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You can get sick from rodents. Does he not care? He sounds gross. Why are you still dealing with this disrespect?


Does he want Hantavirus? Because that's how you get hantavirus.


There's a reason why there are so many mice in that one area - he's leaving food there. This is a massive risk to your health, but just to his health. I know you love him but I would move out. This isn't a safe environment to live in.


I’d move out. I can’t live with someone who’s fine just chilling in mouse poop. You shouldn’t have to tell him to clean it, or to set traps, or to call the landlord! In fact, I’d have been harassing the landlord every single day until it was taken care of. Sitting in a poop covered chair in underwear - how was that *not* the dealbreaker for you?


God damn. Does he need some sort of mental health treatment? I’d have gotten a cat for that detached area.


I’m so disgusted by this I’m mad I read it. I had a mouse infestation- we immediately put everything in plastic snap on bins and sanitized our counters before and after every use while we waited for it to get fixed by professionals. I’m surprised he, and by extension you, have not gotten sick yet. You need to leave the house and him. He does not care about his health or yours. The fact that you even had to tell him to clean it is one too many. Girl you deserve so much better. It is possible to find and date someone who is hygienic and cares about his health and yours. And someone who is an actual partner in the relationship. Hoping you have a safe place to stay soon.


Girl, he is disgusting!! Rodents can spread disease. You should move out ASAP, your health should be your priority right now. So sorry that you are dealing with this


Yeah, so it's completely rodent infested because of him. Not just the actions that he refuses to take, but his behaviors prior to this. They went there because there's stuff for them to eat. So say you left this place and got a nice, new, infestation free home. His habits would likely cause that place to become infested with something else. What are YOU doing, OP? I don't mean about the mice. I mean about your boyfriend. Why are you still with this man who is content to sit in rodent filth in his underwear? Who acts helpless to address a serious issue? Are you actually "very happy", like you say? Or have you slowly become numb to the gross, inexcusable, lazy behavior of your partner?


Holy shit, this is disgusting. How could you ever possibly see him the same way again? I honestly do not think I'd ever get over the ick of having a disgusting, careless, dirty animal as a partner... I would have the ick every time I saw them.


Mouse urine/droppings have a particular odor. How can he stand to just chill in there in his chonies? Is he eating and drinking there as well? And this is acceptable to him? If I was living in a mouse infested rental, my first call would be the landlord, then the dept of health if he refuses to address it. In your case, I suggest packing up and allowing Nature Boy to commune with his murine brethren.


Get a couple of cats. Please don't purchase a home, have children, with this man.


Is he depressed or have some other mental health issue that prevents him from being clean? My husband and I both struggle with anxiety, ADHD and depression and have let our house sink into a bad spot in the past- but once we saw that we had a mouse problem, we took action together- bought and set traps (the electric kind are great), put all of our food in airtight containers, and made sure we kept things clean. It took hard work, but we were able to get rid of the problem. He DOES have control over this, he is just choosing not to act because he's either too lazy or mentally unwell. Also, the VERY LEAST he could do if he had given up regaining that space is to not go in there, in his underwear, and be around mouse crap, which can make you seriously ill. Please do not buy a house together until you can sort this out with him. Honestly, this is a very large red flag.


He is mentally well. Life is going good for us in general. It's honestly a bit confounding to me. He does struggle with cleanliness in shared spaces a bit but not THAT much. Usually I just tell him what I need from him and he's amenable to it.


I mean, not being able to tackle this problem is a signal that he's maybe not 100% mentally well.


op, this comment is concerning — how can you in good faith claim he is not this bad with hygiene and cleanliness? i am a physically disabled person who struggles to shower and things are going BAD for me, and reading this post made me sick to my stomach. this is VERY FAR from normal or acceptable. that you have stayed this long makes it seem like you have become an enabler, complacent, and almost lost touch with what is acceptable. posting here shows that not all hope is lost, but. if this is how bad things are when you’re “happy” and he is “mentally well”, how bad could they get when you reach the eventual hard knocks of life?


This won't fix the husband problem, but: hire an exterminator, and bill back your landlord. Not even joking. They have a responsibility to maintain the premises in a livable condition.


We have chickens and from time to time we get mice in the coop. They are OUTSIDE but my husband either shoots or poisons them to not get our CHICKENS sick. CHICKENS! Lose the man, get some chickens.