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Second hand embarrassment moment fr šŸ«¢


Because it was iconic cringe. Mordecai entered the cringe hall of fame with that stunt. I love Mordo, but I and many others will never forget about that.


It was so bad I had to leave the room and just listen cause I couldn't bring myself to look.


Dang, I wish I had done that, too. I forced myself to watch and listen to that catastrophe. Mordecai is so lucky that Muscleman and Starla didn't ask him to leave.


Just leave? If I was in their place, Mordecai would leave the venue on an ambulance.


Based šŸ‘Œ


I really felt bad for CJ like Man why did he have to humiliate her in front of everyone like that?


Exactly what I was thinking I would never forgive him or any man who embarrassess me fat a wedding


I still don't understand why Muscle Man remained friends with Mordecai after that.


Watch episodes like Trucker Hall of Fame, Trailer Trashed, Dead at Eight, Muscle Woman, Last Meal and the End of Muscle Man. thatā€™s probably why lol


Despite his fumble, Mordecai is the guy that Muscle Man knows to be very reliable.


Mordecaiā€™s the type of guy you recruit for a GTA 5 heist


Unironically, I would absolutely want Mordecai and Rigby in a heist in GTA


Yeah heā€™s a good friend when it counts heā€™s just, ABYSMAL at romance, like SO bad, it was a cringe move, but not something Iā€™d break off the friendship over


Muscle Man probably thought that the humiliation of doing that was punishment enough. I know that if I tried some shit like that at a friend's wedding, I would feel like the world's biggest asshole. The cringe would definitely keep me up at night occasionally for the rest of my life.


Oh for sure, I still remember cringy stuff I used to do as a kid, hijacking my friends wedding? I would NEVER live that down


Facts bro, Mordecai really shouldā€™ve at least waited until after the wedding. But also considering heā€™s the reason he ended up back with Starla and help him prep for the wedding is also some good reasons


It makes you wonder why Muscle Man didnā€™t tell him to stop


Still makes mordicai a bad friend like all the times hes shitty to his best friend Rigby. The graduation episdoe especially like what a fucking tool. MM was pretty mad in the moment at the wedding and the look of shock in the aduience face was undeniable.


Muscle Man knows that pulling a Mordecai is what Mordecai does best and he canā€™t help that


Mordecai can be generally reliable and trying to punish Mordecai in his wedding would probably further added to the distaste.


I meant like cutting contact or something. Mordecai took a moment at his friend's wedding and made it about himself thinking he was being deep, and all he accomplished was embarrassing himself and his girlfriend, getting dumped, and pissing everyone off. Someone pulled something like that at my wedding, I know for a fact I would never speak to them again.


Wait, were they friends ?


If I remember correctly, they do become more cordial as the show went forward. They still fuck with each other but I recall it being less malicious. Episodes like Guys Night comes to mind.


Twitter? This Reddit is no better


I see that now, Iā€™m getting downvoted for telling a few ppl in the comments to have the same energy for all the times Mordecai been there for muscle man like this one moment suppose to define his character and notice yall downvoters donā€™t have any rebuttal for what I said. Just haters lol


Y'all realize this is supposed to be "cringe" right? You're not supposed to support what Mordecai was doing. They even mention that in the episode. Not every character, even the protagonist, is supposed to be some perfect sunshine and rainbows type of person. That would be boring.


Exactly. Theyā€™re all people and people have their low moments. What matters is if they bounce back, which Mordo did.


I don't think anyone thought the writers wanted people to agree with Mordecai like this is the intended audience reaction


Yeah we know that. You don't always have to feel good watching a show. Certain types of bad emotions can be pretty unbearable and that's not enjoyable for everyone.


it was a shitty thing to do and it will always be talked about, because it will always be fucked up. just mute and scroll.


