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Some women are just busy, but apologizing for every little thing is always annoying.


Alright, there is a lot to unpack there, but most importantly, this woman would be a very difficult person to build a romantic relationship with, you effectively started your first girlfriend on hard mode. She works, is in school, and is a single mother, that is a VERY tall order, even at my peak I would have had a rough time juggling all that with a partner. Not to put too sharp a point on it, you should probably move on, this relationship will be bad for you, and in turn would probably be bad for her in the end.


If I were you I wouldn't chase her. Give her some space and don't initiate other than smalltalk in person. Or a wave. If you are falling all over her (not that you are), it gets annoying. Just my opinion!


You need to work on ur confidence. Also I don’t think she is interested in you. Pretty sure she isn’t. She’s just slow fading you.