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He came at her with a weapon after harassing him and she kicked him off her???? Dude this is normal fight or flight response. She did nothing wrong.


OP is out of his mind if he typed out this entire story and STILL thinks his gf is in the wrong


YES. One time a kid hit me and I literally had to step back and walk away because he triggered my fight or flight and I was about to literally go ham. It happens


I was attacked by a child at my old workplace and I also had to take a lot of deep breaths because of the same fight or flight response. Despite working with young people and dedicating my life and career to making sure they're okay and safe, you just can't control self preservation instincts.


The willpower it took to overcome the tunnel vision I had to throw my own child because he had a chunk of my leg in his mouth... I'm still not sure how I managed.


This is why I could never be a SPED lead despite having been a teacher and freelance music therapist with special needs students for over twelve years. I absolutely ADORE my students, but many of my colleagues that are leads in these classes are constantly scratched, kicked, punched, spat on, or have to deal with bodily fluids. I wish I could be certain that I won't have a reactive response if that were to happen to me on a regular basis. I've been attacked by students myself as a music teacher and have managed to not be reactive, but that doesn't make me feel confident that I couldn't if it was every day. So I will never go into that field, though many peers and admin have recommended me to since I work with them so well. I know my limitations.


one time i kicked a child in a public washroom while i was taking a shit cause the kid reached under the stall and grabbed both my ankles and started to pull, scaring the shit clean out of my asshole.




Wasn't a kid, but I had a dachshund attack me one time and my first instinct was to kick her away from me. My mom yelling at me is the only thing that stopped me. It wasn't because I wanted to hurt her, but because I didn't want to get attacked again. She even drew blood on my thigh. This dog was crazy though, and really one of the only dogs that didn't like me. Never knew why, but she wanted my blood. OP your wife was defending herself and when being attacked or STABBED our minds don't reason, it just thinKs SURVIVE! Youre being to hard on her.


Also probably protecting the dog who had already been harassed. If she had “let” the kid run up on them and stab the dog without her doing anything about it he would probably have an issue with That


He definitely would’ve had an issue with that


The way OP wrote the story makes me think it’s a rage bait.


And replied to 0 comments across several different subs, It definitely rage bait


I suspect it's written by the girlfriend so she can get opinions to share with her boyfriend. Can't blame her!


Gf needs to leave OP and take the dog.


It honestly sounds like OP is sympathizing with a sociopath The GF needs to find someone better than an OP who is looking down on a woman who used self defense


So the kid didn’t take No for an answer, got angry, was coming at your dog, and jammed the basketball pump in her leg to get past her? That sounds like an assault one could defend oneself from.


According to OP, she was stabbed. While he probably meant jammed or jabbed, he thought it was violent enough to say stab. He's mad at his gf for defending herself and a dog from a kid going around and stabbing people. If I were OP, I would be more worried about her getting over how I feel about her safety instead. ETA: I forgot the pumps have that long needle! That kid did actually stab the GF. WT actual F


Right?? The parents want to press charges when their eight year old is wandering around with a weapon stabbing people for their pets 🫠


The kid is a menace, not an innocent child. And where were the parents? I think the post is rage bait.


I like your gf more


Yeah me too. OP sounds like a fucking wet wipe.


*used Used wet wipe.


Fun fact for the day: 0% of wet wipes are flushable despite writing the word “flushable” on the packaging.


The more you know! Thanks, is there a reason though they mark it 'flushable'?


Because technically it is flushable. As in it will flush through the hole in the toilet. They are not suitable for the sewers.


Yup, you can technically flush them all you want... There should be fine print stating that doing so will cause you huge plumbing bills years later though…


They're in cahoots with Big Plumbing


anything’s flushable if you try hard enough. There will just be consequences!


a base canard, an absurd lie. 100% of wet wipes are flushable. You throw 'em in, you flush, see, it's gone? Ignore the massive clog in the pipes, that's irrelevant. It was flushed therefore it was flushable. You can't claim it wasn't flushable just because it wasn't pipe-transportable, that's a lie sold to you by Big Plumbing smh.


R/plumbing just chimed in.


