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Imagine onana gets caught for that shot from half way instead of Kelleher we never here end of it....


Priority signings: LB (to replace injury prone Shaw, CM (to compete Cas who will lose a yard of pace), CF (to compete with Holjund). CB - I’m happy with Kambwala based on yesterday’s performance.


I would bump CB above CF, kambwala was good because of his pace, we need a new archetype of CB that we have really only two-ish; plus we can always get an ighalo/cavani type deal done for CF


Any idea why we saw Onana apply vaseline on his gloves?


Be thankful it was vaseline and not his tub of margarine.


Gerrard used to do the same to his studs iirc 


It apparently improves grip. A lot of keepers do it, especially with a fresh new pair of gloves.


Luckily we didn't lose the match lol imagine the incoming trolls


I swear our team‘a IQ just poor. We can argue about we don’t deserve anything in last 3 games. But we were in winning in every one of them. Individual mistake, players just switch off. Something needs to change. This can’t happen game after game. And I am sorry Rashy is not the same player anymore, I rather see Garnacho and Anthony or Amad. At least I know those players will play with hearts. Or at least looks like they give a shit.




No there isn’t a good player in there at all. 7 years people have been saying that, how long until you realise that this is what he is and last season was an anomaly. This season he is back onto his usual form.


Disgusted that we gave those scouses a draw today. AWB should’ve known better to not put his leg out for that diving cunt to fall onto.


I thought for sure it was a clear penalty live, but having seen it again it’s a clear dive. Silly challenge but the fact VAR doesn’t send him to the monitor is wild.


I gotta start putting ‘conceding late penalties’ on our Bingo board.


Who was Man of the Match?


Kambwala for me. He stepped up big time in a huge fixture.




Are you high? He made 2 crucial blocks in our area and was everywhere after he came on. Why isn't he playing more is the question.


The yellow to Onana was bs. We were subbing lmao


I hate that everyone have to compensate for Rashford lack of efforts. I mean people are complaining about Garnacho sub when Rashford should be the one leading the counter attack and be dangerous on and off the ball. On paper, we supposed to have 2 pacey wingers who can wreck havoc on Pool's high defense line but why do everything have to depend on Garnacho? And we just have to keep playing him and take his lack of effort as the base line of performance and everyone else have to figure how to play around that because we have no other choice.


We look so much more organised without him on the pitch. Why persist with playing him when the cost is so high? 🤷‍♂️


I stongly believe that either 1. Ten Hag is instructed by the glazzers to keep playing rashford. 2. They are hoping to sell him in the summer so they give him playing time to not drop his transfer value. It would explain his lack of effort too, as he'd be informed that he'll be sold


I have to say, even as a long-time Rashford apologist, I hope he moves on at the end of this season and does well wherever he goes. I still talk about him as though he’s this high-potential prospect who’ll eventually hit a consistent run of form; but in all honesty I feel his time is up and we need to sign more a consistent, composed left forward .


After seing the penalty tackle in replay I swear it’s a dive by Diaz. It’s not even contact by AWB.


There was an angle shown where you see him clearly clip Diaz’s leg late after the slide, unfortunately


Do you guys mean Elliot? That’s who won the penalty


My bad yes


Still a stupid, abysmal decision by Wan Bissaka


That’s the bottom line I think. Whether or not the challenge itself deserved a penalty you’re playing with fire by trying to slide in like that under the circumstances. He didn’t even need to do it smh


Never touched the ball at all was a stupid stupid challenge


Yea no excuse really… My mate that’s an Arsenal fan even pointed out that he seemed to be falling already. It had to be given though.


The more I watch it the more I see the dive. I do agree with you there but if you go to ground like that I don’t touch the ball one bit you’re asking for it


Wait… That fucker dove! [https://tribuna.com/amp/en/news/arsenal-2024-04-07-not-even-a-var-check-liverpool-equalise-from-penalty-after-possible-dive-by-harvey-elliot/](https://tribuna.com/amp/en/news/arsenal-2024-04-07-not-even-a-var-check-liverpool-equalise-from-penalty-after-possible-dive-by-harvey-elliot/)


I actually thought/think it was a pretty obvious penalty. Funny thing is my mate is texting me adamant it’s a dive and I need to rewatch it.


