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You can resolve this without making him feel inadequate. I would simply bring further communication into the bedroom. Like literally pause him mid act, explain how he can do something better to be more in line with what gets you off. You know how to navigate your own body. He doesn't. But most guys are less worried about themselves getting off and more worried about their partner getting off. So ask him what he likes more often, and explain to him what you like. My wife and I have these convos about likes and dislikes in the shower


THIS. Guys that aren’t idiots want to prioritise your real pleasure and don’t feel emasculated when you show them what you like


I'll try this, thank you!


I’d like to add to what they said. It is COMPLETELY NORMAL to not know what you like or what is going to get you off during sex. He’s your first partner, so experimenting is all a part of learning what feels good and works for you. Reading books on tantric sex was a game changer for me. Check out the book Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the twenty-first century. I was really shy about speaking up & found myself in the same position as you, lying to make someone else feel good & at the same time missing out on what sex has to offer. Sex for women is typically very different than it is for men, and I’m willing to bet the porn you’ve watched was made by men. Getting in touch with the feminine side of sex & learning from other women was really powerful for me & made my orgasms much better alone/with my partner. Also, for some fun & kink, check out the book 101 Great Nights of Sex by Laura Corn. The pages are folded in a way that you have to rip them out to open & read them, thus having you & your partner commit to whatever it is beforehand.


It also helps to phrase these things in “you know what might make a great thing even better?” sort of wording and explicitly welcome receiving feedback from him, too. Try not to take it personally, just like you don’t want him to. Choose a time when you’re both having a good day and have emotional energy. Make trying new things together almost a game - try stuff that feels silly or goofy (like food sex, safely - that one’s always fun and weird the first few times and then occasionally ever after) so you both get into a relaxed and laughing and open headspace and it’s easier to try things because there isn’t any pressure or tension. Good sex is about joy and connection; chase whatever seems safe and fun and *just a little* out of your comfort zone to help you build confidence. It’s also a set of skills - no one starts having sex with all of them leveled up, and it’s perfectly fine and normal and healthy to need practice.


What this guy said. If your bf really likes/loves you, he's gonna listen. Cuz for most guys it's about us getting our woman off. You know best on how to do that so he'll listen


I like to ad that you do not have to came every time you have Sex. Relax and don´t force it, Talk to your boyfriend and stop pressure your self.


You got to tell him. Be prepared for him to be upset, because you've been lying to him. There's no way to sugarcoat it. It's very common for women to be able to finish on their own via hands/toys, and have trouble finishing w/ partners. You're only making it harder to feel comfortable by faking it, so fess up now and maybe once you two talk about it and clear the air you'll be in a better headspace to relax and enjoy things w/ your partner. Good luck.


I will tell him!! He's pretty good at listening. I think I just clam up a little when it comes to talking about intimacy. I kinda assumed he'd be upset, but I hope he understands where I'm coming from. Thank u!


_...was that a pun?_


Not purposely, no Lmaooo


Sometimes for me it is sensory overload when I am with a partner. It is okay if it takes a while to let yourself go in that way. You can tell him that you think you are getting in your own head and makes it difficult to finish and the longer this has gone on the more ‘in your head you are getting’. Just talking about it may help but don’t give up.


I had this exact issue and found that wearing a blindfold helped it so much. Not being able to see helped me not get off track as easily and focus more on what I was feeling.


When you talk to him emphasize it’s your fault too for not communicating. This isn’t him being bad at sex, this is you two being bad at communicating your needs and wants


Damn okay haha. Being empathetic is a given. Obviously, I'm not gonna be unfair and antagonistic.


Emphasize not empathetic :) They meant you need to focus more on your mistake of lying to him so he doesn't think it's all his fault.


Ohhhh oh my gosh, I'm an idiot 😭 yeah ofc I do need to apologize for that. It is my fault. I take 100 percent responsibility on that.


Yea. There are two ways this conversation goes bad. He gets hung up on your lying and his ego takes a bit because he feels like you’re saying he’s bad at sex. You talking about how this is, in a big part, your fault, should help lessen both of those blows


I definitely think that is true. Even if me taking responsibility doesn't lessen the blow and he's still pretty upset. I understand why. And he'd be perfectly valid to be angry abt it.


To prevent his ego from being hurt (which is hard to understand why it should be), but in case he does get hurt or upset, you could make a point about it that you cannot orgasm during mutual masturbation either. For me this would be compelling point that it is in fact a mental barrier you've got. Shy, embarrassed or shame. Who knows, perhaps this conversation is what you need to free you, and let the emotions float away to orgasm. Also, don't feel bad about it. I've been with my wife for 20 years and she also comes much more easily when I'm not there. It is completely normal and there is nothing wrong with you.


And remember this, *everything* takes practice to get good at it. Sex is no different but you absolutely have to be honest or you’re setting you both up for failure. It’s a hard topic for most to talk openly about, especially at first but to be totally honest if you can’t talk openly to your partner about sex then you really shouldn’t be having sex. Also keep in mind a ton of women can not climax with penetration alone or even with penetration involved at all and that climax is not always the end all be all of satisfying sex anyway.


Honestly I would rather know you can only get off alone rather than be lied too and think I don't need to make changes. I would also ask to watch you orgasm to see if I can emulate what you do. Now if he does exactly what you did and it doesn't work, chances are it is psychological, and you know what, it can be worked on. Practice makes perfect, and if I were your boyfriend I would have lots of enthusiastic practice with you!


I would suggest a “sandwich approach” when you have this talk. 1) Start with emphasizing the good/great, like that this relationship means everything to you - he means everything to you - and that you appreciate him and that you want to do everything in your power to make this relationship last. Forever. Part of that effort is… 2) to be honest with each other about everything. Even when it isn’t easy. And this is where you break the news right now so that it doesn’t evolve and jeopardize the relationship. Now that you’ve opened up on this issue you can… 3) focus on the issue together, with both hearts and minds centered on building this relationship into a magnificent union on the foundation you’ve BOTH already built. Good luck!


Thank you!! I will for sure use this approach. I often struggle to convey my thoughts, especially when I'm anxious. I think this will be a food format for me to tell him how I feel without getting flustered and saying saying wrong thing.


