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Most injured club in the PL. He’s shown above all he can develop our kids. Swapping him out runs the risk of stunting the growth of Mainoo, Garnacho, Hojlund, etc. You can’t take that risk.


They have to keep him… last year they looked good as well. The short term memory has been astonishing this year


Both his Ajax sides were one of the best in Europe. And he built that with a fraction of the budget some of the PL teams, Real, Barca, Bayern, Juve, PSG etc. have


100% and they played great football. So i dont see the upside that some apparently see in Southgate or others. Look at the quality Pep has on the bench vs our bench full of academy and alumni like Johnny Evans. Credit to them but the levels are quite different.


I don't think anyone sees upsides in Southgate mate. The other candidates you can make a case for, Southgate never lol


Noone is actually making a serious case for Southgate right? That has to be a joke.


There were articles out there about Southgate being a top candidate and Ashworth supposedly likes him. Anyways hope you’re right, would be a disaster


He didn't built it, the DoF who got outed as a POS built it. (ETH had input but he wasn't the main driving force)


To be fair to the critics, the football has been absolutely horrible this year, there has been no midfield by design, and his tactics have been woeful in 90% of games. Can have no complaints if he's flirted.


What tactics would you have liked to see him play this year?


One that didn’t give up more chances than relegation side SHU. I’m fine with giving him another year, but he has a lot to prove. I haven’t seen enough, but I also understand so much other shit has stunted this team. Would love him to prove me wrong.


I mean he hasn’t had the players to play all these sophisticated styles of play. They’ve been injured all year. That’s why i ask what people wanted him to do. Last year i thought they looked much better when he had a full side. Tactics don’t outweigh the quality of your players. You need the talent to play your way.


But the players he has are better than literally bottom of the league for chances conceded. You can't tell me, even with all the injuries, that we have the worst defensive players in the league.


Ones that included a midfield.


So Ten Hag managed to develop Mainoo, integrate him in the team while not playing him in midfield? This invisible midfield comments keep coming up but the issue isn't the mid. He expects 1 of the CBs and 1 of the full backs to join the CDM in mid to stop counter attacks when the team attacks. Our backup CBs can defend their box well but cannot help the CDM at half line and thats why we've been so porous


The elite athletes who play for the team can't move up the pitch like the people they're covering for can? Nah sorry that's an incredibly poor excuse.


Everyone saying this now cos it's easy. Shame on so many of you. Go and look at the pre game thread, where was this positivity? My positive comment was drowned out with people who forget what this club is all about. For every r/soccer comment about how shite we are, there was a 'fan' of ours to karma twerk. Injuries, injuries, injuries, that's why we are where we are in the league.


Our fans flip flop so much if we lost vs Brighton City and Newcastle they would all be ETH out


I’ve been saying it all year - even to paraphrase “if casemiro plays mid, we probably lose - if casemiro plays back, we definitely lose”. No offense to Casemiro but it’s more of a factor of what ETH has had to work with. Maybe not in the sub, but I’ve been an ETH backer for the injuries and the kids all year - same page brother, we are FA CUP CHAMPS


You know what, I have no idea what your stance has been. I'll take your word for it. But I know for sure that 70-80% of the people on here were EtH out and now they'll be revising their opinion because they lack the critical thinking capacity to understand that the manager can't magic 5-6 players into fitness.


I wholly agree, the ETH slander has been loud, he finally gets his optimal lineup and knocks off the rival champs, and suddenly a big % were with him all along.


You know for sure that 70-80% of people on the sub wanted the manager out? I'm sure you have the data to back that up then.


I am still ETH Out I see nothing resembling to a style and structure and he hasn’t been able to instil his identity in this squad and none of that is visible even when we win. You guys are pathetic if you change your mind after this win.


So who would you suggest?


I didn't know what to think. I still don't. But I do know we are an entirely different team when the Butcher plays. He's more important than Bruno for us.


Take it with a pinch of salt Reddit isn’t the real world mate. You’ll get downvoted but will rarely get a reply


I've always been on the side of keeping Ten Hag to start next season, even if only so that the decision is deferred to when more of the new structure is in place, but I don't think injuries excuse everything that's happened during his time either. He's made some really questionable decisions on tactics and transfers, for example.


