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Signings in plural but only Amrabat mentioned. Mildly interesting wording.


Todibo has been heavily linked by Romano


Only if Maguire goes which he doesn't wanna do.


👀 *Slow Chemical starts playing softly in the distance*


That's gotta be Kane!


Will always upset me that they only had that song for such a short time. One of my fave songs in wrestling


Tchouameni was mentioned as an option now that Bellingham will slash his playing time.


Where would we even play him? If he's concerned about playing time he's not going to come be backup to Casemiro


I don’t think he will come. And we don’t need him imo it’s better to give Mainoo a chance. But surely he is on par with Mount and Eriksen as a number 8. So it would be Bruno, Case and then one of the 8s Eriksen / Mount / Tchu / Amrabaat Mount can slot in as 10 and RW if needed Tchu and Amrabaat can play and 6. Eriksen is the only one really only suited for one position. Maybe could play as a 10. So everyone would get alright game time as well, insane depth. But we got bigger fires to put out rn.


So Amrabat next? Then maybe a CB. Don't think we'll have the funds for another good enough striker. But let's see.


I still think we will make a run at Kane really late in the window if he hasn't gone to Bayern.


If we’d have got Hojlund for like 35/40 then maybe, no way are we spending 70 on him and still going after Kane


If he's there I think we have to. Not to say we will get him but I do think we give a take it or leave it offer.


We'd just wait until January when presumably Spurs would take £40m-£50m or United could just offer him a contract for the summer.


If they keep him this summer they aren't selling him January. Makes no sense.


It's a common ploy, you see it relatively regularly. They hold on to benefit as much as possible, possibly a bit in denial too, but hope to start the season with the prize asset and enjoy some success. It allows them to better line up a replacement, but also allow them to hopefully tempt them to sign a contract if the seasons starts well. You then get to Jan, realise that he'll be off, so look to get some money in, as a hail mary. How football finance works, you can often get 'more money' in January insomuch as Spurs purportedly want £100m for him and will probably get £60m plus still in Jan, when his value will be next to nothing on the books.


It's not really common though because you'll need a replacement and teams are hesitant to sell to you if they don't think they can get someone in. So even if they got 60 for Kane they would have to turn around and spend a lot more to replace him with a player that won't be as good.


You'd be surprised, brother. In the January transfer window a lot of deals get done for this reason, last chance saloon deals as the clubs wants to get some cash at the last minute for an asset on their way out. They're becoming less common perhaps, as post-Ramsey to Juve (where Ramsey got £350k a week) players are realising the power of the Bosman exit i.e. modern accountancy practices meaning clubs are somewhat indifferent on whether a transfer fee goes to a club to secure a player, or straight to the free agent as wage/contract package. This is obviously playing out with M'bappe at the moment, who is due to get a cool £100m golden handshake from Real as a free agent as Real would otherwise have to pay £150m-£200m to the selling club. Regardless, the January window commonly features players with six months left to run, being moved on. I could see Spurs taking this option to save face. Levy is purportedly under pressure to not lose Kane for free, but doesn't want to scupper Ange's early days. Likewise, they have no chance of replacing him now. Come January, they can get some cash, and play the 'we tried card'. Of course, at that stage, Kane may dig his heels in, looking for that big money contract as a free agent. It'll depend how abject Spurs are this year, probably.


Tends to be a United thing with dealing with Spuds, Berbatov would be the example, a Harry swap plus cash


If Maguire leaves and we can sign Todibo besides Amrabat it would be a brilliant window.


I hope we can sign Diomande next season. Seems like upgrade on all of our RCB. And even younger than Todibo. Only thing worrying me about Todibo is Aerial duels.


He's played 34 games... half of which in the 2nd tier of the portuguese league


He’s very talented, but saying he’s an upgrade on Varane is crazy.


Varane is very injury prone is already on his decline. Diomande ball playing ability and availability is huge upgrade over Varane imo.


I'm gunna be sad to see Fred go. I love his passion for the badge. I'll never forget the number he did on KDB last season at Old Trafford. On his day he was great, those days were too few and far between though.


He played like he meant it every time he stepped on the pitch. Results weren’t always there but effort and passion always were.


Still hoping for kane sorry but can't let go of that thought.


Me too and it's mad as I have nothing to base it!


At that point I would offer them Sancho or even Maguire in there + cash for Kane. Because Sancho won't have a place anymore at all IF kane would join. I know it's not happening but it is the most logical to me.


Wish we'd go for Lavia over Ambrabat


Caicedo would be the dream. I know we all love Case but he's aging and he can't control the tempo like this team needs from the 6. I wish we'd have gone for him over Mount, would have been a bigger improvement to this team.


For sure, just trying to be realistic. Caicedo would be amazing. Yeah I'm not as hot on our business this summer as others. We moved swiftly, yes, but I can't honestly look at the team and say it's that much better than last season. Might be a hot-take. Onana is an impact signing, but Mount is a floor raiser (not a bad thing) and Hojlund isn't ready. Having said all of this it would be great to get another impact signing in before the window. Don't think Amrabat or Tobido fit that bill, though they're both solid players.


Would love to have Tyler Adams in as Casemiro deputy, considering (I believe) he has a 20m relegation release clause.


Tyler would be a solid backup, but I’m not convinced his ceiling is high enough to become an eventual replacement. Given our budget constraints, I think we will target someone who has the potential to be a long term successor.


‘Given our budget constraints’ A player who has the potential to be a long term successor to Casemiro is going to be extremely expensive though? You pay for potential.


Absolutely agree. My point being that a Tyler Adams purchase would still leave us with the same need for a Case successor. I don’t think we’ll sign Tyler because we need that money to put toward a more expensive long term replacement. There are a number of scenarios out there, but Mainoo or Amrabat could probably play the backup role in the short term - Mainoo might even be the long term unless he becomes an 8.


Plural 👀


The signing we need the most is glazers signing the sale of the club tbh


Why does someone have to say this in every transfer thread? We get it, but just discuss the potential transfers.


fuck the glazers!