Also, I will add that for yourself, And for your boyfriend, I would encourage you to do some reading on female pleasure and then approach sex with your boyfriend in a playful manner trying different things together without the goal and total focus being on you cumming. Take the pressure off of you and your boyfriend and for now just take time to play with touch and with Toys et cetera and let your body relax and see what feels good to you . Coming with a partner is super different than making yourself come and it will be a lot more enjoyable if you find ways to play and enjoy yourself and I guarantee you that you’ll increase the likelihood that you’ll have the outcome that you want.


Some folks can’t easily cum with a partner no matter how good they are… it’s not indicative of lack of communication of sex, just what the body/head is capable of.


I would absolutely have an honest sit down conversation. But this cannot be right before or after intimate moments. It needs to be on its own time as to help avoid him becoming defensive or feeling like it’s an attack.


That's true, thank you! I've tried before, but it was after the fact, and I think I hurt his feelings a little. So I'll definitely try addressing it on a separate occasion.


I feel like it is more likely to happen with time and the insecurities passing anyway so you have more time to practice and see what works. Try to emphasize that everything is still enjoyable even if you don’t cum!!


Some people here are focusing too much about you lying to your bf and that is understandable, however, also you are in a sensitive situation. This is your first sexual partner, and things don't always work out so smoothly. Just be yourself, tell him how you feel. There is a reason why you haven't communicated before. Maybe because you feel embarrassed, shy, and self-conscious in the moment. To some, it takes time to feel confident in bed, and the pressure you feel will not help you either. I am sure you guys will be able to work it out, be transparent, and ask him to let you explain yourself before he speaks.


I did notice ppl were pretty hung up and the lying bit, and i admit i feel horrible about it. I shouldn't have done it. Even if it was because i thought it'd make him happy. I am definitely shy and embarrassed and self-conscious about communicating. He's never made me to feel that way I just do because I'm inexperienced. I think I do feel a fair amount of pressure but you're right. Hopefully things will be okay after we talk. Thanks sm for your comment!!


Let yourself be vulnerable when you talk to him, he will see right through why it came to this point. Work up the courage and tell him all. I wish you the best ❤️‍🩹


I was in your shoes with my first partner, and I found I had put a lot of pressure on myself to cum rather than trying to have a fun time and see what happens -- and go figure, I wasn't able to do that for him, rinse and repeat until i finally told him what was going on. Like the person above said, it's important to talk about the lying with your partner, but not something you should really beat yourself up about. Having it out in the open can help you two connect more about what makes you feel good, which should be the focus.


Its simple OP! You are new to sex. Having your bf there is a distraction. It will pass. Use this opportunity to bond and discuss what works! I'm married 42 years. Some of the best sex we had was after discussing what we like. If you can talk about sex, you won't be able to communicate about other things.


Okay! This is really good to know. Thank u! I thought it was supposed to be good sorta off the bat. Like, yes, the first time isn't gonna be the best, but after that, it's supposed to be amazing. I didn't know there'd be a learning curb for me.


Everyone goes through this. It's one of the things no one wants to admit. Sex takes practice. Well good sex anyway!


This is not as big an issue as you think. In my experience, women just typically require more stimulation to orgasm. I've read some theories that the increased need for stimulus is a breeding mechanism designed to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant by having sex with multiple partners, but take that with a huge grain of salt. My lady is the same way; she cannot cum from sex and we need a vibrator to help her orgasm. It is only a problem if viewed as one. Instead of faking orgasms, communication is extremely important. Incorporate more foreplay to get the juices flowing, and then have a toy involved to finish off with after your man cums. As long as you both are able to orgasm, it really should not be a problem.


That's a really common problem to have. Something like 70% of women can't orgasm from penetration. Also, penetrative orgasms and clitoral orgasms feel different. PIV orgasms are less intense. So it's possible you have been cumming but we're expecting it to feel the same as a clit orgasm and didn't realize. It's also possible that his technique needs some work, or that you need more foreplay. If he's a good partner, he'll be able to put his ego aside and learn how to get you there. Start with upping his head game and teaching him how you like it and go from there. Don't focus so much on the finish- by being so preoccupied with wanting to cum you shoot yourself in the foot and make it a lot harder. Relax and enjoy the process. If you use vibrators, lay off from using them as frequently or take a break. Your body can start needing the high intensity vibrations in order to achieve orgasm. Communication before, during, and after sex is key. Tell him what you want, tell him what works and what doesn't during, and then talk afterwards about it. You'll both be exploring your body and finding what works together. It can be fun! Good luck.


This is very helpful. Thank you so much!!! I didn't know PIV orgasms felt different than cliroral orgasms! That's really fascinating and helpful knowledge.


Yeah not many people know that. I definitely didn't when I started having sex lol they're not always as intense, but they can be with the right technique. You get a similar rush of endorphins and you'll feel a squeeze/tightening inside, so like maybe a quarter of the intensity of a clit orgasm. I thought I was faking it with my first partner until I read an article that said women/people with vaginas are able to have something like 8 different types of orgasms and it described in detail how to achieve each one. This was years ago so I don't even know if I'd be able to find the article for you, but it wouldn't hurt to look. Glad I could help! ETA: I found the article! Several people have asked, so here it is. CW for explicit sexual content obviously, and it's from a sex toy website, so take what it says with a grain of salt. https://www.lovehoney.com/blog/12-kinds-of-orgasms-and-how-to-have-them.html?psafe_param=1&g_cmp=14389291175&g_adg=129408852947&g_ad=597500449169&g_target=dsa-44303918967&g_network=g&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJTizWIasIWoU6HIasmgH8pCj3Ni2FYSr4uJarGrk_WU7O7LT5HC2ZxoCLLAQAvD_BwE&lh_cpt=gen&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJTizWIasIWoU6HIasmgH8pCj3Ni2FYSr4uJarGrk_WU7O7LT5HC2ZxoCLLAQAvD_BwE


This might be your experience, but I don’t know if that is typical. I would say my orgasms from intercourse are way MORE intense than from hands or mouth (although I am one of the lucky ones who cum reliably from PIV)


I'll definitely see if I can find the article!


I edited my comment to include the article. It's interesting if nothing else lol


Can you share that with me too pls, or what phrase should i use to search such kind of knowledge?


