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Poor fuckin dog this dude should get broken on the wheel


I thought it was just a handful of breeders who found some weird dwarf dog genes, but many of these pages have tens of thousands of likes on each photo. Tons of people are unironically into these dogs. About 85% latino, 10% black, and 5% everything else - so there must be something cultural we're missing.


I saw one of these IRL two halloweens ago. It was dressed as a house and wheezing so much from trying to eat a pup cup that its owner had to carry it away. That poor dog was basically a vegetable. I couldn’t help but think the owners were sociopaths


A lot of dogs that are bull breeds that are bred and sold by breeders have serious health problems. A girl I worked with spent over 3k on a French bull dog puppy. She had to sign a bunch of paperwork to the breeders saying that she wouldn’t neuter it, that they would have breeding rights, that she would never sell or give away the dog etc. Like three weeks after she bought it, this thing ate its food too fast (because apparently that’s a thing with flat faced/bull dogs) and choked to death. She paid 3k to have a dog for a few weeks.


Why do wammin love hideous ugly broken dogs Or stupidly big impractical dogs while living in an apartment in a city. I'm at the point where I support the Deutsch and their rules around taxes for dogs, too many fuck ass City people are owning dogs and using them as accessories. Fr I was at Ikea a couple weeks ago and counted 15 dogs in the 90-odd minutes I was there. Why. Leave your fucking dog at home .


Substitutes for children.


Be glad they don’t have children; they’d Gypsy Rose them


In general shady dog breeder, pet shop, exotic animal hoarder always has been a bit of a sham hustle and just one of those things that you can skirt a lot of legalities because there's situations where you're not really doing anything against the law. There's pretty much money to be made on selling the idea of instant joy and gratification of owning a pet and obviously you can cover yourself in "no refunds" or just skip town all together when the pet's borrowed time hits its short expiry. Anybody can falsify stuff like various shots and being checked out, and there's all sorts of plausible deniability stuff like dogs croaking of some seemingly freak accident things when the thing had some underlying disease the entire time.


The first time I saw one of these dogs online I immediately clocked that the owners would be kinda fat Chicano mommas boys from South LA. It just makes sense.


i think it just boils down to the pride in ownership.


One was sold for 300k from the US to China and back to the US again. They made a whole promo vid with limos and flags and stuff for the china-us handover


This breed is equal parts horrifying and hilarious. How is intentionally creating these things not animal cruelty.


You should see what we do to food animals. Chickens with breasts so big they can't stand up, then never let them see natural sunlight ever.


I used to break down chicken carcasses for a restaurant and handling the breasts was always disgusting. They were freakishly large and the fibers extremely tough. Having a muscle so forcefully engorged like that must be so painful. Poor chickens, they’ve been bred into filthy half alive meat blocks.


It's amazing to think that chickens came from T-Rexes too. Closest living ancestor if I remember correctly 


They didn't come from T-Rexes, they came from older prehistoric birds. They're only related in the context of both being therapods.


Whatever nerd let me have fun 


Maybe check that last scentence lolol E: oh wait your saying are chickens are living, I'm dumb


Please don’t remind me of this. I prefer to remain in blissful ignorance instead of exercising the discipline necessary to be a vegetarian.


then u get to cope abt how you still support the shitty egg and milk industry i dont have the fortitude to go full vegan tbh




factory farmed chickens taste like shit either way. farmers' markets are your friend.


Buy pasture raised. I think to call a chicken pasture raised each chicken needs 100 sqft of space. These chicken are happy and healthier because they get to eat worms and bugs and walk around.


I have news for you, I worked on an organic farm that did pasture raised chicken -- it's the same breeds that can't stand up or walk so they just sit under a shade cloth with food on one side and water on the other and they're still pretty happy but they don't walk around or eat worms.


Fuck. Is it because of giving them hormones to make them excessively large? If a chicken package says pasture raised and hormone free, does that solve the problem?


hormone free is One of those industry terms that makes people feel good but doesn't mean anything Like when a gluten-free label gets slapped on something that was never supposed to contain gluten in the first place (because there were regulations put in place meaning that no animal is treated with hormones in the US, And when you see antibiotic free that actually means that animals are culled - or killed-- instead of being treated with antibiotics and waiting the appropriate amount of time for The medicines to leave their system etc (there are also other regulations on what types of medications can be used for animals meant for consumption vs pet animals)


Thanks for the knowledge my brotha. Do the chickens just get excessively large from breeding them to be that way/over feeding them?


