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Your Lee die worked fine, the pic shows your problem. Screwed down too far and you crimped and seated at the same time which fucked the neck and shoulders.


Yep 👍🏼


But I didn't use the seating die, I used the full length resizing die with the decapping assembly removed.


Did anyone else think 308 Ackely Improved?


308 Weatherby


308 cold pool


Im going to guess that wont even chamber due to the angle and length change in the shoulder. Even if it did, it's a piece of brass. For the small cost, its not worth your rifle/eyes/hands etc etc. Reclaim the powder, primer and bullet and move on


Pull the bullet on that one 




When it come to "should I shoot this?" If you have to ask the question, you already know the answer...


I disagree with you based on the number of people asking if their cartridge with a slight dent is safe to fire. This one goes in the bucket though, no doubt.


IF IT SEATS IT YEETS (make sure to film it)


I don’t see why it wouldn’t fire form (like shooting 280 rem through a 280 AI to make AI brass) but brass is cheap so I’d just pull it, reclaim the powder and move on


Honestly you had the correct answer. It will just fire form and be fine.


It'll fireform


You reinvented Weatherby


Not going to chamber.


When in doubt, pull it out.


I think I would worry about the cartridge not head spacing correctly since the head space is set by the shoulder. I don’t think it’ll be catastrophic or anything, but like others said it probably won’t even chamber. If you have a cartridge checker I would use that to determine whether it’ll seat and yeet properly or if you should pull the projectile. My money would be on pulling, reclaim, trashing the brass, and moving on.


It depends on what firearm. A modern bolt rifle, I might shoot it. Anything else is a hard no.


12 year old Ruger M700 bolt action.


The Ruger M77 is basically a Mauser action. If the round chambers and the bolt closes, it will fire just fine. The massive extractor holds the case head close to the bolt face even if the cartridge shoulder isn't contacting the datum in the chamber. That's why I was able to fire a 308 cartridge in a Springfield 1903: https://imgur.com/a/VCFzjNJ


do it seat??


If it chambers and the bolt closes, it should be fine to fire. You changed the shoulder angle, but didn’t change the volume of the case. So your pressures shouldn’t be all that different. It will fire form back to normal. Edit: To clarify, if it chambers and the bolt closes is not the answer for everything the bolt closes on, just this particular case. As it MAY not chamber due to the geometry change of the shoulder.


I wouldn’t try it. That bullet is seized up pretty hard in the neck. Not worth it. 


Good to go


It will work, probably sub optimal, but the gun won't blow up. The case neck will fill out to the chamber, bullet will leave the barrel, maybe a slight pressure spike, but not to proofing levels. Potentially the worst that will happen, based upon how you loaded it and with what, would be that you don't have enough air to cause combustion and it would be a dud. Credential; I've blown up two guns. First one was because of a powder mixup, second one was because you *do not* reload 40 S&W that has been previously fired out of a Glock.


>you do not reload 40 S&W that has been previously fired out of a Glock. I feel like there may be a story here lol


There is. I'll give you the short version. There is a space somewhat close to where I live where a lot of people go shooting. One of those guys I have talked to at great length, and he shoots a Glock. He gave me his brass. One of the things that I noticed about the brass that he had was that the base of the case, close to the rim, had a noticeable bulge to it. I decided to run it through a resizing die, and it came out okay. It didn't look unusual. Inspected it closely, didn't see much wrong with it, loaded it up, went to go test it. When I went to go fire a round, the cartridge exploded, slide didn't move, frame cracked, stinging sensation in my palms, bullet hit high and to the left of where I was aiming. Momentarily standing with stinging palms I dropped the gun onto the ground, turned around to see my wife staring in horror, and I lifted up both of my hands to show her that I still had all of my fingers. It turns out that because of the unsupported chamber, Glock-fired cases bulge at the rear. That bulging compromises the structural integrity of the brass casing. In this particular case, the powder charge tore the back part off of the case. Fortunately the stupid pistol I was using was so thick that I didn't get hurt.




Yeah. One customer service call later, and I had a new pistol.