I have been saying this the entire year. But all these fucking reactionary fans have no sense of context given all the shit we've had to go through this season. Yes it's been a shit season, I still don't see a single one of the names mentioned as being the ones who could take our dysfunctional club to the top more than this man. I don't respect or want a single manager among the ones out for the taking over Eth at least for the present moment.


I agree with you but who cares as long as it keeps him in the club?


Been saying points like this all season. People still want to replace ETH cause RIGHT THEN United weren't winning. It takes time and patience.


That is in addition to dealing with all the off field drama as well, that shows that he came to change the culture and was going to rub many the wrong way for doing it.


Having a fully fit Lisandro throughout the season would've been a game changer. It's no exaggeration to say he's probably our most important player because his tenacity and desire rubs off onto his teammates whenever he plays. It's tangible


Totally agree, Licha absolutely changes our squad not just from his own heart and talent, but how you can build from the back out knowing you have the right guy in the right spot


Yup. If nothing else, at least deserves another year with actually competent people trying to put a plan in place for the football side. Seems to be heading in the right direction. Get rid of deadwood like Martial and Injury prone oldies like Varane and Casemiro and you’ll get some fresh blood in there. Hungry youngsters will do good.


Yesterday was as close to optimal lineup as we’ve seen this season, and the results speak for themselves.


I disagree that developing kids is thanks to ETH.


If anything, today’s game has proved what a fit defensive line with Licha in it could do for this team.


I love licha I wish he was my dad


I'm ten years older than him but me too




Licha absolutely changed how we played today. Not even considering what a great defender he is, he was picking out great passes and never looked like he was nervous under pressure. Having a centre back who is composed in possession is so important.


Oh man there was a moment in the first half where Licha baited KDB to press him, did an inside turn, played a perfect pass to the feet of a midfielder, took us up the field in a second. I just said “Wow”.


I’ve said it for a long time… licha changes this team. In ways we have severely missed this season.


Glazers out. Not Ten Hag!


Why is this not the top comment?


Let's make it the top comment!


Too right, two decent centre backs and look at the difference


Totally agree - Varane and Martinez were a huge part of this victory. Imagine if they’d been fit all season. And Mainoo’s goal. Rashford passing like Scholes, Bruno’s inch perfect assist, and that finish….


Any competent club would not base their decision on one game. Let’s see what happens. They may feel he’s the guy regardless of the results of this game, or maybe not.


My take is that if we see the approach in the last 4 games more regularly, there are reasons to think he can turn it around. We look so much better with more midfield presence and a more composed approach on the ball.


TBF he had Amrabat in the bench the entire season until these last 3-4 games


Because Amrabat was pretty shit until this game.  Glad he showed up in the final, but in my opinion it's the only game he's played for us where he's been better than average.


He’s been good ( and better than average in your own words) in 3 of the last 4 games


I don’t think that today will change their decision at all, but I think it is a perfect example as to why it would be stupid to sack him


I don’t see how today makes any difference, but I also don’t care either way. Maybe ETH stays and we’re really good, maybe we suck again. Maybe someone new comes in and we’re really good, maybe we suck again. It’s impossible to predict and INEOS or whoever is also taking a chance either way they go.


I'm not. I'm basing it off last season, injuries this season. Glazers this season, reffing and var ruining half our fucking games this season. Etc... Give him another year. Takes time to make whiskey


Yesterday this sub was speaking different 🤣


I never changed my tune I’ll tell you that much, but you’re not wrong at all, I’m sure many peoples comment history is looking dodgy today ahahaha


I was downvoted into oblivion supporting ETH the last few days


I will stand by my manager as long as he's here. Fuck the naysayers.


We’ve fought the good fight brother


I think you’d be surprised how many of these fans are 13-15 years old and can’t really comprehend the circumstances that made our season awful, so they blame the manager


Nah it’s not an age thing. Many of them are also ancient relics.