From R Kelly’s house


Me too! If any kid was trying to injure my dog and attacked me you better believe I would use physical force to stop him and protect her.


Your gf was a heroine for protecting the dog despite being stabbed, you don’t even care about her and the dog but a child that harassed them? You’re the red flag here 🚩


Me too


What was she supposed to do? Let this kid attack her? 8 year olds can do a lot of damage and whatever he had with him he was using as a weapon to take her out at the knees. Maybe her force could have been excessive, but we don’t know because we weren’t there, and maybe her force was justified and truly a self defence automatic response to someone charging her. She didn’t just go to a park to kick a child. She was being attacked by a minor and she defended herself. Hindsight is 20/20 and you can preach all day about how she shouldn’t have done that, but in the moment she was probably scared he wasn’t going to stop and was going to go after the dog next, and if that happened the dog may retaliate and be put down for something completely out of his control.


The kid was in the dog park to intentionally hurt a dog, she left with the dog and the kid followed her and attacked both her and the dog. If it was me that kid would not only have been hurt I'd be calling police to file a report, calling CPS (or local equivalent) for the kid being left alone and for him trying to torture dogs, and complaining to the complex management about the attack.


Oh, yeah, the child requires mandatory therapy. It is NOT normal for an 8-year-old to willingly stab a living creature.


This. This kid was 100% after nothing good.


The fact this kids parents are talking about pressing charges due to the injuries sustained in the fall... this woman has a stab wound from this heathen, she needs to counter-sue honestly, probably the only way those parents *would* put that kid in therapy; if it's court mandated. That kid will never see therapy for their behavior if the parents are going to suing... smart money says parents give that kid everything. I certainly wouldn't be suing if this was my kid that did this, I'd be putting my kid in therapy and giving this woman my insurance...


For real, cruelty to animals indicates mental issues and can be a precursor to becoming a serial killer.


Indeed, and the kid being mad about boundaries regarding *other people's pets/self and property* is a serious alert that is being ignored. This just screams disturbed kid.


Yesss you’re so right. I completely blanked on him having a spiked pump but no ball etc. Gf did nothing wrong and I wonder how long it’ll be before someone reposts this in r/amItheex


Break up with her. She can do better than you


Bruh please tell me this is a joke. A ball pump is sharp, first he was abusing the dog with it and then running at her and jammed it into her leg? He is 8 years old and knows better. Sounds like an absolute BRAT and there is no way I'd have such gall as a kid. The part you said about wanting kids with her boggles my mind. She sounds like she'd be a wonderful mother. Someone bullying her kid? FORGET ABOUT IT. Mama bear COMING THROUGH. Maybe if she wasn't feeling physically threatened by some psychotic child that was already harassing YOUR dog, this wouldnt have happened. What was she supposed to do if the little shit was running at her with this tool? Give him a good ol' cuddle? I'd have saved you the effort and left myself. You clearly don't care about her or the poor dog getting harassed by a bratty child. What if he jabbed your dog in the eye? Would you just stand there and do nothing? "oh he's just playing its fine" Jesus. Kids are absolutely feral these days at times.


My grandmom tripped over one that was left out when my aunt was 5-6. This was YEARS ago, and her leg still looks like someone took a jagged ice cream scoop or something to it. I literally cannot imagine the damage one could do with one of those if they have real intent. I'd leave OP too and would not trust him around my dog at all. That woman is an absolute legend, and the dog knows it.




The overly detail on the event happening make me suspicious, and the "oblivious" part just make me more sure this is just bait. Also the fact that OP didn't try to defend himself more or responding to anyone make me even sure it's just rage bait.


Yeah this feels like a rage bait response to the story from a couple days ago where a woman is afraid of her husband who attacked her coworker ( context bring she was pregnant, coworker has sexually harassed her and literally tried to murder her in a parking lot by choking her when the husband jumped in).


Tbh I wonder what the kid's home life is like. Those are pretty scary symptoms of abuse IMHO. Kids usually don't just attack people and animals like that and act all predatory and creepy and violent.


