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West Ham might get Kilman for 40m. Considering we were linked, I think De Ligt is a far better deal at the price imo


Ipswich seems wealthy. Can we sell some players to them?


Why is everyone comparing Ugarte to Rice? Rice is an elite player but can't play solo DM. He played his best games with Jorgi or Partey alongside. We are looking for a DM who is great at defensive attributes and can be press resistant, progressive passing is a bonus. Rodri is a rare gem and should not be held as basic standard for every DM.


Rodri is probably the hardest to replace player in the world currently, all teams would take him into their first XI.


Why have we not signed four players yet? Ashworth has been out of his garden for three days now!


I know man. Is a disgrace. This was meant to be a new start


Whisper it but we've been very active already with youth players being brought in... despite everything we've got some really good talent coming through


Get the De Ligt deal done quick before Bayern hear West Ham are paying £40m for Max Kilman.


So there is a chance our midfield could be Bruno, Maino and Ugarte? Lets hope we sell players for such amount we could by right wing... or will Garnacho play there?


Assumption seems to be garnacho will play there I believe.


It's a bit iffy, then there is no cover/backup behind Rashford. 


Garnacho, rashford, amad, Antony for wide spots, bruno, mount and at a push hojlund from the left can provide additional depth.   Wouldn't be shocked to see ethan williams get a couple appearances next seasonor at elast appear in bench a few times. One of the most exciting players in academy at the moment I'd be quite surprised if we enter market for a wide player given other gaping holes in the squad


I agree, I just think Antony/Amad will start quite often on the right as Rashford/Garnacho is the only ones on the left, would only expect them both to start in harder/more important games.


Based on reports I belive after buying 1 CB, 1 CM and 1 CF we will go for another deffender(Branthwaite, some french lad?) Gotta build from the back.


French lad is prob yoro?. But he wants to go Real madrid.


Or Todibo but that's up to UEFA


Mason Mount is expected to play a more prominent role after an injury-hit first season. #MUFC [@TyMarshall_MEN] Me too. Me tooooo


Tbh I could see Mainoo being rotated heavily the upcoming season. Mount also plays rw, lw and 10, so I expect him to start at least 20 league games barring injuries.


Where though? 3-4-2-1 or 4-2-2-2 is the only formation I can see him play regularly. Or we running with same assumption that he will be cm like last season?


what would be our lineup then? if he's a starter with Bruno, Mainoo, Ugarte?


Pretty sure he was bought under the premise of being a starter so.


People are getting paid for saying that CL winner and Chelsea two times player of the year is expected to play bigger role after season destroyed by injuries? And they sell it as sort of insider knowledge?


Youre right. Unless they know something about his injuries we don't...  🤔 


I honestly think Ashworth is going to sell and sign a lot of players this window. He'll want a statement season. Not to wait a year for incremental change. We could see more sub-par players sold than we thought and get replaced by much better players.


I'd be delighted if we get 4 or 5 match day squad quality players in this summer. Any more would be exceptional fiven limited budget, late starts for key recruitment team members etc. Additionally though, I'd love to see us gamble on 2 or 3 prospects. Like the lad Minteh that Newcastle signed last summer from obscurity (not quite but 7m from Norwegian league) then flip for a large profit 1 year later after a loan. 2 or 3 players in 18-20 age range even to loan out would be exciting


I don't think we buy in the 18-20 range unless they are ready for the first team because our academy produces ample prospects in that age range. We just need to do better showcasing them either with prem appearances or better loans. In the SAF days he'd give a prospect ten appearances and sell them on for good money.


Honestly I think is incredibly naive to think we have the best prospects coming through our own academy.  We have some good players coming through for sure but we should always be aiming to supplement that with other talented prospects.


Definitely. And a backup loan CM/DM so we can sell Eriksen to the Saudis or MLS


Wieffer likely going to brighton according to VI (dutch media).