I came to comment this exact same thing at the beginning of EVERY relationship the sex is middddd until you start talking about what you want to explore and talking about what feels good / what doesn’t it always takes a minute to get to learn the style of the other person even if you’re experienced everyone has their own thing they like and you might not even know what you could be into as a couple 👀👀


Thank you I’m 47 and I learned from this!


Some women never come via penetration alone. You don’t have to answer, but what makes you orgasm alone? If you are like most women it is stimulating the clitoris and/or areas of vulva that might pull/tweak the clitoris: the clitoris is not a single external spot, that is literally the top of the iceberg. It’s important to know: here’s some details https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/clitoris https://helloclue.com/articles/cycle-a-z/what-is-the-clitoris He also may not know much about the clit and perhaps THIS is the convo: “I’ve been learning more about the clitoris and I’d like to try some clitoris play here are some things I’ve learned” https://youtu.be/CIAbfzWlp5A?si=31jl4wT7gtEXYhUA (This one is for men by a man on clit orgasms) This is about forplay https://youtu.be/iSrbE-zb1P4?si=QLxNgG1rIjxpZ0Xe (he can watch this or you can ask for some of the ideas he gives) Search YouTube for “how to stimulate clitoris” and “how to foreplay women”. There is so much, but i usually post the men cos men listen to men. The Gspot is an area just inside the vagina (see that article for more info). It does zero for me, so penetration is total non-event. Other women are sensitive there and those women are more likely to come from penetration. There are very few nerve endings inside the vagina. Here’s info on it https://youtu.be/JJLFNJAK1xI?si=hbLsQPTuos_mTYqM ask if you can both do a session where you masturbate w each other. Watch him masturbate and assist with touching elsewhere, then visa versa, he’ll see what you like. In that context you can also take his hand and have him “masturbate” you. If vibrators work for you like they do most women, try getting one, or get an airpulse toy like the Satisfyer2 which uses airpulses to stimulate the clitoris as well as it also has vibration. Try it on yourself then ask him to try it on you. There are also LOTS of couples toys that enhance PiV sex for both parties. Buy him one. Ask about vibrators, wands and couples toys at r/sextoys Ask for oral sex. This is v effective for many women. Have him watch some videos on it: Say you watched them and want to try, I’ve sent you on some YouTube trains; look for “how to go down on women”. So many vids


So I think it's better to try to figure out why you can't cum - is it his technique? Is it not being able to fully "let go"? If it's his technique, then communicate with him.


I understand this. I am the same way! I just had to start communicating with him. Now he knows that I fake it and won’t stop until I do. Sometimes it is a blessing or a curse 😅 but also talk to him about possibly using a vibrator during it. My boyfriend does and it works. He prioritizes my pleasure before his


Guys that are all about pleasing their partner will want to know what they can, how they can do it, how often they can do it, how hard they can do it - all of it. Literally show him how you want to be touched, and have him do it and talk to him and tell him when he’s doing what you like and tell him when he’s not. Guys that are all about pleasuring their partner, the desire to make them orgasm in 900 different ways takes over their brain


So I’m gonna just throw this out there because it’s Reddit. I’m not just shy but pathologically shy, have RAD, and when I tell you I was married for 3 years (married at 21) before I finally felt ok to let go and let my husband get me there, I am not joking. I could do it to myself. And when we were intimate it felt great for me I just didn’t let myself get over my insecurities to the O. Great that he’s attentive and a good partner I just think there is a level of trust I could only get to with someone who was committed to me for life. I’m not suggesting you have an attachment disorder like me but if you are shy just be honest with yourself about why you might be holding back a little.


Block out an at home date night. Dinner and a movie, new sheets. That kind of thing. Get relaxed together. Set aside time to make it work. There can be mechanical issues involved, but first things first. Relax enough to do it. You’re young and new to things. What sets you off might turn out to be something innocuous. Usually spending time with your partner while they do something they’re good at helps.


It's pretty common in women, you can also try to use toys, it would probably help. But lying isn't the solution here. You both need to understand that this is real life an not porn, not everyone cums with sex


> I noticed he always feels a little self conscious after sex if I haven't cum and he has You need to tell him, and he needs to accept that you may not always be able to cum. You should stop lying about cumming when you dont. You feeling pressured to cum is likely what is making it so hard for you to actually cum. Especially since you cannot even make yourself cum when you both master bate. I would especially communicate that part. It isn't a 'him' problem. That doesn't mean it's okay for him to ignore your pleasure, but the focus should be on pleasure, not forcing you to climax


You need to get good and relaxed first. Ask him to give you a full body massage before starting the sexy stuff. Also, experiment with different positions. Buy one of those books that has drawings showing how to do them. Pick a page and say, "hey, can we try this tonight?" Don't tell him it hasn't been good. Just make it sound like you want to try new things.


Try getting on top with him inside, put your legs straight back and grind up and down or in a circle. That is the trick for me.


Hey, my advice is to just stop putting so much pressure on the orgasm. Do you enjoy the sex? Fantastic! Then you have a good sex life. I promise that at the very least you're putting pressure on yourself to do it which is never going to help.


With my ex husband he would usually be able to, but sometimes we would have to bring a toy into the mix and it worked beautifully. Some men look at toys like competition, but those rare men are here for it. Let him control the toy makes it better


Man here - Toys aren’t that big of a problem, but I’d encourage you to introduce the idea of using them during a non-sexy time. Immediately before, during, or after sex is a bad idea because he may take it personally. My ex got out her vibrator in the MIDDLE of sex with no prior discussion and it totally killed my mood because I felt like she was telling me I wasn’t good enough in the moment.


Yeah these conversations are really difficult to have, especially hearing it as a man. But it has to be said & this will create a stronger relationship between you two. Communicate with him how you do it on your own & then guide him. He probably won’t get it right on the first few attempts but there will be progress. Also, explain how you’re very new to sex & he’s your first. 6 months is still early on, you both have to learn each others bodies. I had the same experience with an ex girlfriend & we found out we were both in our heads too much during sex trying to please the other that we weren’t embracing our own sensations & the moment of making love. When you’re both in the moment & feel more comfortable with each other then you’ll both be pleased. Just trust the process, the key is comfortability & everything else will flow.