Looks like he might be a sociopath


No that’s a sociopath. I was an abused child and I never acts like that because I knew I’d I got caught my father would kill me, literally.


Also that’s not a brat, that’s a tiny sociopath who will grow up to be a big sociopath.


Where were his parents and what were they looking at while their son was harassing your dog with a pump and then chasing them away from the park and hitting your gf's leg with it?


No not hitting but fucking stabbing. But yet shes wrong? 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ he needs to just leave her alone because he’s completely ridiculous tbh that kick probably was fight or flight because if i was being freaking stabbed in the leg i would have probably done the same thing!


SHE should be taking HIS PARENTS to court over the injury HE inflicted on HER. YOU meanwhile leave HER so SHE can find someone BETTER.


I agree WITH you DUDE.


:-) I'm just too lazy to insert *italics*!


Ha! I know the feeling!




And it won’t be hard finding someone better than oop. He set the bar very low.


I’d have planted my foot right into the kids face if he ran at my dog like that. No fucks given. Also did he stab the ball pump needle into your gfs leg? Kinda feels like you just glossed over a very good reason to be kicking the kid away.


I haven't used one in like 10+ years, so I completely forgot they have fucking needles on them.


Why aren't his parents being questioned for their lack of parenting. OP states that the gf and dog went a good ways away trying to get away from this kid. He followed her, which is already not ok. She repeatedly tried to use reasonable verbal actions to safeguard herself and the dog. I love kids but I am rabid about protecting my fur baby. I hope she's out there saying you are mad at her and she can't view you the same. I hope she leaves.


Your relationship doesn't "move forward," because you're an asshole and she's bound to see it. Your girlfriend was defending herself and your dog. Your concern should have been for her and your dog, not for the feral brat who attacked them. Even the police didn't do anything. You know why? Because they recognized that she was defending herself. She didn't murder the little twat, she kicked him away from herself because he was attacking her. You are being unreasonable, irrational, and a bad partner. You don't deserve her.


‘I feel so gross that I’ve been dating someone’ Well, break up with her then. What are you actually looking for? Validation?


I'm not gay but I'll take her if he's so grossed out by her reasonable behavior.


Ha! I’m a guy, but not single. Which is a pity. I’m picturing Jack Black, from Anchorman, punting that pug over the side of the bridge and thinking this might be my kind of woman.




Ron are you okay? I can’t understand you. What did the badman do?




Weird comment


OP go ahead and break up with her, she deserves someone better than you. She defended your dog and herself from an abusive person that was actively trying to hurt her and your dog, and you're upset with her? You should be pushing to file charges against the kid and complaining to the complex management about what that kid did. Kids that actively try to hurt animals rarely stop at only hurting animals on their own. Do you realize harming animals is the first step towards being a serial murderer? Getting that kid help could be saving the lives of numerous animals and even people if his actions are not stopped now. We don't know how far down that path this kid would go, but stopping him now will undoubtedly save a lot of animals a lot of pain and deaths.


This made me laugh haha Rage bait or not it’s true. “I’m disgusted” ok so leave? Lol like damn if you just can’t get over it what are you here for? Want us to tell you you’re right? Does it matter she still did the thing you’re disgusted with. Nothing has change.


>What are you actually looking for? Someone that wouldn't stand up for themself and let other people harm them, what else?


An 8 year old boy is technically a child but also, they can be little shits. She protected herself and her dog. I like her. She’ll be a good mom to whatever lucky fellow sees that in her. Doesn’t seem like you appreciate her.


>How does our relationship move forward? Hopefully it doesn't, because she deserves better than Second-Guessy McGee being mad she defended herself against what sounds like a serial killer in the making.


Are you kidding? Your GF tried her best and only handle in self defense.. wtf is wrong with you, support her for protecting your dog.


Your dog and herself!


I’d have sent that kid tumbling, too.


That's the best part of the story. I wish I had it as a GIF.


God, I'd watch it for hours.


Your girlfriend is awesome!! You are a disappointing boyfriend if you don't see it.


