• By -


I'm sure those are anxiolytics and muscle relaxers to help her sleep at night due to the messed up shit she saw in RE1. And yeah, they can cause addiction.


I barely remember, she was paranoic about being infected SO she kept with all kind of drugs, SO it's pretty accurated what our OP says


Actually that paranoia saved her life If she had used the taps she would have become infected because the t virus was moving through the water system


Lol now that I think about it, while she was dreaming about the running tap water she was also turning into a Zombie the moment she turned it off. I don't know if that was supposed to symbolize the infections way of spreading or just a coincidence


Well when you point it out like that, it definitely seems like they were symbolizing the city's infection through it.


Remember, it isn’t paranoia if they actually are out to get you!


That's the only thing i liked about REmake 3. Now imagine. If Spencer's mansion was a trauma loaded experience for Jill, imagine Rebecca, man. Poor girl must be having PTSD with Spiders, Monkeys and bats.


She no doubt paid extra for non-Umbrella products as well.




You could really argue there was only one moment of ptsd (the beginning of the game), and any other nightmares were caused by her infection. I know resident evil tends to not go that deep into their characters but they probably could’ve given us a little bit more of Jill’s ptsd because at least in my interpretation, it was established and dropped all in the first 5 minutes. 


True which is why I liked how they updated Leon's personality in RE4R, because he was pretty messed up from his experience in raccoon city especially with the famous "this time it has to be different line" and his hostile mistrust of former umbrella workers (Luis)


It's only PTSD when the TS part is no longer a rational, realistic fear. When the SHTF again, like right as the game starts after the dream sequence, then it's just reality. And all those instincts serve her and are natural to the environment. Her instincts were constantly telling her that she needs to be ready for the terror to come back, and that looks like a disorder when the environment appears normal...until it isn't.


Maybe it's the type of PTSD that soldiers have? Like when something triggers it, they go into automatic combat mode until they snap out of it. That would explain her ability to dodge and slow down time? I dunno I'm throwing anything I can think of, it's seems like a good explanation to me. Maybe that's why she isn't "suffering". She is in survival mode again and that PTSD is the whole game


I mean, no shade or anything, but thats exactly how PTSD works. Youre freaking out all the time because your body thinks you need to be fighting in a situation you dont. When you do, though? Thats just the right response to have


At least one of them has to be a supplements and she has been out of her room for a while 


Pill Sandwich






Dead last


I arrived at the race when the race already ended


There was a race?




take my updoot sir




Well Wesker left raccoon city and now he needs to shoot up drugs consistently, so I'd say he's off the table too




Okay but he literally does have to have a serum injected regularly during RE5


Bros coping saying he "needs" injections regularly or he'll lose "control". *OOOOOK pal time to hit the rehab center.* 😂


Chris has been through several addictions especially the very prominent alcoholism in re6


Smoking a cigarette and the thousand yard stare as another one of his comrades gets murdered violently.


When was Leon an alcoholic? I can’t remember that.


Resident Evil: Damnation and Resident Evil: Vendetta Movies, show Leon drinking heavily during and after Damnation and in Vendetta, when Chris and Rebecca meet up with Leon, during his "vacation".


In the original RE2, which isn't necessarily considered non canon, Leon was late to his first day at the RPD because he was hungover after he dealt with a harsh breakup. I personally prefer this reason as opposed to the remake's, being told to stay away, just like with Ethan and Mia in RE7


Ah that makes sense, I haven’t seen those films yet. Thanks.


You [really should ](https://youtu.be/XzFhZ5hrTqY?si=pcYPzldC4jxpmgEw), they [are stupidly fun](https://youtu.be/Lw8U3CZKJdU?si=nWWupRQ02EDQs7IO)


That hallway fight is the best thing to come out of that movie. Maybe any of the movies. I love that some of Leon's pistol handling carried over in to RE6.


Guessing you mean RE4R? But yes, the whole John Wick Center Axis Relock thing being implemented was and is incredibly cool. (I mean the animations in general but that as well lol)


I like how Leon looks like a teenager standing next to his 25 year old brother


in the comics Leon was late to raccoon city because he was drunk at a bar after his girl friend dumped him


What’s up with the remake version? Is it a retcon or new canon for the remakes cause in the remake Leon was just warned to stay away and waited a week to go to RC.


