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Dudes going to rush Shaw back


Another stupid decision that Southgate made, did he even realize Shaw wasn't fully fit prior to the Euros, I'm ngl I think Tyrick Mitchell or even Alfie Doughty should've been called but I guess Southgate has fully abandoned his 3 at the back system and decided to bank on his trusted soldier's fitness


Should have called up Shaw and another LB, probably Mitchell. That way he could have an actual LB, and also hope for Shaw fitness. Gomez, Konsa and Dunk aren't playing anyway so could easily have left one of them at home


She had been injured for months leading up to this tournament, he shouldn't have even gone. It's a slap in the face for any other English LB that you're not trusted over a broken Shaw and back up LB has had a shit season playing RB


> even Alfie Doughty should've been called he got a lot of hype from games that were televised but he really wasn't that good last season and was a considerable part of why Luton were so defensively shocking, which whether you like it or not would go against the 'just don't concede' idea that Southgate is sticking with


If Trippier is not fit it will be Walker / Trent, with Shaw maybe subbing on if fit, Southgate sticks to what he has already tested, and he tested this just last game. Shaw has already spoken out about how he pushed too hard to play against Luton and regretted the decision, doubt he really will make the same mistake here.


Nah, Konsa apparently according to Rob Dorsett from Sky.


Maybe, but they need attacking runs on that flank, so either Walker with Foden or Konsa with Gordon.


Great so it’s Harry Ammass at LB then lol


If Shaw is fit, it would make sense to sub him on in this tie if he's going to be played in the later games




Coldie Mainoo


I’m actually quite nervous about this, I know he’s brilliant but one misplaced pass and the fans / media will pounce on him


The fact that his alternatives flopped helps tho


Yeah there is a very very low bar thanks to Trent and Gallagher


Don't worry too much. We United fans know how class he is and we will stick by his side.


United fans, famous for never turning on our players....


As far as most match going fans go, they don’t. Most of the people on here, however, have turned on almost every player on the team.


Well before the match going fans have a chance to show support he’ll have an entire summer of unrelenting racist abuse online to suffer through if he fucks up at the Euros then a summer tour where the fans are far less pleasant than at Old Trafford (the booing of Maguire abroad was pretty rough when the home fans were still behind him). So yeah, it’s still a worry.


I agree about the potential for online racist abuse from the anonymous England 'fans' if things go wrong. But I don't agree that Mainoo would be booed or disrespected by United fans on a summer/preseason tour.


Well no he won’t because they aren’t English that’s fair. But if he’d been bad for United enough he would, and the point was about United fans turning on their players at all.


Should be more worried about how he'll look out of possession. Guess we'll see; hopefully its just better than Trent.


I hope you are wrong but fear you could be right if something does go down like Becks , Phil Neville and Wazza. In which we case we should dust off "You can stick your fucking England up your arse"


Would be a fool to not play kobbie


I pray that he has a good game, but watch him look different than when he came on as a substitute. I've noticed something interesting which hasn't been talked about despite Southgate's bad performances being highlighted. This really shows it even further: Notice in the first game Bellingham was man of the match pretty much running the show, he had 2 days of first line-up training because he came late after the CL final. After that his form crashed the more he listened to Southgate ball. Palmer when he came on, Mainoo, and even Gordon the other day all looked fresh and energetic because they came on without the first team "tactics" in mind. I hope Southgate ball doesn't ruin Mainoo too.


This is an interesting observation, let’s hope it doesn’t pan out like this


It's natural that his performance would be slightly different as a starter than a sub. Same for the other subs the other night - they all did brilliantly and changed the game with their energy. But it's easy to watch dirge for 70 minutes and come on and go hard for 20 and impress. Not saying Kobbie shouldn't start, obvs, along with Palmer and Gordon. But can't expect them all to be full pelt for 90 mins like they were as subs. And then, sadly, watch all the hate come in when they don't all score hat tricks and win 20-0


Although I agree with some of what you're saying, it's actually often harder to come on as a substitute and make an impact. Because usually trying to match the intensity of the game depending on the game coming in cold from the bench is difficult. That's why "super subs" are very rare players in football.


Please don’t start him, I want my hate watch to continue


he deserves to start at least 1 game, lads are coming home after the game.


If they lose, they blaming it on him for starting, I just need the tears man, that’s all and for him not to start


I think, unfortunately Trent is the scapegoat for this tournament. I know he plays for the scum and their players playing badly should fill me with joy, but Southgate completely fucked it, no runners when he's on, runners when off then persisted. Him foden and saka will get most of the flak, Bellingham should get more flak but the Madrid army is relentless.


I agree let’s hate Liverpool and all but you’re right it’s not on Trent at all. He’s not a midfielder yet, he’s not used to having players behind him and around him, it’s a completely different game, and the one midfielder thing he’s good at is long passing but has nobody to pass to.




they ll win this one then he wont start the next one and they ll be knocked out - quote me on this.


Even prime Messi or Ronaldo can't get a start in Southgate terrorist football


He brought Shaw just so he can sub him on in the final to take a penalty.... It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays of for em.


Of course he won't make changes...everything's fine. As planned. On...course.


Coming top of the group is considered on course, yes.


Why make wholesale Changes when you’ve squeaked by previously.


Southgate at the wheel just means England will continue playing 💩


If Mainoo starts, that's be good. Foden's absence forces Southgate's hands, so that's good too. It can't be worse, right? Right?


Foden is back


I hope Gareth has learned from the Sterling fiasco.


England will lose. Mainoo will be made scapegoat. Shaw would have gone to the Euros playing just 5 minutes when Southgate throws him in at the end to try to salvage something. You heard it first here