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RE4R is my favorite RE game but god the double Garrador room is HELL on hardcore mode. Terrified to try it on professional especially trying to get the S+ rank


oh god, that room is the bane of my existence, i love re4, but that room is one of the worst. would rather face a regenarador without a sniper


It’s honestly one of two things that I prefer in the original, personally. Even with the controls being sooo much worse. I’m right there with you.


just use 3 heavy grenades and 1 reg to do it easily on professional.


I snipe both of their backs at the same time while they're stuck to the wall, throw a flashbang, and then they're very close to dead so whatever you have left (light grenade, pistol ammo, whatever you want) will get the job done. Flashbang while their parasite is writhing does absolutely huge damage. Edit: found a clip on yt. This is hardcore, but I did something similar on pro and got through in ~~like 2 tries~~ jk, literally 1 try. Flashbang does near lethal damage if the parasite is writhing. https://youtu.be/2PaHIa04Dd8?si=17qYXwQQXJBTLNJY


The OG gave you an RPG before that fight in the glass case. Man I hate how that’s right after fighting those dumb bugs that whole section is the make or break of the professional run. P.s. if you are currently running for the S+ don’t continue when you die because that time is tacked on to the total. Saving? well stranger that’s on you.


I knifed the fuck out of a regenorator. Changed my life. Build knife early.


i honestly panicked, and just started stabbing the shit out of it, and it worked 🤷‍♀️ can’t complain about results


Having to backtrack there from the typewriter on every death on pro is also super annoying. I can’t aim for shit so I rely on heavy nades for them.


Re4 gives lots of treasures and money…rockets will save you. You need one for: Salazar right hand man Double garrador Krauser Saddler For me a total of 640000 pestas. But still well spent; complete all the commissions and earn treasures. Plus, you’re saving a lot of pain that you otherwise would have to go through. My advice? You can buy 1 rocket every 2 chaps, calculate from there.


This is the one 💀 the RE I’ve played the most amount of times despite being the newest, and I fall back into my bed in frustration every time I come up on this part


My tip for professional playthrough ... If you've been saving grenades or heavy grenades .... this is the room to use it. I shot the bell to lure both garradors ... then throwing all my grenades ... and in confusion try to use my magnum on one garrador. With 3 heavy grenades plus some shot ... you should kill one garrador... or even both of them if you're lucky.


I died 900 times and then RNGeesus delivered me a magnum crit on my first or second shot or maybe both damage is hard to tell. Finally had one go straight down and felt like I passed it through luck


That room is the reason I always make sure to have at least 3 heavy grenades before getting to it on hardcore/professional replays. It's brutal otherwise.


I am still baffled how I managed to do this first try. It was fucking stressful. I was NOT in control of the situation.


That room almost made me pull out the assisted. I literally went in that room guns blazing, I used up a ton grenades, and every kind of ammo possible.


My first playthrough was hardcore and when I did that on hardcore mode, it took me like 20 tries. A pain in the butt


Resident Evil 8's House Beneviento. It was one of RE's scariest moments in a first playthrough but every subsequent playthrough the entire sequence feels like a chore to go through.


And your reward is getting to go to the lake area, the second worse part of the game. I've had a replay die in that stretch


RE8's middle half always feels tedious on replays. Beneviento is scripted and Moreau's Reservoir is the most boring area. This is going to be a hot take but I feel the best part of Village by far is Heisenberg's Factory.


The atmosphere of the Factory is great, but I feel like that section drags on a little too long. I guess the same can be said for the Castle. I love the Lycan Stronghold section before the Factory. It feels like a slow, one man assault on an army of werewolves.


The mansion is the best part for me tbh and wish the whole game took place there


Mansion is definitely very atmospheric and classic as hell for RE, but being so early holds it back in regards to gameplay.


Heisenbergs is definitely the best area


The reservoir would've been so much more interesting if the Molded made a reappearance, since it's such a moist and swampy area like RE7. An old enemy in a new area where they can come from anywhere; have them follow you if you don't take them out too.


Moreau is at least a pretty good boss to fight against, but I agree his area really would have benefited from a few more enemies as well as the man himself trying to eat you. 


Even worse going through as Rose in the dlc 😩


Bemeviento house is even better in the dlc


Worse because it’s fucking terrifying.


Lol I feel like I'm mostly desensitized to RE's horror at this point, (Obviously the atmosphere is still fantastic, just doesn't quite scare me anymore.) but goddamn do those mannequins creep me the fuck out in the best possible way.