Remake Leon is more adjusted as a human across the board. RE4R Leon has his baggage, but he's also seemingly handling it better.


New canon for remakes iirc


I’m sorry for being that guy but what’s iirc again?


If i recall correctly


Thank ye


Ian is really cross


That doesn’t make you an alcoholic.


In the animated movies he genuinely is an alcoholic which are canon.


Yeah, after years of untold horrors, not when he’s a fuckin kid rookie cop.


Shows his first response when shit gets rough is to drink. Not great.


Maybe she dumped him for drinking too much


i think in a novel it was stated Leon started drinking due to a heartache or something about his gf passed out drunk he woke up with his RPD outfit on and went to Raccoon city Idk where I read that im probably wrong


I don't think the novels are canon.


The novels follow the Classic Timeline and would be of little value to the Remake timeline


I need to reread the S.D. Perry novel again but I'm almost certain you're correct about everything besides the RPD outfit already being on. He came from a big city and chose Raccoon to transfer to because he figured he'd be able to make a name for himself "solving" the cannibal murders. He got caught in traffic tho and he was paranoid that he wouldn't get a chance to eat before his first shift. Leon in the book is actually kind of a douche, but not in a hateable way lol. He didn't own a VP70 in that version either, he carried a desert eagle that his dad and uncle bought for him as a present for graduating the police academy. The VP70 was the standard issue pistol for the RPD, with the Hi-Power being a gun that was slowly being phased out. Claire finding it in the glove box during the car ride was more of a stroke of luck that anything considering the officer that owned it likely had recently replaced it with a VP70


I don’t remember which storyline, but one of them made him an alcoholic before he arrived to Raccoon City. Apparently his girlfriend broke up with him causing him to drink and miss his first day on the job.


Want to add that the reason Leon was late to his 1st day as a cop and missed his party at the RPD was because his girlfriend broke up with him the Night before so he got drunk and went on a bender, which probably saved his life


It all started when his GF broke up with him resulting in him binge drinking into unconsciousness at a motel prior to the events of re2 that's how he missed the initial outbreak.


I still find Leon in vendetta an alcoholic hilarious, you got re2 Leon which is basically just an innocent kid, then re4 Leon most likely his prime and then vendetta Leon asking for more apple juice


"Where's my little China Girl..?"


"Lifes a circus and im the clown"


Lol I just said the same thing I'm like that looks just like my Flonase 😂


Mf got the Fluticasone 😭


> Chris is probably on roids nah hes natural. he told me.


Whats Claire taking? THE FUCKING M O T O R C Y C L E 😎😎😎


It's basically "oh you were at Raccoon City during the incident and survived? Choose your poison."


The worst thing is, she's probably getting these drugs through Umbrella, the pharmaceutical company.


The logo is visible on some labels.


Ptsd prescription drugs.


My wife has PTSD, Cyclothymia, and stuff for having her Gallbladder removed and doesn't take this many drugs


Did your wife survive a zombie apocalypse?


mad disrespectful


True, but I mean Jill saw her friends get eaten alive (body cam of kennneth), pecked to death by crows AND THEN COME BACK TO KILL HER, so she had to kill him, was attacked by packs of dogs, giant spiders, had a girl wearing a fake mask try to kill her after knocking her out. Her other friend dying to said girl (depending on your ending), her OTHER friend dying to a giant snake/giant shark, having to fight said shark. Being grabbed (but not bit) by zombies, being jumped on by hunters, being attacked by chimeras, being betrayed and held at gun point by her friend/boss, then being attacked by a tyrant TWICE. then she got fired because there’s not many stars members to keep it running (It’s because umbrella runs the RPD) and THEN trying for months to find new evidence, and likely feeling like she’s just picking at straws. Probably anxiety, PTSD, depression, panic, survivors guilt, and maybe insomnia. She got all that from a zombie outbreak. I agree, that’s kinda fucked up what they said but yeah


I couldn’t agree more with this assessment, if we’re being real here, I would be a little surprised if she WASN’T taking that amount of pills and was just completely well adjusted following the events of the Spencer Mansion. The fact that she managed to fight her way through a second zombie epidemic and lay waste to everything that stood in her way, really says a lot about Jill’s mental fortitude. If she wants to take some pills and maybe try to forget about the trauma that she’s experienced,I say go for it.