That's a good get for Newcastle. They can be Al-Nassr's feeder now they've got the guy who knows the insides of a sporting groups recruitment process


Wonder what salary would de ligt be on.


Reports saying its a wage cut. He's on 250k pounds a week at the moment, so probably a 200k a week + performance bonuses


One twitter account said there was a wage cut


Not sure if you realise that 200k is less than 250k


I do, but unless I'm mistaken, nobody has reliably supported that £200k will be his wage packet. The only person saying he's taking a wage cut so far is Christopher Michel on twitter and even then he wasn't sure if there would be a wage cut or not, he just assumed that there would be


I miss Ighalo


I miss henrik larsson


Saw some videos of Ugarte and I’m not impressed. Don’t want another player in the squad who’s not an elite level passer. Mount, McTominay, Casemiro, Bruno and even Kobbie are not great passers. They’re commendable but nothing close to Rordri or Rice level. Bruno in the final 3rd yes but I’m talking about build up phase. Would love our CDM to be able to do that


Mentioning Rice next to Rodri, haha. And thinking Rice is a better passer than Bruno or Mount. Comment gets stupider the more I read it.


“Saw some videos”. Dude just stop. Anyone can put together highlights good or bad. And the idea that Rice is a great passer is laughable. Plus people have short memories - what you just said about Ugarte is exactly what people said about Rice when we were linked with him. You are asking for a proven elite level passer and screener of the back 4 for sub-£50m. Pray tell who is this unicorn?


You don’t need to be an elite level passer, you can be someone who has potential to be an elite level passer or rather a very good one atleast. But everyone’s too daft here to understand the qualities of different players. Ugarte is not a good passer and he doesn’t intend on being one. But to say Ugarte will become like Rice is plain stupid. Rice currently ranks 90th percentile in prog passes & carries. He improved and got to 90 because he was 70th while at West Ham. Ugarte has had 25th - 30th percentile amongst passers in his last 2 seasons in French league & Portugese league. It’s not something bad, because he excels in other areas of the game. But to not even understand what a player gives or doesn’t give you is pretty moronic


“To not understand what a player gives or doesn’t give you is pretty moronic”. You are almost there, just keep going. Ask yourself what football experts - because that is who is doing the buying now - are seeing that you aren’t. What he’s being pursued for. Not that you’ve seen much, given you admitted your entire assessment is based on a couple of online compilations.


If not Ugarte then who would you want?


Yeah i agree Ugarte is probably the same level as Casemiro when on the ball and we know for a fact that ETH demands more from that position.Ugarte is probably good as a stop gap until we can get someone who can match the level.


Thank god, someone who doesn’t ride the hypetrain. So many are obsessed with the candidate we’re linked with and lose the ability to be objective. I think your right it’s a stop gap. A good squad option, someone who can close out games and help us defensively. If we’re buying Ugarte, it tells me Casemiro is staying another season which is not a terrible thing as he was pretty good in his 1st season.


Yeah and apparently his wages are one of the lowest at PSG,that's good for us. I'm ok with it as long as a more suitable player doesn't move clubs this season for a similar fee.


I like Declan Rice but he's definitely not an elite level passer.


He’s a much better passer than Ugarte


I've not seen much of Ugarte so maybe he is. Still isn't an elite level passer though.


Ye that’s fair Rice isn’t on Rodri’s level for passing


Also, I don't really care if our DM isn't elite at passing. Just need him to be decent on the ball and let the other midfielders do their thing.


He’s solid at retaining possession but this will put a lot of burden on Mainoo to help progress us up the pitch which is one of the areas he can improve upon because currently he doesn’t receive the ball enough and is a bit too safe at time. I fully back him to be able to though because his technique and composure is brilliant especially for his age. I’d still like someone better in the air than Ugarte though, we really lack size as a team. Someone like Wieffer would be my ideal signing for midfield but Ugarte isn’t a bad signing at all and is a good player.


