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too much dopamine causes hallucinations, this is what causes psychosis


I don't feel psychosisy though


You never do. You just start talking to people who aren’t there and all the sudden they’re not there. You look outside your bedroom door to see nobody and realize you’re losing it. You start talking to someone who’s not there about how you’re going crazy. All the sudden they’re not there…so on and so on. Yeah, real life instance. All of it feels completely normal. Best thing you can do is go to sleep. Don’t take more until you’ve slept at least 8 hours.


My brother was the same way before breaking into the Longview, Wa airport one night, hoping to gain the attention of federal police. He thought they would help him break up a local police office sex traffic ring. This was MDPV 12 years ago. He is not alive today.


Not feeling psychosis is the definition of psychosis, friend. You don't know you're in it when you're in it. TRUST ME, I know this from personal experience. It is only in hindsight do you realize your nonsensical beliefs were simply not real. The devastation of actions take due to those false beliefs have caused my life devastation, losing friend groups I've known for 10+ years, changing from a good job to a worse one, and motre. Psychosis is no joke. It is not like an acid trip where you know if is from the drug. So be careful. If you are at this point, continuing will make it worse. If you stop now, eat, drink water, and sleep, it will go away.


Idk, I knew I was hallucinating when I went 3 days without sleep, I knew it wasn't real, don't get me wrong, it was scary at times, but I knew it wasn't real.


It is a spectrum. Other forms of psychosis I assure you you don't know. I quit my job thinking I was an autistic savant genius going to get my PhD in physics from MIT and make a world changing discovery that would change mankind forever. I believed that as fact and no one could talk me out of it. There is a lot more utter craziness but that is just one example.


Fair enough, I was just giving my experience. That is a wild story tho, Jesus, hahaha


Apologies if I came across as harsh. Some (many) people don't understand what psychosis is like so I interpreted your writing wrong. That story is not even the half of it and remember it was non drug induced. See what I mean about laypeople not understanding psychosis? Maybe spreading specific examples like that can help people better understand and stigmatize less than what history has attempted by changing the fucking name from "manic depression" to "bipolar disorder" lmao


I'm preety sure you can be in psychosis and know it,I was in past...


if you’re on a stimulant and you start seeing things that aren’t there, what else could that be


I'm reasonably aware of my surroundings though. It's just the brain doing overtime and being good at predicting as usual.


Omg i just heard a faint scratching sound. I froze up and 2 fuckin mice ran by


Oh my dear sweet child, no they didn't


psychosis moment


That’s a sign you’re hitting good sized doses


Oh and back to back smoking dials it up to 11 too right


If i glance over stuff, there seems to be coming steam from everything i just looked at..😂


Might be time for you to drink some wawas, eat some nibbles and do nigh nights


Try to go to sleep. It is very possible that the hallucinations are from sleep deprivation


But i like them


Ye you soon won’t the longer your awake and the more you take the weirder and more intense/dark the will get .


boa, Nur die harten kommen in den Garten. sry but it just doesnt make sense in english but here you go anyway Only the tough ones come into the garden.


Sleep deprivation (?) but i had lots scary hallucinations from just overdoing Meth on occasion, prob even Methylphenidate i think lmao Sleep deprivation came to mind cause visual hallucinations from it almost always manifested in my peripheral vision first Did a bunch in the past, like 2-4 days up just on caffeine


Hello Shadow-People come down, eat and Sleeeeep everything would be OK in a few days / if you dont redose


Go to sleep and take some rest


Stop nep for today, sleep, benzo You're starting to get psychotic


That shit happens to me when I fish out on nitrous lmao


NEP is quite a heavy substance, and at highish doses, weird stuff can happen. Remember, you are playing with your brains. Maybe this is a sign you should take it easier with the dosages.