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Cora wants him to see a 4th doctor. As many as it takes to get surgery.


I was going to make this joke and then got distracted. Come back to see u/ThicDikDaddy posted it A MINUTE AGO.




Timetable still probably unknown.


I'm blown away that he got 3 different opinions. Typically everyone always wants the no surgery option and then when you get that opinion you stop there. But then he went for a second opinion which is fine, always good to get a second opinion to be completely sure. Okay two people give you the no surgery opinion. Then why are you going to a third? It's like you want surgery


I guess it might be a really esoteric type of injury where if they give the wrong advice it would have serious repercussions if it doesn’t heal right. That’s all I can think.


Cora punching air that he has to find another excuse to bench him.


Maybe the injury isn’t showing improvement making a surgical solution more likely. A thumb injury in the joint or tendon can take forever to clear. They need a bat.


Yoshida: “Just got my hand checked out, doc says I’m good to go” Cora: “Let’s get another opinion” …… Yoshida: “Yup, just confirmed it. Am I good to suit up today?” Cora: “We’re definitely going to need at least one more opinion” …. Yoshida: “Third doctor says I’m good. Can I PLEASE play today?” Cora: “No”


Really not surprised. Cora was begging this injury to be a season ender. He needs to play as soon as possible. We need guys who take pitches and draws walks, especially with Casas out. Pitchers have it too easy against this lineup.


can someone fill me in on why cora is benching him?


He's on the IL with a thumb problem. Before the injury, they were trying to get Devers and TON back in the lineup and with Wilyer, Duran, and Ceddy in the outfield, they didn't want Masa out there.


Which would be reasonable... If he also didn't bench Yoshida and choose to put Heineman at DH


It was one game.


still incredibly stupid, especially if you know you aren't going to be able to get him reps with guys coming back.


He was already dealing with thumb issues at this point, Cora just didn't talk about it.  But the radio broadcast brought it up at the time.


Or maybe the guy who is paid to manage baseball lineups might know just a little bit more than you. Given that the player was already hurt it seems he might have actually made the right decision.


then put him on the IL earlier and get an actual body on the roster, we also used McGuire as a DH after Heineman got injured that game, you can't tell me Heineman is a better hitter than McGuire. I also don't remember what the bench was, but there's no way a defensive catcher who is a career .216 hitter with one career home run in about 100 games is your best option.


Screen name does not checkout.


clicking on my profile you will see the top says maximumhatred, it's an oxymoron I thought of years ago that I've just kept over the years despite it not being that funny/clever.


Idk man, I dig it. You can be asianjeff.


it could be that Cora is just an idiot or not as great a manager as people give him credit. something is definitely up behind the scenes though


He's injured.  Cora isn't benching him lol.


Cora was benching him when he was healthy


He wasn’t healthy then. Lou said his hand issue has been a thing since the Pittsburgh series and he’s just not sure why it was covered up


I really think they might be looking to trade him this year. Might have to eat a good bit of the money, but it doesn’t seem like he is in the long-term plans of the new front office. It would explain why they have been so cautious to protect him as an asset.


It does but also doesn’t. they’ve been careful with everyone (Bello said if it was September he would’ve finished the season etc). I think they basically say ok if you have any sort of injury this year doesn’t matter so let’s be cautious. Which is a double edge sword since you want yoshida to have some sort of value so someone at least wants him


And then Cora said “ Are you sure you don’t need surgery? Looks really bad, maybe you should have career I mean season ending surgery. We’ll get a fourth opinion


It’s funny people here think it’s all up to the coach when a player goes to the doctor. Yall love to hate on Cora for no reason




Through his first two seasons, Devers had a combined 100 OPS+.


I think he was close to breaking out. TON is striking out a lot recently. The last road trip sort of proved what happens when no one is clutch and Yoshi and Casas aren't there for an extra base hit.