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Wasn’t it t great when we didn’t know what everyone was thinking all the time? I don’t need to know what footballers think, let alone their agents.


I miss the days when we'd have Rooney actually on his account beefing with Piers Morgan and mourning Whitney Houston. Now we have we have every social media run by a PR firm accompanied by cunts (usually agents or brothers) that run their mouths.


Player’s brothers should be contractually obliged to fuck off


This is his brother running his own account saying what he thinks isn't it? Not PR in any sense.


Shut up u egg and get out of cowells hole.


Shut up u egg 🤣


It's why I have a love hate relationship with reddit, I like to know the news around the team but it is a choice with negatives. I know fans who don't follow or see any of this stuff (mainly because they have no socials or reddit) and they have a much less cynical outlook about united stuff.


100%. It also makes me feel quite despondent sometimes seeing so much negativity - people tend to comment when they have something negative to say, and especially in match threads it definitely gets too much. Like "our passing is bad" becomes "omg we are the worst team in the history of teams".


Checking in @ the hospital text me in mail to find out why I’m in here


Honestly, this is not even limited to football. I think so much about whether the responsible thing for me to do would be to get off all social media. It just seems so unhealthy how most people use it. For so many people it’s just a constant stream of information and random shit. You don’t just not need to know what footballers and their agents think, you also don’t need to know what your acquaintance from school 10 years ago ate for lunch, followed by their takes on global crises and then the club they went to. I’m not advocating closed mindedness at all. I purely just mean I have doubts if this mode of taking in this volume of information is good for anybody. Of course, hypocritically I have written this on Reddit.


I miss the peak years of Fergie when nothing got in or out of the club. It's all part of the soap opera now though.


The only difference Rashford can make, is to bring down the team morale even more. Just because PL is the most popular league doesn't make it the best national team. Esp with Gareth leading them.


Well if you wanted to make a difference you should’ve demonstrated that in the 50+ club games you had at your disposal this season


that's asking too much of a professional clearly


yeah but is 320K base a week REALLY enough?


Pocket money mate. Couldn't survive 3 days on that


Barely enough for a trip to the bar.


Should renew for 5 yrs with 1M per week. He will then deliver obv /S


Nah bro needs it for his new Rolls Royce


A professional who makes millions every year




I love a Psych reference. Especially one that’s spot on.


Is that Alex Williams from Suits?


The agent knows that, he’s not stupid. He also knows treating Rashford like the king just as anyone else that surrounds him is part of his job description and he has to pay the bills.


He’d have been better than POTY Foden today You can’t argue he wouldn’t have done anything cos he was bad in the season when some of the best players in the world looked like shit (and Rash has always been electric for England). It’s moot regardless. Rashford didn’t go for a reason but obviously when you watch today if you’re close to Rash you’re going to represent him and there’s nothing wrong with that.


> He’d have been better than POTY Foden today > > Yeah but so would Gordon and Eze. This is not a Rashford issue, this is a Southgate one.


According to Southgate, it's a Kalvin Phillips one


Yeah I’m not advocating for Rashford playing yesterday, I was replying to one of our fans having a pop at him on here (again) just because his agent has come out and said he **believes** Rash could have mad a difference.


Southgate really rely on individual brilliance rather than a pattern of play. Feels like Foden became clueless not playing within Pep system. Rashy is a big game player and can help a lot by running in behind


100% the running in behind. I think Rashy being on the left in place of Foden would have actually made Trent's role feasible because he'd have a target man to aim behind the back line. That said, I also don't think Rashy earned the position based on his performance last season so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Southgate is the anti-Pep Pep can make anyone play in his system, Southgate can make anyone not play football at all


I have a friend that analyses matches for our local newspaper. He didn't believe me when I told him I've fell asleep watching England games. He rang me up today to say watching England is the most boring thing he's done this year. He literally said "I've had a better time watching ice melt".