Same here


those people who downvoted you aren't real utd fans, they're trolls and honestly don't know shit


Wild that a massive group of people have differing opinions. How is it possible?


cause the internet is unfiltered and haters go quiet... the vocal minority


They’re still speaking. Half this sub seems to think this win makes ten Hag look worse. Apparently if he can win with a CB pairing of Martínez and Varane, he can win with a pairing of Casemiro and Jonny Evans…


>Ten Hag's first season was such an overachievement. And we tend do well in cups, so give the team the desperately needed injection of new blood and let's see what he can do. He deserves at least one more full season before we even consider trying someone else, otherwise I fear we'll just be restarting the cycle of false dawns. [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/1c2gjte/comment/kzayww4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/1c2gjte/comment/kzayww4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Posted this one month ago. It's a big sub so naysayers tend to dominate the conversation after poor results and optimists dominate the conversation after good results. I bet overall that there has been a quiet majority of Ten Hag In for most of the season.


Honestly the sub wasn’t saying anything that different. Some of us have been vehemently ETH in, and constantly get downvoted and lambasted. Some folks obviously don’t like that, and lurk and upvote/downvote. On days when ETH has good results - Newcastle, Brighton, Liverpool games, and today, everyone is celebrating. I actually think it’s good. Because usually you don’t see this much support for a manager who’s supposedly gonna get sacked. Only Ole came close to gathering this much support (and a large amount of that came from his player profile). With LVG, Mourinho and Moyes, there was no huge polarization like we have now. I really really hope INEOS make the right call and let ETH stay for at least one more season.


We’ve got our key players back and we beat fucking city. Absolute joke if he’s sacked


Agreed It’s really that simple




8th + fa cup and 3rd + carabao cup seasons, I don't think purely based on results that these results warrant anything other than a contract extension. Yes the football was absolute crap this season and in parts during last season. Personally I value results more than the style of play though.


He also didn't get any reinforcements in the winter transfer window, despite us not having a fit LB


This was the medical teams fault. They told ETH we would have shaw and malacia back. So we didn’t try keep reguillon either


Even so, we still needed an extra LB as support. Shaw has been injury prone for quite a while now. AWB was injured too, and we also needed an extra pacy CB but the club is broke and cutting down on expenses, hence we didn't get Cucu for the full season


This is a simplistic take. There was zero chance that was 100% on any party. The medical team can’t work miracles and will have given the management team some odds for each player. They’ll have accepted those odds, possibly under more pressure than normal to take the odds given the financial backdrop. The bet didn’t pay off. Similarly, the training regimen is risk-based and for whatever reason they push the odds harder that someone will pick up injuries. This was obvious really early on and from past seasons. For whatever reason, they keep pushing it. If it was 100% a call for the medical team they’d likely have blocked it and reduced the workload but management get a say.


Imagine saying 8th and 3rd was acceptable under Sir Alex. Standards have dropped.


Didn’t SAF finish 11th?


11th was before the Prem, before he set the standards. Since you seem unsure about the standards: 2006-2013 not a single finish below the Top 2. From 1991-2013 Sir Alex only finished outside the Top 2 three times (and he finished 3rd on each of those rare occasions).


Wazza made a very good point pre-game. He said he felt some players were hiding throughout the season through injury. Perhaps declaring unfitness when in other seasons they’d have played through the ‘injury’. He said he’d predicted that there’d be a full roster of players available for the final and besides Case he was right. I don’t think the players gave Ten Haag everything this year. They’ve thrown a number of managers under the bus as players. I know it’s up to the manager to change that culture and motivate them but today he proved his worth to me. Two player he blooded getting the goals. I’m Ten Hag in. I think he’s a decent man and a top coach. Give him another season. Also I firmly believe the last thing this group of players need is another new manager/rebuild etc. We have 3/4 players there we can build around.


Which players do you think were faking injuries?


He didn’t imply they were faking so much as not playing through niggles they’d usually play through if the results were better and there was less criticism.


Not as much as faking as not playing through injuries as they normally would.


Go back and watch the Palace 'highlights'.


He is capable. But he's stubborn and wouldn't abandon his suicide tactics until he was already sacked.


I think with Lisandro and a better defender next to him, those are not suicide tactics at all


The point is that we didn’t have Licha available though, and EtH failed to adjust his tactics in his absence. If we’re relying on a player to make a system work, it seems a bit silly to use that system when said player isn’t playing. That said, I do believe EtH deserves another season. Let’s see what he can do next year with a fully fit squad


Licha wasn't supposed to be out for the whole season though? He came back, and then got injured again. And the system isn't over reliant on Licha. It is over reliant on ball playing CBs who have pace to be able to play a high line. There are many defenders in the world who can play that system, just 1 of them is at United.


