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No Hate but ur doing a hc run… why u wanna grab the Labyrinth staff? Just skip this part? Why u risking for a weak melee weapon? When u can have any other melee weapon


Exactly what I was thinking. When you do an HC only do the essentials. Ideally your HC runs should be as brief as possible. The long you play HC the more opportunities arise for you to die and end the run.


Ikr? I mean its the weak ahh Labyrinth Staff its so weak why even gonna risk it 😂😂


My thoughts exactly! Just avoid this shit


Is the staff considered weak generally or only weak for a hc run because it’s just not worth the risk and time? My friend and I got it recently. We went all in on the upgrades after defeating the cube boss in labyrinth.


nah the staff isnt rlly good at all tbh 🙏🏻 its not worth the risk especially at hardcore


I love the staff for any build that doesn't rely on melee. If I need to get a little more mod power in a pinch, I can use it to finish enemies off or even to break pots/boxes. Personally I think its under-rated as a utility weapon, but to each their own.


I think he want the archon archetype


you can literally buy it again from Wallance


Hyea, dunno why then


It's also a mini boss there. It's worth it if you like playing the game. The jump is easy though. Don't stop, as soon as you land on platform, jump again. The game give you an animation where your character leaps forward a but and then will jump. I make it every time.


Ik but its not necessary to do it he could just go towards the main boss and keep going but nah bro doing sidequests on hc and complaining here on reddit 🤡


Why do you care? He wants to do content in a video game and you're out here acting like that's such a horrible thing to do 🤡


Yeah, it's a known problem in the game and one of the main reasons I don't want to bother with a hardcore run. I'm all about the "kill me for my mistakes" thing, but the amount of times this platform just screwed me and many other people since the game's launch is a clear indication of a problem.


You can still do a hardcore run, just don't do such platforming and you'll be fine. Sure, you'll not be able to get some items, but that's not as big an issue as dying thanks to a bug.


It's things like that that I don't feel bad sometimes backing up a hardcore save to get around something that is just broken like that. I enjoy 100%ing hardcore challenges. And that's my meeting them halfway. I die in combat or my fuck up run ends. I die from hackers, or glitches. Doesn't count and I replace the file. Haven't played in a long time so I don't know if they have something to stop that trick, but I've used it in other games too get around deaths beyond my control


Devs have always been quite chill in that regard. There are no protections against cheats, hacks or safe scumming. Honestly, I also like it that way because it's a waste of resources. If people want to do that in single player then I think people should be allowed to, it's their fun after all. For multiplayer it obviously shouldn't be the case, but no matter the resources spent there, you can't win. It's only a question of how bad the hacking scene is. I'd rather see these resources being used to improve the game than to fight a losing battle, after all it's a coop game and not competitive.


Ya that's good to hear


this. when i did ghost mode in ghost recon wildland, the hardest part was avoiding bugs. once u knew them and knew when they could happen u just play accordingly


But that's the problem: I'm not avoiding the platform because I'm taking a risk, I'm avoiding it because the risk is entirely inconsistent and the game just randomly decides to screw the player there. I think it's something that should've been fixed for quite a while now, but I learned they only fix stuff like that when players send a video of it being used to break the game, like I did with the 1 damage ground fire from the Spitfire in the first game and they fixed it in record time.


Funny how the solution to getting the item is, don't! Easy solution (if able) bring a body to wait at the stone if you miss. If I jump on the temporary circle portal platform, then jump more towards the left I have made the jump without hanging on the edge (where the problem happens the most). when I jump towards the right of the first divide or more towards the right, I've had that wall clip too many times. It is annoying, and agree this shouldn't be the solution, but of the options and depends how you want to handle the repercussions. Good luck my man, I know the desire and I hope you get the staff and shards!


Yeah I was normally the crystal camper in my group.


I don’t like save scrubbing but I have a no bullshit deaths exception.


Jump to the circular platform, back up two steps after you roll and then make the jump


This!!!! Facts


Jumping onto it is what screws most people up because they then mistime the next jump or it confuses the game not sure what. But drop then jump onto the ledge without grabbing onto it is the best bet.


And jump not so close to the wall too, align yourself more to the right side


You don’t need to grab it you can just jump directly onto it. You may be jumping too early or not jumping onto the platform initially and just walking onto it


My character doesn't jump directly on the ledge. They just act like they hit an invisible wall and fall to their death. Just to confirm, I've tested this on a softcore character and they died 4/6 times on this jump. Never doing this again on HC. Ever.


Ngl i need a video of you doing it , because i never have an issue with that jump


I watched two streamers do a hardcore Apoc run together (AdmiralBahroo and Distortion2) and they were terrified of this jump from dying to it, and refused to both do it, so that one would still be alive to rezz the other if they failed the jump, which they sometimes did. They were farming the miniboss, so they did it quite a bit.