I totally fell asleep during the second half of the opener vs Serbia


100's of millions spent on defenders says Pep can't. He's a cheque book manager


I mean yea I understand the whole 115 cheating which is terrible, but any manager who has those resources available to him is going to try get the best players available in to maximise the system would love to see Pep manage someone like Lille, Bilbao or Roma to see if he can get the results without the backing though


Foden and Stones both. Think it was Shearer who was saying why doesn’t he pop in midfield like he does at the cheats. Because obviously the bald fraud’s system is designed in a way that he can do that. Every system in the world needs individual brilliance. There’s a reason the cheats sign the best players in the world. Same with Madrid. Southgate is still a terrible manager though.


rashford frequently steps up in big games for united as well. look at the fa cup final, game against Liverpool in the fa cup, etc. he would do wonders for England rn. foden just... isn't hitting the mark right now for them


Or worked harder than Bowen or Gallagher or many other players on the team. Few assists and goals for a full season. This is an entitled agent and a player that needs to recover his form - this coming from a United fan. Rashford is coming across as hot and cold more often player.


I’m not saying Rashford should be in the squad. I’m saying this is his agent, of course he’s got the right to fight for his guy after watching that display. Why are we putting these agents on pedestals? Their opinion isn’t fact. They’re still allowed whatever opinion they want as we all are.




Hey you! United bad season is due to everyone but Marcus. Don’t you get it?


Let’s be real, he weren’t great but there’s worse players in him in that squad. He still scored v city, Liverpool, arsenal and spurs this season


Which players in the squad were worse than him this season? None of the attackers at least, that's for sure. If he's just been better than one of the backup keepers or whatever, that doesn't really mean anything.


Almost like he had a bad season and that both can be true. Color me shocked! Also, I agree with you and him. 🤸


Why are you commenting as if Rashford himself put this post up?


Did he not equalise in extra time against Liverpool in the FA cup which his team then went on to win? His goalscoring form hasn't been great but right now England just need pace to actually make the overlapping runs.


You da man….


I agree but he has played well for England. He has more practice playing in sh*t tactical setups than Foden does. Foden is a bit of a fish out of water without Pep, it's all he's ever known.


Oh shut up Dwaine


Talk too much the people around Rashford


Gravy trains to maintain


nothing worse than yes-men


Why couldn’t you just say “The people around Rashford talk too much” ?


Yoda they are.


I mean, I thought this after I wrote it but then thought, does it matter? Why did you capitalise 'the?'


>Why did you capitalise 'the?' Coz that would've been your first word in the sentence.


We all know he's posting this to appeal to one single person


He's liable to slap you around for that. Unless you're a bloke


Wrong brother


Is that a common way to spell that name over there? Much more used to seeing Dwayne here stateside


1. Not based on the season Rashford just had. 2. Best case, Southgate wouldn't have maybe subbed him on during injury time.


Rashford was not very good before the World Cup but was better than Foden and Grealish there He actually has been decent for England Tbf. Leaving rashford was fair but just give Gordon a chance


Rashford is the perfect type of winger to complement Kane, someone who’s willing to run in behind compared to both Saka and Foden who want it at their feet. There’s a reason Sterling was successful playing next to Kane


You aren’t wrong. Kane works so much better so with wingers stretching the field and opening up space for him to either run into or find them since his passing is top level. Worked so well with son for years. From what I’ve seen he’s really lacked space to operate in since no one is making forward runs. I don’t think TAA is the answer at cm but he’s also looked worse because no one is making runs for him to find


And then took him off before putting on players who made runs in behind, laughable really.


Just a classic messed up his move orders. Probably a 400 on chess.com


When I saw Bowen coming on with Watkins instead of Palmer, it's become abundantly clear to me that Southgate doesn't even understand the strengths of his individual players.


Anthony Gordon is very similar to Marcus and is currently significantly better than him but Southgate won’t give him, Palmer and Mainoo a look in in this tournament because he wants them to understand the England set up for some bizarre reason.


Also, if he's planning to play Shaw, Rashford actually has great chemistry with him. Rashford's club form has actually always been nicely dependent on Shaw's availability. And Shaw's absence this season played a part in his lack of output this season.


If he doesn’t play Someone different next it will be such a waste of everyone’s time. Insulting


I think rashford would’ve made a difference for England today. Or grealish or if he had just played Gordon. Nobody he put on the field was taking people on and going directly at goal.


