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Not a dr.....but endorphins are mire powerful anti depressants than ssris, and they dont down regulate. Any drug you use daily loses efficacy, and the body makes more receptors to hold the ever increasing amount of drug. No such thing as a free lunch....maslows hierarchy needs met, diet excessive, a fulfilling partner, a job that allows room for creativity. Prayer/meditation..lThats all i can think of. But i know you aren't find what youre looking for in a drug cause ive been looking there for about 15 years. Maybe maybe mayb micro dose psychedelic could offer benefits but not a magic bullet.


Endorphins are my shit. Helped a lot with my depression. I don't get as great of a feeling from dopamine or serotonin as some people.




My taking serotonin precursors feels helpful and without consequence, are you sure there is an issue?


What consequence? Im trying to say that natural endorphins have less diminished returns than drugs that release dopamine and serotonin. The more drugs you take, the more you need and the worse the withdrawal.. But the opposite is true for endorphins, the more you exercise, the better you feel and wont have withdrawals.


Endorphins downregulate lol even with natural release, the benefits of exercise wane in long term studies and opioids downregulate 


Endorphins dont downregulate? If you want to artificially increase your endorphine (endogenous-morphine) levels you would use an opioid which definitely causes tolerance and addiction.


Go for a run lol, that’s how you naturally get endorphins


Endorphins are far weaker and shorter acting than therapeutic / recreational exogenous opioids (they're basically SUPER Endorphins). It would be extremely rare have any significant, long term, receptor down regulation from endorphin release due to natural activities. Alcohol is a better example of a substance that artificially increases natural endorphins (among many other things). While prolonged use absolutely leads to changes in the opiod receptor system, part of that is changes in your Dynorphin levels (highly simplied as the 'anti-Endorphin') which theorically also plays a role in tolerance and addiction rather than just down regulation of receptors.


You can easily get endorphines naturally lol I think OP meant literally getting endorpinges from any sort of exercising - I love running specifically for that reason and that "high" don't deplete and don't build any tolerance If you are taking opioids (morphine, heroin etc.) to feel this high, it's shortcut for pussies


Also, I believe endogenous cannabinoids as well as endorphins? Not positive


Exercise does build tolerance in studies


There are drugs that work to maanage symptoms by purposefully fucking up recetors. That’s the idea behind ssris. We just don’t know enough about neuro chemistry to know exactly what a molecule will do in the brain. It’s complicated shit


the body not designed to be happy it’s designed to reproduce just by the mechanism for which we feel things we cannot feel constant pleasure, happiness isn’t feeling good all the time edit; some of y’all think this is my opinion, this is not you feel good when your body increases reward chemical levels, that is it, you could have every single drop of dopamine flowing but you’d feel nothing if you sat at that level for a time you have to have a decrease for there to be room for another increase


Hypothesis: I could constantly be happy if I had an inexhaustible supply of mates to reproduce with. Time to write a grant proposal to test this.


refractory period 😔


Hey some are quick to recover!




bingo. you're thinking too much during your newly started smoke breaks. it's not shallow, and you'll never be happier so stop having brief moments of clarity and do more meth before switching ethnicities




Gotta hydrate sometime.


Estrogen 😹


Cabergoline will fix that


Just become a cult leader or a saudi prince


AKA, being rich, moving Europe, and banging a ton of sex workers! 🤪 It's the only way that's possible without being a desirable celebrity🤷🏾‍♂️


Sounds like happiness to me! Just add in drugs and techno parties


That's hedonism, tested hypothesis not as promising as expected.


Not really. What makes you happy about that is a prospect of sex, not an act itself. Every act however and ejaculation mostly (as it is release of a biologicaly expensive fluid) has a cost. This cost makes man tired after orgasm and takes time to replenish energy, resulting in consecutive orgasms beeing next weaker (if or when possieble) than previous and at the same time more taxing. That spiral downwards leading to no pleasure with constant fristration and exhaustion. Imo your experiment would more likely lead to depression.


Until they get jealous of eachother. Stds spread to all of you. And the child support feds come knockin'.


And honestly meaningless sex loses its real fun eventually for most people. Unfortunately 😂




Source? If you don't have a source, would you be interested in finding a portion of my research?




We're mammals, before generic animals, we're designed to bond, to look for relations and cares :')


Well then… here’s to feeling good all the time!


I'm sad nobody got this reference 😕


**It's worth remembering, then, that we are not designed to be consistently happy.** Instead, we are designed to survive and reproduce.