✨Self defense ✨


Bravo to your gf for defending your dog. You described 3 occasions on which she asked him to back off. How many more?


on a legal level, it was a legitimate reflex falling under the umbrella of self-defense. so many kids today grow up without any discipline and never learn about respect and boundaries. your gf taught that brat a valuable lesson for life. you should be proud of her instead of giving her a hard time.


just today I read a post from the dad of a 8yo who was raised with the "soft parenting" method and is now harassing their cat and bullying another kid in school. and then one day a stranger needs to do this to compensate everything you didn't do for 8 years, and may even get in trouble.


I read that one too. That kid has a rough future ahead of him.


I hope he meets OP's girlfriend some day.


but no link 🥲


It was [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/ykZQvOQmAo) but looks like OP removed it


Soft parenting can work with intelligent children that are willing to please their parents, but the trouble is that is not every child. Some kids, like other human beings, are just not very smart. Soft parenting isn't going to work on those kids. They need a firmer structure, and firmer boundaries.


Self defense, why did he attack her in the first place? I would have slapped the kid if he would try to attack me and I absolutely love children. But you can't tolerate a child that didn't get education at home. She was in her own right to defend herself. Next time parents don't leave a 8 year old child with strangers in the park...Is their responsibility to keep their child safe.


Good for her for protecting your dog. That kid deserved what he got. You should be proud of her.


Really, your gf did just about everything she could to diffuse the situation and even left. The kid followed her and was determined to hurt her and her dog. Where were the kids parents when he left the park to chase your gf and dog down?


YTA-this brat *attacked* her and *abused* her dog, it was self-defense. The only people who should be arrested is that kid’s shitty, shitty parents.


If it were my 4 year old kicking someone else’s dog I’d have kicked him down a hill myself. He knows better not to hurt animals .


Put him in a giant hamster ball and just let him roll while waving politely. "Farewell son, enjoy your journey."


If I could get one that big I would 🤣


I just busted out laughing, thank you for this wonderful start to my day 😂🩵


awesome 👏


She did the right thing. He attacked like a ferral animal.


Your gf wasn't the asshole here. That little fucker deserved everything that happened to him.


Your gf defended herself and the dog. You should be proud of her instead of being an asshole. Despite the age - the kid stalked her and the dog and repeatedly hurt the dog. Your gf took him out of the situation, the kid still stalked her and then tried to hurt her and the dog again. He assaulted her and stabbed the pump into her leg. I truly hope you don't ever procreate bc I have the feeling you would be one of those "my kids can never do wrong, he is just a kid, boys will be boys" idiotic parents, who raise an entitled brat who can't behave and thinks everyone must bow down to every whim he has. No matter the age of the assailant, you have the right to defend yourself. She just kicked him as a reaction to that stupid kid stabbing her with the pump - his problem when he tumbled down and sprained his wrist.


She was defending herself and the dog from and aggressive child that was stalking, harassing and assaulting the dog and herself. You think she should have let this kid continue to assault and harm her and the dog? What’s wrong with you?


Your gf was protecting not only herself but her dog. You want a mother of your child(ren) to do that. And by law in the U.S. she’s allowed to do that.


Wouldn’t that be self defense? The kid should know better than to assault someone out of anger and fear.


Doesnt sound like any part of him was scared. He followed them and ignored her several times. Wonder what he would have done if she didn't boot him


Maybe she should call CPS as that kid should not be roaming about hitting dogs


Normally I'd side with the kids vs the dogs but she was more than patient with him, gave him too many chances yet he pushed it too far and got what he deserved. Parents should be more concerned about raising him than pressing charges over their dumb kid harassing strangers.


Uhhh sorry but you’re in the wrong here. She was attacked by a child holding a pointed implement that she’s been trying to get away from for a while. Kid was unsupervised and attacked your gf. Not a great reaction, sure, but I wouldn’t view it as anything concerning.


I'm sure she feels gross to find out her partner doesn't give a rat's ass about her and the dog's wellbeing


Normally I'd be totally against anyone laying hands on a child, but this sounds like the kid literally attacked her and the dog and she was just trying to get away from him?


It was self defense. Jfc.