Injuries are part of the game. If you don't adjust to the players you have, you get what we saw this season. Poor finishing killed us, but we were easily played through because of a poor tactical set up.


The questions Lineker and shearer were asking him. Ignorant fucks.


It's hard to say. If he does stay, still a lot of question marks over him. I get injuries really haven't helped, but the lack of identity is a big thing that missing. With or without injuries he could have adapted. Saying that, when Ole tried to implement a different style he struggled as well. So hard to say if Ten Hag or the players who are to blame. I go back and forth on it because there are so many questions and hard to know the answers. Maybe another season while we get Ashworth and the backroom stuff sorted a bit of consistency would be nice. Not as if Poch or McKenna are guarantee success.


Ah yes let's just look at one off results and not watch or pay attention to the entire season


this sub is made of people that analyze football at a preschool level. the performance we put in today happened like 5 times against city under ole. Mckenna is more than capable of it


Some of us have actually backed the manager throughout and aren’t so fickle minded to blame everything on one man


Yea.. don't blame the dude who sets the team up and creates the tactics for... Checks notes... The way the team is set up and the tactics. We saw plenty of other things injury stricken teams, and do just fine and not break every other negative record and not concede in the top 3 of number of shots faced. Oh you're right , darn those glazers for this!!!!!!


Yes, injuries and we're all happy with the team right now in the aftermath, but he's made a lot of mistakes re. his core approach this season, which this doesn't erase. He adopted the right strategy today and communicated to players what was needed, but the overload, midfield vacating -style he played for much of the season can't be repeated, whilst the club/manager need to ensure whatever changes are needed are put in place to ensure that the default- 'new' style (whatever this will be) is communicated to players in a way they can work with. If he can demonstrate that to the SD/exec structure and allow appropriate profiles of player to be recruited (strengthening physical and technical profile in the middle on a longer-term basis, along with a starting and reserve CB), with proviso that agreed plan needs to be followed and he's on \[probation' for start of next season, then maybe it could work. I'm still worried that he's too stubborn when it comes to setting up against 'smaller' teams, and to trying to implement this idealistic vision that he needs, at best, a very specific range of players to perform properly in the PL, given the physical demands, raised technical and oppo coaching level etc of the league. It's one thing containing City and springing on them - he did it well today, but Ole had similar moments against City when just counterpunching but would then be undone tactically against mid-level sides and at best bailed out via moments.


Well said


Our performances by and large were terrible all season. The two most important competitions for us are the premier league and champions league and we were atrocious in both. Winning the cup is nice but it doesn’t change how horrid we were for the bulk of our games this season


Ten Hag in!!!


I will be so gutted if they sack him. I've backed him throughout the season and I still believe in him.


Disagree, he had all season to make adjustments and he only did it with weeks left in the season. It shows the early season performances were his fault and not because of injuries, as we improved as soon as he adjusted his tactics not because of injured players returning. We had better games recently even with Case in defense ever since the midfield kamikaze shit stopped.


can’t really play like we did today against 90% of the league.


We conceded more shots in the league than the Derby side that went down with 11 points. No amount of injuries can excuse that.


Agree with all of this, plus I simply can't get over him defending his old piece of shit buddy, Overmars or pushing to bring Greenwood. I'd rather not have a stubborn dude with shitty tactics and no moral character in charge of the club.


2 seasons down… ETH 2 trophies But Arteta 0 trophy


Arteta won the FA cup in 2020 I believe


He’s talking about the 2 seasons ETH has been here - that was 4 years ago


Oh yeah I didn’t cop the first bit!


It’s so tricky because we had injuries but his tactics were also insane. The gap between MF and defense was laughable most of the season. It seems he only finally changed that recently. Like last couple games. He relied on Case too often, when it was clear the guy had lost his legs. I was firmly in the sack ten bags camp until just now. Now I feel like we should see how first couple months of next season go with him if he can have a solid summer of prep. But let’s not forget how high expectations were going in to this season and how poor we were for pretty much the whole thing. Almost no positives to take away from it, other than Mainoo, Garnacho and Dalot shining. It really is a tough one. Don’t want to be too reactionary but also the evidence of this season shows maybe too much naivety and stubbornness. Don’t think I’ve ever been so torn. Part of me would love to see McKenna who knows and loves the club but he’s also unproven at this level so that could backfire horribly. Ugh. Elated at winning a cup against cunty blue fucks but also nervous about club juts making poor decisions as usual.


