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And then after you've grabbed them "Oh wait sorry I wanted the shorts"? Then they walk back and want a pack of matches/need to get a lighter?


Close! His wife came back, because he got the wrong kind. Don’t know how, when I had to ask him for every detail individually. At least his wife actually knew how to ask for cigarettes, lmao


You'd think he'd know what cigarettes his wife smokes? Better be glad he didn't ask what the cheapest pack was.


or i love when you ask them what colour and they just stare at you like you just offended them, I had one ask me "well I don't know you pick" bruh ill give you white ox instead with no filters


Colours are what got me back when I smoked when I moved to Australia. In New Zealand we had menthol, blue, light blue and red. Came to Australia and they had Blue, Orange, Gold, Yellow, Purple, Silver, and Red. I was just like... Wtf do they all means?? I might even be forgetting a few colours.


This can be a challenge, though. One of the sons of our local family owned grocery store is color blind. So, know what your package says as well as the color.


I've always been annoyed when customers are never specific on what they want. "I would like a bag of ice." Okay. What size? We have 3 options. "I would like a pack of cigarettes" We have an entire shelf of options. It means absolutely nothing to me if you are going to be vague l.


This isn't 20 questions, Kyle Sr.! I've been getting mix ups with a dude who says 'black reds'. black or red? No, the black with red stripes. Oh, we just call them blacks. Well there's green ones too. We call those menthol. Two nights later a lady asks for red box, which I heard as red black, and was like 'that's a thing? Ok. Grab blacks. No the reds. Sorry, I heard red black, *explains redblack dude* and we don't have soft packs so you can just say reds here. She was nice about it, thankfully, but man, autopilot brain really takes some handling to deal with.


I can guess what EXACT cigarettes you're talking about too and it makes me so mad cause I think the customers (usually) know what they're actually called, they're just assuming I don't know. The one that gets me even more is when they give me even less info, like when they just tell me a color but no brand name or they just say something like "the one on the left" when there's at least 10 different "red ones" alone and literally half the case is on the left. I ask for more info and they give me nothing so I grab the most popular one based on what they've given me and they scream "no I wanted x very specific kind!" when they could've just told me that in the first place Please just tell me what you want don't play these games with me


Haha, you could ask if they need a sign language interpreter, since there's no psychics on site.


Also gold blacks if you're talking about Marlboro. I always get the one where people are like "I want Marlboro blacks" like okay which color "Black" Like no bitch are you serious? There's 3 damn color variations of blacks: red, gold, and menthol. Sometimes cigarette smokers make me wanna cave my head in. They're always the first to throw a fit if they don't get their way too ugh


Blacks are blacks, black menthol and black lights. Thats how I learned anyways. I don't smoke cigarettes anymore so I stopped caring either way.


Not always. Some people say blacks and want the gold. But yeah the black menthol peeps usually know their shit. That's just the general trend I've seen lol


I like the idea of you just saying “okay” and having a stare off with them after the first statement until they elaborate.


I work in a dispensary so I feel this deeply.


When I worked at an auto parts store, this was a conversation I had over the phone. Customer: "Hey, how much are your brake pads?" Me: "What vehicle do you have?" Customer: "Uh... They're for the front." Similarly, another customer once called and said "Hey, I'm looking for some brake pads. You guys have any in stock?" Sure, there are about 1000 different sets on the shelves, let me just go grab a random one and you can hope it fits.


They’re for the front 🤣🤣🤣 I think I just died a little!


Customer: I want a thing. Me: please be as specific as possible about which thing you want.


"Gimme a pack of selects" "Marlboro or Pall Mall?" "Pall Mall. You know it's spelled Pall Mall but you pronounce it Pall Mall right?" "Yes sir, hundreds or shorts?" "Shorts I guess. Does it matter?" "Not to me, no sir. Red, blue or green?" (As if I am the dumbest person alive) "They're all blue." "Yes sir, full flavor, lights, or menthol?" "Do you have light menthols?" "Yes sir, but I'm not allowed to tell customers unless they specifically ask for them... I mean, no sir. Just regular." "Gimme those, then." And don't get me started on fucking American Spirits


"I want the lightest blue you have!" Grabs sky. " No, not those ones!" "So you want the blue then." Just say the name of the pack.


My favorite one was "I want Marlboro. The Regular Kind." Me: So you want Marlboro Red Shorts? Him: NO THE REGULAR KIND. Apparently the regular kind are Marlboro Special Select Lights. Just in case anyone at your store asks.


Reminds me of when I was sitting at a bar on the deck of a cruise ship. Guy comes up to the bar tender "gimme a beer" .........like really?


I get people like that constantly. I work at a pet store, and the people who come in to buy crickets ALWAYS expect me to read their minds. They come in and just yell "CRICKETS!!!" Yes, we sell crickets here. I'm assuming you want some? "CRICKETS!!!" Yes. Would you like small crickets or large crickets? "Gimme medium!" I said would you like SMALL OR LARGE? "Uhhhh... large, I guess". Okay, and how many? "A couple dozen." HOW MANY? "I said a couple dozen!" A couple isn't a number, HOW MANY? "Oh. 2 dozen". How fuckin hard is it to just start by saying "can I get 2 dozen large crickets"?!


I have been going to the same convenience store for over 4 years. I know the clerks by name. I have a frequent buyer card. I always tell them the brand, strength, size and packaging. Those poor clerks see hundreds of people every day on their shift. I don't expect them to remember me. I'm just the crazy chick with the backpack.


Oh man it’s a good job he wasn’t in the UK! The cigarette counters here have to have all the cigarettes hidden in drawers or behind a display and if they don’t know what ones they want they’re not allowed them! You cannot see what brands etc there are. And to make it more gruesome for the retail staff every type of brand & style & strength etc are all in the same packaging with a photo of diseased body parts etc on them. I can imagine the hell it is when faced with a similar costumer here. If he said they’re for his wife he would also be refused sale! Due to Think 25 if you say they’re for someone else you can’t have them! I’m not in retail anymore (furniture) but I sense the abuse that was given to the poor staff when the display ban started! Probably still happens because customers can be infuriating!


Do you have geraniums? Yes, we actually got them today, which ones would you like? The normal ones! Sooo, hanging or standing? And which colour? I said, I want the normal ones! In red! Okay, I'll walk you to them, would you like them in light or dark red? What are you talking about? I want the normal ones, in red!! (Turns out we don't yet have the vatiety he wants... This has just started, old people and their damn flowers are sooo nerveracking.)


I would get that at the record store. Pointing at the wall of new releases behind me. Which do you want? Grunt. I would tell them to use their words I don't speak point and grunt. So glad I'm out of retail .