To the parents that want to sue so badly, where the hell were you??? Your kid is following random people to the park and on trails and you didn’t even know! OP is an idiot. Plenty of 8 yr olds are capable of doing physical damage and developmentally are only just coming out of the ‘the world revolves around me’ phase of thinking. Try being a woman for a week, then see how you feel about being attacked in public. That little psycho got off easy with only a sprained wrist. It could’ve broken his leg and it would still be justified.


The kid sounds like an entitled spoiled kid - who got what was coming. His parents are neglecting him letting him run off and stalk random stangers


Straight up would kick/push anyone away too if I thought they'd hurt my dog. While I do like children, my dog is the most important thing to me lol could get away with doing just about anything to me, but him? Fuck no


Dump her because your girlfriend deserves better then a prick like you


You are a horrible BF. HOpe she leaves you ASAP


She was defending herself- getting stuck with a basketball pump isn't fun, and a reflexive kick seems like a natural response to pain after repeated provocation. What you're describing doesn't sound malicious. But if you are concerned, you can always sit down and have a conversation about it. Maybe even with a relationship counselor. I definitely understand being alarmed because a child was injured, but you might want to look at the totality of the situation a bit more. What has her attitude been about the incident since? Does she feel bad that the boy was injured, even if she feels like she is not at fault? Has she been blase about it? Cackling and twirling her villain moustache? Is she open to discussion? These questions are, IMO, more important than the incident itself. Honestly, I'm more alarmed at the parents who let their 8 year old approach a stranger's dog and then continue following said stranger after being politely told no.


She sounds great, who’d have kids with you?! At least she’s demonstrating protective instincts


Seems like you're looking for an excuse to break it off with your gf. Do it. She deserves a man that stands by her, not a pathetic excuse of one like you.


I'm the parent of a toddler and I would've done exactly what your girlfriend did if this child repeatedly threatened and assaulted my dog and I. And for the record, she didn't assault a minor, the minor ASSAULTED HER. She was way more patient than necessary and if I were her, I'd be calling the police and CPS on that family for assault on ME, animal cruelty, and child neglect. You are 100000% in the wrong just like that demon child and his entitled parents. Your gf and the dog are innocent and the only victims in this situation. What is wrong with you? Do everyone a favor and dump your gf so she can be with someone better than you. You set the bar so unbelievably low it shouldn't be hard for her. You're the bullet she needs to dodge, not the other way around.


She was attacked after leaving the situation TWICE. She defended herself and the dog. I'm a mom, and my kids are everything. But if one of mine did that to someone they'd get more than just kicked.


So she defended herself, and you're mad at her for it? It doesn't matter that it was a kid, she was being attacked. I'd hate to witness what kind of kids you'd raise if you blame the victim this way.


If anything she should press charges on the kid. Little punk got what he deserved.


And she was supposed to do....what, exactly? Let him hit her with a weapon? Let him hit your dog with a weapon? For how long? How hurt did they need to get to justify her DEFENDING herself? You need to support her and defend her to the parents of that menace. And if you can't do that then let her find a partner who will put her safety first.


This must be among the laziest ragebait I've read. If you're not in the zone to write good ragebait, just dont write anything. Go touch grass.


You’re a horrible bf.


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I was stabbed by a bike pump years ago by someone who was "just fooling around". Those things are sharp and they hurt. A lot. Not to mention the potential hazards if he had stabbed her and then pumped some air, or the germs, bacteria, and possible tetanus from this random ass kid wielding a bike pump needle This kid was harassing her, attacking your dog, and then attacked her. I would've punted him too. You should be upset with the kid for wanting to hurt your dog and girlfriend and at the parents for not raising the little fucker right. She did nothing wrong


So the kid can literally STAB your girlfriend...but she can't defend herself and your dog??? Wow. The kids trash. And so is your piss poor attitude.


Are you insane? You’re acting like your gf is some kind of child beater and are now questioning her ability to be a mother?? WTF, the kid was attacking her! This is an extreme reaction to her defending herself from a apparently feral child


she was defending herself and your dog, you fucking donut


Come at me and my pets and I don't care in your handicap in a wheel chair I'll take you and not feel an ounce of guilt after


Let’s see you have a rational conversation after being stabbed, OP.