Saw a tweet earlier that we ask too much from dms these days and this comment proves it lol


More than anything last season our greatest weakness was quick counters. We need players who can cut those movements out and that’s what Ugarte specialises in


Definitely agree with it but you can’t sign players with only few good qualities. And if we are signing he’s probably a squad option and not a starter


Surely that's part of the thinking, but I've read a few times that he's not good at tracking back. No idea if true tho tbh


Bruno and Mount are not great passer? Especially Bruno, how the hell is he not on Rice level or even miles better? And did you see how Arsenal struggle when played Rice as a lone DM? He still needs player like Jorginho to help with the defensive work. Rodri is the exception because he's the best player in the world so he can handle both defense and offense. That man should have won Ballon d'Or FFS. The fucking disrespect on our team is way too much sometimes especially coming from our own fans.


I think if you put Rodri in our team without people to play the ball back and forth to and also teams press us more than City or even Spain he would probably struggle.


Problem with is that top tier DMs that are also good playmakers is like the rarest type of player there is. There's a reason rice cost that much.


How are people still saying Rice is a DM?


True, but then if we want to beat City, Arsenal & Liv that’s what we need. I think Joao Neves can get to that level but I’m thinking Ugarte is a stop gap/squad option. He ranks 25-30th percentile in Progressive passes & carries. That’s pretty poor and tells me Casemiro is going to start next season(if we sign Ugarte)


Even Rice isn't elite passer. Like that type of player is so rare to find


Rice is elite. He ranks 90th percentile in progressive passes & carries


Ben Yedder on a free for some much needed goal scoring threat? 1+1yr contract as a back up to Rasmus and potentially Zirkzee wouldn't be a silly idea.


He's a little too old, will be 34 next month. He's also played the majority of his career in France so I am not sure of his quality


Wasn’t he charged with rape


Cristiano too… we need to make a difference between chargedand sentenced… but for me ben Ydder is still a no.


I did not know this! He can go straight into the fuck off pile.


Anyone else not too sure what to make of the Zirkzee transfer rumors? -Hes young--not exactly the profile of senior journeyman to mentor Hojlund, could work out if they form a partnership -Saw somewhere he mentioned AC Milan as his preferred destination (dont need to start about signing players who don't want to come to United) -The agent fee situation just stinks overall, Zirkzees agent is a POS and we have bad history with him Guirassy would have been my ideal target tbf but looks like its done with Dortmund. Watch him shine there, better than in the PL with Arsenal atleast


From what little I know about him, he seems like a good profile. He's a good enough 9 to rotate with Højlund but he's different enough that he can also play with Højlund. 


There have been reports of him being willing to move with us too, it's not a Yoro situation at all where he only wants the one team.


For ~£32m he's a worthwhile punt


I'll take a promising young player over a guy that's 28 & has only had one good season in football. Hojlund can get more than enough mentorship from RVN.


Just opened Reguillon’s instagram and 9 of his last 10 posts are related to United. In general he gives the impression that he really enjoyed his time here. Also just for fun i checked how many posts he has related to Spurs and it’s only 17, even though he signed for them in 2020.


Incredibly stupid decision to end his loan in January. Criminal levels of incompetence from everyone involved


I would love for him to be in our squad. He is more than a back up, He can put pressure on whoever is the starting left back.


Not the best player but I can tell he loves the club. Great person to have around the team and I think he would be a good squad player. Good relationship with lots of players (Mount in particular, oddly enough) so if we can get him for a reasonable price I’d be happy to have him back


We are probably his last chance at playing for a top club.


I remember how he was pushing United fan pages on his IG when we were in for him a couple of years ago but then he signed for Spurs. 


He only had 9 appearances for us so it's wild


He also posted on his socials when we won the FA Cup which was a nice touch. Also just noticed that on the post he made when he left us, there are comments from Bruno, Maino, Garna, Dalot and Hojlund


He ran his freakin butt off for us..Lot of people in this chat slagging him off. He was delightful going forward, feisty at the back, played hard and would be a more than adequate backup to a healthy Shaw


He wasn't delightful going forward at all, what is this revisionism. He created nothing, crossing had good technique but rarely found a man. Passing and decision-making were sub-par. Reguilon had a lot of passion and energy but that was about it.


