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*IT'S ACTUALLY 192 BITS reddit wont let me edit the original* First time delving into computational redstone wish me luck lol OPERATION: There are 3 lines to worry about: - Output - Address - Read Address is the line ending with a lectern. It takes in a signal strength and opens read access to the indicated node. Read line is just a toggleable redstone line that when on, will attempt to read from any open address. This could be put on a clock and used to iterate through the addresses if you needed to. Output is a comparator line at the back which just reads the level of the composters in a node when a line is fully unlocked (Read ON and node selected), outputting it as a signal strength.


Also sorry for the terrible render i would change it to show the address/read lines but reddit wont let me edit today for some reason :(


More credit to you, it's a PROM, since you can (even if manually) reprogram it.


I built a HDD using composters. The trick is to make a binary-to-pulse converter and feed the inverted pulses into a hopper above full of pumpkin pies. It used a bunch of piston tapes and a load/unload mechanism to select which "platter" (piston tape) you're reading from. This is it: https://www.reddit.com/r/redstone/comments/g3bh64/96_byte_3x256_bit_composter_hard_drive_fits_in_a/


My original idea was to make something along these lines but i had problems inserting specific ammounts into the composters, though now i might be able to do it with your comment


IIRC i did it with a binary counter and XOR, and some "clearance" logic. To clear the value, you continually put pumpkin pies in until the composter reads zero (or you register a bonemeal on the output hopper, but i can't remember why i didn't use that myself, or maybe i did, it's a long time ago now) The, once the composter is empty, a pulse/counter starts. So one pulse increments the counter, (and lets through one pumpkin pie) the counter output is XORed with the requested data value, and if the XOR result is zero across all 3 data bits, the pulse is stopped and the counter reset.


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Aren't these bits?


I thought about calling them bits but the composters store from 1-15 so i used 1/4 the size of an integer on computers (4 bytes (varies))


just did the math i'll rectify it


I thought as well, but I think the composters/barrels store that data. But I'm not sure


I sure love myself some read only memory memory /s


It's more of a PROM. You could store a program to execute and it'd be safe from a root/write attack or error.


Won't lie I have no fucken clue what that is brother I was just joking about the redundant word "memory" in the title. Kinda like saying smh my head


oh my omg god! 😅 I completely read over the double "memory". smh*2


I dont know redstone so I’ll ask what is this for? how can you use it?


Its a ROM (Read Only Memory). You could use it in redstone computers to store values that need to be constant throughout uses (Never changes despite turning it off, logging off and so on) You could also use it in other builds to store permanent data. For example if you were making a sand printer and the user input was a number that needed to be compared. Instead of copying and pasting that same number you could just hook it up to this and rig it to a specific address. If you wanna know more just search up Computer ROMs [Wikipedia article on it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read-only_memory)


I'm not so into redstone, so someone can tell me for what a ROM would help in a redstone circuit?


As i commented [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/redstone/comments/1de87it/comment/l8han2s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Its just storage for constant values. You'll probably only use it in computational redstone or logical redstone to access specific, constant, values while the program runs without having to repeat them constantly. Be it for convenience or to make the circuit simpler and less crowded. (In the post i linked theres a wikipedia link on ROMs)


New to hex redstone, why multiple comparator signal blocks used instead of using only one of them?


Comparators, unlike repeaters, always output the signal strength that you put into them. They also allow for subtraction and comparison (The main method i use for my selection). I basically run the main line with only comparators to ensure the signal strength doesnt fall off and use the other ones to compare the signal and activate the corresponding 'node'.


No, ofc I know how the comparator does, I'm asking why you need so many types of comparator signal blocks like lectern, barrel, and composter instead of using only one


Ohhh right. Its because this thing works in nodes. Each one compares the address line signal to that of its barrel and if its correct it switches on that node and locks the line. There are so many because each of them gives off a different signal strength (15 - 4) to indicate the different nodes


But why cannot use only barrel or lectern or composter


Right, mostly convenience. The barrels i use for the node identifiers, the lectern as input and composters as actual storage mostly because of the ratio. Composters are 1:1 -> 1 item in +1 signal strength + you dont have to open any interfaces to configure it you just click with an item so its easy to change on the fly. Lectern -> Kinda 1:1 it depends on how many pages the book has and i use it as input mostly because theres a degree of confirmation by opening the UI, changing pages and exiting. Barrel -> 2stacks:1 because i only open it once and never have to bother to do so again. These can all be swapped out to a single type of comparator blocks i just used those out of convenience lol. sorry for not understanding the question earlier


errm, what does it do :) ?


Stores read only memory


Can you join my world and help me build it my minecraft name is eyedaura *


The schematic: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0f4iq16dsx0o3xd/ROM.schem/file


My internet is beyond trash so i dont think so. I could post the schematic though