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The whole 'no one must ever vocalize the N-word even when quoting it in a book that you're studying in class' concept only really emerged over the past decade as part of the pivot to extremely online culture-war gayness. It really is magical thinking where everything we know about language and semantics is disregarded and some words are imagined as a kind of radioactive material that must be encased in lead and buried deep underground, only to be retrieved and used ritualistically by a special priest-class while everyone else gasps in performative horror.


I think within the next few years we'll start to see people say even the euphemism "N word" is offensive as it makes them think of the actual word or some shit


The euphemism treadmill in action 


this happened to me once at work, someone was fired for saying the n-word while I was on break. When I came back I asked a group of people why she got fired and they just said she said something very bad and was told to drop the conversation.


Which is insane because I was in highschool in the early '10s and everyone used the soft a almost constantly. People try to pretend and gaslight that that didn't happen but you were made fun of if you DIDN'T say it.


Yes, I used to hear it used responsibly in school growing up.


When we read aloud from To Kill a Mockingbird in 7th grade our teacher made us say it out loud lol.


the joy on my teachers face when she got to say it


I think that's right, no lol about it.


Say it, God damn it. Prove you're one of us!


dependent station governor direction run cheerful swim worry cats reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't let the language-nazis dictate how you express yourself


the n word issue where you can't even say the damn real n word for explaining which word we are talking about is a pretty American/Anglosphere issue i haven't experienced in my life or in any other culture. like what do you mean I can't sing the full lyrics of this song I'll never get it unless I spent some years in the states tbh. in Spain gitano (g*psy), Moro (mena), gabacho (french but despective) , maricón (🚬), bollera (female 🚬), guiri (europeans above France), etc are more freely used and not only becoming lighter in offensiveness with time but also reappropriated by their respective recieving groups.


I used to work with some gitanos and none of them ever identified as anything other than gitano, if anything they seemed to feel like the word romani was some kind of linguistic gentrification imposed from the outside


because most of these words like Romani and Roma people are often used in a way of revisioning the racial relationship they've had with the culture with "English language" lens with the objective of deleting the word from Spanish. for example, it's called gitana dress and gitaneo when we are talking about flamenco because they are a fundamental part of the genre's history and when you try to artificially erase the word gitano you are indeed erasing their ethnical indenity and cultural contributions.


Australians have abbo


Boong too


Nowhere near equivalent to the n word. You would never hear the n word used for comedy on tv in the US, but abbo can be used, or at least was until fairly recently. Also evidenced by the fact that you can just say it on Reddit.


Some Aussies have tried to say it’s equivalent. But I’d say it’s more akin to redskins or another slur for natives


Becoming a polyglot to say the n word more


South Africa has the K-word




Seems like the only real contender in the thread


You’d get a bit of a bollocking professionally in Northern Ireland for saying “taig” or “fenian” in reference to Catholics / Irish Nationalists. Obvs not on the same level as the n bomb but it’s certainly unique to us.


In Russia you can no longer talk about fine Ukrainian pussy unless you have a government issued gun


thumb quarrelsome theory agonizing deserve cow jellyfish crawl impossible live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In Brazil it’s illegal to call someone “black”


The Chinese one is saying “Taiwan isn’t China “ or implying in any way it’s its own thing. That will get you cancelled for sure. Edit: I’m not trying to be snarky it’s the honest answer. How many celebrities made apologies about that already. There’s not that many other instant red lines in Chinese society.


redditor detected


I mean I live in China dude, I’m not trying to own them but how many celebrities have needed to apologize for Taiwan comments.


that's fair it's just 99% of the time you expect people saying this shit about Taiwan and China to be fat bearded redditors. Plus the question was about problematic slurs, not just some silly political stuff that defies authority.


social credit increased winnie the pooh blablabla


Social credit is basically a myth. It doesn’t really exist in China.


yeah no shit, my post was sarcastic and making fun of op / default redditors on china. wtf is going on in this sub


Yeah no shit I’m the OP. My point was social credit is a myth but if you even touch Taiwan you’re gonna get fucking cancelled in China. Acknowledging real shit in China annoyed everyone here and drunk posting so whatever.




What’s the Serb one? I speak Slovene and understand a bit of Serbian but can’t think of what you’re referring to


they call bosnians ‘balija’, albanians ‘šiptari’ bosnians and croats call serbians ‘vlasi’


Interesting. The main slur in Slovenia is just calling everyone else Bosnian lol


wtf I didn’t know slovenes hated us I thought we were cool whats the word for gypsies in slovenia? we call them cigani (offensive)


Yeah we call them cigani too, but I didn’t know that was a slur, I thought that’s literally the word for gypsy lol my bad! We don’t hate Bosnians, it’s more like calling people rednecks in the US. Slovenes like to think of themselves as ✨European✨ whereas bosanci embody balkanism


yea it’s technically a slur, it’s just that nobody cares because everyone in the region hates them anyway. and I think the gypsies have kind of reclaimed it now but calling a bosnian ‘balija’ or a serb ‘vlah’ is deeply offensive


Croats don't calls Serbs Vlasi/Vlaji, especially since Vlah doesn't mean Serb. Inhabitants of coastal areas of Dalmatia will sometimes call anyone from the Dalmatian hinterlands *Vlaj*, but it mostly doesn't have any ethnic connotations. Pejorative term for Serbs in Croatia is Četnik. Or sometimes just calling someone Serb is considered pejorative, depending on the context.


oh my bad only bosnians then calling someone četnik is like calling a german a nazi though, I don’t think it counts as a slur (not creative enough) I know bosnians and serbs also refer to croats as ustaše sometimes too


I usually just call them the Mexicans of Europe


Most countries outside of the West haven't been blessed with 3rd world immigration


are you calling the atlantic slave trade third world immigration


Because most of them are the third world


What does this comment mean? The word we're talking about (I would write it but reddit might have an autoban or something) has absolutely nothing to do with "3rd world immigration"