I loved him in his time here too he was excellent especially his first couple of appearances he was the only player putting any effort in


Benfica have opened talks with Atlético Madrid about re-signing João Félix. They sold him five years ago for £114m and now hope to get him back for just £12.7m. (Source: @SPORT) You have to love Benfica's business model 


Watch them rebuild his hype and get the guy and themselves another big paycheck.


Thats why we should stay the F away from any of their players. Way too many high profile flops and even though ofc there are some gems in there they ask and get some truly outrageous fees out of teams


Sporting is a much more better partner


People are sleeping on Buongiorno 


That's sad, people should be sleeping on Buonanotte instead


He's off to Napoli and there are better players than him in the market.


Haven't heard any news about him joining the club (Napoli)


Apparently Juve are asking for 20m plus bonus for Chiesa, interest from Roma. I know he struggled with injuries this season but does that fees seem low?


You've got to jump at that if it's true. Amrabats loan fee was half of that


Chiesa hasn't been good in a while, and has an awful injury history. There's a reason Juve are asking for 20m.


He's the type to never leave Italy. So they can't really ask for a huge fee from Serie a clubs.


Not a bad player but hasnt lived up that hype after the 2020 Euros


He is an experienced, but maybe not consistent, right winger. If we needed one for those, or even just some depth there, I'd be for it, but his production over the last couple of years does not indicate he would push Garnacho out of the starting eleven. So I'd pass and look for you ger talent.


Last year of his deal looks like, still pretty low though.


It's only one game, but it's all I've got to go on; against Switzerland, I don't know what was worse, his performance or his body language.


He was tracking back to win the ball, looked to be the only committed to pressing the Swiss in the first half. I thought he and barella were the only ones who seemed to care before pellegrini and co came on.


The athletic FC podcast mentioning Newcastle's financial situation and seems like it went bad around the time Ashworth went on gardening leave. Apparently Ashworth was the one that pushed for the Minteh deal and the profit from his sale (and Ashworth's buyout) are what saved them. 


Ummm doesn't that mean Ashworth was partly responsible for the mess in the first place? As he was in charge for the 2 years prior to going on gardening leave. Their financial problems wouldn't just appear overnight it would be an accumulation of everything they did since the takeover


They had to strengthen their team. We don't who pushed for overspending (Ashworth or Howie or another upper executive). The podcast said that they had hoped for some club to pay Bruno G's release clause which didn't happen. 


Doesn't matter who pushed. Ashworth was responsible for overseeing player recruitment.


how is the sporting director, whom identifies player talent, responsible for them spending above their income, thus affecting their PSR compliance?


Because he was overseeing player recruitment. You think he was just doing that while having no idea about finances lol?


He's the director..of the sport part..maybe he could direct them not to spend themselves into financial trouble 


They needed to spend in the last 3 years so as to get into European places, so as to increase their revenue. Under Mike Ashley, they didn’t have much revenue from both selling players and from competition.


Do any of you guys ever miss Reguilon?




I don't,we only have fond memories of him because he only played like 10 matches for us,Telles and Williams gavr better performances in their first 10 matches. I'm not convinced by that guy.


I do, would be a cheap buy and he fits the profile of a modern LB. Who knows in what shape Malacia would be after returning from injury. Love Shaw to bits but he can't be relied upon to be fit, sadly.


No. But let's be honest, we have a left back problem with Shaw unreliable and who knows when Malacia will be fit again. It needs to be addressed.


I miss him, Weggy and Sabitzer. Just wish they were a little better or without injuries (Sabitizer) to justify making permanent


This is a good example of United hàving a problem with players coming for the paycheque so often that people just latch on to any mediocre talent that actually likes the club and don't let go


Nah bro, you're just dead inside. 