*Elliott, but yes you’re otherwise right


Can anyone give me some thoughts on why we bought Mount? He's been fine in the minutes that he's had since back from injury so why is he relegated to getting 10-20 mins at the end of games? You could suggest its about easing him back in from injury, which I would agree is a good thing but for how long? They haven't even done that with other players they come straight back into the 11 but not Mount? Was really hard to see where they were going to play him when he signed but looks increasingly like ETH isnt going to use him much, so why did we get him? Bruno was really poor for the vast majority of the game today and legendary goal aside he probably should have been one of the players to go off and Mount should have replaced him. Bruno's form been pretty poor for a while.


Have to disagree that Bruno was poor, but I do understand that he looks bad. The problem is that he is covering the entire pitch trying to plug all the gaps left by other players. One moment he’s latching into a through ball and in on goal, the next he’s the last man. Then he’s at left back, a minute later he’s on the right wing. Happened countless times today. He’s making all the yards because others aren’t. He’s absolutely immense and is carrying the entire team, and that’s why he looks bad. He is unable to simply play his role pulling the strings from midfield. He can’t trust the defence, and has to constantly plug gaps. How can you have 4 defenders and 2 dms, and still have Bruno making the last ditch tackle? The guy is absolutely running his guts out to carry the team and he gets no praise. This is why he runs the most yards in the entirety of Europe, but nobody sees it for what it is. He is completely world class, but is wasted in saving the rest of the team from themselves and without him we would be in the bottom half of the table without a doubt.


There was a couple of key moments today he completely fumbled. That will always happen when you rely so heavily on one player but the problem is becoming the frequency with which he is doing it. That offside Garnacho goal should have been a first time pass much earlier and his hesitation cost the goal. That is a proper obvious glaring one but there was a few other less obvious ones which are just becoming too frequent in my opinion. This doesnt specifically refer to only failing to play an important pass or misplacing it, it applies to things like taking shots or pinging long balls in situations where he should be holding onto the ball and calming things down. He is a part of why we cannot control games in that he is our outlet, all our players look to Bruno to do everything with the ball. So in situations where we need to just relax and retain possession for a bit, Bruno getting the ball and hoofing a 50 yard through ball that results in a counter against us or at least loss of possession, when it wasnt necessary, is detrimental. It will always come to him and he will far too often not protect the ball/possession. Bruno might get away with how he plays in a better team but its very difficult for this team to compensate for his style of decision making when it comes to the right play, at the right time, in the right place. He puts up similar key passes, chances created and pass completion % as De Bruyne but KDB can obviously afford that in a team that will so easily get him the ball back and retain it.


I do agree, the team needs better players and until we get them then this will keep happening. I was really surprised at how poor Casemiro was today.


Yea and some might say that its unfair to ask Bruno to change how he plays because the team/management is so poor at the moment but at the end of the day he is THE senior player in that team and the current captain. He plays every minunte of every game the same way and if no one in the coaching staff has got onto him to relax sometimes then it would have been nice if he'd come to that conclusion himself. Ex-players opinions are of very limited value tbh but you do often hear people like Keane etc. talking about senior players helping the team in key moments and steering the course of the match from on the grass and I don't think we have anyone who does it. Plenty of experience between Maguire, Varane, Casemiro, Bruno and Rashford but I see almost zero communication on the pitch. I dont know how good Varane's English is but I know Casemiro had 0 English when he arrived in England and potentially thats not improved by much.


Perhaps that’s part of the problem. He’s trying to do everything, but not succeeding at the things we need him for the most. Sometimes less is more


Because he’s working his way back to fitness…


I thought he was very good against Chelsea and and Liverpool. He wins the ball up the pitch and is neat and tidy with his passing. Let's not rush him back, plus every time I think Fernandes shouldn't be on the pitch he goes and scores.


He can actually hold on to the ball and pass, something we desperately lack, especially late in games. I would have munched preferred him over amrabat.


Erik said it, no risks will be taken with Mason, give him his time to be good from the injury


I don't think ETH wants to make the same mistake with Mount as he did with the other injuries we had. Look at them, rushed into the game - played more than 10 minutes, just to end up injured again.