It's normal for you to experience this. And sometimes even if you have cum before you might not depending on a few factors (drinking, depression, hormones) or just bc your body isn't wired for it that day. Sometimes it might take more foreplay or a different position. Exploring your body is fine and it sounds like you've got a guy who's game for it being fun for everyone. I struggled at first when id started having sex again after being abstinent since I was 19.(got married at 31) but eventually after I got over my insecurities and my partner made me feel more than adequate, things got better. Give it time and relax into it a little more each time.


I want to remind both you that you are on a very normal course for young lovers. This is a challenge for most humans that have found love, and it’s a fun challenge to work towards overcoming together (I didn’t mean to make a pun there but it’s staying). It’s no slight on him that he didn’t make you finish right away, and it’s normal that you were hesitant to be open, but you have to do so now. Many guys are built to finish quick when young and inexperienced, and many girls are built to have the hardest time getting there when young and inexperienced. Through a life long relationship, the guy gets better at lasting and learning about his partner. The girl gets better at finding her way to the finish line and guiding her young man to get there with her. There was this cool short I saw, where someone shared a theory on why men and women orgasm so differently. It really stuck with me. Among other things, it was stated that possibly the reason it (commonly) requires a thoughtful, caring, and creative partner to bring the woman to orgasm (vs for a man an orgasm is just a given) is because when a woman orgasms she’s more likely to lie down and go to sleep after. If you lie down and rest after unprotected sex, you are more likely to get pregnant. So perhaps women evolved this way so that it would be that much more likely that the thoughtful, caring, and creative male partners would be the ones to reproduce.


Coach him to what you need him to do Literally while being intimate . Left a bit to the right more pressure there eccetera .. and also congratulations for being the very rare female emotionally mature enough to even be willing to communicate ur needs.. not sarcastic.


I would start introducing toys and new positions in the bedroom. When he is in you are you also rubbing your clit? That usually works for me. Or using a vibe on it. my husband likes to watch me play with myself. We also communicate and talk dirty to each other. I tell him to go harder or touch me here or don't stop doing that. I am able to have multiple orgasms in 15-20 min.


There are a lot of opinions here but this has to do with comfortability, trust, Insecurities and fear. WHICH IS COMPLETELY NORMAL! Start talking . Don’t degrade him AT ALL. It’s NOT his fault or yours for that matter. It’s apart of growing sexually . I’ve been married almost 10 years and we still find new things that both satisfy us and make us feel insecure . ♥️ just talk. You can’t get there because you’re over thinking NEEDING to get there ASAP


Its easier to get yourself off as you know what you like. Maybe part of it could be piv focus doesnt get you there and thats what most hetero sex focuses on? I could have zero penetration and get off just fine. That sort of thing. At any rate, saying nothing means nothing will change.


You likely have to trust him. And he may have to prioritize your orgasm. I can't cum with partners I don't deeply trust. And when I realized this my life got a lot easier and less shaming of myself because I thought something was "wrong".


First, you need a clear understanding of what makes you cum. Do you need clitoral stimulation? Penetration? Both? There is NOTHING wrong with communicating your needs to your partner. Ask him what he likes, if there is any specific he would like to try, or something he particularly enjoys when you do. Keep the conversation going both ways. Explore things together.


i definitely would stop faking it! it is simply more difficult for some women to orgasm with a partner. most women also do not come from penetration alone. they usually need clitoral stimulation, or both clit & penetration. it’s definitely something worth talking about. i have had this same issue for YEARS i was never able to finish with a partner. for me personally, i think stage fright played a big part because even when it felt good i simply could not finish. i still have times where i feel like i COULD cum, but i end up stressing out in my head like “well WHEN am i gonna cum, am i EVER gonna cum, am i taking too long, is he getting tired, etc.” and that hinders my ability to finish GREATLY. the key to orgasming with a partner (ive come to find) is seriously RELAXING. first of all, he should be doing ample foreplay for you. things should probably be starting slow (if that’s what you prefer) & there should be plenty of touching, teasing, fingering and/or him eating you out. if all of that is enjoyable & feels good for you, then you’re on the right track. however if it isn’t really feeling good, you may need to figure out how you prefer to be touched & what makes you feel good & orgasm when you’re alone, so you can communicate that & apply it to sex with a partner. secondly, RELAX !!! if you (or your partner) are feeling pressured to make you orgasm, it can seriously hinder your ability to do so. this is another point worth communicating, because i understand the guilt of making him feel bad over not being able to cum, and yall should come to an understanding that during sex, orgasm is not necessarily the goal, feeling good & being intimate together is. but if everything is lined up right, it’s feeling good, and you’re feeling like you’re getting somewhere, relax. focus deeply on how it feels, and try not to let your mind wander, and especially don’t start thinking about NOT cumming. focusing on the feeling and trying to breathe helps me usually. so basically, i would stop faking orgasms, and i would have some candid conversations about the sex you’re having with your bf. figure out what feels good for you if need be so you can tell/show him. talk about the pressure you’re feeling to finish, and how that may be getting in the way of actually finishing. try to simply enjoy sex together regardless of orgasming, and focus on the pleasure you feel until eventually one day, you will orgasm with him. then the walls will break down & it will be easier in the future !


First you have be honest with your BF... Tell him about everything and try to focus on fourplay more.. and guide him where feel more pleasure. Eventually it it will improve after every section and both of you will improve......


This same thing happened to me when I lost my virginity to my bf. For me it was I was too nervous to finish, it took some time for me to feel relaxed fully but once I did I was able to finish. And tbh being able to finish vaginally isn’t something I thought I was capable of, but eventually I was able to do that too. But even now it still takes a lot for that to happen, I usually just rub one out while he’s going at it and that’s fine w me. I also faked orgasms when I was in the pickle you’re in right now bc as a virgin I didn’t know wtf to do! What I did was eventually told him down the line, like I told him exactly what I’m telling you now, and he understood. But one day I just stopped trying to fake it and told him and he would try to make things more comfortable/sexier for me and it took some time but we got there. Idk, hope this helps. Just know that that’s totally normal!


Hey so I once had a partner who Absolutely Never Cums from PIV With nobody Ever. She could ONLY cum from a vibrator and ONLY if she holds it. Being able or not able to 'make your partner cum' through PIV isn't a failing on anybody's part.


