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I’m a bit older than you and honestly, it still gives me depression. I don’t hate rich people on a personal level but I’m honestly considering giving up enjoying ‘arts and culture’ related hobbies for a long time because of the almost suicidal despair I feel when I realize that that the person who wrote and researched the book/art I’m enjoying is 99% from at least an upper middle class family. The fact that all my dream careers were out of reach due to a lack of wealth and support caused me great anguish for most of my twenties (and to be honest, all I dreamed of as a kid was a career I loved, didn’t want a family or anything). As lower class trash it feels like all I’m allowed in life is to be worked to death. (See? It’s making me self-pitying and I don’t like it)


It's like a quiet type of despair, having the ability to exhibit even to the point where you win some awards, you don't get paid when you are published on the front cover of a magazine, all the internships are unpaid, the mentors are creepy and you just stagnate. There is no big break unless you risk the finest of chances being in a very vulnerable position, maybe even penniless for awhile so you sell out and live a smaller life for the sake of survival. I recently broke down thinking about Khadija Saye, an artist who died in Grenfell tower who had just exhibited at the Venice Biennale. The fire was a completely avoidable tragedy that was brought about largely by the many failures of the Tory government. Something like four hundred buildings still have the exact same cladding that could so easily catch alight and kill the residents inside and no one cares. You could be wildly talented but the poverty you are surrounded by is the ultimate silencer. I wonder of the vast amount of stories, groundbreaking narratives and layered dimensions we lack throughout all of the arts today when only the exceedingly rich can make it in any impactful way.


If it makes you feel any better 99% of the upper class artists don't make it either. They'll fall back into their safe careers and their art will disappear same as yours.


A core memory of mine from childhood is watching Arthur walk around his house at night with a flashlight and how comfy it felt to me. I couldn't stop thinking about it so a few days later I stayed up all night and waited until 2:30AM to walk around my house wrapped in a blanket with my flashlight while my parents and siblings slept. One of my neighbours thought our house was being B+E'd and called the police. I was too afraid to admit it was me and now my family, still to this day, believes someone "must have had a key" and broke into our house to walk around with a flashlight, not steal anything or hurt anyone, then leave and lock the door behind them.


Awww that's cute


Hahaha thank you for this best comment I've read on here in a while 


Arthur is why I’m a huge Steven Crowder fan


I totally feel this, and I also spend way too much time letting it bother me. I think the most aggravating thing is talking to people who just don't understand what actual poverty is and how it actually affects people. Even if you're just upper-middle class you have a ton of advantages that impoverished people don't. When I first started working in LA to work in Hollywood, so many people I met, even in lower positions, had parents who were like state congressman or successful businesspeople. My first job there I was making $20/hr, and that was more than anyone in my family (including my parents) was making. The first networking coffee I had was with a girl who worked in TV and I asked for advice about getting your first apartment in LA, and she said "Oh, idk. My aunt moved to her house in Veil when COVID happened and she let me stay at her vacant place."


ya and just think, you likely have way more earning potential and cultural capital compared to the 85% of the US population who don’t have graduate degrees. you can get pretty far sucking up to your rich colleagues, but i think you’ll get much farther if you stay true to yourself, hating them


Francine is a hardcore Zionist regardless of her working class background.


Yes, I am well aware of all the hereditarian clap-trap out there. No, I do not care and do not find it convincing. The greatest divide between humans will always be class. "BUT THIS STUDY CONTROLLED FOR CLASS!!1" No, it controlled for the liberal definition of class.


And what’s the liberal definition of class, precisely?


If it bothers you so much, find a socially awkward one and marry them. Join the team and the problem is solved.




The rich can always solve the alienation created by their wealth by giving it away. It is a simple task, within their agency at all times. If they don’t choose to do it, they have nobody but themselves to blame. Poor people don’t have a choice like that. They can’t simply choose to gain more money.


wanna hear something crazy The same thing reproduces itself up and down the ladder. I'm from a >$150k household and feel the *same way* about my own grad school cohort at Famous U that are, like, mostly children of Ivy League profs and the Connecticut rich-rich who went to Europe every summer growing up. It's hurt me socially, badly, when I mouth off about "startup/finance bros" around some of the guys who could be my keys to conventional success in life. I think I totally understand where you're coming from, even though I'm the very object of your hatred. I think we both need to learn to let it go.


This isn’t really the same though. Someone poor being jealous of someone rich isn’t the same as someone rich being jealous of someone richer. 


Of course you would say that.