True, on the same note they could also have the same energy for the times heā€™s being a good friend too muscle man instead of just rehashing his L moments šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø. Donā€™t know why this have so much downvotes, truth hurts I guess šŸ˜‚


That's not what the original tweet was about tho, you need to read the room yikesšŸ„“


Iā€™m answering too your other reply as well but was talking about the quoted tweet that is one of many examples on why my opinion on the situation is different from The majority and almost like you want me to have the same opinion as them. I know what Iā€™m talking about, you the only one seem focused on the initial tweet and probably should take your own advice about reading the room cuz itā€™s not really hard to grasp that concept


Lmao, what?? No, I wasnt understanding the correlation between the twitter screenshot and your post, mostly replies, but, Lemme try to get this, you're basically saying the moment wasn't that cringe for you, if so, then that's fine no one's forcing you to, its refreshing to see a different perspective. And 2. You mention how people dislike mordecai blah blah, and they don't care for his more redeeming qualities, right?? While you actively come for their perspective, and how the hate they give him is unwarranted(according to who tho?, you??), from this reply, you're a hypocrite in your own right then, no?? P.S. you could've gotten your point across without all this cause you seem to be confusing yourself as well...


First off never said what Mordecai did wasnt cringe, first sentence I said he shouldā€™ve told CJ at a different time and place. The amount of hate he gets is unwarranted not because I said thatā€™s part of me ā€œreading the roomā€ when the topic is brought up and how im being a hypocrite for again ā€œreading the roomā€ and going by what i see . Not really confusing myself thatā€™s you projecting, I basically had to spell it out for you because you didnā€™t understand. FYI you obviously did too an extent cuz the same way yall to preach about me skipping posts and shit the same can be said about you lol, Tbh I really have no more to say to you good day


Man what?? Neither do I, lmaooo, adiosšŸŒ¼


Mordecai is that you posting this


Is this Wario under my post commenting






Itā€™s not a matter of if MM and Starla were upset, itā€™s the fact the Mordo had the fucking audacity to get up infront of a whole ass crowd and say that shit at a wedding. Doesnā€™t matter whoā€™s wedding it was


That was bad and strange. But always reminding about that situation is even more strange


Well by making a post about this moment, you have now invited the comment section to talk about it again, which includes talking about how cringe that moment was. And thus the cycle continues


Umm Well I said give me your thoughts, good or bad not like I want ppl to be robots


There are a finite number of thoughts to have about the scene and people talking about the scene. There are 8 billion people in the world and several million watched this show over time. Theres nothing robotic about the fact that there are a finite number of opinions to have on this one scene and reactions to it, which youve seen.


because twitter is goddamn right this time


Not really when they constantly feel the need bring it back up but never bring up the times heā€™s been supportive and a good friend too MM


Dude, in a way youā€™re bringing it up by posting it on this sub. All the characters have more positives that outweigh the negatives. Just scroll past and enjoy the show.


I mean how else was I suppose to get my point across and not like Iā€™m using it too shit on the guy like most ppl do, also nothing wrong with saying if youā€™re going to rehash someoneā€™s L moments at least have the same energy when they do some good/noble šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


I dont seem to understand your argument, the quoted tweet said "a characters cringe moment blah blah blah", key word being cringe, and someone replied with that, where does mordecais goodwill and nobility fit into that?? im sure you can start a positive tweet or there perhaps is one already and someone can quote one of mordecais noble deeds, heck even you can??


I donā€™t either. That moment was written to be cringy, itā€™s an integral part of Mordecaiā€™s character arc. The Twitter post brought up a characterā€™s cringy moment, what in the hell else did OP expect.


Dude I literally started it out saying that mordecai shouldā€™ve picked a different Time to break it off with CJ so why tf yall got a issue with me having a different opinion from the majority like im suppose to be a damn robot. Hell they was bringing up other stuff outside of the wedding to justify their hate for the guy But somehow saying have the same energy for him being supportive to Muscle Man got some ppl n a bunch šŸ¤£


Lmaooo, what are you even saying??


There's nothing wrong with having a different opinion, but based on your comments it sounds like you're shit stirring.


Not really but if you say so, have a good day bro


I still donā€™t get what the whole point of the Margaret-CJ love triangle was. They wasted all that time with it only for Mordecai to end up with some random bat girl during the final montage of the show. The writers confirmed in a Reddit AMA that Mordecai not ending up with either of them was supposed to show maturity and that he had moved on from all that, but it was still dumb IMO for the writers to have invested and wasted so much time into all of that only to ruin him and CJ and drop her from the series completely and for him to never end up with Margaret anyways.