We women are overthinkers, and it translates into the bedroom. So we think instead of being in the moment and feel. When you're by yourself you don't have to consider anyone bit yourself so you can relax and just enjoy. So I think having a conversation would be beneficial, and put everything on the table. That way, you don't have to "think" during your sexy time. You can just feel. Also, vibrators help so much. Some men are so offended that they can't make is orgasm without a vibrator that they see it is a threat and not as something that helps to enhance pleasure.


The fact that you also can't come when masturbating next to him points to a mental block.


Here is what I wish I knew when I was your age - it’s very common for women to not be able to organism from vaginal penetration. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, you just have to get creative! Talk about it honestly with your bf, and yes he maybe upset that you haven’t been honest with him about it but hopefully he is open to making sure you finish as well going forward 😊 Now you guys can come up with creative ways to help you orgasm - maybe he uses a toy on you, maybe you experiment with different toys, positions, scenarios, etc. Sometimes men take it personally that they can’t make you orgasm, so just be sure to reassure him that you want to figure things out together so that both of you are satisfied. Wishing you and your bf good luck and many orgasms going forward OP!


Toys and communication 


You're still learning about yourself. You also haven't been together for very long. I would just be honest with him about your struggling with it. He may be a little upset about your faking it, but hopefully he gets over himself enough to work through it. It takes a ton of effort to not only fake it, but to continue lying about it. Transparency is important in a relationship. Aside from that, this is the time to explore different things with your boyfriend. Some stuff may not work but some stuff might.


Reading your post, if he really wants you to orgasm, it may be creating a level of performance anxiety. If the sexual experience is about your emotional, physical and spiritual connection, and not about the end result, it may flow more naturally, and be easier to allow your body to respond. I would recommend talking about that. Remove expectations. Focus on just being present and sharing the experience, regardless of outcome.


This all sounds like a lot of formal planning! Why not just ask him what it’s like when he makes himself come. When you then say it feels different for you too…I can’t imagine a scenario where this wouldn’t lead to you both being horny. Then just ask him to show you what he likes, then you can do the same. And magically you are both communicating! Then just keep talking, tell him when you’re enjoying things. He will like that I assure you!


Yeah I have this same problem it's rather embarrassing but at the same time I don't fake it if he asks me I'll straight up tell him, sometimes we will get a toy out to help me out a bit. Tho I do get embarrassed sometimes when he watches me use it lol


Edited for confusing statements. Communicate more in bed. If he's down there between your thighs, do not hesitate when he hits the button with the right movement and pressure. Grab his hair and tell him to keep that up. If he hits the right angle when he's inside of you, tell him so. He can only go off of your moaning, and if he's missing everywhere, that's understandable. Also, do not hold back your heavy breathing and your moaning. It's been shown the reason people can orgasm better when masturbating is because they don't hold their moans in and breathe from their lips instead of their nose. Think about what you're doing when you're alone and rubbing one out. Apply that to coupled intimacy. It actually is more liberating on the mind and body when you're gasping for air during a very intense moment, and crying out when something feeling intense on the body. It's the same reason people who scream in pain tend to recover quicker from pain than those who hold it in and halt their breath, internalizing the pain. Same holds for pleasure.


The key to satisfaction is communication. Guide him and show him exactly where to go, at what angle, and be precise.


I had this issue for the first couple months. It may be frustrating for a while, but if you’re fully honest (yes, even brutally honest) about what works best for you and also *when things aren’t working*. Don’t fake it, because that’s just sweeping the problem under the rug. Be honest, candid, and understand that he may very well be hurt by you lying to him. But if you ever want hope of improving your situation, you must be honest


So you 2 arent....cumpatible? Jokes aside, just talk to him, maybe you 2 can work something out, find a new way of doing things, experiment? But most of all TALK TO HIM!


show him what you do to make it happen. or better yet, tell him to put his head down there and check it out up close and personal 😛


This is far more common than not so don't feel disheartened. The safe space created between you both where you both feel cherished, desired and safe is a two way street, intimacy takes honesty and vulnerability - that is a solid foundation for a woman to be able to orgasm and it shouldn't be ignored or taken lightly. If I was you I'd tell him, in the moment, what you like and see how it goes. If that didn't work, I'd then have a talk with them about fantasties and then fall naturally into how you feel and what you need.


i had the same issue. i felt a pressure that i needed to finish to show him i enjoyed it. you don’t. i faked it too quite a bit and fessed up after like almost a full year of faking it. the guilt was eating me up and i just needed to take the step to clear the air and make myself comfortable and actually try and cum fr. it helped!!!! he is now able to make me cum with his hand on my clit (no other way sadly) but it’s such a massive win for us and it’s all because i wasn’t afraid to take my time anymore, relax and make him work for it ;)


My exes were very attractive and talented in bed in different ways, and I have never had an orgasm from them. Not once. Faked every one of them. Figured out it's a nervous thing for me. I get in my own head about how I look, sound, if I'm making ugly faces, if he thinks my body still looks good, insecurity over my small chest... Also just the PRESSURE to cum kinda overwhelms me. Especially when they say shit like "Cum for me" I try so hard but never can. But I can get myself off in less than 5min.


Show him what it takes. How else is he supposed to know. Relax and learn each other's body, desires and more. Communication is the first step, trust and patience comes with it too. Kama Sutra books are great for couples too and so are the intimate products. The love dust (is what I call it) is amazing. Foreplay foreplay and more foreplay.


I think you're telling part of this whole thing is if you can't even make yourself cum enduring mutual masturbation. Would be one thing if he was the one trying to help you get there but couldn't, but the fact that you can take care of yourself when you're by yourself, but not cum as you take care of yourself when you're in front of him may be a key factor. Are you self-conscious at the idea of him seeing you have an orgasm? Some people get a little freaked out about themselves and how they look when they lose control in those hot moments. It is cool that you're able to do mutual masturbation in front of each other. I would say to work on being able to make yourself cum with him that way first while enjoying other things as well. And then once you can reliably give yourself an orgasm while he's doing the same to himself and you're watching each other, things should start to get even better from there. Plus, if he cares about how you feel during sex, he'll be taking notes on what gets you off so that he can give you that amazing feeling too!


