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Presumably that’s just one more year since the coming year was already a plus-one right?


Nope, the link says +2y on top of current deal so expires 3y from now. INEOS so far have proven to be relatively stingy so I think they'll have ways to terminate contract depending on objectives (e.g., no EL, fire for $X, no CL fire for $Y, top four = extra bonus $ etc.)


Don't think there is much of a choice. Has a contractually guaranteed veto on transfers. That can't work in INEOS' structure. He has an extension as well, so it is natural that to not make it disadvantageous to him they'd make it two and not one. Will be right up there with SAF as regards to comebacks from the managerial hotseat if he gets a next one though.


This was the logical step as you can’t have a manager be on the final year of his contract. We need the stability now while we build the infrastructure around him.


I get not wanting to undermine the manager's authority, but 2 years is a bit too long imo if he doesn't perform well next season, especially when Glazers' rot is starting to catch up on the commercial side of things and the severance package would impact our transfer ability should Jimmy and the Brexit boys decide to sack ETH for one reason or another. Should be 1+1 really.


I’d say it’s unlikely Ineos will back themselves into too big a corner. There’ll be clauses about performance and possible exit points imo.


I hope so. The last thing we need is having to pay an even bigger severance package than the one we could have paid had they decide to sack ETH after the cup.


There are Arsenal fans being happy that he’s staying for 2 more years lol. In 10 years I wonder what will people remember: that time when Arsenal bottled the league twice in a row, or ETH winning consecutive trophies? I’m rooting so hard for ETH to win everything and silence them all.


Hope for the best. Once we have good defense and midfield i believe we can do well.


The only reason I can think of giving him a new contract over triggering the +1 would be to change certain things in the contract like the transfer veto.


Plus the severance


Good, we need a firm leader for the project with clear intentions and a winning mentality. We’re done with rumour leaks, divas and overpaid quitters. Better than the alternatives.


Seems like a good decision and if it wouldn’t work out Nagelsmann’s contract also runs out in 2 years. Just sayin


Ah yes let’s reward the man who gave us one of the worst season in united history with a new contract. Sounds right


Do you just skip watching the games during the season and just look at the table at the end? :P


☝️The pot calling the kettle black. Did you skip watching any of the games we got battered, outfootballed and /or outplayed by the likes of Bournemouth, Luton, Fulham, Galatasaray, Coppenhagen, Coventry and Sheffield? Some of thise - twice?  These are bottom half teams, teams from leagues who are not even top 5 in Europe and two Championship sides. And we sucked against all of them.  I'm not gonna even mention the demolition job by mid-table clubs like Crystal Palace or the Newcastle game where they destroyed us with their 3rd squad. 


Nope, watched them all. You must know exactly what would have fixed all those games though, you, who are so wise in the ways of football.


Too right. This just can't end well. No accountability. Awful standards. Setting us up for future failure. I mean, the last manager to finish this low in the table was *checks notes* oh.... Yeah, well, forget league position... the last person to finish with a negative goal difference was *checks notes again* oh... No one is pretending this season was good, but we've chopped and changed for a long time. It hasn't ended well. No one is pretending EtH is Fergie, but he at least deserves a chance to see if he can grow and improve at the same time that we hope and expect the structure to.


Doubt winning the FA cup in our worst ever season. 


I mean a new contract isn’t a guarantee he’ll even make it past the first month with the club. New contracts are given all the time across all sports. Often times they’re just a restructure/change in existing terms that happens to be tacked on with an “extension”. For example this could just be a written agreement to the change in his transfer powers


"one of the worst season in united history". lol, you do realise we had a more successful season than Arsenal?




Right. I'm sure when they write the history books, they'll be praising Arsenal for their CL qualification.


A bit too hasty, ain't it?


can't go into a new season with the manager in his last year of his deal or he'll be viewed as a dead man walking, plus the speculation about 'will he get a new deal?????' would be an unwelcome distraction better to extend him and inspire some confidence, rather than set him up to fail from the start


I don't think so. I've thought that the Erik out people have always been a little too hasty to say the system isn't working when we consider what has happened. My expectation was that he wouldn't be fired and they would just continue on his current contract. So the fact that he is being offered an extension I think is what's more surprising for me.


Mou and Ole contract extensions vibe.