Or Cole Palmer would be better than the people that played


Well he's a different profile, Weghorst didn't get the call up either because he had a particularly good season but because he offers something different. Barely anyone in that England side are quicker or have a better shooting technique, so i think Dwaine is lowkey right.


he doesn’t even put gordon on, don’t worry about rashford not being there


England is 1-1, and he subbed off Kane, Foden and Saka. Such a cowardice mentality. He should have replaced Foden with Gordon and kept the other 2.


1 trillion percent gordon and mainoo were the clear subs to make. the guy put on runners in watkins but subbed off his creative players the fucking clown


We were screaming out for some sort of composure in the midfield, constantly losing 2nd balls and turning over with the tiniest bit of pressure. But he puts on Gallagher, who is even more frantic Fair play to Denmark for pressing high, but wtf is with the midfield not being able to string basic passes together and then wasting time towards the end clearly playing for a draw is so frustrating to watch


He's not really different to Gordon. Gordon does what Rashford does and has done it far, far better this year.


Exactly and he’s still not getting minutes under Southgate so not sure why anyone thinks Rashford would make any difference to this England team.


Because Southgate likes tried and tested. Gordon and Mainoo are new and so are risks. Players like Rashford and Gallagher are players he’s relied on in the past so he’d be more likely to play them


Basically, if he’s not willing to trust Gordon, you should have brought rashford. Not bringing rashford and not playing Gordon when Foden is obviously not working? That’s the biggest complaint I think. 


All the minutes Gallagher has gotten have been wasted. He runs a lot but that’s really all he’s done. Hasn’t even really been defensively solid.


Annoying because both the games have been crying out for a player of mainoos profile


Southgate isn’t even playing Cole Palmer who’s arguably been the best Prem player this season.


He was poor all year shoulda played better


Absolutely no way did he earn a call up this season. He was horrid all year. Everyone there earned their spot over him.


Funny how Southgate picked the team based on club form has now caused the England squad to be imbalanced where they have no pacey runners to complement Kane, who literally is known to work best with pacey wingers who can stretch defenses.


Gordon has been on the bench all this time, available to play.


Oh stfu you dosser


me playing FM


Clearly hasn’t watched him play much this year then


He really needs to get his agent/brother to shut up, how could you possibly think this was the right thing to post, even if you think it🤦‍♂️ Shouldn’t have his family so involved in all aspects of his career, sometimes you just need real professionals


Disregarding the absolute shit season he had… Southgate would have kept him on the bench ANYWAY


I felt this way about myself watching Rashford play this season !


😂 Best comment here


Gordon’s agent is probably thinking the same fucking thing


Difference is that he'd be right, while also being smart enough not to fucking post it


Look at the season Gordon or Palmers had, they can't even get a touch


It's not like Rashford is another Kalvin Phillips 


Rashford at left back


Rashford has been left back.


Bad influence no wonder his head gets in a mess.


Imagine after a season of putting in 0 effort, your agents telling you and the world that you should have made the squad others who've worked for their spot


Rashford play defensive midfield then? 


Wonder how many times he thought that watching us this season before he realised his man was already on the pitch?


Marcus was poor all season and was in a team without Luke Shaw behind him and a midfield that couldn’t control the game - how would he make the difference for England team that has the exact same issues!


His brother* FTFY


I felt this way when I was calling for Antony Gordon to come on.


I mean there is two sides to this: 1. Rashford was shit pretty much all season and his body language got progressively worse as the season went on so I'm not sure he should be complaining. 2. He would definitely add something different to that squad, he has a great record for the national team. The current team feels very lethargic, Saka being the only that looks like is trying, so I think Rashford would have brought that bit of speed and power.


Rashford has to get some smarter people around him. The whole world can see how much he would have helped this England team. His agent/brother putting out this stuff does absolutely 0 to help Marcus. Your agent should always be looking out for your best interest, not hoping for social media likes


Manager didn’t want to make a difference from the start.


I don't even want to imagine the amount of shit Rashford wouldve gotten if he was called up after such a bad season.


I’m not English and United Bias aside, I really thought Gordon might shine this tournament. With the games being so compact at times though, it might be hard for some wingers to really make their mark unless they have some creativity in the slow plays.


He was expecting his client, who performed like shit, walked around while watching his colleagues run their asses off, to be picked for the NT? Talk about delulu right there! (Yeah I know, rashy probably told his agent to write it, unless he comes with a counter statement. Not holding my breath tho...)