Foreplay amiga


Yes I agree you need to come clean(no pun intended) and go about it as though it's a sort of mutual investigation, you obviously know what does it for you but maybe it's hard for you to describe and harder still for him to put into practice, allow him to try things and feedback what works, variety can be very helpful, mess around with angles, pillows under your lower back etc, it's a journey and a skill, nobody starts off a professional. It is also worth being honest with yourself and him about what would make him more attractive to you, just small everyday things or physique, grooming routine etc


You're probably in your own head too much and haven't learned to relax around him yet. Maybe you are subconsciously anxious around him?


Time to read Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski! It could be a matter of anxiety or self consciousness with a partner.


It could be a comfortability issue, I didn’t cum with any sexual partners no matter the amount of love or attraction I had with them for years. It wasn’t until I got comfortable listening to my bodies needs and how to angle myself when either doing the deed or oral/manual that I figured out how to “let go” so to say. I know a big thing for me in the past was getting too much in my own head and not being in the moment. Try to focus on the feelings/sensations he gives you, how good he’s making you feel, how your breathing changes, close your eyes to really let yourself sink into it all if that makes sense. Cuming by yourself and with a partner can be two different sensations too. If you focus on not feeling what you think you should be feeling your body could be stressing itself out instead of relaxing and letting is all ride out. If you’re a “grass” user as well that’s helped me before to stop the overthinking. I hope this helps!!


First, your situation is not unusual. Second, you don’t have to tell him anything other than you’d like to experiment with each other to discover what things turn you (or him) on. Take time, discover how your bodies work together. Tell him you’d like to create some mind blowing sex together, then work on doing just that.


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this, but many women can't cum from penetration alone, and I also can't come when someone tries to use their hands. Have you tried receiving oral? That's the only way anyone has ever made me cum, but I admit I have to think pretty hard about it, and it takes a while. Otherwise, I agree with people saying to communicate with him. I just wanted to put that out there in case it hasn't been thought about or mentioned!


Once again...the BIGGEST SEX ORGAN IS THE BRAIN. Your brain...you have no one to blame, including yourself. If you had just started some other "hobby", wouldn't you give yourself time to get good at it. Of course, this goes for the bf as well, he just doesn't get it, because he's always cumming🤣. Just relax and stop focus on anything other than enjoying your time together. Stressing about it is the LAST thing you want to do...could not be less productive. Anyone that claims to be good at sex when they're just beginning is just dumb. Relax, have fun. It's supposed to be fun, not stressful!


The first 3 months dating my girlfriend, she had the same thing. She had been lying to me about finishing...pretty much every day, but said she could finish on her own sometimes. Needless to say, I was pissed for a while. But we talked it out, I worked on some personal stuff, and eventually she started to finish with me. So I would say you gotta tell him. He will be pissed, and to be honest, he kinda should be. But once everything's in the open, you can start working on things in bed.


Make him feel comfortable and be honest with him about the whole situation. Unfortunately the majority of women out there in their marriages become talented actors and might never experience an orgasm in their marriage and never talk about it. He might think that it's his fault or that you just don't like him if you don't let him know that you feel differently. You're young so I hope he takes it well but you have to lead in the situation and it'll show him that he can actually be vulnerable around you.


I read a lot of comments , not all so I apologize if it was said . I think saying something now about the past isn't a good move. I honestly think you should screw The hell out of him. This way , that way , another way however you see fit . Wake up and repeat . You didn't really say how he's hittin it, but you can control speed and stuff yourself . Oral is kinda weird as a guy. I like it but I find myself kinda lost down there sometimes. The penetration orgasms, that I have been a part of took maybe 20+minutes . How's your foreplay? Try doubling it . I would eventually tell him if you weren't able to get there after trying some more. By ENDING FAKING keeping it real, and COMMUNICATING moving forward. All the best OP


Give it some time. Honestly It took about a year for me.


Definitely just talk to him and explain to him what feels good and what doesn’t it’s helped a lot in my relationships


My bf and I talk about what we both like and it has helped so much in our relationship. He is a romantic man and I like rough sometimes. We take turns pleasing each other. It is a wonderful thing.


Ask him to finger you while he's out to lunch. Or maybe you're like me, I'm a dude but can't bust unless there is an emotional stimulation, like talking/noises etc. It took so long to figure out why it was hard for me to cum during sex (I'm talking 90min sessions even when it was great) and then I met this girl that liked to talk.. Holy fuck. It was like a light switch. First time she told me to drain it inside her I came in like 10 pumps after. The BJ can be good, or all forms of foreplay, you can be turned on with their looks and it can feel amazing, but for me it's 90% mental. Bc on the flip side of this, if I feel she isn't enjoying it just a little bit I go soft and won't bust. So just try different shit.


the best way to approach this is afterwards talk about the deed and ask him what he liked and what you liked or what he wants next time and try to direct the conversation to him asking you the same questions back. or in the moment if hes doing something right say "dont stop" lmao and afterwards tell him you really liked how he did that certain thing. just gotta redirect conversations and condition him into what feels good to you. GL


Not going to repeat all the good advice, but Check out the podcast You Don't Actually Eat It. They talk about this exact issue and many other great topics. You're 💯 not alone in that. Another great resource is OMGYes (it's an app and cost$$) Not affiliated with either just trying to be helpful. 🥰🙏


I think you might be a little more successful if you first stop blaming yourself. It's not because you're not comfortable or assertive enough with him. It's not because you watched too much porn. It's Just Because. By now, you've had a lot of practice and know exactly what you like and how to do it. It's a lot harder for him because he lacks all that experience and that immediate feedback loop so of course he doesn't know how to do that thing that really gets you off. So tell him and teach him.


When we met, my wife (30 at the time) dropped on me that she had never had an orgasm with a partner and expected that she never would. She had acquired quite a collection of baggage from just about every era of her life, so it wasn't a simple technical or interest issue. It took five patient years, but... now she can. And does. A lot. With me, and I'm very proud of this, with her other partners as well! (we're ENM) If you and your partner can both respect each other's headspace, place zero pressure on an outcome but just enjoy the moment, and spend enough time truly communicating, good things can happen. Even if it takes a while. Best of luck.


Show him how you masturbate. Make It a sexy date, he needs to see how you move your hands. If you like a bullet vibe or suction toy, use that during PIV. Another thing is trying to have an orgasm before you do PIV. Give yourselves enough time so you don't feel rushed. Wand vibrators are AMAZING for solo and partner sex. I can't recommend them enough.