She protected herself and her dog and reacted instinctively. She’s shown that she will put herself in harms way to save the more vulnerable. She’s exactly the kind of person you want to have kids with. You, on the other hand, not so much. All you’ve shown is that you care more about a (small) bully facing the consequences of his actions than the safety of your gf and her pet. What do you think she should have done, let herself and the dog be hurt?


You’re insane. She was attacked. Who cares that it was a child, she was stabbed.


This got to be rage bait, the poster hasn’t engaged with anyone and is probably lurking in an alt account.


Your relationship moves forward by you realizing that the child is not the victim here. Your girlfriend and dog were. This kid chased after them, didn’t listen to your girlfriend’s several warnings about leaving the dog alone, and then physically attacked her with the pump. She was *defending herself.* I for one would like to know where this kid’s parents were. They’re chomping at the bit to press charges, but where were they that an 8-year-old was able to follow around a stranger into the woods behind the apartments for however long? Irresponsible, neglectful parenting. First of all for paying so little attention that their kid was able to get that far without them noticing, but also what if your girlfriend wasn’t a good person? Frankly they’re lucky their kid wasn’t with somebody else. I genuinely wanna know what you expected her to do. Just let this kid attack her? Let him attack your dog? This is 100% a failure on the parents’ part and you’re really condemning your girlfriend for defending herself.


This must be ragebait, it's too stupid... or this guy was looking for an excuse to dump her. Go let a kid hit you in the nuts with a pump since people aren't allowed to defend themselves.


So your girlfriend punted a little shit *after* he stabbed her in the leg, and you're blaming her? You're absolutely right, your relationship has no future. You aren't good enough for her.


My grandma used to babysit a young boy, probably a little younger than the boy your girlfriend dealt with. He had issues and used to torment my dog. Didn't matter what we did. Nothing would get this boy to leave my dog alone. This went on for a while before my dog scratched at the boy and made him cry. I spent hours after work crying bc I thought my dog was gonna be put down. The parents told my grandma that they knew how their son was, and it sounded like he learned a valuable lesson after being told by everyone to leave my dog alone. He later escalated, and while my cousin was napping, he went up and punched her repeatably in the face. She came out crying and screaming from her nap. Want to know what his excuse was? He was mad bc my cousin told him no. Bc she didn't want to be bothered during her nap. So he beat her up. My grandma no longer watches this boy, but my dog is now terrified of children. He used to love them so much, and now he hides from them. Kids like that start with animals, and then they escalate. It sounds like your girlfriend was defending herself, and you are angry at the wrong person.


May her next boyfriend have some intelligence


You clearly look down on your girlfriend or are looking for reasons to. She did what anyone would have done. You absolutely suck and don’t have her back and aren’t loyal to her. Break up w her so she can find better


“I’ve realised the chosen vessel for my offspring will set boundaries. The natural hierarchy of; myself, my mother, any children I have, cattle, property, and lastly wife, is in serious danger. She may even attack me when I have to discipline her”. Do her a favour and dump her. She’s living in the real world, you sound like you are going to faint from the sight of pubic hair on your marriage night.


Don’t let these lil monsters fool ya. This age group through 18 seem to be out of control. In my state the lil f’ers took over the facility where these lil shits go for evaluation, and a part of their sentencing, to try and rehabilitate them.


This kid attached her with something he was using as a weapon and was also harassing your dog with it and you are mad she defended herself? You should dump her so she finds a better boyfriend that doesn't think she should lay down and allow herself to be attacked by a violent child.


Are you serious? He STABBED your girlfriend after harassing her and your dog and following them. I guess she should’ve just let him attack her since he’s of course only a child and you have to just let children attack you with weapons right? Please break up with her, she deserves someone better than her crappy bf who thinks women shouldn’t defend themselves against assault. Also have fun raising future criminals with this attitude about letting children do what they want, up to and including assault apparently.


You’re an idiot. It’s a good thing she’s finding out what a spineless schmuck you are.