Wouldn’t the happy (chemically induced or endogenous stimulus) people in general more inclined to meet, date, bond, survive & reproduce more? I get it the body wants homeostasis but still… lol


Yeah my question here is. Does it have to be like that since you know nature is minimalistic and it only does what it has to and people that are just happy doesnt make sense evolutionary. Therefore, i dont think it is impossible


Oh cool we found the designer of human bodies.


This is why a pill is needed to achirve that :)


“To live is to suffer” but yeah there is no magic pill. Psychedelics help greatly but you still have to put in the work on yourself. Psychedelics can greatly assist that work but the longer you hold on to the “magic pill” idea the longer it’ll take you to start healing and your psychedelic experiences may become difficult if you continue resist trying to learn from your experiences


nothing is free in life, you pay one way or another after a good time involving drugs


A nice arylcyclohexylamine trip once in a while followed by a rather subtle but well appreciated after glow feels like a free gift


This definitely. That's a dissociative, correct? Bc that makes me the happiest if it's once in awhile and a nice happy after glow the next day. I hear the NMDA antagonist properties have a lot to do with it. Its why I find it such a shame ketamine doesn't last longer. Having a steady, consistent supply of *real* opiates used to do wonders for my depression and anxiety, but of course that comes with it's own host of problems. And id never recommend that, esp in today's opioid climate. I just had another best friend die 2 days ago from that bullshit. I hate it. Fentanyl ruined everything. I wish more people just outright refuse to buy it like me and other OG opiate users. Customers choose supply and demand, but since people can get $1 pills, younger people just eat it up & don't know any better.


Yep. I always knew that, but 🤷🏼‍♂️ fuck I'm still alive! I should have been dead like a thousand times by now or at least cancer.... Tried every RC and hard drug in the book, and pounded on grams of it for epic poly substance clusterfuck binges of bliss or peace for years. Now I am drug free and it's like what's the point of life? Work sleep eat shit? Rinse and repeat? And die in a horrific accident or in a depressing state confined to a nursing home? I've seen it all. Sentient existence was the sickest and most wicked cosmic error, life was a mistake of a grander scale of evil that should never have become. No wonder the second leading cause of death for ages under 34 is suicide.


>Tried every RC and hard drug in the book, Was there none of them for you that helped at least a little without too many side effects? >Sentient existence was the sickest and most wicked cosmic error That thought often pops up in my head, too. Especially, when anxiety and depression levels are high. Still, I sometimes have a wee bit of hope that life has some kind of reason, we simply are not able to understand as humans. It's fascinating to see that apparently there still are some people who are at peace with it all, accompanied with gratitude for the experience of sentience.


Only Pyrazolam


Unfortunately not really. The body isn't really designed to be happy all the time. Your brain evolved to release dopamine after work or tasks completed. This helped humans by convincing them to do tasks that sustain themselves and others.


We are more or less slaves to the biochemistry in our brains. Our feelings meant to make us act in certain ways beneficial to survival.


Alas stress is either an enemy or an ally. Accept I and make it your guide and you will prosper, or fight it and suffer for decades


Can’t feel happy if you never feel sad.


How very Taoist


If you’re never not happy, how can you know if you’re happy? You lack a reference point. Conversely, one who is never happy is always happy. Same thing. No reference point. It’s why the most miserable fucks out there lash out against genuine happiness; it breaks the delusion that misery imposes on one.




You never know what you have until its gone. I took my wife for granted, which wasted time i wasnt going to ever get back.


The idea is without sadness you cannot know what happiness is. Your question is exactly the point being made. Sadness *is* the reference point.


Happiness isn't just the lack of sadness


No it isn’t. I agree. The *existence* of sadness informs the nature of happiness.


I don’t think a lot of these comments are fully understanding OP’s post. It seems like they aren’t even able to enjoy things that should make them happy, which is depression and should be addressed one way or another.


I got depression too but the thing is sadly nothing will just make you happy all the time.




We have memory, though, so a single instance of sadness can be enough if you remember it well.




I think they're trying, but the human mind is quite complex. We don't fully understand how a lot of medications work, and on top of that two people can have wildly different reactions to the same chemical.


