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Most likely the supports werent enough. Share the slicer picture so we can diagnose.


https://imgur.com/gallery/QKaxdtn this was during the print process


yeah this is a support problem, what happened was the first part of the leg worked and then the supports failed. You can see the bump that is the successful part of the leg and the flat area where the supports weren't enough to pull the model off the FEP. the whole model gets crushed into a single layer until it connects back to something and can get pulled off which is why the front of the model printed mostly correctly. I would check your vat for the foot, its almost certainly still in there and at danger of breaking your screen if you start another print


for future reference its generally better to print at a 45 degree angle as the supports have less stress when pulling the smaller cross section off the FEP. This is kind of model dependent though and doesn't account for cups that might cause suction forces in different orientations.


I should’ve explained further, my apologies. The foot did print, just wasn’t connected


Ok, I don't know if the water washable stuff plays a role, but the nub on the leg looks suspicious because in the same area, there's obviously a glob of resin hanging from the paused print. How long was it paused and is it exposed to sunlight while it's paused? If part of the hanging blob solidified while you checked the print, the Print wouldn't touch the FEP in that are and the rest of the foot would be printed on the FEP until the exposed part of that part cured resin would fuse with the layers printed on the FEP from just force and overall stickiness. I think it's curious that those shapes overlap in that area specifically. That being said, clean the tank, rerun the print, see if it repeats. Frankly, sometimes prints just fail through happenstance and you can spend a long time investigating and troubleshooting an error they can't repeat if they tried. Only troubleshoot errors that you can replicate, otherwise you'll never get anything done. And don't check prints unless your printer makes noises or you have a significant reason to suspect somethig happened. Pausing is a potential source of errors and by the time you would check a print and find out there's no problem, you have introduced a vector for another problem, gaining nothing.


Yeah fair enough. I’ll redo the print and won’t pause it. See if that changes anything. Also in my garage there’s no light where I have my printer set up but it was paused for only a few seconds for me to look at. I paused it a few times during the print too.


It returns back a 404 error. Page doesnt go anywhere.


Let me see if I can grab it. I used lychee slicer and used auto support normal with light supports. Basically had supports everywhere


The light part is the problem. There are some really good tutorials on supporting, the default supports are not that great to be honest. I'm pretty sure that the supports are the issue, pausing prints is prefecture fine asl ping as you don't remove the plate or similar.


In addition to what others wrote... never pause a print. This isn't FDM. Also, water washable is garbage.


I agree about water washable being garbage. It’s very brittle and I don’t like it. Can’t wait for my new resins to come in


ABS-like water washable is the only resin I use and it's fantastic. I've printed over 60 models that aren't brittle and I print large with small, intricate details


Don’t pause FDM either lol


Well, ideally, no. But you can. But FDM won't have the chance of **catastrophic failure** if you pause and resume, you might have some imperfection.


Cloud loses his foot in the remake? Awwww man!!!


Sorry for the spoilers my guy. He goes through a training arc where he only stands on one leg. He has that much power in right leg that he can move normally like he never lost it


Water washable resin is pretty trash, on average. You’re going to sacrifice print quality using it.


Yeah I ordered some resins that are made for my printer from Amazon. Should be here today.


To be clear, I have my printer (creality lid-002h) in my garage, but there is a heater inside the enclosure. I was doing 0.05 mm before this and the cones of calibration and the validation matrix worked out on 1.9 exposure time. Should I stick with 0.05mm for now because I’m just starting out, or it’s ok to go to 0.03mm?


It’s ok to go to 0.03mm. Just make sure to recalibrate with a lower exposure time. I’d start with around 1.5s and go from there


Funny thing is I was trying out the validation matrix and the only thing that looked good is the 1.9. But, none of that matters anyway since I’m gonna have to do all new tests when the resin comes


Don't worry it's a good practice to get use to, you'll have to those test many times in your resin printing time trust me haha


yeah im starting to see that but nonetheless i still find joy in it because like, holy shit this thing was a liquid and now its a solid. like i would prefer to start printing my figures NOWWWWWWW!!!! but its gonna be shit if i dont get it calibrated so time for calibration tests.


Different question, is the smell really that bad? Thinking about getting a resin printer, but I can only place them in my bedroom. What I read everyone is strictly against that.


I keep mine in the garage. Unless you have great ventilation in your room, don’t do that. It’s not just about the smell, it’s about how toxic and dangerous it can be.


sounds like pausing could have introduced a layer issue. resin printing is sensitive to interruptions. make sure your printer's settings are dialed in for the resin type, and avoid pausing if possible. temperature and exposure times are critical too. had a similar issue once. i used 3d ai studio to tweak some model details. it's good for generating custom 3d models quickly, especially if you're iterating on designs. less hassle than starting from scratch each time. might save you some time and resin if the problem's with the model itself. keep an eye on your printer's environment. stability is key. good luck with your prints.


I’ve definitely dialed in the printer since then. And I don’t pause anymore just cause I don’t want to have the same issue anymore. If you see look at my most recent post, you can see the print I just did


I also have my printer in the garage but I have a heater in the printer to keep the resin at the optimal temperature


I agree with the supports being the main reason why it failed also like the top voted user said, a good angle generally 45° is advised , and don't use water washable resins they're bad, not necessarily safer in top of that


im wondering if i should finish off the water washable resin i already have and then use my new resin that came in. i could just be stupid with it and print shitty things just for the sake of it until the resin runs out. im almost finished with it anyway


Yeah just finish it. It would be harder to cure the remaining otherwise, if you want to trash it. Anyway, I only use water washable and I like it.


I have some figures printing rn so I’ll see how they come out


DM me if you need some Basic insight on resin printing.


i will definitely be messaging you thank you


Yeah just finish it. It would be harder to cure the remaining otherwise, if you want to trash it. Anyway, I only use water washable and I like it.