Yeah everyone has strong opinions about people on their adjacent rungs. I know dudes in my field making $800k+ that seethe about slaving away at work and still not having a spot at the yacht club. You need to escape the mindset because it leads to a bitterness that will never get resolved. You could win the multi million lottery and still hold resentment towards people with multigenerational old money dowries with billions in assets. I was happy making 60k because that was my lot in life and I'd adjust to make the most of it. Now I make more and I still feel the same way.


Holy shit rich people literally think their jealousy of other richer people is comparable at all to like, going hungry, medical debt, or even just having to worry about bills 😂🤣😭 Also, of course this subreddit in particular would empathize with and respect your position. lol.


“No you see, you and I are so alike. I totally get why you hate me, I hate people who are richer than me too. But that means we’re both wrong.” Using empathy to deflect is such a rich person thing to do too lol


Do you think you would be different?


I don't see how this is specific to this sub, unless you think the juxtaposed position of "I have a deep and personal hatred of everyone with more capital than me whom I meet and it's tearing me apart mentally and spiritually" is something most people would openly admit


I’m from a middle class background, and when I went to college my roommates had trust funds and one girl had servants at home. They had beautiful clothes I could never afford, social etiquette I didn’t understand, and seemed to have been training to be socialites from a young age and were very cliquey. I never really fit in with them. One of them had been getting Ds and Fs all semester, and then asked me “Well can’t I just pay the teachers and ask them to change my grade”.


☹️ yea I did instinctively hate you at first after reading this even though you were being kind. I just hope you realize that you actually are rich and you have nothing to worry about, since you’ll likely never wonder where your next meal is coming from. although perhaps the same could be said about me, like when my Kenyan friend visited my hometown and accused me of lying about being from a rural area, since we had running water and paved roads! You however are in a unique position to literally rob those people and donate it to charity so don’t waste that opportunity please!


Being from an upper middle class family in Appalachia makes you by global standards extremely wealthy, as well as going to a good university. There are plenty of people who would be amazed you’ve been on a plane or whatever. You may feel like a peasant who’s stumbled into the nobility but now you’re eating and socializing with them so be mindful of how that would look to the real actual peasants of the world.


I found your post thought-provoking because it's a nudge to be mindful of these things. It's simultaneously true that you've had it easier than others, I've had it easier than you, and others have had it easier than me—in very tangible ways—but also that each of us can make ourselves more or less miserable about our relative status. It's not that it doesn't have real effects, but there's the thing and there's our reaction to the thing. I mean, you're not factually wrong about anything, but from the outside it looks like someone clutching a hot coal for no reason, which is pretty striking, when from the inside it just feels like "being right." Your post made me stop and think and resolve to practice more compassion both for my housemate from gods-and-guns Louisiana who's *absolutely fucking made it* just getting here and probably feels way in over his head, and for my swaggering loudmouth labmate whose startup just got a few mil in funding. Not because of how much either one of them deserves it, but because why keep clutching the hot coal?


This shit goes downstream as well as upstream. Now think of how your neighbors living in trailers felt about your family and you. You are rich and posh in many people's eyes, they envy and resent you. Do you feel rich and posh? It's all about perspective. Hating on people is like drinking poison and expecting *them* to die. Don't do that to yourself. Live your life not other people's lives.


it doesnt rly, no.




You're more normal than him I think. Like at least you're self aware. Don't think you gotta beat yourself up about it though as long as you like, stay humble n shit feel me


Just vent your frustrations at your local DSA chapter. I’m pretty sure most, if not all, have the same resentment.


i go to university with a lot of rich people and i get you. i don't envy them in my day to day life because i kinda forget but then when i see them spend a month of groceries worth of money on a single drink i start to realise our differences in class. it's not hatred bute moreso of a depressing reality check for me


What kinda drink costs a whole month’s worth of groceries


rich people alcohol


I’m going to address one portion of your post You know that lots of poor people live in big cities right? If you want to move to a big city on the east coast, you need to put on your big person pants, network in your field and apply to jobs in the cities you want  to live in. It’s hard, but it’s not like overwhelmingly, impossibly hard. You’re going to have a masters degree.


Let your hate flow through you. Hating is motivating.