I feel like if we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be able to gauge what type of lifestyle is bad for us and which is good for us. If you were happy despite being in a bad situation, you may not be incentivized to seek change. For that reason, displeasure is hardwired into our brain's reward system. Constantly overriding it would probably mess up a lot of default processes that constitute this basic reward system and also not be good for us long term. Idk much about this, just guessing


You just described addiction to any drug that works on the dopaminergic system, and you can see the results on most city streets.


guess you’d still be happy in a bad lifestyle so would it really be bad


Imagine if someone was taking a pill but in a domestic violence situation. Actual physical harm could be the result. 


lol me 11 days ago :(


If you’re actually a victim of DA you should seek ANY sort of way out of that situation. I know it’s extremely difficult considering usually these shitbags will threaten you aswell as use manipulation. But there is always a way out. To put it bluntly domestic abuse doesn’t stop and often gets progressively worse. Special place in hell for those people


already did dad is in jail


My mom punched me in the nose and broke it recently (have pictures of blood just gushing down my face), and I just stood there, aghast. I did nothing to retaliate. Guess who spent 24hrs of jail for it when the cops were called? Me. And it was Christmas Eve night, I totally missed entirety of Christmas...yet again Then had to get ripped off for $300 on a taxi to get home when they released me at midnight in the freezing cold with no jacket or phone.


Th hare krisnas believe we are never given suffering we cant bear. even if my karma punishes me by making me eat shit all day in my next life, i will at leasy be a pig and so will bear it.


Check out a movie called The Congress.


You would never learn and grow you'd just be a dumb goo pile. Pain and sadness teach us lessons and force us to be better people for the people we love and appreciate life...


i’ve been through enough already i would accept my status as a dumb goo pile


That's where I am. I'd rather go through another physical addiction or shorten my life span VS this hell. I've been suffering years/decades enough to not be naive enough to think it'll ever get much better. I'm not a destiny person, but it sure seems my destiny is to be miserable and lose everyone and everything I love quicker than most. I'm sick of losing everyone. Being alone in this pain and everyone's so judgmental and family doesn't care when I was always there for them. My destiny is to be unfortuitous than most. I can't do it anymore. Wish my Dr would at least prescribe me larger doses of benzos again. Safer than alcohol, and id rather not remember all this pain. Or opiates, those helped a ton (not fent). I'd take the side effects. Better than fucking alc killing me. Benzos are way less harsh on the body and organs. Alcohol has done so much damage comparitively once they cut my benzos back. Everything is about balances, and common SSRIs etc also have side effects. So I think it's a fair trade to be happy even if it hurt me. There's plenty of things like that in life already. Sports and boxing for example. Idk why the judgment is there for drugs. Theyre created for a reason. Maybe some of us actually *need* them?!


Same, I’m a pretty heavy left winger but if trump campaigns on bringing back optional lobotomies that may finally sway my vote🤣


Im fuckin ready lets go goo gods


I am also a dumb goo pile


>Can someone invent a happy pill with no side effects Side effects is really a misnomer. All effects are part of a given pharmacological profile. In other words, there's no free lunch. That said, in my experience with many people over the years, nothing has been as effective at breaking through and reframing (conventional) treatment resistant depression in a psychotherapeutic context as DMT + b. caapi. One single breakthrough dose, ~125mg DMT / ~125mg caapi, smoked, is sufficient for most. This is essentially a smokeable Ayahuasca with almost immediate and lasting medicinal effects. Follow-up sessions are rarely required. This, of course, should be done with an experienced guide / facilitator.


i tried dmt :(


Ime using DMT for depression you only get temporary relief (depending heavily on the person really). I dose about every 3 months to have a manageable level or more like every month to be more "happy and normal". (These are not breakthrough doses btw) Still way more effective than any prescription I've gotten and not having to do drugs daily to cope is nice.


Love - spirituality - meditation - kava (almost) - microdose psilocybin- sex


Happiness isn't encoded in neurotransmitters, so no. But if ketamine is working for you, consider having a look at dextromethorphan. It hits the same suite of receptors but has better pharmacokinetics so you can dose it more like a regular antidepressan, at around 30mg or even less twice a day, and you won't have the acute psychoactive side effects of ketamine. Cheaper and easier to get too.


ur the best


I've been thinking of doing this. Esp as I've been using ket for depression lately. Used to love dxm back in the day (I stupidly have a tattoo of the molecule on my body). Ketamine I've really enjoyed lately, but damn do I hate the short duration. Like, way too short. Unless IM and that's not always fun to do. And even then. Makes me miss the duration from dxm quite a lot. For whatever reason, I haven't touched my robotabs in so damn long. Esp since getting clean ket. But ive been so damn depressed that I've been wondering if I should try low dose dxm. NMDA antagonists & dissociatives seem to help me a lot. Also- there's the new drug (Auvility or something?) thats dxm + buproprion (wellbutrin). I have wellbutrin prescribed that I don't take, but I've been considering combining the two in the same dose as the new medication. I think it has potential! I know Wellbutrin helps my sister a lot. Dxm helped me... So maybe it could be a great combo. My friend micro doses mushrooms and loves it, but it doesn't help me as much... I think the combo I described (or even just dxm) would have more activity in the brain & help with more extreme cases of depression. Thanks for reminding me about the dextromethorphan!