This is his brother, and it's not especially interesting, and it's especially not worth working yourselves up over.


Got to laugh at that 🤭


This dude cannot be good to have on Marcus’ ear. Rashy does not need to be told how good he is, quite the opposite


Least delusional individual in rashfords circle


Guy needs to stfu


Where was this guy during the season?


I'm glad he's at home, tbh. He needs the time off after the season he had and given England fans' reactions after the last Euros, he's probably better off not being there if he has a bad performance


Cry me a river, he’s dreadful. 


He had plenty of chances to show that.


If rashford wants to recover his career, he needs to bin his entire entourage. including his agent and brother


He didn't make a difference for Utd all season so why does he think he'd make a difference at the Euro's?


He had a shit season. He doesn’t deserve to be there. Sincerely, a United fan.


It's convenient how his reputation only grows with every game he doesn't play


Didn’t deserve a call up. On top form he’d have been a lot more effective on that left wing, but top form was what? Over a year ago?


Had plenty of chances to make a difference in a 50+ games season.


I do actually think Marcus would be a great impact sub but absolutely fuck his agent.


I'd have been tempted to take Rashford as it was clear he'd fit the system with Kane better than Foden on the LW. Foden had a great season but with Jude and Kane all floating you won't get the best out of him. Surprised Gordon hasn't had a look in yet, feel he'd do better with Kane up top dropping deep as he does.


Shut up!!!! If anyone should be complaining it should be Cole Palmer….


1. Your man didn't make a difference at his club all year. 2. No one is overcoming Southgates management


What difference ? His agent must have asleep for the entirety of the season then cause his form didn't deserve any callup to the national team. Also Southgate's tactics suck anyway so he would have looked even worse than club level


I dont think you cound even argue a single winger that did make the squad had anywhere near as shite a season as Rashford. Which says a lot when you have players from Palace and West Ham etc in the team.


He failed to make a difference for an entire season, he wasn’t going to make a difference at the euros Also, fuck the Poms, they ain’t winning shit


Agents are the biggest plight in football.


This bellend makes Harry Kane's brother look competent


He’s technically right but I don’t blame Southgate for dropping him based on his season. The thing is I think Southgate filled his bench with work horses who had good seasons where I think he is missing mercurial talent like Grealish and Rashford who could make a difference


Grealish has had all of his flair ground out of him by Pep


Rashford's brother really is a blithering idiot. The first night in ages his brother's name is trending positively because of how obvious his profile is missed if England are playing these terrible Southgate tactics. And he has to ruin it by piping up like this? Making the story about him, having the press have to bring Marcus up, queueing up a load of anti-Marcus talksport crap when he isn't even on the pitch for England? It's actually ludicrous how stupid he is. And isn't Marcus in the Maldives or something, first thing he should do when he wakes up is starting looking for a proper agent.


Clearly Rashford is surrounded by money-grabbing sycophantic clowns. No way an agent comes out and says this when the country has just failed to win a game. What a fucking idiot.


God shut up


I'm glad Rashford is off social media so I no longer have to see absolutely idiotic posts from him. Good thing he's got an agent to remind me he's a twat.


The Euros are not an Instagram story competition.


I hate to say it as a united fan but putting Rashford in this team ahead of either Foden or Saka would be insane.


In one part he didn't deserve to go to the Euros, in the other hand Southgate wants to play a certain way [whatever that is] but he really needed a forward with pace. But I'm also glad he's not part of this shitshow either.


Guy is delusional.


Guy couldn’t make a dent everytime he came on for United and the agent reckon he could make a difference in euro.. lol. Guy deserve a raise in agent fee!


All season to prove yourself on club level mate. Mainoo and Palmer are ahead of the pecking order to come on.


Like he made the difference last season right! No one is falling for this. It’s absolutely deserved that he didn’t get selected. F around find out yea.


The difference 👉🏽👉🏽 England 1-2 Denmark by not tracking back


Get you man deal at PSG, stop slacking you greedy man


Pity the pitch game ain’t on the same level as the PR game


Why are people surprised, it's his brother, ofc you would feel this way about your own brother. I'm surprised how our fans are reacting against one of our players instead of backing him. You could see how he was crying after the final, there was something happening outside the pitch, he's a human being after all.