No, I just the players we brought in didn't dovery much and then left..they loved the club, it was great for them..why would I miss them? Lol it's literally "YAY YOU LIKE US PLEASE STAY FOREVER" 


Lmao just saw a post on ig and came here to see if there were any legit sources reporting it. To answer your question, no. He was alright but I would not say I miss him.


Think there’s any chance we could be in for Joao Gomes?


Great talent but we don’t seem willing to spend that much on one player at the moment


Would love it if we were. Him and Uragte would be great as options as a 6.


It’s getting difficult to keep track of every Joao there is


Joao Felix, Joao Gomes and Joao Pedro 14. Are there any more of them?


GK Joao Cancelo - CB - CB Joao Mario - Joao Gomes - Joao Neves - Joao Moutinho - Joao Palhinha Joao Pedro - Joao Felix


Joao Neves, Joao Cancelo, Joao Moutinho, Joao Mario Edit : I forgot to add Joao Palhinha!


Yeah there's Joao many of them


That a good Joaok


Saw the rumour again Lazio are offering 25m euros and a 40-50% sell on free which actually feels like pretty good business at this point. Gets rid of the problem, some money in pocket now and if he blows up and they get a huge fee then some extra down the line. Not sure how holding on for say 10m more and not getting the sell on works out better


United should insert a 75% sell on if to an English club or a non english club in an English multi club model Otherwise they should hold out for a fee they want, having a 50% sell on is meaningless as they won’t ever be incentivised to sell anyway


Do you think it’s realistic that he’d return to England?


After a few more years who knows, might as well limit the chances


We held out for what we wanted with Jones, Martial, Lingard, De Gea, Alexis, etc. I need to see material change in the way the club sells players before I can trust this club to hold out for a fee we want and not get stuck with players that we don't need


(Lazio fan) Di Marzio posted that Marseille made an offer higher than us, Pedulla reports Lazio are willing to offer the €25M and the high resale percentage of 40-50% and has Greenwood’s yes. Depends who you want to believe here, Ornstein did say Marseille was interested but Pedulla has been very accurate with his transfer info lately especially for us.


Having 50% sounds good but they will have no incentive to ever sell


Yes they would do. Buy for €25m Sell for €60m but lose half to United. Get the investment back. Up by €10m. Greenwood is a superb player but a class A prick. He scores 25 goals in Serie A in first season and can guarantee Juve/Milan/Inter will be after him.


Or sell a lesser player for the same outcome and keep their player that has hypothetically been superb that would cost a fortune to replace


I’ll also add that Di Marzio put an article on it just now saying Marsielle offered €20M which is higher than our offer. Even though Pedulla reports we are offering €25M plus the resale percentage, one of them is lying but I’ll only add Di Marzio has been inaccurate for us and is dropping random nonsense every now and then. Knowing Lotito he wants to profit off Greenwood believe me, in 3 years we’d sell him for a high ass price knowing Lotito Edit: I mistranslated the article, Marseille are offering more than our offer of €20M.


Can I be just a little bit mad at everyone downplaying the Callafiori transfer if Arsenal manage to sign him? Just yesterday I read around here that no sane Italian player would turn down Juventus, especially not for an English team..


I simply don't think he's a huge upgrade on what they have now so I don't give a shit if they sign him. 


Well first time they bottled the league due to Saliba getting injured, sooo it really makes sense for them to stack up on quality defenders.


No the first time they bottled the league because they collapsed in on themselves like a dying star. They just used Saliba as an excuse for completely fucking up the last 9 games 


So few Italian players have ever succeeded in the Prem. The only ones that come to mind are Zola, Jorginho, di Canio, Di Matteo and Vialli. None of whom were defenders. Conversely, I’m not even sure who would be considered the most successful Italian defender in Prem history. Honestly? It’s probably Udogie already. So many mediocre ones in: Darmian, Ogbonna, Zappacosta, Santon, Dossena, Emerson, Ranocchia… It’s just so rare for Italians, and particularly defenders, to succeed in the Prem.