DXM has side effects… quite bad side effects in my opinion. Made me severely depressed 24/7 when I was semi-regularly ingesting (1-3 times a week) and caused a lot of memory issues (not sure about consistent microdosing tho, never did that)


Yes it is. Neurons create feelings in the brain.


No matter what, whatever drug or outside source that makes you feel good you get used to, the only way to constantly be “happy” it’s to be 100% sober and happy with yourself, so you don’t have the downs associated with taking substances or intensely rewarding actions. Let me explain, substances give you pleasure beyond what you are meant to feel but they come with a cost and they do change your brain chemistry in an undesired way with repeated use. So really all you can do is be sober and maybe do what you like in moderation but never daily or it won’t work


yeah i tried sobriety, not for me


Yeah it truly sucks I struggle every single day to stay sober and I even have slip ups but I make sure I do whatever I need to to make sure my brain chemistry is not dependent on a substance, being hooked on something is going to make you increasingly miserable till you have to bite the bullet and go through serious pain to get off and lower ur tolerence/dependence. What they don’t fully explain In school is 99% of compounds when you develop a tolerance that’s that same thing as having a dependence.


It’s not about what you want man,it’s about what will work for you


There was a pill promoted in the 60’s early 70’s that was methaqualone and biphetamine. A peaceful feeling that became joyful. It was targeted to housewives.


What goes up must come down. You can’t really have the yin of life without the yang of death. The piper always gets it due.


Have asked this question myself many times. I don't think it's stupid at all. The pill you are speaking of would probably be the best selling medicine of all time. How often do you take ketamine?


daily or i’m miserable i have treatment resistant depression


Sorry to hear that. What doses do you take? Not possible to take a day or two off in between ket dosing? I have Ocd, anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, Ket doesn't really work for me. Benzos, Pagaclone and Kratom work far better for me.


Ketamine gives me anxiety if I do it home alone.


The feeling can be weird.




Happiness needs meaning, happiness IS meaning, but not always the other way around. Your depression is resistant to treatment, not necessarily to life and everything. There are effects of life too that we don't want, but they aren't side-effects. Volunteer, or do anything that matters, if not to you, to others, and vice versa. That can be a drug, anything. **Nothing you're doing or have at the moment should necessarily matter to you much at the moment.** It will get better, but not by wishing.


This is probably somewhat wrong and oversimplified but… the human body wants to be in a state of homeostasis. Basically, your body/brain has a preset level where it wants to be at. You start flooding your brain with say serotonin and your will start down regulating serotonin receptors. We’re finely tuned into consensus reality. Which is basically survival mode so you can fuck, fight and feast. There’s alot of complex feedback loops set up in you to keep you alive from getting killed by lions, basically.


The answer is not a pill, it is an implant which has electrodes in your brain in the sexual pleasure stimuli area. Really. Such devices have been invented and used on humans where they can simply turn a dial to induce a full blown orgasm. As predictable people near immediately became addicted to infinite continuous sexual pleasure. No side effects except ulcerations on your finger to turn the dial. Infinite happiness! >At its most frequent, the patient self-stimulated throughout the day, neglecting personal hygiene and family commitments. A chronic ulceration developed at the tip of the finger used to adjust the amplitude dial and she frequently tampered with the device in an effort to increase the stimulation amplitude. At times, she implored her to limit her access to the stimulator, each time demanding its return after a short hiatus. During the past two years, compulsive use has become associated with frequent attacks of anxiety, depersonalization, periods of psychogenic polydipsia and virtually complete inactivity. [Link](https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/0304-3959(86)90155-7) Edit: imagine this combined with stims?


Wtf... Never heard of this. That's wild as hell lol.


Fucking sign me up, jk. Women have all the fun


There is this researcher that invented alcohol, that causes no side effects, however you can't get more drunk than the equvivalent of 2 beers. I think this man said, that such kind of thing could be possible with all drugs. But like it's probably just very hard to find such chemicals, as our brain is just very complex.


You're probably thinking of David Nutt and his pagoclone-type drug he wanted to market as a safer alcohol substitute.


That sounds like bullshit tbh. How could you not get more drunk than that if you just keep taking it?


Can you find more on this for me to google?


