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I'm not dying for Ukraine or Taiwan, either.


Only thing I'm dying for is a cold beer 🍺


Israeli enjoy a cold cervesa right about now!


Nice pun man really good stuff


Haha hell yeah


I'd Die for Mother Armenia






Armenian women.😍


get and up and go then don’t play the diaspora tough guy on reddit


plenty of opportunities to lately having followed the syrian war, it’s especially depressing to think of all the armenian refugees who started a new life in artsakh only to be once again violently uprooted by The Turk


Many returned back to Syria, [the Armenian Syrian population has almost fully recovered.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fumzbb3cu7lc21.png) The problem is the economic situation in Syria now, and also jihadist sleeper cells.


I ain’t dying for any of them either!


I've received a lot of downvotes on this site for saying Taiwan is not worth starting a world war over, and that China having a fixation on this island is not sufficient to call them a warmongering nation with imperialistic ambitions. They've wanted to reclaim this island even before they had any battleships or planes but in all other respects they are pretty introverted for an economic superpower of 1.4 billion people. I think the idea of being a world hegemon is foreign to their culture and mentality. In Middle Ages they had largest naval fleet in the entire world, they could've colonize half of the planet but they just didn't care for anything outside of China.


They do seem to care about Vietnam's territorial waters, for whatever reason.


It's still ultimately nothing new. Specifically in regards to Vietnam, Their maps from 1980s show even greater pretensions than what they're claiming today. What I'm objecting to is all this being presented as if China has been getting more emboldened and their appetites are growing, when in reality they're just contesting same old stuff. It's like your neighbour becoming a billionaire and still arguing about the same 20 yards of fence.


Yeah China’s current disputes were claimed by the Qing Dynasty and the Nationalists as well. It’s not new expansionism. I don’t think we should just let China take its maximum claims but China as a threat beyond its claimed borders is severely overblown.


That dispute has been going on since the Qing dynasty and the French colonial government of Indochina.


they care deeply about the south china sea. you see it in their policy towards the philppines too. they really do not want to be boxed in by hostile countries


[they offered to demilitarize the SCS as a peace offering](https://x.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1750327845845668165). but america was so offended by that because they viewed it as a challenge to their ability to do imperialism in the SCS In the media, they reported on this event but changed the actors, with america offering peace and china reneging on the deal


this doesn't contradict what i said


Its called making conversation captain autismo


But our chips


This is because you don’t understand the economies of scale of the microchip industry. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it doesn’t make strategic sense. People on this sub act like strategic decisions are made arbitrarily when in reality thousands of data drones are calculating the Nash equilibrium of every geopolitical policy decision down to the minutia.


China has been claiming Taiwan since before microchip was even a notion and will not stop claiming it once Taiwan loses monopoly in this industry.


Did you not read what I wrote? It absolutely is worth starting a world war over. China has territorial claims and america needs it to remain independent for the global microchip supply chain, both would escalate the conflict to that level


I imagine building a few domestic chip fabs would require less effort than a global war


Don’t worry. You’re not dying for them. You’re dying for American big capital interests.


no i'm not lmao, they're building a chip manufacturing plant in Ohio, shit's a done deal Taiwan's toast if it comes to it


idiotic to think there ever be a draft again, they got robots to kill people now


Conservatives complain about 🚂s in the military but they clearly don’t know who flies the drones and operates in COINTELPRO.


“sksksksk JDAMs are such a gemini thing”


If Ukraine and Russia shows anything it's that you still get drafted, and then a robot kills you.


I agree with you. I don't know why people keep mentioning fitness or technological know-how as to why America doesn't want to or can't really institute a draft... when you need cannon fodder, they'll send about anyone.


That’s not why a draft will never come back. There almost certainly will come a day when we need to drastically increase the size of our professional army, but it won’t be by a draft, because pissing off random people by rounding them up, conscripting them, then arming, training and releasing them back into the regular world is a recipe for ~destabilization~. Having a bunch of insane Iraq/Afghanistan vets running around is bad enough, but imagine if they weren’t already self-selected as people who are unlikely to rock the boat.


I keep trying to tell people that the last time we did a draft for a conflict abroad, it resulted in a level of domestic unrest that bordered on civil war. Imagine how that would be magnified in the age of social media.


They’d probably not have a hard time controlling it given that they’re about to ban the only popular social media that doesn’t follow the approved narrative.


If they couldn't clamp down dissent when there were three (3) TV stations, they can't do it for a gazillion different social networks.


> they can't do it for a gazillion different social networks. That isn't correct from how I understand. My understanding is TikTok has completely wiped out all competition Instagram and Facebook and Twitter off'd itself. Tiktok has no actual competition.


and who's going to stop them? Americans will hopelessly march into war like cattle to the slaughter. we are fucked. there is no real dissent in America anymore. when have we ever stopped our country from recklessly going to war, seriously?