I sympathise with the injury list this season but his team has been on the receiving end of some real spanking. Don't rose tint the previous season, we got spanked 7-0 to Liverpool. We've had hidings from Brighton, Palace, Chelsea, Newcastle. I try not to be knee jerk, thatbthe mess our club is in needs time to fix but I don't know if he's the gut to fix it tbf.


Let's not be reactionary - we've just had a historically bad season in the league and Europe. Reassess with level heads in the morning


Not reactionary, this is how I’ve felt all season


Fair enough - you can keep having this opinion then, have my permission🤝


Thanks babe


I think he deserves one more season under the new management. His first season was an overachievement, this season was an underachievement but he still won the cup. I don't see anyone good enough on the horizon I'd be willing to replace him. Poch and Tuchel don't inspire me at all.


Who will replace him is also a big factor in why Im all in on keeping him.


One game decides that? Today it was the determination and effort of the players that won us that game, not ETH’s tactical decisions, so the one game that decides you want to keep him was determined by the players. Lol.


If you can’t see how the tactical setup was instrumental to us winning the game then leave the discussion


The same tactical setup that every single team uses you mean? So ETH should stay as a manager because he copied every other teams tactics against City?


Because every single team has beaten city in a cup final


Because the sheer effort of our team today won against city. Amrabat was fantastic, Bruno had his best game this year, Martinez and Varane were brilliant, Mainoo, Rashford, Garnacho, AWB, everyone was playing really well, hitting their passes and making very very few mistakes. Dont take that away from the players and tive the praise to ETH instead. Also ETH is a shitty person that recently defended Overmaars for when he sent unsolicited dick pics to fellow female coworkers. And who wanted Greenwood to stay too. Dont want a dude that doesnt respect women leading our team.


I give credit to ten hag and you say I’m taking it all away from the players? Dear god people on the internet are not capable of normal discussion. It’s like if I say I like pancakes you think I’m saying I hate waffles


You give credit to ETH when its not warranted and this day and the many following days will be 80% about ETH anyways. A rapist/sexual harrasment apologist lol


If you’re mad about the greenwood thing with him then you probably should want half the squad gone too by the way


I do, abd also for football reasons, but sadly we dont have the names of those shitbags. But ETH also defended that creep Overmaars and downplayed his sexual harrassment. Looks quite clear that he doesnt respect women.


Off road we are talking about something different and you decide to bring greenwood


I still think he should go. He's bought poorly (Antony, Mount etc), the injury crisis is something I don't absolve him of as the level of injuries we've had can't be lucky based and it's likely we're fecking up somewhere on it, and despite the injuries he never tried to change his tactics or game plan despite it clearly not working with the players we had. Also at the start of the season, we were still playing poorly and he was trying to put Bruno out on the right a lot when everyone knows that doesn't work.


Mark my words - if ETH does get the chop, he’ll go on to be a success somewhere else. I’m convinced that he’s a good manager


He’ll be like emery after leaving arsenal at worst I’d say


Of course he does. Negative goal difference, never higher than 6th I believe the entire season. And IIRC no other team has had this many shots against. If Ole and Mourinho deserved to be fired, then so does ETH. I'm not sure we should sack, but he does sorta deserve it. I would rather be rid of the Glazers if anything.


Can't have any complaints if he does get sacked. It's absolutely not good enough. Injuries aside, the squad is better than being 8th and playing shit all season. Also would be fair to let him try and go again in his last year of the contract.


So who do you think would have done better?


What is likely to happen after he gets sacked? Football fans love to think about things in isolation, but who do we replace him with? Ten Hag has something to prove. It’s not quite the same as the Van Gaal ending with Mourinho waiting in the wings. At that point, he looked very much like an upgrade.