I'm aware of this, but let's say he has a "break-in" season, then we win 2 trebles in a row with him getting Player of the Season award, then he gets homesick/wants to get back to sunshine. I could kinda accept it at that point 😏😁


Why didn't he play in the last game Italy played against Switzerland?


Suspended iirc




I would be really jealous if he ends up at Arsenal, I am already jealous about William Saliba


In this particular instance I think only Romano has said he’s open to join Arsenal. It might be the agent who’s paid Romano to put pressure on Juventus.


I wish we were getting him and not de ligt


De ligt plays on the right so we needed him anyways. I wish we were looking at him instead of branthwaite


hes solid gonna need to see how he adapts to the prem


I read a threa on their page, some didn't really want him


Tbf if I was an Arsenal fan I wouldn't be overly excited by signing a CB either


I believe he will play more as an LB if he joins them though.


Yup, he fits their system a lot more than Zinchenko does, especially if they’re bringing in Amadou Onana to play in midfield. Raya White - Saliba - Gabriel - Calafiori Odegaard - Onana - Rice Saka - Havertz/Jesus/new ST - Trossard/Martinelli


Zirkzee, Ugarte and De Ligt is the beginings of a really good summer. Hopefully with some sales we can make a couple more young signings, guys that will come off the bench with potential to start in the future.


These are fantastic defensive signings, but we need new attackers too, probably next summer. Need to ship out Antony, Greenwood, Pellistri and Sancho. We'll need attacking reinforcements.


Those 3 and a free transfer might be the best we can hope for. I did hear something about Reguilon returning, and if the fee was small i wouldn't say no


I know it won’t be all done in one summer but we still need another LB and another player to back up our no.6


De Ligt I’m fully on board with, not sure about Ugarte and Zirkzee. Ugarte is physical and aggressive, I think he could be okay especially at the price we get him at. Especially Zirkzee, I don’t think he’s better than Hojlund. He offers something different, but still don’t think he moves the needle much from what I’ve seen — would not want to pay upwards of 50M pounds with his crazy agent fees.


We dont necessarily need someone better than Højlund, we just need another body. He is the only striker we have, there is zero depth


Is there anyone realistically available that's clearly better than Hojlund, fits the under 25 age profile and costs 50 million? Heard this somewhere and rang really true for me - this summer is not about raising the ceiling of the team, but raising the floor.


Is he clearly better than Hojlund?


Haven't seen him play but probably not. But in response to your point "that he is not better", is there really anyone there that is better at that price and age? Given our lack of strikers, unfortunately we might just have to spend 50million on players of similar quality to Hojlund. If we want someone better, seems like we'd have to pay a lot more which we don't want to


Unfortunately 50 million for a young unproven striker is simply what you have to pay these days. As for Ugarte, I think he'd be a perfect partner for Bruno and Kobbie after watching him play for Uruguay. He's a great destroyer but he's also not awful on the ball, he isn't the best at progressing it himself but he's a very good and accurate passer, he'll be able to distribute the ball out to our fullbacks and to Bruno/Kobbie effectively.


Yeah I would be more confident in Ugarte being successful than Zirkzee. Maybe going for an older proven striker would not be a bad idea, kind of like Madrid signing Joselu for cheap.




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Do they have to be young? Can't se sign up some 26-30y/o that is already good enough to play for us and not overpay like crazy for some kid that is going to be at best a starter in a couple of years and at worst leaves on a free when his contract expires? We have a good youth academy, we have good youths coming up.. Just sign some *normal* players that are not destined for greatness so we can get the time to let our current youths grow up.


