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You have a month invested in this clown and he cheats on you with your best friend? Kick that fool out and find better friends. No one deserves this.


I want to move forward with him so badly, i left a 3 year situationship for him.


Sounds like you made a terrible decision. Your new guy is trash and so is your best friend.


A “situationship”? What the hell is that? And at 18? Start changing your life choices right now unless you enjoy being used.


So you're a self-sabotaging type of person who keeps yourself from being happy by making purposely horrible life decisions. Good luck with that in the long run.


You made a bad decision. Don’t make it worse by staying with this guy. He can’t be faithful in the first month? It will only get worse. Cut your losses and leave him now.


Ok not to be rude but please get a grip and have some standards omg. You are only 18 he isn’t the best you can do. And your boyfriend you met when you were 15 wasn’t either. Learn NOW to leave boyfriends when they have you fucked up. Cheaters don’t deserve to be forgiven. You’re already down to commit to him for life after one month and the month wasn’t even good. Dump him and invest time in finding better friends. You don’t seem like you have good people in your corner right now so you’re settling for anything. Take some classes, join some clubs, pick up some hobbies and invest in yourself and meet new people along the way. But dump this idiot. Get some therapy to work on being more strict you need to grow your self worth. Please don’t date again until you do, he’s a walking red flag.


Why? Why do you want to move forward with this particular guy? The world is full of men that are much hotter and more successful and nicer than this guy! Why would you throw your youth away on a guy that already proved he's a cheater?  Listen I'm in my 50s and I learned a lot over the years and wanted the things is: if you stay with somebody after they cheat, they got away with it and they will do it again. It doesn't matter what you put them through! I know a guy that moved out of his house for over a year because his wife caught him cheating! He moved back in and she caught him again within 6 months! If you stay with them after they cheat they will know that there is no consequences for cheating.  You need to get away from this guy before you actually catch feelings and not just some lust & infatuation!


Move in WITH him? Girl no. He’s already being a shitbag 2 weeks in and you want to fight for it?


You're fixated. I get it. It might help to recognize that you're focused on what could be instead of what is. Relationships at your age should be all about having fun and exploring, not drama and fighting. He's not ready, and maybe you aren't either. It'll be OK. Find yourself a partner who wants to make you happy.


And now you have learned he is a POS. It might be time for you to be single for a couple of months and think about why you were fooled by this AH and moved in with him so quickly. He put up a good act for a short time and then the cracks started showing and you let him get away with treating you very badly.


You are 18, do NOT waste your time. Go to school, move across the country, go on a vacation, something! This dude isn’t worth it and only having been with him for a month and he’s been cheating since week 2?! Absolutely not girl get a grip


WTH did I just read 🤦🏼‍♀️….


It's a month-long bf. Why move on? Throw him out with the trash. You don't seem to have a good picker for relationships? You left a 3-year "situationship" for this guy? OP.


This has to be fake. He has been living with you since the day y'all started dating? Is he homeless? If so...does your bestfriend have a nicer place? This is ridiculous. That "man" was on a 30 day free trial and his time is up goodbye !!


he is homeless.


You're fucking dumb lmao


This guy is a liar and a cheat and God only knows what else. You move on by throwing him out. You have only a few weeks invested in him and all this has happened? You're the luckiest cheated-on gal I know. Get him gone now and get tested for STDs. Find someone worth being with. Your boyfriend and your best friend deserve each other.


You are 18. Move on. Dont look back


You barely even know this guy! This is what you get when you move too fast. He was never your bf.


You live with someone who's been your boyfriend for a month, and he's already cheated. There's a lot to unpack there. Kick him out and stay single for a while before you move someone else in.


It’s been one month and he has already put you though all this stress and turmoil. How many months do you think you’ll be willing to take this? If you plan on being with him for the long run, you have to at least consider the possibility that this is how he will act in that long run.


Why you must really hate yourself to still want to be with this POS.


Girl it's been 1 month wtf drop him and your friend


Wow yeah dump them both


You are 18. You move on by blocking every.single.person involved in this drama. Don't engage in any way. Don't post hateful stuff on social media, don't talk shit to everyone you know. Then you take your broken heart at start setting goals for yourself. Get an education, save your money, travel, get a better job, get new friends. Get your revenge by being successful and not being an active participant in low life drama.


Fuck his dad


his dad left him.




That’ll make the revenge even sweeter


He seems like trash. You put him in the trash okay don’t be trying to take him out he needs to go off to the land fill you have you’re whole life girl


He’s a boy not even a. Real man with money


You are so young, relationships mean jack-shit rn , but they feel soooo important. Move on kid. Don’t be a dumb child that lets another dumb child ruin their life


He sounds like a real catch, congrats!


honestly im sorry but id be somewhat glad you found out a month in rather than wasting years on that clown


There is no moving forward with him unless you want to spend the rest of your life being cheated on. He doesn’t respect you, he lies, he cheats, he doesn’t care about how you feel. Sometimes it’s better to be alone for a while than force a relationship. You can’t change him, he will just keep hurting you. Sincerely ~ a man who has watched his dad cheat on his mom for over 20 years and counting


girl leave


A month is nothing. So nothing really to "move on" from.


