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Imagine being this dumb


Believe me, this is the tip of the iceberg with this guy, since this guy (joseph sneep) has had a track record supporting pedos


_pretends to be shocked_


Impossible. I cannot conceptualize being such a fucking moronic waste of harvestable organ tissue.


Conservative christians and stupidity name a more iconic duo.


Anyone this dumb couldn't imagine anything.


He's debunked all of religion then. The irony.


"History means {His story}, it's in the word" Only in english fucknutt! and the word come from the greek ἱστορία. Why is there always a dude trying to find words in word, trying to rearrange the letters or find numerology meaning?


You can’t believe what other people say they are unreliable trust me.


Oh ffs even Herodotus could debunk this moron. No source is 100% reliable, hence the job of historians is to cross check them in order to verify any given affirmation, among many different ways to check info, including archaelology, living history and critical analysis of the authors. Source: I'm a History student


A child could out think his logic. Only government/academic writings are considered credible, but actually aren't, but fanfiction written 1800 years ago is fact? Fuck outta here. Dis fuckin guy!


So... are we to think the word "his-story" originated from and only exists in English? The unfathomable stupidity of every single "argument" this excuse for a semi-sentient being spews out is mind-boggling.


He has a point, but the stuff that's easy to peddle as true history is usually so inconsequential that it wouldn't matter if it was true. All the important stuff is either corroborated or openly debated


One of the funiest things these dumb conspiranoic motherfuckers believe is that the "world's elites" leave little easter eggs like the shit he says about history being actually his story, so they can be found out by people like this


Yeah dude's too far gone lmao


he's worse than jeranism.


Whats witu all the strange stock images