You donā€™t always end up with the people you fight for, or want/strive for. Relationships no matter how they end will change you. I think you really answered your own question on why they did that. To show maturity and growth. Sometimes you need devastating blows to really grow as a person, and I think Regular show did a really great job showing that. Cj and Margaretā€™s characters did what they needed to, the show isnā€™t about their stories just their involvement in the main casts stories.


Thank you dude, I don't know why this is so hard for fans to understand. CJ was awesome but she wasn't the one for Mordecai and that's perfectly fine


Exactly, I loved CJ. Great character, but just because sheā€™s great doesnā€™t mean she needed to be with emotionally unavailable Mordecai. She didnā€™t deserve him and neither did Margaret.


It still would've been nice if she was still in the show, and not just reduced to a single cameo, (The episode where the dome took off) and never shown again. Even if she wouldn't be friends with Mordecai, and like another user said, she still had ties with Rigby and Eileen, but she seemingly never talked to those two either even though Mordecai was the one who messed up.


She definitely couldā€™ve still had a friendship behind the scenes with Rigby and Eileen, but CJ is a supporting character. Shes meant to support the main casts story, not necessarily have her own one. Her character did exactly what it needed to.


Exactly. I wish they would have kept CJ in the show but not as his girlfriend.


Yeah like it wasnā€™t Rigby and Eileenā€™s faults that Mordecai was a huge Chad and tried to dump her in front of everyone at a wedding. She shouldā€™ve stayed friends with them, or at the very least Eileen


Exactly. CJ and Eileen were great as friends, I hated that the writers were like ā€œok letā€™s have Mordecai break up with her and have her alienated from the groupā€ like tf!


i totally agree that the good really outweighs the bad when it comes to mordo's character, especially his relationship with muscle man. however this is too famous. it's iconic. it's one of, if not the greatest fuck up of regular show history. i don't think it'll ever be let go.


Mordecai is only a slightly smaller man-child than Rigby who is (as shown multiple times) very capable of being a bad friend. Almost every character has that second quality, it aint that deep, but if we're being real, this is one of my auto-slip episodes because I don't do well with second-hand embarrassment lol. That said, it's a cartoon b, irl this would be one of the most insane things you could do, and most people at this wedding would probably not be as deep with Mordo after this


I feel you on that bro, mordecai one of my favorite character but I can admit that second hand embarrassment is a mf and one of my skips too šŸ˜‚


It's still the most selfish thing Mordecai has ever done. Like, it doesn't matter to me that MM and Starla forgive him AFTER the fact, the most horrifically self-centered thing you can ever do is hijack someone else's wedding day to make it about yourself. There are just some things that you never do, and this is on that list.


Not excusing it but making seem as if the itā€™s the worst, unforgivable thing mordecai done is one hell of stretch and downplaying the main two ppl affected not being that mad is wild. I hope you have the same energy for all the times heā€™s been there for Muscle Man lol


I feel like you're exaggerating a whole lot to justify this defensiveness.


Not really but youā€™re entitled to how you feel even if itā€™s not case


You're literally complaining about strangers on Twitter.


You and other ppl under this thread literally complaining at a stranger (me) and simply calling out what I peep isnt the same. Not the ā€œI gotchaā€ like you hoped, good day broā€¦


You're missing the point. You were on one platform. Saw posts and opinions you didn't like about a piece of media. Then headed to ANOTHER platform to post and complain about those opinions. You see how that's just weird, for one, and two, you're just strawmnaning people and using (rather weak) arguments to shoot down these invisible Twitter people we're not seeing. "Oh no, bro, why don't y'all give the same energy when Mordecai is good to Muscle Man" is such a weird fucking sentiment to have. It makes no sense on any logical level to use that as a way to make people see that they're... Too harsh on Mordecai? Fucking weird. Nice try with the pseudo-intellectual bit, though. Edit: damn he blocked me lmfao


Darn it Mordecai, get over Margaret!


I'm a newer viewer of the show. When I saw this episode, my assumption was that he was NOT going to break up with CJ. But CJ had been burned a couple of times already, and was understandably feeling insecure, and when he did this speech she assumed he was going to break up with her. It's beside the point of the original post, but now I'm curious to know why the general consensus was that he was in fact wanting to drop her.


