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If you stay with her the cheating will never end. You'll become her doormat. She's gonna promise to stop cheating and she even might for a little while til she does it again. And the cycle will just continue. Please do yourself a favor and get a divorce.


This guy is just discovering a weird humiliation and cuckold fetish


What do you look for now? A divorce attorney


OP. You said this.. ' I still want to see how this goes before proceeding with a divorce.' See how this goes? OP .. it's gone! It's over and done! I highly recommend you get out before she gets pregnant. Remember, she's cheating.... Cheating means possibly her getting pregnant and pinning someone else's affair baby on you. Cheating means bringing diseases home.. to you! Cheating means a break of your trust... Can you trust her to be a mom who will raise your kid with morals....? Remember, she's going to be a cheater mom! If she has a daughter, is she going to teach her to cheat when she becomes a teenager? You should have been gone already, but you're steadily getting walked on. If you stay with her, you deserve what's coming.


If you can't see how this goes by now, you are never going to get the picture. Throw a piece of carpet over you and change your name to "Mat."


I feel like OP may have unlocked a self found kink that has been dormant until now. Your comment “ I feel both happy and unhappy.” & followed with “I still Want to see how this goes?” Truth is harsh: She has obviously no regards to how it affects you if she repeatedly cheating on you. You wanting to see where this goes is partially due to you being in denial or cause of the fact that her cheating is a kink of yours that you’re just now finding out about yourself.


Don't see how it goes, divorce now.


Damn dude, you need a therapist to help you. Maybe a PI to find your spine.


This isn’t advice but god I am so sorry to anyone going through this. It’s so fucked up. People like this disgust me on such a deep level. You deserve so much better and wishing you all the healing while you deal with this.


So you just wanted to post you're getting cheated on. You're not really asking for advice.


Exactly what else do you need to see? Have you not seen enough? Pull the plug on this train wreck of a marriage.


Leave, don’t walk, run .


You need to pack her things and when she comes home she can turn around and go to the loser she is banging. Enough already. Don't wait until she has a baby and you are not the Father.


A way out






You want to see how what goes? More cheating?