Sunderland fan here who was supporting you today to keep the scum out of Europe, and because F these damn nation state owned clubs and of course Amad ❤️ I think you’re much better off giving Ten Hag another chance, having more help with the transfers would be a big help as clearly certain picks of his weren’t great, but with the help plus how he’s brought through a few young players he for sure deserves another year over certain managers you’ve been linked to such as Mckenna and Northgate. Good luck for next year and I hope Amad gets more game time 🤞


Fuck the barcode Saudi scum ❤️


I don't think he has shown this season that he's capable of top management. Or at least he has the qualities to adapt. Pep won the league without a striker and other top managers have done well too without key players.


I will be very upset if he ends up leaving. Best manager we’ve had since Fergie


It does seem stupid to switch managers again. How many world class managers have they already gone through and not given enough time or reign to actually make their mark? I wasn't alive but ferguson still ended 13th in 1990 but was given time to build a dynasty


I don't mind saying I've been flip-flopping all over the place about this - some of you have stuck to your guns and I have to admit I haven't. But today has been so special, and ultimately that's what football is all about. I just can't convince myself that sacking the guy who made this happen is a worthy thing to do. I think he deserves another season, with the benefit of INEOS' new executive hirings and his first-choice defence and midfield available for more matches if possible.


I think more than winning the cup, it's the players celebrations and interactions with him at full-time that's slightly making me reconsider my stance. Whether we like his tactics or not, he clearly has control of the vast majority of the dressing room. If there is indeed a positive vibe through such bad times, it should not be disrupted.


I agree, that's a big factor too. He looked like a beloved uncle celebrating with them lol


Think with your brain instead of your heart. Manchester has been far too guilty for too long of making rash decisions based on one game. We’ve done this before with purple patches of players and now with new ownership is the time to be objective. Harsh decisions have to be made with both the players and managers now. INEOS need to make their own mark.


There is simply no manager out there that is fit to make a significant change ineos don't need to make their own mark by sacking a man who is in the process


Dead on. Just want a bloody Ineos confirmation to quell this nonsense.


Here we go again.. see you in a year saying the same..


*Let him cooooook!*


100% with you on this.


Agreed. I've backed him this far and I'll keep going as long as I have to for this club.


Nobody doubts he's a good coach. He showed it last season. But why was he insisting on the suicidal 4-0-6 formation for +45 games? It's obvious it didn't work, he can't make it work and we shouldn't pursue that.  For the last 3-4 games he reverted to the last season style - more compact at the back and counter-attacks with long balls to the wings or the middle through Bruno. It's obviously superior style.


Maybe ETH could have changed the system during the year and really parked the bus, but I think we played well today because of his stubbornness, it’s our style counterattacking chaos ball


One more season under EtH with Licha fit and good replacements/upgrades on CM, CDM, RCB, LB and a rotation/starter ST Our bald fraud really got fleeced with injuries this season Someone has to change internally as to why our players cant keep themselves from getting fit when needed Seeing Mainoo, Garnacho, Hojlund and Amad doing their own thing shows bright promise


Pros and Cons. Reasons not to sack him Ten Hag shouldn't be sacked because he won a cup and he got into Europe (2 trophies, 2 seasons)...in a bad season with many injuries, he delivered the minimal requirements for the job. He also shouldn't be sacked because he plays youth as evidenced in mainoo and garnacho...a lot of the other youth players (forson etc) wont make it at united but he gave them a chance. Lastly, he shouldn't be sacked because of stability...in the midst of a lot of changing, it is better to keep the manager for some form of stability or continuity. BUT He can be sacked because of performances. The performances...even today are really not based on a tangible style of play. There is nothing we did today that we can take into the next game. This is the biggest problem with ten hag so far...this idea that without injuries we would be able to go toe to toe is a myth...we would only be able to go defend and counter attack with the current style of play. The play style is horrible...even today it was bad...onana goes long and loses the ball over and over again in the second half for no reason. He can also be sacked because of signings. We again need to spend another 400m to sign players to replace the players he signed. From casemiro to mount to even martinez (injured again) to malacia to Anthony etc...all his signings bar onana will need to have another signing to either replace the person or be more fit than the person. The other question to actually answer for manutd as a club is that what does manutd value most. Is it trophies...is it entertaining football or is it playing youth. This is something Ineos need to define in their vision and style of play handbook. Basically if you win trophies but dont play good football or youth (Mourinho) is it enough...or if you play youth and win but dont play good football is it enough (van gaal, ten hag)...or is it playing good football and winning without youth...or could it be playing good football, playing youth and not winning (Ole kind of falls here even though the good football didnt last). The hierarchy of those values needs to be defined because it drives all decisions including which manager you want and which players to target and which age range those players should be. Personally, I want good football and youth as high priority... i think winning will come as a by product of those 2...but of course this should be for the club to decide. Once they decide they should communicate it and then stick to it religiously when deciding on the manager...and then back him