Oh buddy tell me about it, I'm 27 and I just got my master's degree. I started in the PhD program, but to make a long story short, my current PI didn't have enough funding for me to continue as a PhD student. I *really* want to get a full doctoral degree, so I'm in communication with other labs right now who *love* my work but wouldn't be able to take me until Fall of 2025. I just got off an interview for a PhD position at University of Toronto that seems like an incredible fit for my research goals; the PI encouraged me to start writing proposals to get ahead. I was really hoping that the rolling admissions would be available to Americans buts its only for domestic students. I have another interview later today for a staff scientist position in a university lab, in the research triangle.  I am so, so, so torn right now between getting a better paying big girl industry/staff scientist job versus starting a PhD over again. On one hand, I am *tired* of being poor and I hate the idea of finishing a PhD after turning 32. Because then I have like, 3 years to enjoy having more money before I need to have kids if I want kids.  If I went into industry, I would have almost 10 years of excellent disposable income before settling down and whatnot. But also, in industry, I wouldn't be able to pursue my research passions.  I briefly dated a faculty member at my grad school and her whole family, from the time of her grandfather, were Ivy league academic professors. She already knew how the system worked, and what ropes to pull when she had roadblocks. Dating her really opened my ideas to how much of streamlined academic success is often due who you know and what upbringing you've had


You can always find people who have more than you and have less than you, comparison is a fruitless mental exercise though, you’re just going to make yourself miserable. Make the right connections and understand that even if you don’t personally like someone, it could help your career, it’s not a friendship. You absolutely still can make it in a big city if you didn’t come from money, there’s enough industries that are still meritocratic enough where you will get paid if you are good at what you do.


Lmfao this idiot still thinks there's a meritocracy


Maybe instead of playing video games made for children, you should focus on being good at your job, and you wouldn’t have to create cope on why you’re in such a shitty position in life.


You had to go pretty far back in my history to know I play games. What a neurotic waste of time. And no, I don't think the game in which a bear fucks me is for children. BTW I'm fucking awesome at almost everything I do, and I have the credentials to prove it. Take that however you want because I won't prove it to you. But I digress: I've been through it and that's why I know firsthand that nepotism is far more valuable than capability/merit in the job market. If you can't acknowledge that you've been handed everything on a silver platter but think it's because you're so special and gifted and totally unique from the rest. Go pop a molly at your generic EDM cess pool and have another enlightening experience about how the world works. Fucking ravers, man . . ✌️


It’s the first thing that pops up lmao, Reddit showcases your “active in” subreddits loser. Yes it is a neurotic waste of time to play fantasy video games. You don’t sound successful given you’re bitching about how unfair it is lmao, good luck buddy, maybe the fantasy bear fucking will help you escape NEETdom


Wouldn't know that, using the app. It's about the same waste of time as jumping around to some over-hyped nerd on their computer while minmaxxing the coke, LSD, ketamine, mdma, and whip-its just to blow some dirty roided dicks. Enjoy the HPV. Didn't bitch about anything other than your unsubstantiated claim that we live in a meritocracy - elucidate yourself. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4896/


Lmao whatever you have to tell yourself loser. Better just keep being a gamer NEET since you’ll never be successful with all the nepotism.


Honestly, I can be annoyed by but not resent wealthy people for having advantages. often there where they’re at as a result of multiple generations of people progressively improving their lives through a combination of hard work, education, and luck. Im hoping my kids or their kids can one day not have to be so gripped by the existential dread that a lack of wealth can create. The reason I resent wealthy people these days is because they are the biggest proponents of woke/social justice crap that they shove down everyones throat and moralize about incessantly. Its actually privileged people “acknowledging” their privilege but not because they are rich, they try and dump this “moral burden” with every white person. Its a massive deflection they cling to desperately to avoid talking about class. Personally Ive had to deal with these people on a regular basis and I mostly just feel pity. Their circumstances often warp them into perpetual adult children. Take pride in what you can accomplish knowing that you were the major determining factor in your own success and that you are being toughened to deal with the vagaries of life. Many of these people know that they are essentially children too and its a deep source of embarrassment for them, which is why so many are so quick to try to divert the blame to a burden shared by anyone who looks like them. I personally have a deep sense of pride in my siblings and I having worked our asses off so we can be self sufficient. No shade on my parents, they’ve always done everything they could for us, but not having someone to dole out cash whenever you need it will mold you into a person with real character.


It's like you read my thoughts all through grad school, right down to the private school thing. Idk how to make it either in an expensive ass city. But if you're getting invited to weddings then maybe you can leverage those connections for better opportunities, even if it feels uncomfortable.


Have you tried getting over it


Millionaires are fine. Billionaire's only get there by extreme greed. Then they have the cheek to lobby and control governments so their views end up over represented by a factor of a Million. 


$150,000/year as a household?? That’s the threshold for hatred?? That’s fuck all in today’s day and age. Our household income when I went to university was ~$350,000 and I didn’t have any special advantages or connections lol. Be mad at your school district’s curriculum, or your parents for not instilling the values you needed (when I was a child we were “grow a big garden or we don’t eat in the winter” poor), but hating what you call “rich” people is whiny and indicative of cope You’re in fucking grad school acting like you’re oppressed. Higher education is a privileged that automatically means you’re doing better than a majority of the rest of the country. Learn how to kiss ass to your rich colleagues and stop seething, or graduate and move to a city with a lower cost of living so you can LARP as a big fish.


