Poch at Chelsea just to rub it in that little fuckheads face


Hope we don't fuck about with this all summer


I keep seeing this word rivals?


Hope we don't spend the summer chasing an impossibility.


I believe this but I hope I'm wrong. If I was Spurs, I'd offer him to Bayern and Real now and take the best offer and move on. But who should we sign if we don't get him?




I think it's actually quite smart that Tottenham keeps him. People are saying to take the money but you cannot replacs Kane not matter how much money they get, it won't have the same impact. The only teams gunning for him this year are United and maybe Chelsea. Levy is banking that in 1 year those teams have already gotten their striker and Kane won't have anywhere to go, it's not like they are hurting for money that much.


Two or three bids should be maximum. If they still refuse, move on to plan B.


It's Levy we gonna deal with so this make perfect sense. I don't think even "fuck off money" can work in this situation. Just like how City tried buying Kane few seasons ago


with benzema leaving real madrid will pay him top dollars and he wont sell it to us


Not if Kane wants to stay in England and break the goal scoring record… which realistically he can.


Well they said rival so we should be okay


He’s doing this to justify charging us over 100 million for him.


spurs will not sell kane to a domestic rival. them being a mid table team, is not a rival of Manchester United. kane to Manchester United confirmed.


Good, make a bid then move to other targets. There is no point in having a saga for Kane to have another one for another target or panic buy someone last minute


We need to prepare for him not being available. Make a good bid, if rejected, move on.


Hypothetical one... If true that levy will refuse to sell, how would you feel about João Felix or neymar on expensive 1 year loan before making a play for Kane next summer on a free?


So they won't sell to Brighton villa or Liverpool ? There Europa league competition


I’m totally fine with levy not wanting to sell Kane to rivals in the league, but there’s one mistake here. We are not their rivals, Brentford, Brighton and Villa are. Should know their place better.