Yea and this is a good thing if it is the case, but there is no pattern of them doing that so I find it weird theyre only doing it with Mount. He's been "fit" for the bench for almost a month now or so? He was fit before the international break so its even more strange to me that they are "easing him in" so slowly when they barely did it at all with other players. That discrepancy makes me worry about how much time he's going to really get. I think he's looked sharp especially all things considered, I would like to see him play more. I would like to see Bruno get a rest/dropped depending on how you look at it. I don't know if 5/6/7+ weeks of reintroduction is necessary, maybe it is but even when easing in players slowly this feels like a long time. Remember that it might only have been a few games but theres been quite a few WEEKS since he was actually fit for the bench.


We've already had multiple setbacks with Malacia, Martinez, Shaw, and Mount, rushing them back from injury.


Can you seriously not understand why they are managing Mount's minutes? Have you never watched football before?




Cos the useless cunts can't see him so he has to run to them.




Gotta allow our manager to control Garnacho’s minutes in a lost season . He’s played a lot and we see all these muscle injuries hampering the squad. Same with Mainoo. I hate Liverpool more than Arsenal so if we prevent Liverpool from winning the Premier League thats my medal . Europa and FA Cup final .


I'll maybe accept that now that the dust has settled, but not the fact that Amrabat was introduced ahead of Mount at that point. It was a terrible decision.


Garnacho on the left is a bigger threat. Rashford doesn’t currently deserve to be in this starting XI so why not give Amad a chance on the right?


Or Antony, he will be good


Mainoo is a wonderful player and a fantastic speaker. His post match interview was very good, future captain material.


This game had me wondering about EtH subs again - taking garnacho off really blunted our attack and took away an important outlet. Also, I appreciate Hojlund's effort, but he's just never close enough to the ball to really be effective enough.


I don't think it was a bad decision. If he didn't do it, people would've said "his game management is poor" and "defend your lead" and "don't attack when you're winning". We've seen it happen before.


If you’ve ever played striker you will know it’s impossible when your team doesn’t ever give you service


Even when he gets service he is quite average at duels, dribbling and retention.


Like idk in this match when did he have a chance provided lol ...


Another dead midfield... And always no passion rashford... And why the f our player pointed direction much?


Enjoyed my first game at Old Trafford. Shame they got an equaliser late on


Same here!


My first game was last year when we lost to Bayern… at least you didn’t lose. Great experience, just sad we lost.


I REFUSE to hear any more Bruno slander. Man was everywhere. Absolute worldie of a goal - done. Last man tracking back against Salah - done. Heading away dangerous balls into the box - done. The man brought the fight to Liverpool in that second half. Catalyst. Also, Mainoo - at fault partly for what led up to the first goal, but the composure and the mentality to do what he did for the goal - spectacular. Switched Garnacho to the left for Rashy - and the improvement was instant. Shoutout Kambwala for an immense performance. It's not easy to face a Liverpool attack that have a title in sight and a desperation to go all out. And kudos to Harry Maguire for helping him through it.


Worldie? Kelleher was pretty much in midfield.


Care to share your personal worldie highlight reel? Yeah, didnt think so. Mediocre keyboard warrior.


It doesn't matter, people want a scapegoat, and this season it's Bruno.


Willy was my MOTM. 




Because utd haven't had a healthy squad even for once this whole season. The bench quality is absolute shit compared to other top clubs and it doesn't help when your starters aren't putting in any effort whatsoever




Lots have tho




Casemiro came in last year though right ?


Out of all our injuries, only Martinez and Shaw (maybe Varane) gets into our starting 11 today, I don't think these players are changing our outcome in how we play overall. Our football is very poor.  If you don't think so, compare to how well Liverpool play and move the ball, it's absolutely night and day. We play reactive compared to them. 


The ones you've listed have been consistently injured, missing large chunks of the season. However, there are players who are also important and have missed several games, such as Hojlund, Mount, Casemiro, etc. There are also other players who have missed games so a fully fit squad has been missing for a long time.


We have no idea how important Mount could be, Hoijland almost makes no difference because of how poor our build up play is and we can't get him involved, and as good as Casemiro was last season, he's been relatively poor in most games he's played.  Sorry if you think having those players not injured would've somehow made our football better then I just can't agree with that. Week in week out, no matter who we have, our play style is non existent. 


Sure, Mount hasn't been impactful yet and that's exactly because he hasn't had a proper run of games yet. He did score a goal very recently, which would've been a winning goal but sadly wasn't because of our shit defense, again, because we only have 2 fit CBs. Hojlund scored in 6 consecutive games and had assists too, not too long ago, how are you saying he makes no difference? The casemiro statement is the only one that makes sense here. Also, to have a proper play style, you need to have players available. Again, players aren't available.