You’ll both benefit from some honesty. His ego might be a bit bruised but if he’s a good guy he’ll be eager to make changes to help you finish. Learn what you enjoy and what feels good for you and if you’re comfortable, teach him how to do those things. If you’re still feeling shy about sex with him that’s okay! Give it time till you’re comfortable with him. Often people feel shy or a little anxious in front of their partners during sex - this can make it difficult to finish. So start with an honest conversation and see how it goes from there


Bring a vibrator with you into the bedroom. The moment he enters you, put it on your cl!t and tell him to keep a steady pace, whichever feels best for you. Then close your eyes take a deep breath, and try to get lost in it. let your voice be heard, embrace whatever funny sounds come out, guys will eat that shit up. Focus on your own pleasure building up, and you’ll get there. I believe in you girl, you journey has just begun!!


I can’t cum. And if I do, it’s on my own with a lot of work. It also doesn’t “get me off”… I’m happy not doing it, and it’s also partially pee. I don’t want to clean that up. You can actually look it up, I remember years ago thinking something was “wrong” with me, but it’s not uncommon in women.


If you lie about this, you'll never cum. How can he acommidate you or find a way to help if he doesn't know that there's a problem? Be honest about your feelings. I know it feels vulnerable and weird, but if you want the same openness from him you need to be an example of it. Maybe he has questions too and is too self concious. It's usually a bumpy ride with a first partner, but if you openly communicate about wishes, desires and personal problems, i promise: if he is the right guy for you he will be grateful for your honesty. I personally can relate that "being too much in your head" ruins any chance of having an orgasm. This can only go away if you feel comfortable with hlm the way you do when you are alone. Let him know that you want to explore your possibilities with him, together, and that any "failure", provided you give eachother feedback afterwards!, only improves both of your abilities and experiences. He is young and probably a bit scared that he won't make you cum. Help him. I know this isn't exactly romantic in the beginning, asking questions while getting fucked/providing feedback can feel sterile. But the more you both find out about your bodies the better you get at pushing the right buttons! My husband did the same at first, and so did it. I know the idea of fucking and understanding what the other wants without having to talk about it seems romantic/hot, but it's rather unrealistic. I had to tell him how to fuck me and he had to tell me how to blow him. You got this! :3


Talk to him and let him know you may need help or to try some new things because you have trouble having an orgasm WITH A PARTNER. Do not make this about him or make him feel like he is inadequate. Phrase it as it's just something you have trouble with but you want his help to make it happen. The very good news is that experimenting ways to fix this is extremely fun.


There is a book called come as you are. It may help you to trouble shoot a little bit. Have you tried toys, but only when you are with him?


Lots of studies show the average woman takes 20 minutes to cum so if he is a fast comer try foreplay filacio and find out what your love languages are... just FYI I was 32 when I had my first real orgasm.


Apart from communicating with your bf, I just want to let you know not to feel pressure or like there is something wrong with you! You are young and figuring it out! You will figure it out. People’s bodily sexual responses change as they get older, and I’ve found that orgasming around another person is like a wall you have to get over. I’m 21 and in the same boat as you. You just have to remember that all you have to focus on is feeling as much pleasure as possible. That’s all it takes.


I have dated women who cannot cum without being alone. One in particular told me that it really annoyed her boyfriends. And she would have this trouble in the beginning of the relationships. She would say don’t worry about making me come I can’t do that with somebody else. And the guy will be like “oh! You just haven’t been with me yet”. And she heard that a lot. Then here comes the frustration. Dip shit Dan completely ignores her warnings and tries so hard to make her cum. Then starts being passive aggressive and really bitchy because he’s insecure by the fact that she can’t cum. Even though she told the fucking guy from the very beginning that it was going to be impossible. I got a very big kick out of this. She still enjoyed sex but she made it clear that it could end when we both wanted it to end because she wasn’t going to climax. Another girl who said that she rarely was able to come with somebody, I was able to make her come one time and it blew her mind. The only thing I changed was whispering gently into her ear. You’re young and you’re figuring out your body. It’s great that you figured out how to make yourself cum. Because that’s the first step we need. It’s like that saying you have to love yourself before you can love others. If he doesn’t get insecure about it let’s try just forgetting about coming together. Try to use the fact that you can’t come to your advantage. Sometimes on my second or third not I wouldn’t be able to cum. And a lot of girls liked this because it meant I could go on forever. So if I was dating you and you told me that you couldn’t cum with somebody else, I wouldn’t get insecure I would just enjoy having a longer sessions and find ways to make you feel smaller points of pleasure instead of the cumming. You may not even know that you like when he touches your ear and your nipples at the same time. Our bodies are funny. I don’t make the rules but I don’t follow them either. Keep being positive and you’ll figure things out.


A great source on YouTube about anything sexual is CaitlinV. She is fantastic & explains everything so well. I’ve often sent the videos to my boyfriend in the past & they watched & appreciated them. Check her out!! Maybe you can even watch some together & you both can learn something new!!!! 😊


I think you need to get more comfortable with him. Don't feel shy. Spend more time making out naked. Masturbate in front of each other. See if you can cum masturbating in front of him. He will also learn observing you. Be more open with each other.


is there any forplay i’m 21m and forplay is KEY to these things and not being so fast and to a rush when pursuing sex with your partner


Just something I haven't seen emphasized much - wanting it to happen often makes it so much harder! It took me months to figure out to how finish with a partner, despite figuring it out with a vibrator much earlier. I figured out after a while that focusing on wanting it made me lose the feeling, so I talked to my partner at the time and asked if we forget about trying to get me to finish for a while - I had a ton of fun anyway without the finish, and my partners have always been interested in my pleasure anyway so there's almost always a ton of foreplay involved. Lo and behold, it was like less than a month later that I managed to figure it out (on top with a vibe in my hand). Years later and I pretty reliably finish with my partners if I want to, often without a vibe. But even now I have to remind myself to relax and not put too much pressure or expectation on my body to respond a certain eay


idk what you've tried and what you haven't, but it sounds to me like there may be a mental block there too, along with him not knowing your body the way you do. ik when I started dating my bf I literally couldn't get him off for almost 8 months (we r both trans) and it was only after he started becoming more comfortable with his body that he was able to perform with me (and it was only from oral for a while.) there's a lot of pressure early relationship! 6mo is still the stage before you really know each other, let alone becoming comfortable being naked around each other. sex becomes a lot better when the goal is just to feel mutually good and not just to get off. idk if you've done this, but you might wanna try just exploring the next few times you go into it. show him what feels good, let him explore you, and let him do the same. take it slow! the goal of exploring isn't to get off, or even to have "full on" sex, it's to see what works and what doesn't. if that leads to sex, and that leads to getting off, great! if not, that's okay!