Heroin is pretty sweet, you just can’t stop taking it


I miss heroin. I was so happy then. It helped me tremendously. At least my.mental health and social interactions. I have a seething hate for fentanyl fucking ruining that. And everyone buying it increasing the demand. Its not the same, at all. No euphoria.


Not the most long term solution, but occasional kratom use could be nice. I like white-veins for modern enhancing. As long you find your magic dose, there are minimal side effects


Wouldn't be happy If we felt it all the time.


It just doesn’t work like that you can’t be in a constant bliss. Closest to constant “happiness” for me was zoloft but it wasn’t a huge happiness and not all the time it just made me more dull and not care about the unhappy moments. While also making the blissful moments less profound, I’d say overall it was a good trade off at that time as I had severe mental health issues


You can have pleasure, you can feel good and it almost feels like happiness, but pleasure and feeling good is rapidly down-regulated. Its not a drug problem, its a brain problem. This is due to how our brains are wired. We are not motivated to do stuff by being happy, we are motivated when we are sad/in pain/in discomfort. When we are on those situations we are then motivated to change to get out of that. Then when we do that, and get to a better situation our brains will feel good and then will self regulate again to find that this new good situation is boring/bad/disconfortable, to keep us moving. There is a theory that it is possible technologically to rewire our brains in such a way to we can motivate with "lower levels of happiness" to attain "higher levels of happiness" thus, our new "range" of feelings would not be going from sad to happy, but from happy to extremely happy. For me this is really hard to imagine, not ever feeling sad. We are not able to to this with current technology, it may be possible with brain implants, genetic modification or even some time of chemical. But for now, we are bound with what we have.


>we are motivated when we are sad/in pain/in discomfort. Not in true clinical depression for years. I'm so sad, miserable, in pain, and it makes me *less* motivated to get up and try. Makes me think "what's the point?" I literally lost all interest in all my hobbies I've loved my entire life. It really threw me off. It used to help to play games, read a book, pick up my guitar etc when I was feeling down. Now, nothing feels good or seems worth it. I just lay and sleep all day in pain. I think in a normal individual, pain/discomfort etc would motivate someone to make a change. I see it a lot. I wish I could be stronger. But I just feel dead inside.


I do understand that in some extreme situations this rule is broken. And I agree, there is so only so much the brain can handle. And that is where anti-depressants come in, they force regulate you into a neuro-transmitter state that you can't go below it, or above it in some cases. Have you tried these options? I too suffer, but from a different thing, I am simply paranoid haha, whatever may be, I always thing about the worst, specially my health, and often times I end up producing symptoms mentally. For example dizzyness, I went to the doctor and everything seems absolutely fine, but I feel dizzy 200 times a day, like my feet is sinking into the ground, very strange and panic inducing feeling. And now I am convinced that it is completely my paranoia about feeling dizzy again, making me feel dizzy 🤔 and this completely wrecks my motivation to do anything, because anything now has the possibility of giving me this sinking feeling, unless I am sitting on a chair, or completely immersed on doing something, wich further proves to me that it is a psychosomatic symptom. You see, sometimes, depression generates more depression, because we feel completely unmotivated to do anything, and by doing nothing we become more depressed and more demotivated in a vicious cycle. The way I am battling this before trying some psychoterapeutic meds, is by doing exactly what makes me feel wrong, I stand up more, I force myself to go to the gym, do cardio, etc. And its been working good, I still feel unmotivated, and scared. But look, I got to do it or I know for a fact that in a couple months, It will be harder and harder, because I will be more and more paranoid. Even taking a shower standind up was a problem before, and now, I feel almost nothing. Caffeine was something that would make this paranoia flare up, what I did? Took caffeine, every damn day until I've proven to myself that it cant hurt me. (All of this happened because one day at 25 years old I decided to smoke weed, and had one of the worst experiences in my life and thought I would die, now I am 28 and much better, but from 25 to 27 I suffered from severe anxiety/panic attacks, that would make me vomit out of fear, but I am much better solely because I figured that I'd rather feel anxiety doing stuff rather than stuck) So my tip, and I know its hard to do, but I say it with experience. Do whatever you feel hard to do and do it depressed. Try to escape the cycle, bit by bit, you dont need and cant solve your problems instantly (maybe with the right med?) Pick up your guitar again, go play some videogames. Play videogames depressed, play your guitar depressed, go for a walk depressed. Its damn hard, but it sure is better feel depressed doing something than lay down depressed having your mind corrupt you. And sooner than later you will understand what I understood, do the first step, then the next and try to no think about a cure, but just to do something because movement brings movement. And staying still, makes you stay 'more still' hahah. Edit: typos


What goes up must come down


Marijuana bro


[Gabapentinoid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabapentinoid)...it's the tolerance build up that sucks.