That's all Hoijlands contribution so far, 7 league goals (obvs not counting his CL goals). Please note I am not blaming him, I'm blaming more of the fact we continue to create nothing at all. All game. That's why I say he would make no difference. Another match yesterday where we had 0 shots on goal in the first half, that's abysmal and not the first time. We always have 11 players on the pitch every week, regardless of who is injured. It's not as if we're playing our u18s every week. These players are mostly international players too. They train nearly every day of the week together... I think blaming a few injuries for having no style is a bad excuse.  Lots of clubs have lots of injuries too but they don't play nowhere near as bad, it's the fact we do have good players here that gives us individual moments that have kept us from plummeting down the table. 


It's simple. It's the fact that we have not had our best 11 on the pitch/in training together more than a few times. Players need time together to gel and understand each other's gameplay, which I believe is affecting the ability to read one another's game. Imagine playing with a new teammate every other day, you will need a lot of time to build chemistry.


When are we going to have the uncomfortable Hojlund conversation? It's bad first touch when its Lukaku and not enough service when its Hojlund?


What the fuck games are you watching man


Comparing Hojlund and Lukaku like that is such a massive reach…


Yeah atleast Lukaku scores goals and is in the box to receive the ball properly


We signed Lukaku in his prime, and he didn’t deliver on his potential, though he had some great moments. But yeah, his first touch was atrocious at times - and I’m a fan of his. We paid a lot for Hojlund (Utd tax), but he’s 21. He’s one for the future. Just a pretty pointless comparison. Suggesting people are blaming Hojlund’s touch on bad service cause of some bias/agenda is just silly.


He has a good first touch, no idea where you even get this from.


He really doesn't. And I'm not sure if it can really even improve


I thought he held it up decently towards the end


I agree, but Lukaku also did in parts of games, yet everyone dogged on him no matter what.


And kobbie mainoo oh my goodness


It's scary how good we look on the counter but how shit we are against teams with a low block Also, kobbie is fucking magic, special.


Brentford 90+9, Chelsea 90+10 and 90+11 and Liverpool 84', not saying we'd have deserved, but we could've got 9 points from these games with some better defending/decisions/luck, it's the hope that kills you


We didn't deserve a win in any of these games tbh


Agree. The defence is being RAINED on all game and throwing themselves at everything and I think in the last ten they are knackered and mentality isn’t quite strong enough.


Well at least they held on, does nothing for us pushing up the table but maybe put a dent in Klopps farewell tour


Casemiro absolutely terrible and should have been subbed off. Hojlund looked bad today. Last minute decisions on where to run and pretty much always the wrong choice. For once we had times we could create chances but he's not where he needs to be and we have to bring the ball out to the flanks and then lose it. Near the end had one of those chances. I want to stick by him but that was not a good performance at all.


Hojlund ain't it rn tbh. Even in his best run of form he scored mostly poacher goals from loose balls. We can blame the service but he doesn't ever make himself available and when he does he has the worst touches and gives it away


Agree. Also he's quite average at duels and ball retention. His positioning is poor as well


How was kambwala?


mainoo regen


Very good


really solid game by kambwala


As much as I love Utd and Amad, he should leave if ETH is still the manager here next season.


Garnacho wasn't playing a lot last season too


Ten Hag, before you get sacked, do everyone a favor and please don't win against arsenal and give the bin dippers another title


Fuck off, Erik is not leaving


Lmao, he's gonna lead us to a negative goal difference after 38 games and you believe he should stay. What is wrong with this fanbase


With all this injuries yeah, imagine playing with Licha and Varane instead of Kamalwa and Magiure today, we would have easily won it


LMAO MAGUIRE AND KAMBWALA were probably our best players. Should I remind you what happened last time when Licha and Varane played against liverpool?


They were "probably our best players" because we were playing a park the bus low block. If we want to play Ten hag way we need to have 5 centre backs that can play back line. We only have Licha, Varane and Kambwalla. 2 of them are made out of glass


What happend? Lost a game because of De Gea and yeah Magiure wasn't bad but you can't build up with him we need Licha


Kambwala was prolly Motm or at the very least in dispute for it


We do not win this game if you swap out Maguire for Licha his headers saved us from a lot of long balls and crosses landing for the liverpool player


Fuck off cunt


Shut the fuck up liverpool loving freak


Ain't United fan by bitching over the sub. Fuck off you scouser


How am I the scouser when I want them to lose the title you 50 iq rat


Oh fuck off.