You can definitely get a true worm eating chicken but you will need to go to a farmers market and you will pay a premium, I’m talking like 30-40 dollars plus for a 3-4 pound broiler. You want to find someone who is raising their birds in chicken tractors or a similar system.


its not that hard




Yeah but we don’t show them off, they have a purpose besides vanity.


The purpose of going into $17 chipotle bowls, one thimble of meat at a time.


that's the price of freedom motherfucker!!!!!




Yes having a slightly better tasting meal is so much more purposeful than being a pet.


They should force factory meat producers to put recent photos of their facilities on their packaging


the chickens can recover if theyre put on a natural diet and exercise lifestyle these dogs not so much


Is that even true? I think selective breeding has encouraged huge birds that grow incredibly quickly, and they grow so fast that it’s bad for their bodies and they can barely walk. Not just over feeding and lack of movement.


they a lil thicka than the rest but yea they can live normal chicken lives in a normal chicken environment


Prove it


i cantttttt ive never rescued one myself but i live near a tyson factory and was a horse girl growing up and at least as of 10 years ago knew a few that my trainer claimed fell off a tyson truck


Okay I believe you




Smashed and slammed.


Can he run or is he too smashed and slammed


This dawg is in pain.


they took his ass out of the cycle of samsara


actually they just doubled it, he is in immense psychic pain


Not to worry - the epigenetic age of the clone is the same as the original so they will die at the same time The circle can be bent but not broken


is epigenetic the word of the day


his soul cannot move on


well at least they can't maul anyone


idk they are baby size….


Don't worry they can barely move


this is the only type of shit i find funny anymore. some of these pages are so ridiculous like they make graphics with nukes going off in the background to celebrate breeding two inbred dogs named bape and hydro


[sorry for the shit sub (saw this somewhere else but couldn't find the source) but yeah this shit is great. peak brainrot. honestly incredible how people have spent the past 100, 200 years breeding the most ugliest fucked up abominations and celebrate that shit like they solved world hunger](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/1bmhpc1/2x_pimpy_3x_bape/) edit: [extended](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qule97BNl9c)


Good god that is hilarious. I did not find any of this funny until about 15 seconds into that video and now I'm just cry/scream laughing so much it hurts. Thank you.


Pimpy son opp




np Here's the full collection of them from the guy who makes them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qule97BNl9c


Its so entertaining. I like going to the Bullydex to find their most inbred work.


Do they have a wiki for their travesties 😭


More of a Pokedex than a wikipedia, but yes they do.


didn't know they were that small


Pretty amazing(?) how breeders took medium sized pibbles and shrunk them down to pug size in so few generations.


Three cheers for inbreeding




Genuinely, if cloning is mundane enough that people regularly bring back dogs, monkeys, etc… how come, in the nearly thirty years since Dolly the Sheep, there’s no evidence anyone has tried with a human? Yeah, I get laws were quickly passed in many jurisdictions to circumvent the possibility, but given all the rich guys obsessed with life extension, you’d think someone would be willing to throw millions at the relevant experts and, even if they’d tried to keep it secret, it’d have a high likelihood of leaking by now.


I'm sure there is some rich old person living house of the scorpions style. The logistics don't add up, it takes a long time to grow a human to maturity. Then you have to find someone willing to euthanize and harvest the organs that you need.


What's the point? With a pet, which has no agency, you could at least pretend it's the same one back from the dead – and oftentimes it's not even the same, multi-colored coat animals "come back" with slight but visible differences. A human would definitely "come back" different, and you'll have to spend 18 years plus effort and education to get some use of them, if you for example clone a brilliant scientist or artist or athlete.


I'm sure there are many pervs out there who would like to clone somebody just to fuck them. No education or much effort needed for that.


