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I honestly thought I was tripping


I also heard that in my last playthrought. That was probably Mia 


Immersive gameplay. You have to really *feel* the dread at 2 am


I love how you are in the safe room, IN THE ITEM BOX and still get a jump scare hahaha


I think I have but not quite sure. Lovely background ambience.


I was in the trailer after just killing Marguerite. I have never heard it before and it was like 2am when I was playing.


It was Jack finding Marguerite's body.


It's things like this that make prefer RE7 over the remakes.


The thing I usually do in the RE series  is lower the volume of the effects and speech, to make the music sound more up front. Love this vibe


Oh wow this is new to me, that’s pretty spooky


No solid answer to what it actually is just yet. From what I can find it seems that the sound effect was patched in sometime around 2021. Interestingly, you also hear this sound effect in Village as well. Could be a nod to the game’s demo when Mia/Eveline was known as the “ghost girl” Edit: After reading a comment I searched some more and can confirm that this scream is near identical to one heard in Dead by Daylight


How’s you find that out?


Some google and Reddit searches. The earliest posts referencing this scream was back in 2021.


But what makes you think it was patched in? You’re sure it wasn’t always there and recently uncovered?


I find it very unlikely that no one would notice it until after 4 years and not during release when the game had much more hours being logged into it. Though it is a possibility


Aha! Pure speculation on your part, you’ve been found out! J/k your suggestion is prob accurate. I wonder if the game was patched around then.


According to Steam data base there were quite a few patches implemented during this time period https://steamdb.info/app/418370/patchnotes/


If you're referring to the scream you hear in the castle in RE8, interestingly enough that's a nod towards Dead by Daylight. The same scream is from the game's boot-up cutscene and is supposedly coming from one of the characters named Meg. I think it is also used in gameplay, but even if it isn't it's clearly the same actress. I don't have headphones right now so I can't tell if this is that exact same scream, but it's very fascinating if it is, *and* added into the game retroactively. It could have something to do with the fact that Dead by Daylight did get a Resident Evil DLC in 2021.


I looked further into and that’s exactly what it is. It’s the exact same scream from Dead By Daylight.


>ck finding Marguerite's b Spoiler 🚨 (lol)


Are you sure it was in game....?


I've heard it before too, but I was outside of the trailer. It was before her boss fight when I went back to save.


Forgive Marguerite. Jack left out a bug zapper.


Dang I'm sure that gave you a jump. I know I would have.


LOL, I had my volume really low and couldnt hear anything, and then noticed it when my stuff was turned up a lot. If Margeruitte isnt dead yet, I would have assumed it was her. Or Maybe Zoe getting chased by her family somewhere else.


margurite stubbed her toe ​ that or lucas hit Mia with a Ligma joke and she went full infected jonkler mode and screamed


I don’t hear anything


I heard it the 4th time I played the video. It's faint but loud at the same time, if that makes sense. Like someone a mile away screaming at the top of their lungs.


Hang on I've gotta start up RE7 and see this for myself




Man that inventory is so much nicer than 8


The case inventory in 8 and 4R looks ugly as fuck


I never got far in this game to tell you


I have, but I was on the deck of the house and not in the trailer.


Damn, it took me a min to realise. Yeah, that's pretty freaky. Guess this requires another playthrough to experience it myself.


I just killed Ma, I'll check it out in the trailer during my next save.