Well nowhere in this story do you give any legitimate reason to be upset with gf for defending herself and your dog, so my advice would be to pull your head out of your ass long enough to support your gf who btw was just assaulted and has reason to believe this situation will escalate soon.


The kid stabbed her. Recently in my city a 10 year old stabbed and killed an adult. The family was minding their own business like your gf, were approached and tried to politely leave the situation and the kid followed them and stabbed the adult. Kids can be dangerous. Your gf is very lucky she had good instincts and she was not more hurt. In my area, pressing charges is not up to civilians so I am always surprised at that kind of thing but maybe that is done in the US. Here the legal system determines if charges are pursued. If you cannot step back and see the situation from your gf's perspective and be a supportive partner then it might be best you break up.


So the little boy wouldn't leave your girlfriend and dog alone, poked at your dog, continued to follow them then hit your girlfriend with an airpump and she just instinctly defended herself... and you have a problem with that? That kid got what he deserved, and quite frankly you should be happy that she ended that properly. She didn't hit or punch him. She just got him away.




YTA, give your girlfriend a break. She was being attacked. I would of drop kicked that kid. Stop allowing people to abuse others and expecting them to just roll over and take it.


the kid stabbed her with a BALL PUMP! That's assault!


Lmao she wasn't just gonna let the little brat stab her in the leg. It sounds like the kick really was just a normal reflex, and the fact that he sprained his wrist because they were standing by a slope is unfortunate, but not really her fault. Chill out.


That kid stalked and attacked your gf, and you’re mad at her for protecting herself. Please never have kids if you’re going to think so lightly of this behavior. Actions have consequences in a society. You stalk and hurt someone, you’re going to have a bad time. How long would you have ideally wanted this kid to attack your gf and your dog before you think it’s acceptable to do something about it?


Cool, so you’d have preferred she let a feral child beat the shit out of her and the dog? Hope she breaks up with you for being a wet wipe.


”How does our relationship move forward?” Option 1: You take a long, hard look at yourself and ask question why you find it unacceptable for your girlfriend to defend her and her dog from a physical assault. The kid followed them and tried to hurt the dog. Your gf tried to remove her and the dog from the situation and it didn’t turn physical until the kid attacked them and hurt your gf. If anything the kid’s parents were neglectful. But yeah, it’s definitely your attitude that needs changing for your relationship to move forward. Option 2: Leave. Pack your stuff and remove yourself from her life. Leave room for her to find a supportive partner that will stand by her when she’s attacked, not judging her from a distance.


What, exactly, do you think she should have done? Seriously. Giggled and danced and sang “ouchy poo that’s not nice nice !” If an adult had stabbed her in the leg and she kicked in reaction, would you feel the same way? Do you think she’s able to turn off a natural physical reaction to being attacked? Dude if you’re looking for a reason to break up with her find a less stupid one.


How does your relationship move forward? Without you.


So you would have preferred that the kid stabbed your girlfriend repeatedly with the bike pump instead of just once? What is wrong with you?!


I would have kicked him as hard as possible if it were me




Bro, the kid charged her with an improvised weapon, and she protected herself. She kicked him away and called the cops. She didn't kick some random kid. She didn't keep hitting the kid.


She was defending herself from a violent assault. Would you prefer she end up seriously injured with the improvised weapon she was being attacked with?


Sounds like you'll be a crap parent if you think this is acceptable behavior.


“My girlfriend was approached by a child who disrespected her wishes multiple times, so she removed herself from the situation. When he followed her, she tried another tactic to get him to leave her alone. He freaked out and stabbed her. Fearing for her safety, and our dog, she kicked the child, who inadvertently fell down the hill and sprained his wrist. I’m proud of my girlfriend, but so upset that she had to go through this. I know it must have been scary, and aside from her injury, she’s likely worried about having hurt a kid. How can I be sure this never happens again? Can we press charges against a minor?” There, I rewrote your post for you. And let’s just hope you remain composed the next time someone harasses, follows and stabs you, lest your SO thinks you’re a bad person for defending yourself.


Your version is still far too kind. “My girlfriend was stalked by an unsupervised child. When she asked him to leave her alone he attacked her, stabbing her with a ball pump. She defended herself.”