Maybe someone in China or somewhere like that has done it, but as others have said, there’s no point in doing it with humans. You still need a surrogate mother to gestate them and you still need to raise the child as any normal person. There is no reason not to just conceive a normal way. It’s just an identical twin that isn’t the same age as the original subject. A wholly separate person.


but wouldn’t this really rich guys that are obsessed with living forever not want to keep a few clones of them as a 100% compatible blood and organ farm?


No that’s fucking stupid. How would that even work? Have them grow up and live their entire lives in some sort of prison?


After all of the Epstein stuff and the fact that all the rich and famous people in the world were traveling to an island on the Lolita Express to fuck kids, I am perfectly willing to believe a billionaire would keep a person alive in a hidden little cell somewhere on one of their vast estates if it meant prolonging their life.


None of those girls grew up there though. Having surrogate mothers birth little girls to spend their entire childhood on the island and be raised to entertain the Clintons someday is on a whole other level.


why would they be raised? to them those clones would be as valuable as the chicken they eat for lunch. They could just keep them in some sort of medically induced coma and only use them when needed


This is even stupider than your other comment. I don’t think Bill Gates flys down there to bang atrophied vegetables.


JESUS FUCKING CHRIST are you daft? i am talking about using clones as a 100% compatible organ and blood farm. I am not talking about Epstein or whatever


The comment you replied to was about Epstein


The real story is Fentanyl Jr beating back the hair loss https://i.imgur.com/TRdLUh6.jpeg


Fentanyl Jr is the perfect name. Memo received.


This man needs to be in jail and anyone hyping him up is sick in the head


Island of Dr Moreau tier horrors


YUP! Corona Virus x Dropped Drawers with Zkittlez bloodline next.


I want the most deformed dog imaginable. Like Fly 2 levels of grotesquery. Give me a dog who’s every waking second is spent in agony.


They would probably euthanize it and then start over 


I hate these dogs




Edgy as fuck bro. Good one


He's making a good point actually


these photos upset me so much.


Lmao this dude looks just like you would think




Dog subcultures are so interesting


Looks like a fucking gargoyle.


I don’t hate the dog because it’s not his fault but I wish ill on anyone who was involved in this There is no way he isn’t in pain 😔


my neighbour has a dog exactly like this. it is not one of gods creatures.


2x Pimpy 3x Bape


Pimpy Son Opp


Devilspawn (Dog and owner)


Inbreeding freakish dogs and treating them like weed strains 🇺🇸


these are the same people that slam/camber their cars


Wait if it's only like the size of a pug then it's kinda ok? Fuck it, go wild. Make one with six legs.


I am 100% for these types of nannies over the other types tbh.


This is so inhumane Jesus Christ


Who the fuck would even buy these


They have conventions for these things that get hundreds (thousands?) of attendees on each coast and in multiple countries (the Philippines, in particular, absolutely loves these; the Manilla convention is gigantic). They go for a couple of thousand each and you can mail order frozen bully sperm for a couple hundred


Ngl I think if you breed dogs like this you should die, I seen the local mental bloke at the canal the other day (stomach stab wounds on show, pint in hand) and he was showing me his genetic abomination of a dog’s parents and I thought it was so cruel but I told him it was cute cos he once threatened to blow himself and the police up with gas tanks and has a crossbow so now he is my pal


What the fuck is this cursed demon of a dog


I just looked this psycho up on IG… comments limited on every post lmao. He must get a lot of hate.


Baby sushi is still the goat


Obsessed with baby sushi. RIP


Looks like a bug


It’s surprisingly smaller than I expected. It’s an abomination and shouldn’t be bred but I do love an ugly pet.


i hate that i find this hideously deformed dog kind of cute


If this guy cloned a dog for 50 grand nobody can convince me that there aren’t clones of rich and powerful people running around. Imagine raising your clone like your own child . All you would need was a human surrogate mother . That’s probably what xaea12 is 


More of a China Mac man myself


Selective Breeding and the Birth of Redrum


I just know that thing ribbits 


It looks like a mongrel


Experiment 626


What type of dog is that? I had one like that I found while hiking on the woods once, all beaten up with her skin all sliced up apparently by fighting a black bear or something. They're fucking ugly.