Gabapentin is very mild for me but I have a strong gaba tolerance. But it helps me not drink, and helps potentiate my benzos. Taking it on its own, I don't like the feeling very much. Which is weird as I love benzos and alc. But it helps me abstain, and I think something that is more mild is more beneficial than chasing a strong high. The diminishing returns and magnesium etc decreasing absorption makes dosing annoying. But I think it's def a great med overall for most people. Like it's perfect for my non drug using friend if he gets too anxious on weed. For me, Id need my clonazepam. Been wondering how pregablin is!


Because the human body's response to consistent use of substances that release "happy chemicals" is "I don't need to make these anymore". That's what withdrawal is. You *need* those happy chemicals to live, and when your body stops making them, weird shit happens if you stop taking the drug or sometimes even between doses.


Yup. Everything down regulates


2C-B doesn’t build a tolerance and can give you a happy headspace but make your body feel weird


They’re working on a ketamine oral tablet that slow releases over a 10 hour period. You take it twice a week and it treats Treatment Resistant Depression fairly effectively. It doesn’t have the same side effects that ketamine normally produces because it releases microdoses of ketamine. I just read about it today.


excited for this


Do you exercise? I have treatment resistant depression and probably autism too. High dose ketamine therapy along with lions mane, + psilocybin treatments, and niacin were the only thing that allowed me to experience life normally for a period of time. as I got more into working out the periods lasted for longer. Also changing my diet helped. I want to do everything I ever want but it's tough when the only thing you know you could do is die. God speed.


You are def not the only one who wishes this existed!!!


I think we could have found it already if the war on drugs never happened


There is a cost to everything in this world.


Modern society has been severely misled, it's about finding things you should be grateful for not being perpetually happy. Life's meant to have ups and downs so You can learn to be grateful for the times when things are going good.


I'm trying.




please help a nigga out


*1984 Soma enters the chat*


Rather Brave New World


Oof I dum dum. Too much soma.


Good catch. Huxley deserves the credit.


They’re called mushrooms


As far as substances go, the key to finding the ultimate level of happiness/pleasure (in life in general, actually - so not just in relation to substances), the happiest are the those who find moderation with joy-giving activities or substances.


The problem is in the mind. Our belief that infinite happiness is the goal (or as much of it as humanly possible) is extremely ill and delusional. It just isn’t human. and even if it existed, we would just sit around for 70 years and just drop dead without moving a inch because why would we when everything is perfect? In reality, We have the belief system of a hedonistic drug addict. Who’s reward system has gone completely rogue and is attacking our rational thought/decision making parts of our brains. We are slowly losing the battle with our reward system and consciousness is ceasing to exist. In reality the goal of life should be to experience the entire range of emotions that comes with being human. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Good luck brother.


Good stuff. Some worse than others, and some not on drugs but power, or violence, resources, gambling, sex, anything can be addictive to someone.


take some LSD


"Every moment of happiness in life must be paid for by an equal measure of pain"


tell me you dont understand ur body nor its chemistry without saying shit about that what goes up MUST come down and doing MORE drugs will lead one down to being a baselined debby downer eat right, get good sleep, exercise and have a healthy relationship are good steps into being happy, not drugs God bless ur soul < 3




I want a new drug. One that don't make me crash my car or make me feel sick sick sick. I highly doubt we can mess with our brain chemicals without at least short term side effects. Maybe something can be made that won't fry us permanently but short term if it's making you happy when you shouldn't be it's because it's doing something with your brain chemicals or masquerading as them or whatever I'm not smart but that's going to do more than just make you happy I would think with no knowledge other than years of drug use and research.


What exactly do you want it to do, keep you happy? Drugs can't make you happy, they just elevate particular emotions when needed. Like if you cant sleep, you can encourage sleep with a drug and get eome sleep. Fine. But if you do this every night for years then you cant sleep even worse and only with the drug. Tripping is fun at concerts and camping, molly for clubs or social situations, but that won't create happiness. You have to fix that from th inside out. Try looking up maslowe hierarchy of needs, eat right exercise, read books, stuff lik that. Still working on it over here, but i believe this to he the way.