Yea I went through 7 in VR and nothing can ever even come close now. Except those fucking mannequins


I refuse to continue playing when I get to the house, mainly because you can't really speedrun the area, your guns don't matter, your movement will always be the same, I don't like being forced to slow down.


It is annoying but it only takes about 15-20min, I think that it's short enough of a time commitment to justify going through it so you can play the rest of the game


There are mods to remove the baby, though in gold edition you still need to behave like the baby is there to make the sequence end.


the baby isn't the problem for me its the annoying sounds it makes


That’s how I felt about Heisenburg’s factory as far as it being a chore. It’s just kind of boring after the first time and more of a chore to get through. Beneviento was definitely (imo, outside of maybe the catacombs in Castle) the scariest part in Village for me. That baby was fucking terrifying.


I found a sweet speedrun strat that gets me out of there in 11min. It’s really cool for your first playthrough, but the lack of weapons slows the pace dramatically


In fact, after 5-6 replays, I realized that everything after the dimetrescu castle is quite boring for me personally, there are no questions on the first playthrough, but going through Beneviento, Moreau and Heisenberg again always infuriates me. But the castle, the wolves' lair and the ending are interesting even after 5 playthroughs


this is the correct answer, its super boring every playthru after and honestly should be skippable.


My thoughts exactly


hilarious to me that this is the first comment i see. just yesterday i was talking with family about RE and for my uncle this was apparently the most traumatic event in the series for him, he didn't even wanna think about it. masterpiece of horror, and while i've gotten adjusted to it from several runs i still love the absolute terror of it


That fucking baby.


The baby scares the shit out of me. It's not even that its difficult.. it's just so unsettling that it actually makes me anxious. I have Village on VR and I've avoided playing it only because the idea of dealing with the baby in VR terrifies the absolute shit out of me


RE 7 - the ship


Honorable mention: The beginning cutscenes


Yes to both of these. Love 7, but the ship kills the pacing.


I see why many hate this, but it's super easy once you memorize all the good stuff and really doesn't deter from the experience as much as the first few playthroughs. Besides the rest of the game more than makes up for it. Also playing on the hardest difficulty makes the ship more intense too.


Fact, I don't feel like it's too difficult to play even on hard difficulty btw, you can speedrun it easily and dodge monsters in levels without guns, but in Nightmare mode, it's really a pain in the ass in the first part, the second part after having all the ammunition and bombs, it's just like normal mode.


Think you're missing the point; pathfinding and routing isn't the problem at all. It's the volume of walky-talky bits and unskippable cutscenes.


Also don't like the time effect on story. So we >!risked and lost our lives to simp a terrorist for hire. Great.!<


It took me like 2 hours on my first attempt, but every time I replayed it’s maybe 30 minutes? Theres lots of rooms that arent very useful to bother visiting and once you know which ones those are its smooth sailing


If only RE7 had skippable cutscenes, this wouldn’t be a problem


Honestly, I hate the ship *video* since it’s just running to seemingly random spots and listening to phone calls. But I like *the actual ship*. It’s claustrophobic and challenging, reminding you that you’re playing a normal person and not a superhero. There’s puzzles and backtracking and all the stuff people say they like about old RE, I think it’s just that dumb video that ruins everything.


I think if the video were skippable (like the other videos) and they added a bit more depth to the ship with a boss fight where you play as Mia then it’d have saved it a lot more. I adore RE7 but the ship is certainly the weakest bit. The mines are fine at the end because it’s the big action blowout before the ending even if it’s not the most visually impressive place. Honestly, if you made the house section more expansive and added more to the old house as well and then reduced/removed the ship then you have a perfect game with 7. For me when 7 is at its best (the entire main Baker house, Marguerite Greenhouse boss, the Jack boss fights, and the old house) then it’s basically perfect. I even really like the Lucas section but they needed to introduce a couple of new enemies that are visually more exciting than the fat molded. To answer the OP: every recent RE had this for me which is a shame because I love each game but they all are stopped short of perfection. RE7: the ship, RE2R: the bit with the G Adults leading to king/queen plugs, RE3: drain deimos section, RE Village: Beneviento (loved first time, boring subsequent runs), and RE4: minecart section (just let me use my own guns with my own upgrades!!).