>when have we ever stopped our country from recklessly going to war, seriously? The backlash to Vietnam scared the American elite so badly that no president was prepared to enter the US into a long-term conflict until 2001, and even then it took the biggest attack since Pearl Harbor to make Americans comfortable with it. Even in Iraq, they never did a draft. They did stop-losses, they lowered recruitment standards, they brought in mercenaries, but they never even *considered* conscription because, much like Putin now, the US understands that it is a bad idea.


I think given the current state of leadership in Washington, not listening to anybody who isn't a lobbyist, willing to call its own people terrorist-supporters or Putin-lovers if they even slightly dissent from the official line, and this elite's combination with the corporate and media complexes, and their control of these levers... it may not matter in the future to these elites what the plebes think about the draft and the draft policy, is what I'm trying to say.


Both the military and political elites are still very opposed to a draft. And instituting a draft in today’s political climate would create massive civil unrest. It’s not happening.


I think you think too highly of these elites, and underestimate what they are capable of, so we will have to agree to disagree.


The Silicon Valley types who run Social Media shill for the PMC and the PMC have a distaste for the draft and military as right wing and poor coded. They’re not going to do shit to repress opposition to a draft.


> I keep trying to tell people that the last time we did a draft for a conflict abroad, it resulted in a level of domestic disturbance that bordered on civil war. Imagine how that would be magnified in the age of social media. That is a major reason given why the USSR ended.


they'll just import 10 million migrants and fit them with explosive collars and apple vision goggles with real time ai translation showing them where to point the gun


If the draft was never really contemplated during the heights of the Iraq War and Afghanistan (where we were actually occupying countries), it won’t be for the foreseeable future no matter what happens in Israel, Ukraine, or Taiwan.


I recall they pulled a kind of draft-lite, with a few tricks like extending members' lengths of service and relying a lot on National Guard troops (who perhaps hadn't appreciated that they could end up overseas).


Exactly, they would just abuse the National Guard and Reserves and/or offer huge enlistment bonuses to get numbers


Only one weekend a month (in Taiwan under fire)


Anyone who joins the guard is very aware they will go overseas at some point, people who joined pre 9/11 did get kind of hosed ill give you that


Taiwan is the only one I could see (large war with China), but you have to realize how linked all of them are, and, in turn, how much of the global economy revolves around access to microprocessors made in Taiwan. But what do I care I’m 35, have fun kids.


And a war in Taiwan from the U.S. perspective would almost exclusively be the burden of the Navy and a bit of the Air Force. It would look very different from our previous wars in the Middle East. Not sure large manpower numbers would be a necessity.


You’re forgetting that George W. Bush loved America, our future overlords do not


Truly no president has had America’s best interests at heart like ‘ol W and his handler Dick. 




Israel and Ukraine are currently at war with no sign of US soldiers and a war with Taiwan would be a highly technical naval war that wouldn’t need conscription. This fear of the draft is literally a Liberal neurosis that doesn’t bear it out. The generals don’t want a draft either because the army is too technical these days. If the military needs more numbers they’ll do what they did during Iraq. Let felons and immigrants serve, raise bonuses and call up the national guard. Oh and put white guys in the ads again.


Americans are too fat to be drafted, the army would have to start up-armoring mobility scooters for combat. Imagine the fear in the enemy's heart when he hears the whine of an electric motor struggling under the weight of a True Patriot 🇺🇸


Why do you think ozempic got released to the public recently 


This is literally the truth. [The CDC said in 2022 "...only 2 in 5 young adults are both weight-eligible and adequately active."](https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/downloads/unfit-to-serve-062322-508.pdf) [The DoD said in 2020 that "...the most prevalent disqualification rates are overweight (11%), drug abuse (8%), and medical/physical health (7%)"](https://prod-media.asvabprogram.com/CEP_PDF_Contents/Qualified_Military_Available.pdf)**


i said it in another comment, but there is no real dissent in America. I hate to use the word cuck, but that's the only way i can describe how sheepishly Americans accept their leaders going recklessly to war and dragging them along with them. the manufacturing consent machine is strong as ever. After Vietnam, a thinking, modern nation would have never followed up with Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and yet we did.


That's why they had to do a 9/11 to manufacture the consent necessary to occupy two countries and have the ability to shame into silence anyone of note who opposed the invasions on the grounds of SUPPORT THE TROOPS. I think Americans, since 9/11 and especially now post-Trump, COVID, BLM, January 6th, are not susceptible to deep events like a 9/11 as they used to be. 9/11 pretty much did galvanize most of the entire country. January 6th was supposed to bring the Dems more power by painting MAGAheads as insurrectionists but idk if that's really materialized. But it's true when it comes to foreign policy, Americans have no belief in themselves to be able to affect anything


The draft is a liberal neurosis left over from Vietnam. No one wants a draft. The Army generals you think are chomping at the bit to send good broccoli haired American youth into machine gun fire have said again and again that a draft doesn’t meet the needs of Americas modern military. And any congress that voted for it would be voted out in short order.