I don’t believe there will ever be anything that truly has zero side effects that does this. Our whole mood and motivation/reward system is based around our hedonic setpoint. The body has evolved to feel pleasure when we do things that support our survival needs-eating, fucking, fighting, winning arguments etc so without added chems “most” people(barring mental health disorders) get a reasonable amount of pleasure from day to day activities, when we overload our brains with substances that flood us with dopamine and serotonin the setpoint climbs higher based on what we now know is possible for maximum pleasure. for the sake of simple terms this “raises our tolerance to feeling pleasure” and our usual day to day life will not feel as nice as it would have prior to drugs. So even if the drug doesn’t build dependance or have direct acute side effects, it will still have a negative impact somewhere even if it’s a mild enough level to be worth the trade off


Amt is pretty dank but you clench your jaw


Meditation, exercise, being in nature, LSD, DMT low dose, MET low dose, mild stims, mild epathogens, etc. have only mild side effects. Rinse and repeat. Any drug, activity, or regime that can temporarily reset receptors and up your mood will eventually stop working. So you need to find the minimum dose or length of time of each drug and activity that works and alternate between those. Variety is the spice of life. Happiness is finding some sort of functional balance, without too many extremes on the scale. What you want is relative stability.That is very dependent on your attitude towards things and life though. Perhaps a change of scene can help. Stuck in the square day to day 9-5 normie mindset, you can't really find that. So break habits, change more often, and don't go for extremes.




Not as long as homeostasis exists


This is why you can’t take benzodiazepines all the time. You need a little anxiety once in a while - naturally


Drugs only use your bodies mechanisms for a intended purpose,no drug can say push your body farther or mind farther than it is capable of itself to do What I’m saying is,that if you keep using up all your happy chemicals every day every moment,your body won’t have a way to sufficiently keep up with the bio synthesis of said chemicals so quickly A crude example of this is sex,sure sex feels amazing and even after orgasm it can still feel good to keep going but eventually there is a drop off and you will need a break and rest to get back to the peak again or risk permanent injury and eventually less satisfaction than stopping itself even would provide and I doubt that any person has enough bodily fluids to have sex indefinitely,there has to be this sort of build up to let go in all life in order for it to function,you can call this cycle sad if you want but truth be told life just can’t be good all the time and you are bound by the needs of your body like it or not but I promise you will that with moderate use of drugs and a healthy body you will start to develop a healthier mind and one that can build up these happy endorphins at a better rate


look into non-duality


because thats just not how the human body works is the unfortunate truth. tolerance comes from the down regulation of receptors that are being activated more than they are supposed to. your body will always seek to return to a state of homeostasis. our brains chemistry is also complex to the point that our understanding is barely even established. all those happy chemicals, even without tolerance, arent necessary actually going to help your symptoms. theres no simple solution when it comes to the brain.


If you were too happy you would be sitting in bed and wither away not feeling the need to do anything


this is what i do on k, it’s the best thing ever


Aw I don't want to call it a dumb question but it's a very tall order and absolutely impossible currently. Possibly completely. There's a lot we still don't know about mood and personality. We churn out chemicals that play with receptors and hormones and whatnot, but there's not like a "happy receptor" you know? And no matter what, your body will try to adjust and longing for the drug as a side effect is kinda inevitable. But! You can seek things and experiences that help you more than they hinder.


You can still get emotionally adicted so no


See a good hypnotist. Program you for happiness maybe?


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. There's no way to fuck with your body's limited means of making you feel good without negative repercussions.


Pretty sure, but I’m not in academia anymore…so it’s possible the scientific community has updated these definitions, but: essential functions of the human body revolves around maintaining a relatively stable internal environment, i.e. homeostasis. Homeostasis - ”the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.” Therefore, “happy” would indicate a body functioning improperly (i.e. manic, lol) as dopamine production would be higher than normal.


It exists - it's called exercise.


One word: homeostasis


Even if it was possible would it be ethical? Can you experience heat without cold? Light without dark? How can you experience joy without sadness to compare it to? Shit times are just as much part of life as the good times and I feel that western ideology seems to ignore that. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life but I will say how I live mine and what got me through at the darkest periods of my life. Sadness whether it's disappointment or despair should be embraced and experienced just as much as bliss or contentedness but experience something and embracing it doesn't mean to let it control your life but rather experiencing it lets you move on rather than holding on to it and at festering. To me eternal happiness sounds as horrible as eternal suffering because if I had one without the other I would lose all reference and end up with neither. Personally I don't think we can make a happiness pill at this point but human Ingenuity being what it is I couldn't say what we could achieve in the future. I hope that by the time we can that we're smart enough to realise we shouldn't.