I'm in the minority here. I dislike Lucas' section. I don't like how we go from the dark areas like the main and old house, or even the guest house in the beginning, to hallways full of lights and colors. Lucas talking to us through the speakers also killed the immersion a little bit for me. We're also getting closer to Zoe (and Mia), so the whole feeling of being all alone, surrounded by nothing but monsters is gone. The ship section absolutely cured that for me. I loved how all alone I felt again and how dark, gritty it all was. Looking out the window and seeing how dark it is outside, surrounded by water. I was very surprised to learn how much most people dislike that section.


Imo this is where the game lowkey falls apart. I absolutely loved the direction that RE7 took. It reminded me a lot of the OG games in terms of the claustrophobic map design while being modern in setting and presentation. Then the ship part comes in and ruins the whole story for me


Literally what I came here to post and this was the top comment lol


For me it’s RE7 - the basement. I have to take a deep breath every single time that I go there. I have the goddamn platinum trophy for RE7 and I still feel like crying when I go to the basement


Mr. X's introduction in RE2R, because everything ramps up CRAZY from that point onward. Alternatively, the lake-crossing segment of RE7's End of Zoe DLC. haven't tried it with dual gauntlets though, will get back to y'all once i do!


It's easy af even with one gauntlet, you just have to get the timing right


sewers, sewers and sewers (side note: sewers) ps: sewers


i think you might be forgetting the sewers??


Oh easy for me. RE2R sewage, especially the chess puzzle. God I hate that part…


i love the game, then it all goes down the drain and into the sewers


The RE2R sewer section almost ruins a perfect game for me. I like how they did the sewers in RE3R; a quick loop and you’re out of there


i find myself dreading it honestly. i've done multiple playthroughs and still hate it


I hate the sewers as well. But you can easily do it without killing a single G adult. You'll encounter like 4-5 but you can run past them. I'm a casual player, I only got Claire A and Calire B to S+. Both on Standard. But thanks to a few YT vids, even I can make it so the whole sewer section lasts like 15 minutes. Watching speedrunners helped me. There are a few vids you can check out. All you have to do is memorize the pathing, which is fairly easy. Chess puzzle only has 2 variations. One is for A, the other is for B playthroughs, so you don't really have to solve them everytime you get there.


Not sure if it’s a hot take but I actually Like the sewer Gs! The chess puzzle tho, yea it can go f itself for real


Same bro


It's a pain in the ass for the Second Run.


Easily RE8's Beneviento house. At first it was so cool and unique, but on the second playthrough is become boring


Not only that, Baby is still uncomfortable to face even with the knowledge of its behaviour, but now without the possibily of failure (thus, excitement). Yeah, Beneviento section is a one-shot adventure, sadly. Perfect for the first time, but then it just kinda sits there


It’s kind of interesting, I never thought it to be boring, or a chore, but I like that it’s actually really simple once you know what to do so you can really speed through it later on. The first time is terrifying, but after that it becomes pretty simple and a nice easy way to get through the game.


There are parts of RE6 that require carefully timed slides while the camera is dynamically moving around to create a cinematic feel.  It makes judging the correct timing difficult - and playing co-op means twice the chance for failure. Also...the baby in Village.  Yeah, I know, mechanically it's not challenging.  I just don't like the baby.


You speaking of Chris campaign and the run away from Haos? My friend and me died about 50 times on our first try


Chris campaign alone is a good reason to never play re6 again - what the hell were they thinking giving half of all the enemies rocket launchers?!!!


I love the baby sm she’s so cute and sweet :3


RE0 had two incredibly finnicky parts: the bat boss and the crate puzzle. Both drove me up the wall


Anytime a leech monster turned up


The eliminators…


Literally me. I love the opening on the train, I think it’s really atmospheric (>!granted the giant scorpion was a bit out of place, even if it was cool looking!<). But as soon as I get to the mansion, there’s two leach men very early on and they just remind me that I fucking hate them. I start that game much more often than I finish it…


I have a fairly vivid memory, I've not played the game in literally years, of blasting through all my ammunition on one then finding another one soon after and just quitting and letting my flat mate complete the game.


The sewer in resident evil 2 remake, I hate that part specially for the monsters in the sewer you have to zig zag your way through and you can easily get lost


For me it’s navigating through the NEST. Sewers is easy after 1-2 play throughs, it’s just a bit tedious. I don’t like NEST because it’s just very lacking in substance. Once you know where everything is, it’s still super tedious and it’s just blegh and takes forever.