As cringe as this scene was, I wholeheartedly respect Muscle Man for how he responded. If it was the Muscle Man from the earlier seasons, he wouldā€™ve probably beat the shit out of Mordecai for that.


That means the show did its job. 1) It had an iconic moment that permeated culture and made an impact on people 2) The lesson of the show is don't be like Mordocaei.


no that episode is actually unwatchable I buried myself in a pillow by instinct


Do you relate to mordecai or something? Because this deserves all the hate it gets lmao


Iā€™m sure a lot of ppl can relate too him and at least you said ā€œthisā€ deserves all the hate but not towards Mordecai himself cuz others said the opposite.


I think because itā€™s a more realistic real life faux pas people react to it differently that the clearly flagrant stuff Rigby is guilty of, but it is annoying that people donā€™t seem to judge them within context or allow Mordecai to be a good friend ā€œnowā€, like Rigby is considered.


Because itā€™s a shit moment bro I wouldnā€™t be friends with him if he did this. My best friend could save my life a thousand times, but if they make my wedding about themselves? Theyā€™re done


Well itā€™s a good thing itā€™s Muscle Man and heā€™s a real one, itā€™s definitely wouldnā€™t be worth being friends with someone with your kind of attitude lol.


Just make me and my wifeā€™s day about you Or flip it, I made YOUR day, with YOUR wife, about ME, super shitty thing to do, all for a girl who he was just kinda using


Mordecai shouldā€™ve broke it off with CJ after the wedding but why tf yall so mad over it years later when Muscle man nor Starla holds it against him and he clearly learned from His mistakešŸ˜‚. Im not going to cut my bro off over that especially if I know they was there for me at my best/worse moments and saved my life multiple times


Then itā€™s clear you have no respect for your loved one or yourself, and itā€™s clear Mordecei has no respect for Muscle Man in this moment, sure he has respect for him at other times, but not here, not in this moment, he chooses to make something special about himself, he chooses to use his best man speech privileges to make it about him These characters are flawed, theyā€™re human (mostly, you get what I mean), they have emotions and strengths and weaknesses, theyā€™re good people sometimes and bad people sometimes, it would be unfair to the creators of this show if we ignore the bad parts and make them perfect and flawless


Nah ive seen this show at least 5 times ive been here ive seen a million people bitch and moan about it And every single one is right. This scene is so well done with its awkwardness its makes you cringe even when you know its coming. Ill never get over how this scene makes me feel and im so glad the actually were like "bro wtf are you doing" instead of just clapping and accepting it like generic cartoon characters


People really need to let this go, I agree with you on that. But this was Muscle Manā€™s WEDDING. He made it all about himself. But he did redeem himself with everything else he did for him.


Dude I'm pretty sure Mordecai will never let this moment go. We've all had moments not even a tenth of this moment that we dream about a decade later, so imagine how Mordecai is at night trying to kill this memory off for the hundredth time.


I guess what I like about Regular Show that even as am adult it's hard to get your shit together


It is very bad.


Twitter? Hell, *this sub* brought it up every other day for awhile lol


That was so bad


Bro, that scene HURTS to watch It's not a bad quality scene, it's just one of if not THE biggest scene when it comes to cringing from the second hand embarrassment for me.


Would you hijack your friend's wedding to break up with someone, or how would you feel if you just went to support your friends just to have your partner publicly dump you in front of everyone.


no for obvious reasons to the first answer and secondly I would simply move on if that was the case, I definitely wouldnt keep bringing it up and act as if itā€™s the worst thing you can do to someone especially if they learned from their mistake and understand they wasnā€™t in the right headspaceā€¦


This is how I described the presidential debate to my wife


i've had to pause my phone and throw it out of secondhand embarrassment


Now i actually dont really hate Mordecai like many others, but man there were moments that made me annoyed. Like the time he willingly let Rigby out of his car when he wanted to give a sweater back to Margaret, even if she didnt seem all that worried about it.


"Its really annoying that people cringe at this moment thats supposed to be cringy" my guy, people are always going to bring up that scene. You know why? Because its awful. It hurts to watch, it hurts to think about. Most of the time I skip this episode upon rewatching just so I dont have to watch that scene


Gotta say hes my least favorite character but it wouldn't be regular show wothout him.


