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My main concern would be the great UV emitting fireball in the sky causing you trouble. My first setup up was similar and I got my build plate a full blast of cooking rays on accident once. I scraped it clean and moved on but maybe moving that grey light blocking curtain so that it can cover up the window when working would be enough.


I’ve printed for over a year directly in front of a window with exhaust fan. Window only got direct evening sun. I keep one of those $30 black printer covers over the printer at all times except when I need access to the build plate or vat. I’ve never had a problem. Also, I did close the blinds when removing the red cover to not have direct light.


Man, I know I'm going to sound curmudgeonly here, but what I would give for a Resin Printing sub-reddit that wasn't constant posts about resin safety, ventilation setup ratings, etc. Not because these things aren't important, but because it's constant, every day, multiple times a day. It feels like there just needs to be a sticky with common sense advice (instead of what we frequently have here, which are polar extremes - people touching uncured resin without gloves, printing next to their bed, spilling shit everywhere VS oh my god even being in the same city as a resin printer will give you twenty two forms of cancer). Very little long term exposure testing has been done for these specific VOCs/UV resin formulations. At the end of the day, use common sense. Respect that you're working with a hazardous substance, minimize exposure where possible, and enjoy the hobby. We're exposed to potentially harmful things on a daily basis (seriously, if you ever get access to lab-grade air quality testing equipment, you'd be quite surprised what you'd find in any normal home, especially after someone has been using cleaning products), resin is nothing different. Maybe I'm just grumpy today :)


They all drive alone in their cars wearing a mask


Yeah I agree. Yes you shouldn't have your printer sitting by your bed and run him 24/7. But an open window, some gloves and a mask is enough for most people. How many hours in a week do you really spend in front of your printer?


its 1 large cardboard box and some tape away from being a solid 8. Currently I think its a 3. (assuming 1 is bare minimum of not lathering yourself up in resin and huffing the bottle)


Yeah put a cardboard box on top of the printer. Otherwise you may end up curing resin in the vat.


Best is to get a VOC monitor and use that as your guide; it won't be accurate as such because it'll use a MOX sensor and those can't give an absolute VOC level, but you'll be able to gauge the relative change. If levels shoot up with your fan on and don't clear fairly quickly, there'll be clear room for improvement.


Come on man you spent $300-$500 on whats in that photo. Spend another $100 on a tent with ducted fan pulling the exhaust outside. The health risks of that in a bathroom isn't worth it. A lot of our life is spent in the bathroom so thats a decent amount of exposure risk.




1 out of 10. I can barely having this shit in my garage. Find a different hobby.


On a scale from 0 to cancer, it's def above a 6