Your girlfriend got stabbed and you're wondering if you can continue the relationship?


The kid stabbed her in the leg. You’re completely wrong about criticizing her for kicking him.


So an unsupervised kid attacks your dog and your girlfriend and this is your reaction? I’m having a lot of trouble trying to understand your logic here.


I think your gf deserves a partner that isn't you. Also I hope you stay single & work on bettering yourself, so you can understand why your whole attitude & the disgust you say you feel, are very much indicative of your broken moral compass & emotional immaturity. Your reaction to this is fucked, & you are not remotely fit to parent just yet... You might end up with a kid like the lil shit that is, quite frankly, lucky he only got booted by your gf. Other humans may have reacted with less restraint & actual malice instead.You don't even sound fit to be a dog owner tbh, with your bent logic about this incident. You really just sound like you are well practiced at centering yourself as the victim of a situation you had no part in. Learn, reflect, grow. Good parents are way less self-centred than you are proving to be, writing this post with your whole chest. Get a grip.


What would you have done?


You should leave her so that she can find someone who wouldn’t judge her for defending herself.


She should dump you. You’re mad that she protected herself? Pathetic. Hopefully she doesn’t see YOU the same way anymore.


Bro that’s not her kid of any kid she knows, just some random kid, probably with shitty parents, who chose to harass and then attack your girlfriend. You don’t even believe her. You kinda really suck for that.


Come at me and my pets and I don't care in your handicap in a wheel chair I'll take you and not feel an ounce of guilt after


Then leave her. Let me have her.


Your gf is right, I’d have done the same.


Maybe you should hire someone to stab a ball pump into your leg, in order to more clearly ascertain the plausibility of whether the reflex was automatic.


Please leave her. Maybe she’ll find somebody better, who actually gives a damn about her safety. You’re making yourself sick with worry over the kid who STABBED your girlfriend? Dude….


You want kids but you don’t know how to play protector. Were you expecting your girlfriend to just be attacked by an unsupervised kid who followed her?


Bro if I was here I would have picked that kid up and thrown it. You are an awful man covering for an awful boy that is gonna grow up to be a monster.


If I were the parents I would be more worried that little Micheal Myers was told no and in response stalked a women, stabbed a woman and tried to hurt a dog


Your girlfriend deserves a partner who would be worried about her well being and has her back. You are failing her so hard


Wtf is wrong with you? What kind of parent would you be if you think the only acceptable way to deal with violent kids is to let them stab you? Wtf??? That kid could’ve jammed the needle into her kneecap and wrecked her ability to use her knees for the rest of her life.


It’s amazing how you keep glossing over the fact the kid stabbed her. Did you even check to see if she was ok, or did you just go straight to judging her for defending herself from being stabbed?


Your gf deserves better than you. I can’t believe how dense and out of touch you are.


You think there's something wrong with her defending herself after being stabbed by a blunt needle? Am I getting this right?


Your best option here would be to break up with her so she no longer has to waste her time on you. Sort your shit out, seriously.


If I was the girlfriend, I’m not sure I’d want to be with someone like him!!!


You didn't expect to get dragged huh? Deserved. I hope she finds this post and dumps you.


so she got stabbed and youre worried about what she did in self defense….?


I think your GF did the right thing. This kid attacked both her and her dog.


You grow up. She didn't search the kid out to kick him. He attacked her. She wasn't violent towards a minor. She defended herself against someone using a weapon. She could have done so much worse but all she did was kick him. Dump her. She deserves a partner that will have her back. You sold her out over a kid who by all measures assaulted your dog.


Op would be perfectly happy to let some kid attack and hurt his gf. How fucking pathetic.


I hope your girlfriend dumps you


Bruh you need to grow up that kid had an air pump he was using to torment your dog she tried to avoid it and the kid fucking stalked her what did you want her to do let him charge at her or defend her self idiot let alone she was stabbed in the leg she could press charges to his parents too doesn’t matter what the tool was he intended to harm your wife and the only thing you could think about was damn my wife was violent with that kid I don’t want her anymore like Jesus