I've never had issues with this jump....until a play session about a week ago where it killed me 5 out of 6 attempts. It seems to just be a bug, or potentially related to builds because the way it ruins the jump I have never experienced anywhere before. "hitting an invisible wall" is a great way to describe it. I'll see if I recorded it, was so frustrating since I've never had it happen before. But it was this exact ledge.


yea well i had to learn how to actually jump there without grabbing the edge cause it ended with fatalities plenty of times so my full sympathy to OP


It’s exactly what I’ve been telling people, drop down and run and jump onto the ledge without grabbing. That will guarantee it with less errors and even when you do grab the ledge it it seems to be more successful because we’ve trained ourselves on what to look for:


You just can’t jump on it right away when it spawns, wait till after the first flash, then run across and jump. If you jump on it right away your character can’t jump high enough to jump on, wait like 2 seconds then go after it appears.


Umm no, you’re wasting time it’s timed.


I know it’s timed but literally stand in front of it. Wait till the light goes away after it appears, run and jump. There is more time than people seem to think.


I've had this happen; you have to take a step to the right to not hit that "wall."


It's buggy indeed


Just ask for someone else to sit in front of a fireplace and call you back when you fall down. It shouldn't be that hard.


My friends and I anchor literally every platforming section on HC, because without save scumming there's just too much risk. (we almost always make those same jumps first try on non-HC runs, but the stakes get us to choke so often)


But I do not understand why you were over there to begin with.


Grabbing this ledge is not required to complete a hardcore run. The melee weapon from it is trash anyway....... I don't understand what the problem is


The weapon is required for the Archon class. You can avoid it by starting as an Archon though


Once you've unlocked an archetype on any character, you can buy the material from Wallace and immediately unlock it on other characters.


Hardcore is kept separate from regular though. You can start Haedcore as any class you have unlocked in regular, but you have to find the rest over again in Hardcore. They do not show up at Wallace until then.


It did on launch, but sometime since they changed it. Wallace's crafting tab is the same, but if you tab over to "buy" he has all the archetype items for sale (aside from the starting ones that other NPC's sell, including Mudtooth) for 1500 scrap. I just checked my HC character to be sure, he's selling Archon, Invader, Explorer, Summoner, and Alchemist (I found the item for Ritualist already, started as Invoker and already bought Engineer).


Well I'll be dammed. Never knew he had a shop. Only ever saw the crafting part.


I cannot.....you're really complaining about dying while doing a (relatively easy) platforming section that's completely optional....on a HARDCORE run??? Your only concern in the labyrinth should be the Cube boss...not some C-Tier toothpick with lights. Absolute cringe worthy nonsensical idiocy.


“C-Tier toothpick with lights” 😂 This is the best comment.


after 5 shilly deaths on HC I decided I would not jump unless absolutely necessary. Started doing my runs avoiding any jumps, or bosses with one shot mechs. I was lucky and found several times the even for shiny hog lure, which combo perfectly with the crossbow that the summoner arch starts with, added a mod I liked, normally eafir for mobs and blood shots for bosses and went sooo sweet. But yeah everything started going better when I engraved the rule: NO JUMPS If you want mod power so bad...maybe just do an adventure to get faerin ring and cataloger jewel in one go? it would combo really well with encrypted ring for an early mod build with healing potential.


same. lost many HCs to platforming/falls, like 99.999% of HC deaths. one day said fuck it and made my lobby public. 100s of hours later co-oping HC w randoms and only once did someone try something silly. folks playing HC co-op usually know exactly what’s going on and can wait at the stone or make the jump. now HC co-op is my favorite mode, and 4/5 of my slots are HC builds. it’s my Survivor mode workaround until they drop that (hopefully next DLC 🤞)


It works best if you just hug the left wall, but no guarantee. I’ve slid off many a time


HC runs gotta play it safe. Do only what you have to and collect what you really need. Other then that nothing else should matter. Especially since labyrinth is glitchy af anyways. Sorry about your run though.


Just save scum your hardcore past it by copying and replacing the save before and after. I know I know, not a legit run! But at this point, who cares?


After dying once in hardcore to actual enemies and 10ish times in a row to bugs I started save scumming. I fell through elevators multiple times and decided I had enough.


It is a game, you are supposed to have fun.


Point out the fun OP is having in this post.


Save guardian is very useful!


Yeah, what I used. Still for remnant 1, the save scum leaves a stain (invalid exit) and if you alt f4 etc, also. I love the fact you do get black marks here, but remnant 2, so many ways to just cheese it without proof


Skill check bottleneck.


That one ledge brought pain like no other, until I realise you are NOT meant to grab the ledge (you will just fall, buggy edge), but jump forward onto the next platform. Although not as painful as HC, it does cost me 2 out of 3 runs needed to get the new secret cube rifle/shotgun.


I don’t know if helps but i take all my armor. Also u rly have to time the jump right and you can’t really grab. Just jump all the way


It's bugged a bit. I even did alt+F4 once on it because my hardcore char didn't want to grab this ledge...