The absolute majority of the transfers has to be young (U25). You can look at how Real Madrid spends their money as example. And you don’t need to buy the random overpriced kid, you need to look at sensible transfers at sensible wages. For example if we’re signing Zirkzee for €40m on a wage under ~€150k, we could easily move him on in future. Like if he flops and in 2 years we’re deciding to sell him - €24M is absolutely achievable. If he was fine, but we decide to upgrade - we’re making a profit and can afford more expensive player. And obviously the best case scenario is he’s a stud and has a longterm career for us. I listed three most realistic outcomes and none of them is really that bad, we can afford low risking with such transfers, some of them will hit, others won’t hurt us. While with older players - resale value is lower, salary demands are higher and the risk of the player suddenly becoming injury prone generally grows with the age. Worst case scenarios hurt club more, best case scenarios worse, due to higher longevity of younger players.


> You can look at how Real Madrid spends their money as example. Yep. Exactly. Camavinga, Tchouameni, Yoro, Militao, Mendy, Vini and Rodrygo, Endrick I mean the list goes on and on of young players that they've signed.


We should Carboni (ARG) this or next market. Very high potential




It’s the age I think - he’s 29 and would be similar to signing Matic and Casemiro.


Very good point... it would be just another Woodward transfer where we pay a lot of money for an old player who either leaves for free in 4 years, or becomes a deadwood in 2 years and we will need to subsidize his wages just to get rid of him for next to nothing.


Oh wow for some reason I kept thinking he was 25. All aboard the Ugarte train


Anyone think we should go for Scalvini?


Was in on him before he did his ACL. Now we need to wait and see how he recovers and if he can get back to the same level and still develop. Really unfortunate injury for the kid. But Calafiori had a similar bad one and look at him now. About to make some lucky English club better


Pretty sure he did his ACL towards end of the season 


He fits the criteria then!


If we sell AWB do you think we'll look to sign: 1. A more attacking wingback type like (but probably not literally) Frimpong 1. One of those "you'd generally call him a ball playing centre-back but he's actually being employed at fullback most of time" like White 1. A more traditionally balanced fullback like Dalot


I hate those CBs who can play RH type of players. We need good attacking fullbacks who can defend, preferably pacey. I'm sure there are players out there who fit this profile.


If the clubs wants to do 2, then Chalobah would be a good fit because Chelsea has to sell it's homegrown players eventually to break even.




I feel like 30m is a lot for AWB with his contract up next year. One can dream though


We'd be lucky to get half of that


I would say a profile like Dalot. The idea of two different types is nice in theory, but it's a nightmare in a lot of situations. If Dalot is the starting RB and he's injured then you'd need to play differently without necessarily wanting to. If both are fit then it's nice to have multiple tricks in your sleeve, but I think it's more of a luxury.


I know we've not been linked to any RBs this window and it's not really been mentioned apart from the supposed offer for him. But we really do need to replace him, how our whole system has to change with him in it is ridiculous, all attacking threat seems nullified. I honestly don't think it will take anyone particularly special for it to be an upgrade on him


I'd be shocked if we sold AWB simply because we need the depth and we have far from an unlimited budget this summer. Otherwise, I'd imagine it'll be either 1 or 3. We could just use Licha in place of a new signing if they wanted someone in the Ben White category.


I'd be shocked if we didn't personally. He leaves on a free next summer and giving him a new contract makes no sense.


Who do we sign though? The market is thin.


You can really see a difference in the speed of play watching international games. The Premier League has gotten to the point where it’s an extremely fast pace. The best teams are expected to press from the front and maintain a high line. The defensive transition is demanding and the offensive transition is meant to be done instantly. It’s just a whole different game. I do think our team is slowly getting there with managing to cope with the pace


International games also tend to be slower pace because the players have not played much together and sometimes in different systems than they're used to and thus need to take longer with each decision and it slows the game down.


Plus, certainly at tournament time, a lot of the players have played 60+ games ( increasing yet further next season) and are absolutely shattered. We all want more football, but get a deep squad for the love of god


And after that great Monday, it’s gone stale again😞


This is the moments the actual business is being done