Nothing to comment besides I hate your writing style. Very condescending with little actual information it’s peak reddit style.  


It has been written by bloated fingers with chirped black nails, funnily enough. Can't buy class.


What kind of information did you want exactly? My first language is Ukrainian and I am drunk watching thunderstorm while you sneed xaxaxaxaxax


There’s no information in your post except you came from a household of 350k+ and think it didn’t help you and that OP should suck it up.


Yeah that’s about all I intended to say? Did you want hyperlinks to .gov website?


Nothing i enjoy more than being talked down to by some rich grad school student that has life figured out at 24. I’ll write it down in my journal.


We came from nothing and worked very hard to obtain good jobs, more farm land, and secure a good future for children. If you think it is easy to run a family farm operation of 9000 acres without hiring help, maybe it would seem like undeserved advantages. I secured my funding for university on academic scholarship and have no student loans because I worked entire time I was in school (until very recently). It’s not so hard to get ahead in life if you are committed to working hard and making sacrifices. By the time I went to first year of university I had $40,000 saved up and had purchased my own vehicle. Some of my friends are in thousands of dollars of debt because they chose not to work all throughout highschool. I’m not 24 kek but maybe in your head you wish I was snotty rich kid like you see on the television because it takes the sting out of your own situation; whatever that may be






They hated him because he spoke the truth


Many such cases xaxaxa




According to this calculator I found online, $150k literally puts you in the top <1% of wealthiest people on earth so I think it’s you who doesn’t have a clue how money works. Me with my household income of $45k (mostly my husband’s salary) puts us in the top 8.7% of global wealth so I am not “poor people” either, just feeling unstable


> $150k literally puts you in the top <1% of wealthiest people on earth so I think it’s you who doesn’t have a clue how money works "BRo you don't understand it's just all so relative to where you live! Like being in a high COL area just makes all that money into not that much money! Totally ignore why an area has high COL, it has nothing to do with the quality of living!"


That’s a good point. Even with $350,000 (that number included my salary, my parents’, and the farm income) my family can’t just do whatever we want and afford every single luxury. I don’t think you get to the true “idgaf” level of wealth until upwards of $1,000,000/year Two kids in university and paying off the house/vehicles/etc without being in debt leaves MAYBE $30,000/year of savings. Thinking about my friend in highschool who had a psychiatrist mother and anesthesiologist father, even they couldn’t afford to do classic “rich people” shit like constant vacations, multiple homes, super fancy cars, etc. They definitely lived larger than we did though haha


>leaves MAYBE $30,000/year of savings. You too are out-of-touch. 30k/yr in savings is incomprehensible to most people.


That’s bleak. For three salaries of people all working full time jobs plus farming full time, that doesn’t seem like that much


It actually just means that you’re improving your social class. If it makes you feel any better, most of those kids won’t be able to replicate their parents’ level of success nor get a reasonable return on their investment in their education and will spend their entire lives feeling inferior


I sorta know how you feel, but it doesn’t affect me personally because I regularly meet rich people who are stupid, fat, tasteless, ugly, etc. and immediately feel better about myself. Personally, I’ve met more of those types than rich people who have it all (looks, intelligence, taste, talent, etc), but when I meet those rare types, I do temporarily have that lingering sense of envy.


If it bothers you so much, find a socially awkward one and marry them. Join the team and the problem is solved.


Yo honestly I harbored this as well, and it sorta devolved into a quiet resentment into my adulthood that never really found its footing in how I treated people but it definitely had a small store in my brain market. Until I had a kid, really. We aren’t upper class by the common standard where we live but we do set aside money so he can one day, I dunno, go to sleep away camp or get a tutor or whatever, and we like getting him nice clothes. One day I was like “wait, some dude he goes to school with is going to be shitty about this one day” and it sort of hit me all at once how fucked it is. What the hell is all of this “I’d do anything for my kid and I work like hell for my kid and my kid’s wellbeing is the most important thing” if not to get them as well off as possible? In America we idolize hard work (sorta) and sacrifice and then turn around and get cranky about it? Sure that’s not how EVERY kid or adult becomes well off, plenty of money fuckery to be found, most definitely, but what are we even doing it for then? I honestly BARELY care how I set my kid up for success. If I work hard and can get him a good education and make sure he knows how to dress well and can live an active life and whatever else, and some other random kid has something to say, my kid is going to also know to tell him to drink his balls if he’s that thirsty.


As a rich person (by this definition), I agree. It's hard being hated because you have money 😔


Cry about it