I joined a random's HC run here and waited until he got through before jumping so I could reset if he failed. We did die to the rock because I got overconfident but the plan was sound xD


By any chance you have the sealed ring which allows you to cancel Melee animations? if so that is the problem as any movement related button press will cancel your jump grabs. If you use the said ring then when you press jump DO NOT press any movement related buttons like space etc and you should be fine.


Is this after the boss because im at it now and i didnt have to grab any ledges???


I know it sounds silly but if you walk and jump you might find more success than sprinting. I’ve hit that invisible wall many times (not in HC though, sorry for your loss) but I don’t think I’ve had any issues when walking instead of sprinting. Give it a try on a non HC first to make sure I’m not crazy but it worked for me


I’ve noticed that if I jump on to the platform and then try to run and jump across my character won’t grab. It started working for me more consistently when it spawns I just walk off the edge and land on the platform, then I can sprint and jump off to get to the other side.


You did this twice??? Dude….


Find a buddy to sit at a crystal. Nbd


Okay, once gets sympathy but like… why would you even go there and risk such sc thing in the first place? It’s hardcore. Don’t take unneeded risks


Target fixation.


Wow I couldn't imagine going through the whole game not dieing but I also just got it still deciding between a crusader or the guy with a dog lol I'm a dog guy


Guys simple just don’t get the weapon you don’t need it, also if you need to get the savior, start with a role on Yeasha map vs wolf that way you can get the amulet of the wolf and do more bleed damage without having to fight a boss


What helped me was drop onto it but DO NOT jump onto it and then when you jump try and jump directly up on the ledge without grabbing. Really helped me a lot, let me know if u need more help.


Not in hard core. But that jump messed me up too. Character decided when I rolled not to roll to the edge of that platform and jump off it. Instead I hit the roll button from the middle of the platform: he jumps *immediately* causing him to sail off the side of the platform no hope of even reaching the ledge to grab up. I was going for that new dlc gun. I felt so silly I had to go make sure all my controls were right and there wasnt secretly an actual jump button.


Never do the Labyrinth solo on Hardcore. Too many inconsistent jumps. Always get a friend to camp on the stone.


No way I could ever hardcore this game with how janky the camera or platforming can be.


Respec and max out fitness and movement speed


If you are attempting that jump, make sure you do not hug the wall, it seems to kill you every time, try jumping more to the right.


save scumming is your friend. (on PC)


You can do it on console as well. It's just a bit more annoying, and you can only do it solo unless you have 2 consoles on Xbox anyway.


Didn’t realise this jump was a problem. And why even bother trying, on hardcore run if you have problems with it. What you even after? The staff? Not even worth getting unless you getting the arcon. If this is all that’s holding you back, just don’t bother. Nothing worth bothering with on hardcore run that way bro. Bare essentials


If your HC run ends due to this, it really is just your own fault There's zero reason why you need to do this jump to complete your HC run


I never had a problem with it until I tried to get the Polygun. Then I couldn't hit that jump so, so many times.


Ah, yes the disappearing platforms bs. Yeah I died from that too lol.


As someone else pointed out... you can just buy the staff from Wallace. You can buy anything in HC that you unlocked in "softcore" mode.


Why would you not just get this on a regular character instead of a hardcore one?


I gotchu beau. Sprint off to the starting part to the time-limited platform, don't jump to it. THEN jump to the far side, not too close to the wall edge or far right edge. Shoot for anywhere the middle 60%. If you were looking at it for the jump, something like: |Bad|GoodGoodGood|Bad|


Cheese it. Have a co-op partner go grab it. That way if they die you can bring them back to try again.


im on nerud on one of those towers and my guy randomly decides literally on his own to do a double jump and, like the thing where they leap forward a bit then jump again, over the edger out of nowhere to his death, there goes 11 hours for nothing lol.................. sick game


They really need to fix grabbing ledges!


For fucks sake, I just want the labyrinth staff so I can recharge my healing shot mod. That's the only reason I'm over here. After my character missed the jump the first time I was pissed. But I thought it was a fluke. NOPE. There's just something about the far ledge (past the circular platform) that your character refuses to grab on to. As if the labyrinth cube boss wasn't bad enough. I've lost hours and hours of time to this stupid fucking jump. I love this game but it really pisses me off sometimes.


*why is the labrynth staff your main method of mod gen for healing shot*


Never said it was my main method of mod gen. The Lab Staff has the added bonus of charging mod power off of destroying pots/boxes/ect so I can regen when not in combat. It's useful in a pinch, don't overthink it.


*im going to overthink it because it is not that necessary to the point you even need to go this way. This is like THE main buggy jump in the whole game and you make it a priority for... breaking pots... Just shoot people*


Dunno why you are getting downvoted for playing how you want.... Just make sure and grab a quick coop partner prior to this jump so even if it bugs out you can just respawn at the crystal and give it another go.