She also had to deal with all of that terrible voice acting lmao


so those are Nicole Tompkins conversion pills?


They go great with a nice jill sandwich.


> (but not bit) She was bitten countless times but luckily a simple Green Herb makes everything ok


No. But it some people's perspective what she survived was worse


It's not even a zombie apocalypse, it's just seeing that zombies exist, seeing a huge snake and fighting it would make give me an insane PTSD LOL


Is your wife hot? Send me pictures of her gallbladder.


She is hot. Unfortunately we no longer have the Gallbladder


I heard. My condolences my man.


Most of the pills look like the same, just multiple bottles


It's hinted she has developed some hypochondriac tendencies after the Mansion Incident. She probably overreacted to some runny nose or cough, thinking she's about to turn. And ofc no doubt some zannies due to anxiety


Would also explain her constant nightmares


I’d be a pit paranoid about being infected too after being bit 500 times at the mansion (because I can’t dodge) and patching it up with green herbs


Anti psychotics. Painkillers. Anti biotics. Sleeping aids. SSRIs. It probably goes on poor girl.


Yup. Also a couple bottles of Flonase for those stuffy days 🤣


Probably something for blood pressure too. Maybe a family history of high cholesterol.


When they said, "master of unlocking" they meant child-proof locks on pill bottles






You try surviving a zombie mansion, mister perfect! Edit: also some people get obsessed with supplements and vitamins.


How would your life be if you watched your friends die at the hands of monsters, being witness to the worst of humanity, and having a series of near death experiences and got knows how many bites and injuries? I think I would need a good long drink atleast.


In cannon, Jill never gets bit in RE1.


Yeah, Jill's a fuckin blows through that mansion like it's no one's business.


She's a fucking beast tbh Best girl for sure


I suppose it doesn’t matter if you’re paranoid about every little scratch, scrape or even breath


Rebecca did if you go by RE0 canon. Monkey jumped her iirc. And if you read the notes around Jill's room she indicates that she knows (or thinks) she is infected somehow.


lol yeah i'd have pstd too if i lived thru everything that happened in the spencers mansion only to escape n see the whole city went to hell


Pill Valentine was her call sign in her Delta Force days


What happened in the Arklay Mountains hit her very hard, literally and psychologically.


The red and green capsules and white pills are likely just [acetaminophen](https://www.drugs.com/imprints/l-8-21448.html). That girl took some *hits* that night. Given that this game took place in 1998, the nasal sprays are probably corticosteroids. The bottles are impossible to tell, but likely Escitalopram and/or Walbutrin for PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Likely also Hydroxizine for sleep.


In 1998, that would be a standard cocktail for people with anxiety, insomnia, and anything else that might come with PTSD. Plus, whatever is in the tabs looks like over-the-counter aspirin or cold medicine.


Did you miss the 48 six packs in her apartment? She's also an alcoholic during between RE1-RE3, but that's ptsd for ya. And she's a regular weed hound. Green, blues, red... You name it.


she has trouble sleeping AND nightmares, and as she wake up she's already hunted by a bioweapon give her a break


She lives in Raccoon City, every doctor in that town is probably a pill mill taking marching orders directly from Umbrella.


That's the story telling I want more of. Like some have said; Chris obviously is on PEDs, alcohol, cigarettes, probably some kinda amphetamine to do long missions. They're all still heroes to me, but they are human and we don't ever really see our heroes when the boots come off.


The Jill normal pills fo today


She was going through some shit. Pills on the night table, her kitchen was a mess and a bunch of half eaten good all over the table. She was living badly. She needed therapy fast.


Explains how she could get ragdolled by Nemesis throughout the game and just get up and keep moving.


I make fun of the younger generation for being "soft" when it comes to mental trauma, but even I'm sittin' here sayin' c'mon dude. After everything Jill saw in that mansion, let her cope in her own way. PS - Weed was illegal in 1998.


Give her a break, she’s been through a lot


Yeah I'm sure Jill is struggling. That style of TV remote brings me back about 25-30 years though lol


They went heavy on the PTSD angle in the remake.