It's both true that we've been devastated with injuries and also that the starting 11s that have been put out have not delivered to an acceptable level. He's only got one more year on his contract. Might as well elt him see it through. I don't see any hyper qualified managers available and it would be nice to not be paying multiple sacked managers contracts at once


He just needs to make better decisions regarding transfers. Pushing the board to buy Antony for £90 million was not it. We need to keep promoting academy players (focus on defenders), let Varane go (he costs too much) and sell Maguire or Lindelof, buy another quality CB who can work with Martinez, figure out how we are gonna use Mount, let Eriksen go (he’s useless now), let Rashford go (sorry, but he’s gotta go), sell Greenwood (haven’t forgotten about that little shit), etc. We need to do so much rebuilding.


give him time


I was ten hag out but I think he should get a second season.


Mans got us to 3 finals in 2 years and won 2 of them. He's proven we can beat anyone on our day, when our top players are available, he deserves to stay on. I think performances like today, where we've put oit arguably our best 11 and beaten probably the best team in the world, only goes to show what an impact injuries have been on our league performance. Not only that, but Ineos could solve every single one of our player power woes by publicly backing him after this season.


Neutral here. Your team will be a lot better once your defenders are fit. The only problem with your team is attackers. If you give him quality attackers, I can see Ten Hag perform very well. He has defeated Liverpool and City with comparatively weaker XIs. Imagine what he can do with better players.


Let’s not forget our best player last season in Rashford went completely MIA this season. Add the injuries to our key defenders and not have a LB and new goal keeper


Keep him so we can get both manc and merseyside team bald lol. But this is what a 75% fit backline do to a mf. Remember we still don't have Shaw fit, which will unlock purple Rashford as well. 


If the alternative is McKenna, Tuchel or Pochetino think i'd prefer a 3rd season with ETH. Not like he just beat Wigan or Burnley in the FA Cup, He beat the league champs. More trophies in 2 seasons than Arteta has in what 5?


Hag is God


Heh is god


I want him to stay. Have said it for ages. Injuries have been unfair to him. When he had a full strength squad, he has won and produced good results. Ten hag is our man. We do not need to change manager right now!


lol if they still had a prem league game and went there and lost 2-0 to some shit team like palace you all would want him sacked again😂😂 bunch of clowns you guys are


He still needs to go. It’s great to win the FA Cup, but let’s not ignore that this season Erik ten Hag’s Reds have set the following records: -Lowest PL finish -Most losses in a PL season -Most goals allowed in a PL season -First PL season to end with a negative goal difference -Lowest points total in CL group stage -Most losses in CL group stage -Most goals conceded in CL group stage -Most losses across all competitions in the PL era -Most goals allowed across all competitions in the PL era




Its hard to argue about stacking the gaffer right after a fa cup win, and today they played well but my god this season has not been great by any means and if ETH stays there needs to be a different support around so we get rid of certain players, and not overpay for other players. The counter attack tactic is also not so great and many games our midfield has been overrun by even relegated teams .


Of course this. Who did we beat to get here, too?


The fact that we're even discussing the possibility of ten hag getting sacked just shows how bad the upper management and ownership is at united. The man has just won us an FA Cup, by beating our city rivals convincingly, what more do we even want!? Remember last season, arsenal bottled the league due to one injury (saliba) in January, if arsenal can bottle the league after having just one of their centre backs out, imagine having most of your first team out due to injury. I'm not putting us having a bad season solely on injuries but injuries surely had a major part to play in it. Today, we saw what a fit united squad can do under ten hag. No excuses for the bad pl season we've had, but the man deserves atleast one more season for this win alone!!