RE7-The Ship RE3-Hospital RE2-Sewer RE4-Castle part with the bugs RE8-Heisenberg’s factory


Heisenbergs factory is one of my favs. what do you hate on it ?


I keep getting lost


My guy, you have a map a button away


Even with the map I get confused


What don’t you enjoy about the hospital in 3?


That sequence in the lobby with the bomb


Yeah that section isn’t my favourite but I do enjoy the rest of it before that


For me it's the hunters in the hospital


RE4 2005, the Novistadors


i hate the novistadors with a passion


They terrify me


Im glad you only encounter them 4 times. Then their subscription to life is finished


they annoyed me but i never had a hard time with them, that was the second time i used my smg ammo in the game ever, i was stockpiling


I hate them in remake too


Don't like the little invisibois?


RE0, dodging the frogs "if" they show up.


I lost a no save no death run because I didn't know one could spawn in a completely empty room. I still hate those assholes. But also kinda love them.


In RE4 (and the remake) I don't like the wolf plaga, so I feel really uncomfortable at the hedge maze. I really don't like the fact they can jump through bushes. 


i hate that maze, mostly for the same reason, but also bcus i suck at maps and always get lost 😭


Del lago, og and remake


its just so anti game design, like take away all the weapons and movement and freedom and make us harpoon a toad


couldn’t agree more


I’m so glad Berserk Mod completely skip this part.


Honestly, I don't even care that much about it on standard, but from hardcore onwards that is a nightmare.


RE3 (OG) - Gravedigger. Specifically the part where Jill falls down the sinkhole and you have to press 3(?) buttons to make the emergency ladder drop. Genuinely found that harder than the Nemesis boss fights lol


Possibly the trickiest part in any of the 3 OG RE games!


It's not so much hard as it is punishing as hell, I remember you could die in like 1 or 2 hits


That goddamn water room. It’s ALWAYS the water room.


Beat me to it, I’ll also allow the mines, the entire island section, maze, cage drop garrador, turret room


Tbh that is thr one room i dont mind exploiting in both re4’s. Abuse checkpoint at beggining door for og and abuse brggining door for remake


RE5 Chapter 2-3, the rail shooting section where you fight Ndesu. Completely kills all the momentum I had, and is so thoroughly enjoyable to me.


my partner and i just did that level on professional trying to get an s rank, couldn’t tell you how many times we died 😭 we tried co-op, i tried on my own, he tried on his own, it was hell, took us at least 2 hours


It's virtually impossible to do that alone. Probably some pro gamer or god gamer can pull that off, but i remember only being able to finish RE 5 on Professional playing Co-Op just because of that fight.




RE 5 ?!?!?!?!


RE 4 (2005) - The big boulder tries to crush you.


im guessing its that frame rate glitch?


Also, I'd like to add the one in RE 2 (1998), the alligator part. FUCK THAT.


RE2R the part where you have to get the jack handle in the records room. Mr x enters the room, you'll have to go out again in that infested hallway. Flashbang is a must, or else you have to bob and weave your way out of there


I second this. Adding in when you have to move the damn bookcases in the library THEN the Clock tower. So pretty much the electronic parts sequence. So stressful.


i’ve never found it TOO stressful (not saying it isnt) but to me i really enjoyed that part, trying to do it quick enough is part of the fun to me and then when i started speed running i came up with a way to get it done, before mr x evens comes into the library


Resident Evil 3 Remake Nemesis fight on Nightmare (or the highest difficulty I forget the name) (I forgor the rocket launcher and am doing it with only pistol ammo so I can S rank it)


i think highest difficulty is inferno? 🤔 i’m not sure myself, but that must suck


Re4 Original Helicopter Part. I still have Trauma. (And the Remake almost made it worse)




The boat driving sections of RE5 and RE4R!


Re2 remake - the sewers Re4 remake - the ashley part Re5 - the tribe boat part Re7 - the boat Re8 - all the game honestly, it's not a bad game but i think it's the most scripted entry of the series, a lot of sections of this games there are time limits or exactly places you need to reach to trigger something that makes the experience of replay kinda boring for me.


Resident Evil Revelations: whey you have to play with those other characters.


I don’t mind it so much because they’re action focused. It’s a balanced Capcom played with to try and make it a hybrid between classic RE and RE4. Problem is that after a certain point it is all action, no horror. Probably around chapter 9 or so. Chris arrives on the ship and there’s just non stop shooting and nothing really scary at all. Chapters 1-6 were very good imo. Wish Rev could get a remake tbh.