I can fix her.


Are you dumb? lol


"Damn bitch you live like this?" –Nemesis


You survive Zombies, giant spiders, hunters, a GIANT FU!CKING SNAKE, and an 8ft humanoid monster with a giant middle finger and let me know how you cope. That plus betrayal...


After what happened in Re1 can you blame her?,like half her friends died


I wish the RE3 remake dove deeper into this aspect of Jill


gotta deal with the trauma somehow


As someone who at this very minute has the flu, doesn't look too outlandish 😂 Alternating fever meds, decongestants, and nasal sprays


Resident evil is about junkies murdering drunk people for fun, Sherlock.


Plenty of people who take psych meds ( like myself) have a large collection of pill bottles somewhere like this. We are just desperate to feel normal again and so we take whatever the doctors tell us to. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. For me it is off and on, but overall I credit my meds with keeping me from sttempting suicide again.


Well a couple of those are Flonase (for allergies) cuz I'm staring at the same ones. You can see the spray top that goes in your nostril. I guarantee you the rest are antidepressants and anxiety/benzos and probably a sleep aid or 2.


She's allowed to be lol


Does she have cancer? I would think those pills are for her obvious mental trauma


Bro most are the same thing, which means she takes them regularly. Thats it


Pills here!


Maybe those are mints. Of every kind


I think the canon is that she was doped up due to psychological issues caused by RE1


Probably just normal meds although the game does take place in the 90’s


She also keeps a lot of booze in her fridge!


Dad had Cancer for 12 years, took just as many drugs as that due to a stem cell transplant.


More like Pill Valentine


And after all that she still got mind controlled by wesker, poor Jill tbh people underestimate the shit she goes throughout the entire franchise 💀


I mean the lady has endured several dozen traumatic events, if she wasn't popping pills at this rate I'd find it way more fishy XD


Who wouldn’t be swallowing all that copium during the zombie apocalypse? Seriously though, it’s one of the reasons I love Jill. She feels a lot more believable than Claire and is definitely written better as a lead character where Claire has like zero personality in RE2 Remake, but she was pretty cool in Revelations 2.


Re3 Remake is just a drug induced horror trip.


If you went through that much shit and trauma, I’m sure you’d be eating antidepressant ice cream for dessert every night.


What no green herb does to a mf


Herbs were illegal in Raccoon City. That was the Umbrella Scientist’s personal stash at the mansion we were taking. 😂


She’s been funding umbrella?!


Amazing for someone whos main enemy is evil pharmaceutical company to put her trust in pharmaceutical help for her problems xD


Sometimes she likes to pop a perc 30 and let things hit different.... then follow it with some addy with a couple of vikings, caffeine pills, and some ludes cause shes a hipster drug addict.


No, this shit actually happens. I was taking about this amount from the ages 12-18. I started taking meds at the age of 8 due to developing absent seizures, and unfortunately, doctors don't care about their patients and care a lot more about their wallets. They would prescribe a new medication whenever a side effect would pop up, and medications will always have side effects, especially when you are on so many. If you're thinking that there's no way doctors would do this or at the very least parents wouldn't let this happen, congratu-fucking-lations you, my friend, have common sense, unfortunately for myself doctor's are only interested in money or at least the majority only care for money since I have seen dozens of doctor's what with having to be flown out to another state every I think it was 4 months to get an eeg done and my father was in the military so we had to move every 4 years. That combined with the fact that my father has hated me my whole life, so he was perfectly fine with the way the medicine severely fucked with my it gave him more reasons to punish me and that was the only part of parenting he cared for seriously that is the only part of my life he ever took an interest and he genuinely loved it he would make go as far as to make up shit ti punish me with. It wasn't all bad. I have a wonderful mother who would try with all her heart to help me and make things better. Unfortunately, she was never able to seeing as how he hated her about as much, and she had no say in anything hell she had to ask permission to use her own money and would get in trouble if she didn't since it would send a notification to her phone... uff da didn't realize I got so far off track. Suppose I needed to vent a bit. I don't let shit out as much as i need, and sure, as hell not with anyone I know irl lol


I mean... The Arkley mansion definitely fucked Jill up mentally. How about you go through a mansion infested with zombies and biomutants trying to end your life and let's see if you don't develop some mental issues.