It was the best game they played this season, far too many howlers even when we were healthy. I thank him for the two seasons, playing Garnacho & Mainoo. We grossly overpaid for Antony and that meant we couldn’t bring in a CB this year. I hope he finds a home and is successful going forward


Won a trophy in every season he managed United so far.... He has massively overachieved considering the absolute shit show the club has been.


This game for me showed how solid the Martinez-Varane CB is and how things could have been different if they stayed healthy. In the Fergie era the CB pairing was very important with Bruce-Pallister, May-Stam, Rio-Vidic being the main backbone of the team 2 trophies in 3 cup finals in 2 seasons is success. We've had tons of injuries this year as well. We have to avoid being impatient 


I’m gonna miss varane so much man


I’ve always been ETH in. Prior to him coming in a said the next manager needed time, 3-5 years. ETH hadn’t been without faults but if we had our strongest team for most of the season I think we finish higher. Next season has to be much better but I do t think they shouldn’t be changing the manager now. More trophies than Klopp in the last two years.


And so it begins…


one game and there goes the reactionary cult. He should be assessed over the season, over the two years, over all the performances, signings, spendings, coaching, and the lot. This is the same reactionary attitude that gets more voice over the sane arguments over and over. Now is not the time to talk about this.


I’ve never been ten hag out so don’t think this is reactionary


any discussion related to manager staying / leaving shouldn’t be the point of the conversation now. It’s trophy time and nothing else.


Signings and spendings? One of which isn't down to him and the other that shouldn't and won't even be down to him going forward? You're talking absolute shite mate




I wonder if we want someone as our imagine of the club who is also a fervent supporter of dick pics Overmars and supported Greenwood's return before he got cleared.


At this point I dont understand the logic. Club (pre-JR took over) done him so dirty. Players done him so dirty. Media done him so dirty. Then there're injuries. I know ETH is stubborn but when he also has his magic too. If we sack ETH then he will become the 2nd manager to be sacked RIGHT after winning the FA Cup. While we're still a big name who keep attracting top coaches, how are we going to retain our reputation? And who we want as replacement? Tuchel? F no... Conte? F no... the only credible candidate is Zidane, but I'm not so sure he would do any better. Do the right thing this time. Give ETH another full year. Like it or not, he never back down and won us 2 cups already.


Well well we played the way ETH likes to play in the first half and looked good considering that it’s likely the first time our main center back pairing started together this year!? we pressed evenly until they made mistakes and pounced. especially garnacho! Amrabat played well, but almost got caught a couple of times and he needs to get fitter if we keep him. I’m concerned that rashford just can’t/wont do it for ETH…he won’t press, tracks back rarely, and is off sides way too much for a person of his speed……Remains to be seen. So let’s get a full healthy team back, have fun but don’t overdo it in the USA and kick some ass next year!!!! GGMU!!!!


He deserves to see out the last year of his deal at least.


I agree, but the issue imo is he isn’t the man ineos chose, and he has given them numerous reasons to fire him.


I just feel like he should stay because it will be the same shit with a different manager. I think the trophy buys him his final year. See what he can do next year and if it's not good by Christmas, get rid.


Couldn’t have said it better. We looked horrible and finished 8th, but him and the squad still pulled together to win a trophy and earned a European spot. He showed that he can be pragmatic these past few games and that’s what I think some of us and hopefully the board wanted to see. He’s finished 3rd and 8th with a 2-1 cup record. If Fergie can survive 89-90 and Arteta can survive his early Arsenal woes then I’m more than fine with letting him get another crack under an actual footballing structure. Just hold off on the extension talks until next offseason and let the football and results speak for itself because you’ll have three full seasons to fully gauge if he’s worth keeping or moving on from.


The players are playing with the NEXT manager in mind, not for Ten Hag. Tale as old as time. Some of the players should get the boot for not being professional and giving 100% every game. Ten Hag should be sacked for failing to win over the players.


The players are absolutely playing for him are you blind


The season has been a disaster. Sucked in the champions league, sucked in the league (-1 goal difference) and they scrape through to the FA cup final and DAYS before they leak to the press that Ten Hag is going and, what, you think it's a coincidence that they've played better and put in more effort than they have in years?? Are you blind?


Reactionary, he still needs to go