What does “beautiful life” mean? If it means you’re in a good place after much reflection and a kind of overcoming, despite the events occurring to us and around us, but without forgetting them, well done, and I hope one day to join you there. And such a tablet could help, as long as it didn’t achieve this by imposing a form of dementia. Otherwise, you’re not asking for a realistic return to some perfect world. You’re asking to forget, or not to see, the pain and terror that continues to exist around you. You’re smart and you’re asking to be stupid. You’re asking to get high. What you should be asking for is emotional steel. 


Happiness is a state of mind not an effect that can be produced by a certain enzyme activation. It's the processes in which you deal with your choices and expectations in life.


Tbf psychedelics is such "pill" for me, however you have to be really developed spiritually and psychologically to actually get such effects


Learn to meditate, this is the only way out. That said, beware, there are tons of people in meditation communities that learn to press a single button in their heads and generate bliss and dwell in it. However, from the sound of the post, you are likely on the other side, you're unable to accept the feeling. Still, I think it would be beneficial for you to do so.


What goes up must come down !


It's already been synthesized. Nick Mullen's Eric Clapton bit on Cumtown like 4 or so years ago🫡






No because you ALWAYS have to pay the piper.


Well 6-APB or 4-FMA make me happy without side effects, I'm good the very next day. But talking about taking them every day would be a terrible idea. So to answer your question, from my knowledge, you can't be happy with a drug daily, tolerance will prevent you from that, and if it's serotonic drug like the ones said, serotonin receptors need time to rest, 3 month at least in case.


Yes. Yes they can lol


mushrooms ✨


I tried it. Was high for decades - alcohol, mephedrone, benzos, opioids, gabapents, nicotine, coke, mdma, research chems, DMT, LSD, Ayahuasca, ket ket and more ket, and so on and so on…. It works for a long time. While taking away everything from your soul. I then found the God of the bible. And BAM!!! Better than any drug I’ve ever had and always available. It’s not because of your head. It’s because of your soul. When you get that - WOAH!!!


You don't sound like an idiot at all hon. I feel exactly the same. Ketamine is an absolutely vital and incredible compound. It pains me when I see depression that could so easily be helped with ketamine, but because of our draconian laws AND the fact that when someone uses ketamine irresponsibly it's considered so differently than someone using alcohol irresponsibly. Alcohol is accepted even though it's a solvent primarily, effects everyone vary differently (by poisoning them to a state of inebriation) and even allows them to forget everything by the end of the night. I know what you mean about a happy pill, but for me life is the most beautiful when you emphasize it's best bits with a compound of your choosing; one that compliments whatever activity it is you are engaging in. Do something with magic mushrooms my friend, anything!


What are the side effects of Ketamine? I also did and no side effects at all it’s perfect. I’ve also found microdosing helpful, especially with Psilocybin, I returned to 20 years ago when I had no depression! All of these have no side effects, and I’ve tried every antidepressant that’s out there (they all have side effects).


Has any actual.used the iv ketamine therapy at a clinic for depression ptsd ove only experanced ketamine several times long along but never in a.iv clinic.setting but even used in other way you still.ended up with some pakn relief, mood lift, mental reset I'm just curious how many sessions anyone received and how long was their relief


Impossible because happiness is addictive. 


They did buddy it's just like everything else, though. Capitalism rears its ugly head and quantifies and classifies happiness and the things that cause it, and then tax and regulates accordingly so only the privileged or affluent may use it or buy it. At the same time funding bad science and disinformation think tanks that further shame your self treatment and reframe it as a crime or an addiction, to further extract money and power from. All this despite acclaimed foundational scientists having using such substances and methods to the extreme, i.e Hoffman.


What side effects are you getting from ketamine therapy exactly?


There is no magic bullet and highly doubt there'd ever be because of our genetic and neurobiological differences. Psychedelics are the closest thing, really. So far, no sign of dependence, very rare cases of psychosis for some people on "heroic" dose, and the positive results are so far drastically outweighing the negative. Of course, this is with macro, and supervised intervention, but that definitely makes micro even safer. Of course I am mainly highlighting psilocybin, but MDMA might be up there too.


The cure is to stop trying to be happy all the time, I've wasted half my life trying to find that perfect drug and high. Its okay to just feel okay. Sure I still get bad days, but not suicidal bad.




Amphetamine in combination with a potent NMDA antagonist (dissociative) imo works quite well. Preferably memantine. NMDA antagonisn significantly reduces tolerance/addiction develeopment to many drugs. Ime it works incredibly well but its hard to sleep on this combo.


No, not really how that works


Your brain does not want you to be happy all the time. It messes up its regulatory levels. It’ll start to build a tolerance to whatever ur taking to keep a safe balance of chemicals in ur system