Youre literally only 18. Leave that fool alone


You are young and will find other guys. Don't move on just dump his ass.


dude, your soo young!!! - who gives a fuck, is it gonna matter in 10 years - when looking back on the stupid decisions you made, wasting a month of your life over some fuckboy! - i don't mean to sound rude, find somebody better and move on, focus on you, and your future


Okay well these comments SUCK. Just want to say, your feelings are absolutely valid. It hurts to be cheated on, it really does. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with somebody. If you emotionally invest yourself in somebody then it’s gonna hurt no matter what. Don’t listen to anybody else invalidating these feelings. You’re still young, and that’s not a bad thing. You’re still trying to figure out your emotions, hormones, the whole nine. But there’s sooo much time for you to have relationships. I know it’s a societal norm to have a relationship at such a young age. And trust me, as soon as I turned 18 I had boyfriend after boyfriend. None of them ever last that young though, because you’re always changing and evolving. Guaranteed where you are now and where you will be in ten years are going to be two completely different people. You’ll have more life experience, more responsibility, and more respect for yourself. All young guys want right now is to get their peckers wet for a second. Hell, even men in their late 20s are the same way. You have to be willing to look within yourself and ask, what do you really want out of life and these relationships? Are you trying to fill a void somewhere deep inside of you? Are you truly in love with this person, or is it a temporary thing? I’d also like you to recognize the difference between love bombing and not. Love bombing ALWAYS seem way too good to be true. Immediate plans for the future, instant I love yous, the “hubby and wifey” titles before even dating half a year. Real love is having boundaries set for yourself and somebody else respecting those boundaries. There should be no pressure between either of you. You take it slow and really get to know somebody and their intentions. That way you’re never setting yourself up for failure or disaster. Keep your boundaries firm and figure out exactly what YOU want out of a relationship. Speaking from experience, you can’t really ever mold somebody into a person you want them to be. Either they stay the same or they make the choice to change. Good luck in whatever happens down the line.


Did he pay any of your bills? If the answer is no you have nothing to be sad about


nope not one. he doesn't even have a job!


Leave him! Im serious you are young and this is not the type of person you will be with the rest of your life


that sounds really tough. it’s totally understandable to feel hurt and betrayed in that situation. it’s important to take care of yourself first and foremost. maybe consider talking things out with someone you trust or even a professional to help you process everything. your feelings are valid, and you deserve honesty and respect in a relationship. it’s totally up to you on what you decide whether that’s being with him or not. if you do decide to be with him, I highly suggest talking things out with him and setting down boundaries. also be sure he cuts off your ex best friend and any other females he’s flirted or done stuff with. if he isn’t willing to do those, then that says a lot. he doesn’t respect you nor does he take the relationship seriously.


None of these people are worth it. You move forward every day.


You're young, and this is a one-month old relationship. You need to break it off with him then blocked his and your 'friend's' number.


it’s been a month… remember yourself one month ago, be that girl again and move on


First of all, do not let some dude move in with you after a month. Secondly: be glad you found out so quickly that both he and your friend are trash. You move on by packing all his stuff in a box and telling him to get out, then block him everywhere. Her too. Thirdly: three years is TOO LONG for a situationship. Maybe that was some high school thing, but you have to raise the bar considerably. Finally: Don't let anyone tell you you're not allowed to have high standards. If you think you're not worthy of high standards, then you don't need a boyfriend, you need therapy.


Well I would start with finding somebody to go on a date or two with. I mean make sure they know you just got out of relationship under bad circumstances but it's okay to go out and just have fun! Go get coffee with somebody or something similarly low-key! That's how you move on.  Whatever you do don't bother talking to that little boy again! He's too immature to be in a relationship with anybody! And if he is willing to cheat on you when you've only been dating him for a couple weeks and he's supposed to be on his best behavior, well there's literally nowhere to go from there! It's only going to get worse! So count yourself lucky that you found out now!  I'm sorry you're going through this but thankfully you barely know him so he'll be easy to get over!


You’ll thank all of us when you get older that you didn’t waste any more time on this fool. UPDATEME


this is either ragebait or you have no self respect. please stand the fuck up and get a grip girl. that man don’t give af about you and neither should you. you are worth more than that. i could never be caught looking like that.


I see your future as him cheating all the time and you accepting his apologies. Year or two your pregnant and got so much invested in him. He will be lying and seeing many women while you make excuses for him. You're too young to be with this kind of guy. Move on before you're hooked on him too far to move on.


You need better foresight in choosing men and besties...


You move on by breaking up with him, blocking his number, and never having anything to do with him. Get an STD test.  One month is too short to be putting up with this nonsense. Guys like this will think that you are okay with this selfish cheating behavior if you allow him to continue to be your boyfriend. You deserve better than this. 


I bet you’re so pretty


You’ve got two options tbh, to fuck endless guys until you die or to accept him fucking other girls but still loving you. Those are really the only two case scenarios for 99% of women


Oh so you're a bad person who cheats on their partner.


So people who don’t agree with your worldview are bad people? Who said I cheat?


You literally said the only options for women are to accept that their boyfriends are cheating, or to fuck men endlessly. If you think 99% of men cheat on their partners all the time, you're projecting your own shit onto other people, and whatever it is you're projecting makes you a pretty bad person.