This whole thing about Rashy being poor all year is a bit silly to me within the context of England’s squad makeup. No one apart from Kane has an actual goal count for England atm, Rashy would’ve helped there. Also if the plan was to bring in the likes of Eze, Gordon, Bowen - can’t just chuck them into a tournament and expect it to work out. Needed to build them into the team


He had almost 60 games this season and not one memorable performance. Even a dimwit like Southgate worked that out


Rashford and his PR team need to shut the fuck up. Do the talking on the pitch next season.


Explains a lot surrounding yourself with people like this. Shut up, do better. Also, what nonsense. If Foden, Saka, Bellingham can't make the difference then Rashford certainly won't after the season he's had.


Last season's Rashford, maybe... Southgate still has near-infinite capacity to drag players down and I could see even 'peak' Rash being crowded out when trying to jinx through or hitting the wall of that 3 man CB line a few times with his low-balls (still more than Foden ended up accomplishing). Southgate should have brought on Gordon, the nearest (less selfish, maybe less clinical too) equivalent in taht squad for LFW.


I think he'd have fit right in. It was his kind of game. Plenty of shrugging, pointing etc.


Unfortunately he probably couldn't make a difference and that's why very few batted an eyelid when he didn't make it


Him and Bellingham could have had a shoulder shrugging competition.


He's... his agent, what we expect? This is not noteworthy at all. This is literally his job to prop up his client.


Main character vibes.


we don't need someone to make a difference for the *worse*


Agents should really keep their opinions to themselves or when they talk to the necessary people. If I was a player and my agent said this I wouldn’t view it as “thanks for sticking up for me” I would think “you are my representative and people will assume your words reflect mine and I’m questioning the team”. Coupled with the fact this instantly opens rashford up to the “well you should’ve played better then” narrative it is a total PR blunder from a man who’s suppose to specialise in that exact thing. Sometimes shutting your mouth and proving people wrong with actions is the best road on and off the field L.


So few flairs in this thread...


3 players out of position and it shows


Mate, superman probably couldn’t help the rest of that team.. they were ragged and had no game plan from what it looked like.


Me with Anthony Gordon.


The squad is such in an abysmal state that not even CR7 or Messi could have changed anything in their prime. I don’t know whose dick Southgate is sucking but he’s doing an extremely good job.


I assume his agent has a better coach on his books? Coz this is all on Southgate. Seriously if United ever consider hiring Southgate, we are fucking doomed. He has the best player of the PL (Foden) and the best player of the Laliga (Bellingham) as well as the top scorer in Bundesliga, all fit and healthy, but somehow all of them looked like they have only met each other this morning. I seriously doubt Rashford could do much. Even Palmer who did much more than Rashford was just a bench warmer.


Hearing the commentators say how there were no experienced scoring options on the bench was disheartening


Then you have Rashford who was England's top goalscorer at the World Cup in Qatar chilling at home...


Balance of the forward line is broken, it needs a Gordon or a Rashford to add a direct threat with runs in behind. So I actually agree with this. But I'm secretly glad Rashy isn't in the national team, this way he actually gets some rest.


I think its been pretty clear throughout the years that Rashford isn't the sharpest tool in the box - there has been numerous things that he's done where I think this. His inner circle seem to be cut from the same cloth and putting up things like this really backs up my claim. There is absolutely no need to post this sort of stuff. It's really immature. You dont see other professionals playing at the same level as Rashford doing this.


I find it sad seeing this because I think Rashford is a good person but he doesn't seem to be getting good advice and has a terrible group around him. I imagine it will be hard for him to change it given that he is related to a lot of them as well.


Agent and brother.


This is laughable....


Yeah he’s right but his agent talks way too much


Agent is agenting. United fans reply: It's hard to sit and watch when you honestly believe his man should make a difference!


It’s rashford’s brother so i dont mind plus hes probably right


Rashford has only himself to blame. He has had his worst ever season since he joined the first team and didn't make any difference for United throughout the whole year so what makes him deserve a spot in the England squad? Is choosing players for the national teams now based on their reputation rather than their actual form? He can't blame anyone but himself.