I’m annoyed. That first half made my eyes bleed. We don’t have heart. Bruno should not be captain. Sure the result is semi-positive, but man… what a shadow of a team we are


Really don’t agree with the Garnacho sub. If you have to take him off for a more defensive player, at the very least, you bring in Mount, not Amrabat. Kambwala and Mainoo are the positives today. We have outstanding youngsters in this squad


Completely agree. Taking out our best counter attacking player and bringing on our slowest, most out of form player is questionable from EtH. And it’s not just this game, we’re constantly subbing ourselves out of games, it’s just piss poor game management. I’m tired of the constant manager rotation the last decade, but deary me.


should've brought on amad, getting really tired of him rotting on the bench


I don't want to see Garnacho added to the list of "Incredible youth prospects who were overplayed and then plagued with injuries for the rest of their career"


100% knew we were not winning when that sub was made. Cowardly decision.


Agreed. He was so dangerous. We lost our main attacking outlet when he went off. I wonder if he would have finished the chance that Antony had at the end. Amrabat is painful to watch. He looked lost out there too, didn't appear to add defensive stability.


Would have taken this result before the game but honestly not bothered about then prem rn, no shot we are getting top 5. Get 6th and a Europe spot with an easier competition and focus on the FA cup. Could actually win the bastard


We will have city in the final lol. Also Coventry will give us a fight and with our lack of football identity it will be a tough game


True but city will be more focused on either champions league or the prem, feel like we could catch them off if we play well


Man I’m glad I’m not as miserable as some of you people. We’ve just potentially ruined the dipper’s title challenge and meanwhile people are furiously raging about ETH. Try to enjoy something for once in your lives.


It depends on the type of person. Some people just take it from day to day and can still enjoy the result. But for some it doesn't make as much of a difference because we were bottom in our CL group, have a negative goal difference, 6th in the league, bad tactics, poor football etc etc. It's different opinions at the end of the day


Sad times when our only achievement is preventing Liverpool from winning the league.


It's true. Would have loved to deny them even a single point but this is a good result given where we are right now. And if they could finish they could have scored 5+ goals today. I was worried we'd capitulate like we did in the FA Cup final when City were chasing the treble. I feel like this time we've done our part in stopping our rivals.


Exactly, we shouldn’t have given it away, but at the end of the day the scousers haven’t beaten us at old Trafford this season, plus we took control of winning the league out of their hands, at least for now. And least just remember those 2 goals that were amazing


Dalot and Maguire had fantastic games and one little misstep and they want them dead. Seriously bunch of babies


I can see something brewing. This next generation has so much talent and ETH is perfect in developing the youth. However, I'm not sure he can deliver results fast enough.


We can build with kambwala mainoo and garnacho. Seriously we’re 2-3 solid players and keeping hold on injuries from being a decent team. Not title challenging but decent and solid.


I am glad we have good young talent. Excited about Harry Amas and his batch as well. Not sure about the manager though. IMO I doubt he makes it through this season. But what's important is that our youth academy prospects are gonna be an important part of our squad going forward. The hiring of Wilcox highlights that


He’s definitely making it till the end of the season unless something catastrophic happens.


Ahh sorry I meant after this season, my bad


No problem, the perplexing part is he’s really good with youth players. There are players that I wish were a bit better but not disastrous. I honestly can see him staying next season establishing youth culture especially if we’re signing young players.


Onana from Everton would be a great replacement for Casemiro to partner Mainoo. Or Palhinha. Get a new left back and centre half to compete for first choice, add in another forward and we’re golden. Arsenal become title contenders out of nowhere. There is genuine world class potential in all of our young players we just need to right experienced players to compliment them.


Tactically he is awful. Mainoo is too far forward and we concede shit after shot and he never changes it


I think that's more of a Casemiro problem. He's clearly gone and left our midfield legless. We need a destroyer to return the balance.