> And any congress that voted for it would be voted out in short order. Nah they'd be fine. 95 percent of Americans loathe congress but the same fuckwhits get reelected every time. I genuinely don't think there's anything they could do that would result in some sort of mass expulsion from office. Nancy Pelosi could eat a live baby on CSPAN and she'd win reelection.


They loathe congress but like their representative how much are they going to like that representative when they’ve voted to forcefully send them to war. And they are certainly not going to risk it for something the generals don’t even want.


I don't think there will be a draft either, I just don't think members of congress worried about their reelection is a significant factor.


Maybe they’ll vote for it just after the election is over. They’d get voted out in the next election possibly.


My kinda personal theory would be what Russia and Ukraine are currently doing now, convict fighters. Highest prison population in the world here, plenty of able bodied men. Names out of a hat and drafting an avocado toast NYC liberal would never fly, but a commutation of a sentence to go off to Ukraine I think would. In this way too, even if they go AWOL once they're over, they're now another country's problem.


Probably depends on who’s in prison. If you’re only in for 1-4 years or so, those guys probably aren’t risking dying to get out of prison.  If you’ve got 10 years or more, much better chance.


Average federal sentence is about 13 years. In this scenario federal prisoners would probably be the first to be released, as states would probably have to fight it in court over it and/or allow themselves into a program or whatever. Still, I think that's the first thing that will happen if more manpower is needed. During the height of Iraq a lot of moral waivers were granted and many people got cases dismissed in exchange for joining the army. So imo this would just be one step further.


Though in Iraq, we were going off of the momentum of the twin towers getting destroyed by terrorists. Easy enough to rally so much support you could meet recruitment numbers. Despite how people virtue signal, Ukraine and Taiwan getting attacked like 5000 miles away won’t have the same impact.


I’ve been saying to my friends for months: If you want to see the US version of early Gilets Jaunes, try to force American citizens to go to war for Israel. *tout ce qui bouge n'est pas rouge*


They hated him because he spoke the truth


They wouldn’t have any trouble at all instituting a new draft. A week’s propaganda from CNN/MSNBC about how opposing the draft is racist/conspiracy theory/“alt right” and Reddit and social media about how not wanting to be sent to war is cringe/sus/boomer/“murdered by words” and most libs and gen z will be on board. Propaganda is effective and quick and always works.


Yeah I think the propaganda machine is 100 times better than any time in human history. "Only racists try to shirk the draft. Are you racist?"


Yes, in fact I am!


Then you sir, are not qualified to serve, I hope you have a nice life while your anti-racist peers go fight World War III.


If the game plan is calling people nazis or racist for skirting the draft, that will really backfire.


Seemed to work for those who opposed covid mandates lol.


I'm dying for the parties and the good times


I thought everyone already was signed up for selective service when they turned 18


Nope, you're required to register yourself by law, but it does require you to fill out the paperwork to sign up.


Basically people are pissed off they got rid of the paperwork involved


Correct, they no longer give you the option to commit the "crime" of not registering.


That depends by location, for example in Seattle (not sure if this is a city/county/state policy) they just ask. If you say no, they allow you to do that. The House just tried to make this mandatory and it's considered unlikely to pass the Senate. [https://reason.com/2024/06/15/house-passes-bill-to-automatically-register-young-men-for-the-draft/](https://reason.com/2024/06/15/house-passes-bill-to-automatically-register-young-men-for-the-draft/) This says it's automatic in 46 of 50 states. [https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2024-06-21/is-it-time-for-women-to-register-for-the-draft-congress-considers-a-change](https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2024-06-21/is-it-time-for-women-to-register-for-the-draft-congress-considers-a-change)


No one's going to be sent to “die for Israel” Israel can handle their own fights and in all the wars Israel has fought the US has never directly supported them with soldiers.


American beer, Israeli gun lol


Macs are US made. Uzis are israeli ☝️🤓


Oh shit that’s not an uzi? Wild!


Nerd 🤓


None of the draft dodge crowd look like this


I'll die for whoever America tells me to die for.


This entire thing is based off a change in service enrollment, everyone (men) already registered for the draft, this is just automating it. Once again this is just absolute fucking re✝️ards misunderstanding something and letting it cause them debilitating anxiety.


It's not about anxiety, it's that America is hopelessly addicted to endless futile war abroad, and we have never had a real discussion at any level about the direction of our foreign policy, so why the hell should any of us trust the powers that be, who are currently fine to let their vassal state hunt down every last Ukrainian to die via drone in some frozen field? These elites are not loyal to America, they are are loyal to the military industrial complex and the Blob. It's reasonable to not trust any military or foreign policy coming out of Washington right now.


What? We haven’t had a draft in over 50 years, you people are genuine re✝️ards