Basically i would throw stuff and scream at the monitor.


That only happens cause he got caught up in the moment due to reading a letter that muscle man was too emotional to do himself, right?


The quoted tweet asked if they ever cringed at something a character did and the person who posted that did it doesnā€™t matter if it was long ago what Mordecai did was shitty and cringy why are you complaining when a person answered someoneā€™s question


It's twitter dawg, you ain't ever not going to feel annoyed


right bro šŸ¤£


It's up there as one of the most memorable Regular Show moments because of how bad Mordecai was doing this.


Thereā€™s a reason why you can pull a mordecai


Honestly. People act like this is the worst thing you could ever do. Was it great? No. Should Mordecai have picked a better time for this personal realisation? Absolutely. But in reality it was a couple minutes out of a day everyone including Mordecai spent fussing over, thinking about, and helping muscle man. Still indescribably cringe but on the list of shit in this show done to others this is pretty low imo


Kinda Wish people would focus more on muscle dads letter, was a genuinely sweet moment


because theyā€™re right lmfao ? who cares if itā€™s overdone itā€™s THE perfect example for what the tweet says.


I donā€™t remember the episode Someone fill me in


I'm clueless as well


iā€™ve never watched this moment and i never will


Two things can be true. Mordecai can be a great friend while also being a terrible friend. You are never consistently great to your friends and neither are they to you. Itā€™s all part of the journey.


Context? Havenā€™t seen or remember this episode


They really need to redeem mordecai when he comes back in the new series


I hear ya but TB fair mordecai redeeming qualities heavily outweighs his bad qualities, ppl tend to use the 5-6 episodes worth of his cringe moments and make seems thatā€™s all too his character. Hell in the last Season he supported pops and help him get through the whole evil pops thing. Helping the ultimate good against the ultimate evil with no hidden agenda is pretty redeeming quality.


Tbf if saw this go down in real life I would never shut up about it. I'll be 70 in a rocking chair telling my grandchildren about the time dude interrupted his best friends wedding to ask out his crush.


Honestly guy is a good friend when it matters the most. But his romantic choices are so bad that for the epilogue they had to establish he got together with someone totally different who he never meet before after all of this. Because fans honestly couldn't see the guy together with anyone he interacted with romantically.


Yeah the acolyte does that to you every couple minutes


Mordecai is a young man in his 20s. He's made plenty of mistakes, which add to his checkered personality, and I enjoy his character.


itā€™s true


I think Mordecai is a ā€œreal oneā€, if you will. To have the spine to pull a stunt like this just goes to show that Mordecai will put himself in the line for Muscle Man. A true friend šŸ«”


I've never watched regular show that much Can someone explain?


Mordecai hijacks Muscle Manā€™s wedding to talk about his own love life and itā€™s just kind of second hand embarrassment


It also ends up so badly for him that he has to dump his then girlfriend CJ, and heā€™s an absolute train wreck in the next episode.


Wait isnā€™t the next episode the start of the new season? Where rigby has to rescue him? Bro i lowkey felt bad




wtf? This was like the shittiest thing to do of all time. And that was the point. No, the hate is not unwarranted.


ā€œNo, the hate is not unwarrantedā€ Literally proving my point and you didnā€™t watch too much regular show if you can honestly say thatā€™s the worse thing someone did on there. Sound like you just went thru my post just too nitpick to parts you didnā€™t like and saying the opposite lol


He deserve all the hate he gets for doing CJ like that


CJ go be aite, she didnt even bother to at least keep Eileen as a friend who did her nothing, she almost killed Margaret, Mordecai (again) and her dad over being insecured she even admitted it, let Mordecai fall off of a building and get jumped by some random guys leaving him in a full body cast just too prove how sorry he was for the whole Margaret thing. Sheā€™s no damn saint šŸ˜‚


For once, Twitter is right lol


I mean itā€™s true


Nah, it's justified. Mordecai did a really shitty thing and he made Muscle Man's wedding all about himself when he gave that speech. I'm pretty sure this is a universally hated moment throughout the Regular Show fanbase just because of how cringy it is.