Please, please, please stop faking! There is absolutely no benefit to it. My partner and I have only been with each other and I struggled at first. It was a mental thing more than anything else. Communication is always key. Talk to him about it. If it's anything like me and my mental block, the more you communicate it with him, the more comfortable you'll become. Over 13 years together and I have no problems now. I'm comfortable with him seeing me like that. And he certainly loves seeing it. Just keep talking to him about it. And if he becomes a jerk over it or refuses to listen, then you have to figure out from there if you want to continue the relationship. But as long as he's listening and communicating with you as well, you'll get there.


Do you have a certain kink that you watch/read/think about when masterbaiting alone? If so you probably should tell him about and it would help. I have had the same problem with my partner and when are not doing my kink its very hard to cum.. when we do my kink its easy to cum… so whats your kink? Lol


Something thing that can also help is 1. blind folding yourself let your mind focusing on the touch rather then seeing what is happening infront of you. 2. Getting your mindset in the direction of sex and not focusing on trying to come but going with the flow. Try different kinks some people like being spanked and that gets them to that point you need to explore what you like and dislike with your partner. Let him know the you want to explore more in the bed. Guys dont mind just be open about what you like and dislike.


I was like you, I faked it for almost 6 years. The relationship wasn’t good to begin with due to me being SA’d in high school the year before we dated, aside from that he was my first and I was shy and I was also his first. He already had low self esteem so I didn’t want to make it worse so I’d fake it and when he left I’d get myself there. Eventually our relationship slowly faded due to it since he was so confident in himself when it came to that and very boastful when around other women. Eventually we argued one day and a bit later had sex I decided I was done taking it, I didn’t react at all because I could never feel anything, the sex wasn’t sex to me AT ALL. I can say our relationship could’ve been much stronger had we discussed it on both ends early on. If you love him and trust him enough to have sex with him then this conversation will be nothing. I think it needs to be put out there rather than sugar coating it because some times even if you guide during sex they already believe they know what they’re doing due to you faking it so it’s a less responsive way (I say try it first and if he’s not responsive make it a conversation where you air everything out).


Oh, sweetie. There are countless women who can’t reach orgasm through partner sex. I never did and faked orgasms to placate male egos. I’m hoping this will end with your generation. Please don’t feel guilty. Society and, especially porn, place a lot of pressure on women to perform this way. It’s time men stop expecting women to perform orgasms for their benefits alone.


Thank you sm for the reassurance! I do hope I stop feeling so guilty.


He doesn't know what he's doing.




I do direct him! He has a pretty good grasp of where everything Is


Experience life I am 50 and my current partner has to use vibrator at times. My ex wife could orgasm easily . All I had to do was look at her lol I had problems orgasmING when women gave me oral back on the day..I had women feel disappointed in themselves. I remember being horrible at performing oral sex in my 20s Sex is complex There are no answers..communicate As you get older find out what you like and more specifically don't like. You may find a guy in the next 5 to 10 years that makes you orgasm quickly Women always meet that guy at some point lol


Don't tell him you haven't cum yet. Men don't react well with this stuff. Its not gonna go well and its gonna ruin your relationship. Because you lied allready to many times. But moving forward just communicate better on what you like, or try new and different things exploring new things together. Etc...


he’s just not doing it right. he should want to know how to make you cum properly. have the uncomfortable conversation or else you’ll keep faking girl


I am not trying to be gross let alone make the op uncomfortable but trying to help her and hopefully save the day with my “experiences”: you have to teach him how to lick the clitoris by surrounding and licking it around with his tongue and it being in the center and go the other cyclical direction, even licking it up and down and sucking on it as he would switch it around. The source comes from my personal experience knowing and actually catering to women to come multiple times from that, and I would receive constant compliments from women with my technique. Tl;dr he needs to learn how to eat p*ssy, and that will definitely save the relationship. I even was with a woman, and she even told me (though i will admit she was an escort as I suffer from autism and was bullied and therefore traumatized (yes, really) doubt myself as “not good enough for women” so I can only approach escorts for when I need it, that sadly I cannot approach “civilian” women due to trauma of being rejected): “my boyfriend can’t make me cum like you” while she enthusiastically goes down on me.


Faking it hasn't helped. It always annoyed when girls I dated where giving too much feedback (i.e. screaming too much when I haven't done much), it's hard to tell what's working or not. I didn't need encouragement.


Stop doing it alone duh


Tell him.and help him


He’s young and not thinking about you and faking orgasms only contribute to him thinking he’s done his job. If he’s up for it, he needs to learn what turns you on and try something new. 1) Does he currently go down on you? 2) Does he rub your clit when you have penetrative sex? 3) Does he know how to finger you to hit the G spot? 4) Does he have patience and keep things going or stop once he’s done? All these things involve him being thoughtful in the love making department. Unfortunately many young men don’t realize that there is more than just banging you harder. Good luck


Used to have this issue until I stopped masterbating for a little and everything was normal


duuude no never fake an orgasm what’s wrong with u


Well if he's really trying to make an effort and he's not bad at it then it's something that is wrong with you possibly due to this porn situation or you just being in your head too much, if you're worried about hurting his feelings and ego maybe try to emphasize that it's not a him issue


All of my bfs didnt make me cum, so its quite normal


Probably anxiety, or lack if clitoran stimulation. If you rub it while having sex it will be 5x better. If you have, it's probably performance anxiety


It only works for me with oral. Clitoral stimulation is needed for almost every woman to O.


Let it happen. If you think that you have a physical issue, see you OBGYN, otherwise it could be you're embarrassed about how you body reacts and don't want him to see you like that. Let yourself go.


Get yourself a hitachi and use that with the penis inside of you.


Tell him , ladies first , then get you. That’s it. If he don’t get that then kick him to the curb and find me


He needs to ensure you’re able to have an orgasm’s. A good man will always take care of a woman. Just talk with him about.