No it isn't,he is in where he should be. Mainoo is off up front and out lw for some bizarre reason. Mainoo needs to sit in and help. Twice in the 2nd half Liverpool broke and case ran past mainoo to get back. Unforgivable. Case will leave,but we can't continue with mainoo bombing forward no matter who is at CDM


Mainoo doesn't bomb forward. He plays pretty deep most of the time but has clearly been instructed not to sit behind when we're the ones attacking, which is pretty standard for a CM.


No he doesn't play deep? He's up alongside Bruno. Bruno was spotted many times telling him to get back. Maguire comes out with it on the left CB position and mainoo is over on the rw by garnacho. It's baffling. Many times Liverpool broke in to the space he vacated. And they aren't alone. It's a weekly occurrence since Fulham game when they exposed that space


Logic says we are the ones who dropped 2 points here since we were leading then decided to give up by the Amrabat sub, but considering our current form and how first half was going, one point is a very good result.


You’re right but also we had two shots on goal and two goals lol.


100% accuracy, eh?


I know we had more shots but sounded funny that way. Still was impressive


Actually we only had 2 serious on target shots which turned out to be goals as far as I can remember


I remember Antony had a decent chance that went to the goalie. Still counts as a shot on goal. Can’t remember others so 67% not bad


Yeah it was straight to the goalkeeper though


I would’ve signed for this result before the game. Did we give it away by making a stupid decision which resulted in a penalty again? Yes.. Anthony positive, mason was good and I can’t wait to see more of him. Hojlund worked his ass of at the front and Fernandez was everywhere!


maybe i haven't seen it but how was that a pen again? i swear bissaka didn't even touch eliott


He didn’t have to. But the guy is going sideways and he didn’t need to. We all knew one of these days….


Don't think Garnacho should have been subbed off...think he could have done something with those late chances


Then you guys complain when players get muscle injuries. Can’t have players go hard, and he played very hard, and expect them not to get injured if not managed well


He was having off game and was subbed off when we were leading 2-1


He was by far our most dangerous forward.


Can't wait for ETH to explain how great our defence was and how we deserved to win. Gonna rile up scousers even more. But if there was ever a game where result > everything it was this one. I'll take it.


Personally I can’t wait for Jurgen telling us the grass was too long, the sky was too blue, the United backline injuries disrupted Liverpool’s preparation, they left their inhalers at home…


after we got going atart of the second half i thought maybe, just maybe, but we didnt win of course. but i am actually not complaining at sharing the points. kambwala btw 👏👏👏


Only 27 shots today they deserve a few days off what an effort


I just hate that you can see how different this team plays when they actually care.  First half to second half was night and day.  It’s very frustrating that they only show up after a lucky goal and against “big” opponents.


Three pens in two games have cost us 4 points. How is that Ten Hag's fault?


Lol by that logic nothing on the pitch is his fault as he is not playing. He sets the tactics to absorb so much pressure that ofcourse players who are impulsive ie; AWB will try and go for a tackle


Allow opposition record number of touches inside your box, most shots in the league. Then act surprised we gave away pens and deflected shots. We've had more than 10 xG against in the last 3 games.


Maybe it links to teams having record amounts of touches in our box 🤔


We are such a schizo team.


Massive shout out to Kwambala who I thought had a brilliant defensive performance. If Ten Hag and Licha can help coach some forward passing into him we’re going to have an amazing player on our hands


Why will licha coach lol!


Maybe not so much coach as much as mentor!


Left back is really our most important position to strengthen. Two games in a row, two right backs played at left and concede a penalty late on.


This sort of up and down game is fine against Liverpool but every game is like this whether it's Burnley or Liverpool. This team needs to contain the opposition better


I would like to have a word with AWB


He played rather well apart from that atrocious tackle.


Tbf he was like .05 seconds off that tackle being passable through VAR


For sure, but for heavens sake. COME ON. 😭😂. Like there are no words to explain that. All game he was fine. Then under no pressure he completely commits to a needless slide tackle in the box.


If I had a nickel for everytime Case gave the ball away…


Shocking really, and in dangerous positions too


Never have to see that weird looking cunt on our sideline again hopefully.


Willy Kambwala was fucking immense, super bright future


Motm for me


same man. that mistimed pass from him leading to tracking all the way back and stopping that counter was money


As sure as Jesus wears sandals, ETH will make dumb subs.


Just a shame that that Mainoo goal wasn’t the game winner..


What a goal


So fucking happy if we're the reason Liverpoo fail the title.