In RE2Remake it's the pesticide puzzle... I dread the whole plants section, and afraid to not have enough flame stuff... it was better in original.


i’ve played it so much i’ve learnt all the codes for that section, i just find it tedious now as i’ve cut the time in half


RE4 (OG): The entire Island chapter, I absolutely dread whenever I get to the Island.


yea i’m not the biggest fan of the island either


Mostly just any time I enter the hallway with the moths in Code Veronica.


Salt mine RE7


Interesting, I don't mind the mine but HATE the ship part. Curious to know your opinion on the ship part.


The island in RE4 OG (haven’t tried remake yet). The game is a blast until the island and that last 3rd really just sucks the fun out of the game.


I’m a huge RE4 glazer but yeah the island definitely had a fatigue factor to it. Even though RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time, I genuinely think RE4R improves nearly all aspects of the original. The island feels much better this time around


i haven’t played the og (yet) but i’ve played the remake and it’s absolutely incredible. my partners played both and he says the remake is perfect


The remake is great for the island. Only part I dislike is the part where you’re pushing forward with the help of the helicopter and facing an onslaught of enemies while trying to take down the AA cannon.


That's part specifically is really short if you have a heavy and normal grenade, you can just run up to the AA gun and blow it up.


More that whole section I don’t like. The area right after with the two enemies on machine guns across from eachother and everyone else has crossbows on you annoys the hell out of me


I think that whole section is something the Remake does a lot better, if still not exactly perfect.


RE2R - Ada and Sherry sections RE4OG - Ashley section (luckily short and quite easy) RE7 - The boat


Code Veronica the crystal ball puzzle


Fighting those 2 garradors in RE4 Remake




Sewers in re2 remake. Boring ugly and goes on a bit too long. Sewer sections in games shouldnt be a thing.


RE4 and its remake fish farm. Something about that area irks me


I've only played one Resident Evil game and by far the most difficult part for me... Is the beginning of RE4(OG), where a swarm of Gandos come to try and get you. It's not easy, you don't have access to your shotgun yet, and God damn it there is just way too many of them. Hell this was literally one of the only parts of the game that made me struggle THAT much. The other parts I handled just fine. But this just made me upset as hell. In fact it was so difficult, I handed the controller over to my Dad who managed to beat it a few minutes later.


You can just run around in a circle for the four minutes.Legit just don’t look behind you and keep running.


All right thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind next time I play RE4 on a new file.


RE4R, Ashley's section.


Re4 OG Ashley section is infinitely worse.


Really? Never had problems with it. I liked how her health worked exactly like Leon's and she could gather supplies for him.


Double Garrador room RE4R. Just a fucking gauntlet no matter what difficulty you are on.


Any cinematic sequence that are really good the first time around but a chore / slog on repeat playthroughs. House Beneviento, the walking simulator at the end of RE4R, the beginning of RE7, Sherry's section in RE2R... Any unskippable cutscene. I'm looking at you SPECIFICALLY RE7. No. I don't need to see the cutscene again before fighting Mutated Jack on Madhouse for the 12th time. Fuck off. A lot of sections where you just don't play the main character. You get loot for that character and that character only. Revelations 1 is the most guilty of this. I couldn't care less about playing the two nerds, or playing some characters in flashbacks. Carlos' section in RE3R and Ada's section in RE2R, while cool, follow the same idea


Any sewer portion. Didn’t enjoy it in Re2r didn’t enjoy it in Re3R.


At least it’s very brief in RE3R. Now that I think about it the whole game is very brief


RE 5 😭😭 Chapter 3-2


The entire middle section of Village.


i never quite liked krausers boss fight gonna be honest...


The entirety of RE0 after the train. No disrespect, it's a good Game, but I just can't bring myself to play it after


Re1R : Volatile Fuel, just annoying all around Re2R : Cherry segment where you run from Irons, so tedious RE5 : The Rail shooter segment RE7 : Ship RE8 : House Bienviento


The fucking water sample puzzle...


For me, fighting Stage 3 (or whatever the final stage Dr. Birkin is in Claire’s run) Birkin in RE2. As soon as you think he’s predictable, he pulls some shit out of his ass and fucks you up. Super frustrating. That has single-handedly ruined multiple S+ attempts for me where I’m cruising right up to that point and then just get annihilated. And the worst part is it’s literally 10 minutes from the end of the game, so restarting completely fucks your momentum.