That's a lotta herb mixing


Yeah I'll bet they're just barbiturates


Nasal spray?


That's a wrestlers cocktail right der


she off a perc


Pill popper


I love her either way


My mom takes more meds than that for hee medical issues. And yes so didnt my dad with cancer. People complain about the weirdest shit when it comes to this game.


The concept of Jill willingly taking any prescriptions at that time seems out of character


People with cancer take more than this drugs.


those nasal sprays are making me now head canon jill with a afrin addiction. if y’all didn’t know, afrin is super addictive and over time, it can corrode the cartilage of your nose away, like cocaine.


This is what my desk looks like with supplements lol.. multi v, fish oil, beet root, potassium, allergy meds(in season). Then the occasional melatonin, ibuprofen or hangover cure like liquid iv. Getting old is some bs.


She's got a script fosho


Nasal sprays, decongestants, what look to be tylenol and probably two or three different anti-depressants after what she's dealt with.


She even got the mentholaytum. That’s how you know shits bad


1-She saw people being eaten alive 2-She got chased by zombies, dogs zombies, an orphan hunchback girl, a nazi and a bunch of frog fetus creature things with claws 3-She saw a motherfucking giant spider gobble her friend 4-She saw a giant spider 5-She barely got out and now thinks she could be infected and turn any day 6-She knows they are doing human experiments and is ignored while people die 7-She is being spied on 8-She could have mercs on her back 9-Chris is oblivious to her existence as a love interest


She's like me fr fr


the longer i see this pic, the sadder i am for remake RE5 Jill. she was very cool esp with that little flirt she had with Josh. if they're going down with that ptsd Jill, it's unlikely for her to be that cool anymore. Probably neurotic. 😔


She's secretly dating Louis from L4D. PILLZ HERE!




Can't blame her for wanting to numb out lol. I do find it interesting she is taking Umbrella pharmaceuticals after everything that happened


On top of that if you look at her fridge it’s full of only beer, soda, and honeybuns. How is she able to keep her figure if she’s living of junk food while suspended. These pills have to have some connection to that besides anxiety or PTSD or depression or ADHD. Some of them have to be supplements or something right?


Honestly, the funniest thing about this image is just the fact that they’re all umbrella prescriptions


Jill is Max Payne


Damn. Jill was not in a good shape at all. I actually wonder whats up with the pills on the table representation some games do with characters who are on drugs. Does it imply addiction or just someone down in the ditch mentally?


More like Pill Valentine.


i promise you my aunt recently passed from cancer they take a fuck load of meds on a daily basis bc of chemo/pain meds/meds to help the body function/anti stomach acid meds/muscle relaxers/anxiety meds/depression meds they take a lot in short


Jill making Umbrella's stocks go up on her own 😂 I imagine [her evening intake](https://imgur.com/gallery/Mi4j7VQ) will be somehow like this.


Wouldn’t you be?


She needs some green herbs


Probably to help her cope with the trauma of being brainwashed by Wesker


Also really badly compliant with safe medicine storage


I mean shes seen some shit by this point




no those are our crazy sex pills haha we’re so wild hahaha ughhhh so embarrassing


We really need a remake of RE1 in the new canon and gameplay style. Especially as we move into remakes of Code Veronica, 5, and 6, it's a bit of narrative housecleaning. I think that's why Barry didn't rescue Jill in RE3R.


Her eyes are dry, for sure


i know she got some xans somewhere over there


Ye we all knew that. She's suffering from PTSD and obviously makes liberal use of various medications


Just Jill? Remember that every protagonist has taken blends of herbs regulary, even Ethan does some green herbs


Me too girl


Those pills might explain how she's still able to move at all in RE3 considering she should have been a broken and battered walking bruise after the first ten minutes.


Only one of those bottles looks prescription. The rest appeal to be over-the-counter. My guess is Jill is being proactive to the point of paranoia with her health.


I think we all would be if we experienced the mansion incident


actually ppl with cancer DO take this many pills sometimes but no this is insane


She saw too much


Those drugs are why she’s “..STILL ALIVE”.