RE7 boat and quarry RE8 factory Revelations 1 Keith and quint chapters 4OG island 2R sewers 3R lab 0 with those annoying frog enemies


The sewers in OG RE2 and the remake. The final Nemesis fight in RE3 remake. Some of the QTE sections in OG RE4, especially the krauser knife fight.


RE4 - Del Lago RE5 - The entire desert chapter where you shoot the turrets RE5 - Ndesu (Giant), again, fighting him with the turrets RE6 - The Jake/Sherry chapter where you have to hide from the Ustanak.


Seperate ways laser hall. I know its just a QTE and move when its safe but the consequence for missing is something id rather avoid


The water room in RE4/Remake, Sherry's section in RE2, the ship in RE7, Raccoon Park in RE3, most of Code Veronica


4 (OG and Remake) - War Room 4 (Remake) - Ashley segment 5 - Shrek fight 7 - The ship


lmao shrek fight 😭


>!Leaving the giant baby in the basement!< in 8, I hate it so much. I know it’s a monster but it sounded so lonely and desperate and sad 😭😭😭 I had a baby within the year that I played this game so my hormones really did not enjoy the plot despite how good a game it was


OG RE4 U3 fight. It’s not particularly difficult or scary I just really dread going through it


RE4 cabin


The power station in RE3R. There is nothing that freaks me out more than those damn bugs


The underground/Parking lot section of RE2 Remake for me, it just stresses me out everytime.


Reading the comments made me realise the best parts of Resident Evil games are the first few areas. RE2 - RPD RE3 - streets RE4 - village, castle RE7 - Jack Baker house RE Village - Castle Dimitrescu And the worst parts tends to be areas that comes later on in the game RE2 - Sewers, lab RE3 - Lab RE4 - Island, Ashley part, blind claw guys part RE7 - Boat RE Village - House Beneviento, Factory


Every single RE 0 bossfight. Also, RE1R, the stupid fucking shark tank room. Dear lord delivere me from stupid sharks and wet, empty corridors.


I know this is gonna seem ridiculous & nooby but I’m playing RE2 remake for the first time (never played original) & I just can’t handle the big dude that chases me around. Shit is nightmare fuel




The boat section in RE7


RE2 Remake, the Ada section. She has one gun, it's the weakest gun in the game, and there's not quite enough ammo. It's even worse when zombies can randomly tank head shots or bob and weave like Flloyd Mayweather Jr. So I run out of ammo, and have to lower the difficulty so I can regenerate slightly, just to get through this obnoxious section.


After replaying re7 multiple times, I can confirm the opening intro is cool your first couple playthroughs, but quickly becomes monotonous.


Want to replay RE:0 Play the train part. Finish the train part No longer want to play RE:0 At least it has the decent to put the good bit at the start, imagine how much it would suck to have to do the second half to get to the finale on the train.


Last boss of Revelations 1. The airplane boss fight in Code Veronica. The underground caverns in RE1 The damn sewers in RE2R The Clocktower in OG RE3 (But I love that part even though I dread it lol) The maze in RE4 Literally any part where you have to board up windows and fight off a small army in a small space in any of the games. Edit: I still enjoy the hell out of most of these, much like the baby in 7 or the dollhouse and mannequins in 8, (those were creepy AF!). But a definite sense of having to steel myself.


Re7 boat


Any part where I'm in waist high water and looking out for enemies that might pop up. Have had a hatred for that trope in horror since the Jurassic Park 2 scene with the raptors in the tall grass


RE3R first game I ever played within the resident evil franchise and I was mad disappointed not bc the pacing of the game was shit or completely lacked a variety of bosses and any dlc’s. No. My dumbass really bought the game thinking that Carlos was the main lead. So here I am obsessed with this character long before even playing the game.. the edits I have of this man, the digital footprint I have all bc of this sexy piece of man candy. Only to find out that you spend 5% of the game playing as him. Now I come back to play it at least every 3-4 months only bc I hate going through the Nemesis over and over. But at least he makes it worth it.😔


Re7 ship part. no reason really except it's just boring


I like RE:6 I replay it a lot with my Fiance. But we HAAAAAATE the run away from Haos instant death scenes.


Re4 original had a part when you were in a minecart and you had to survive till you had to do a quick time event,and for whatever reason,I had to do it for like 4 times,and each time you mess up,you get back to before you get in.