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You see the gas station equivalent is blocking off a lane with the hose torn off with two cones at either end, covering up the handle, putting an out of order sign on the screen. A cone has been run over (or stuck in their wheel well), the handle has been uncovered, the sign has been untaped to turn into a flap, the obviously disconnected nozzle is in the tank and “ThE pUmPs NoT wOrKiNg”.


I work at a fast food restaurant and we had someone working on our roof with a ladder next to the building. Unfortunately, the back door where the ladder is right where our drive thru speaker is. We placed Cones in front of the speaker and in front of our pick up window with out of order signs up to indicate that the drive thru was temporarily closed until they were finished on the roof. Had a guy come through, ran over the cones and when we told him drive thru is temporarily closed, he says “I didn’t see anything telling me it’s out of order” Um the cones you ran over had the sign on it…. People don’t use their eyeballs lol


Had a guy once do the same to us, but complained about how hard it was to get to our drive thru 😐


If its gonna be down that long, we park an employee car in the way. Can't drive around that one. And if they hit it, it's on like three cameras.


I worked at a gas station awhile ago. The air machine wasn't working so I wrapped it with a very large trash bag. I used caution tape also. Like wrapped that shit up. Any person with common sense would see it's out of order. Even had a sign on it. Dude comes in, asks for a manager so I walk up to him. He's all pissy about how his tire is flat and the air machine isn't working. I looked at him, dead pan, and said I know. Of course he's like "what are you gonna do about my tire?" and it's my responsibility for his tire. I said "sir, did you not notice you had to unwrap the air machine? The one with an out of order sign, wrapped in caution tape? " Dude just walked out and drove away.


Our air machine quit so often I had a portable air pump in my car. Just a tiny five pounds little thing for cars and small trucks that I'd let good customers use.


You are a good person!! 


Had that happen. It was a bad night. I laughed in his face.


AnD NO oNE wANtS to WORK anyMOre!!!!!!!


And I thought the lady who refused to read a closed sign on our doors because we had no power was bad. She climbed over the railing to go in the exit door and then said "I thought that sign was advertising a sale." They don't read.


they won't read. lol


Honestly at this point I think a lot of them actually CAN'T read. Like, they learned how, and technically they can, but it's skill they have left largely unpracticed for so long that the required effort has gone up considerably to the point that they're functionally illiterate; they could read the "closed" sign but it would take an investment of time and effort to process the text. Much easier to find someone else to resolve the situation for you - which is also considered advantageous, because there's no amount of yelling that can be directed at a sign that will reshape the universe to your will, but that often does not hold true if the yelling is directed at a person.


I honestly believe that it is a comprehension issue


Or can’t read…


I had a lady mad at me once bc I closed the store 15 minutes early because I could smell what I thought was natural gas in the building. Turns out we had a sewer pipe broken so other than making people feel yucky it wasn’t an emergency but obviously I’m gonna make sure everyone is safe. As I was letting staff out a lady was trying to come in and saying she just needed a couple things real quick. Like I said there was a suspected gas leak and you still wanna come in? The heck is wrong with you?!?!


Our store caught fire one day and we still had angry ass people asking when they could go back in (the smoke riddled, sopping wet floor and merchandise) the building. People are assholes. Prolapsed assholes. So fucked up that they turn themselves inside out in order to get their way, and definitely ugly to deal with.


Like, how dumb can people be??? I always think I’ve seen/heard it all and then customers blow what I think is rock bottom away 🙈😂


Last retail job I worked we had a pipe burst and flood basically the entire front half of the store. We had signs, caution tape around the door handles, and a floor manager standing outside telling people we were closed due to flooding. The cashier desk was flooded, and had to be turned off, so even if people did want to ruin their pants and shoes wading through dirty water to get their shit, we wouldn't have been able to ring them up anyway. If people were picking up an online/phone order that was paid for, the manager outside would radio someone inside to grab the order. People still tried to argue with the manager outside that they should be allowed in. Part of me wishes liability wasn't an issue because I would have loved to see these assholes get 6 inches deep in the water then bitch and moan that we gave them precisely what they explicitly asked for.


Same same but different


I've had people not want to leave when a fire alarm is going off and everyone is leaving (including all the staff).


Natural selection👹




This story is so stupid I 100% believe it


Honestly, this is the forum I would believe everything on. That's really frightening considering a lot of it sounds like it should be made up.


Retail stories are generally the most believable, especially to other retail workers. The only parts that aren’t are when they have some snappy comeback or the Karen gets arrested and everyone claps. Non-retail may say “there’s no way someone’s that stupid/mean” but *we know.*


Oh yeah, the Facebook posts about customers trying to out smart employees or others agreeing with them that ends in a round of applause, those are definitely BS. Now this reminds me of a fake Am I the A-Hole where the Karen came in the day before Thanksgiving with like 100 people or so to protest self checkout by clogging the 1or 2 lanes with a cashier. I forget the details, but it definitely sounded fake.


I've never seen a Karen get arrested while I was working retail and I've seen some truly terrible behaviour.  Even the one I saw shove the sheriff didn't get arrested. 


The other day a lady tied running her boyfriend over on our parking lot. She ran through the neighboring business's fence and broke a lot stuff. They were closed and I was the only one at my store. Cops came. They never even came inside to ask me if I saw anything, had camera footage or wanted to look at the ahit she ran over. They talked to her for a minute and let her go. I don't understand how she didn't get arrested. It's like thousands of dollars worth of damage next door and they didn't even right a report I don't think. The boss next door came over asking if we had her license plate on camera because he talked to the cops and there is an incident number but no report. So they didn't even take down her info or anything.


Yeah unfortunately what generally seems to happen is that they get away with it, which is why they keep happening. Places generally seem scared to actually arrest or ban someone - so many posts about spineless managers.


It starts at the top...they feel brave now.


I mean, just because they weren't immediately arrested doesn't mean they aren't going to jail for it. It just means the cop in question couldn't be bothered to fill out booking paperwork


agreed. These situations always occur every single day and over the stupidest reasons. It pains me so much


If I didn’t work retail I would call bullshit, unfortunately I know to well the stupidity of customers.


"You were seen by everyone present blatantly ignoring the sign and we have you on camera on top of it. We can ban you for destruction of store property and have you escorted out by police if necessary, but you are getting the generous offer of waiting in line a second time for service you would've already gotten had you politely waited like everyone else instead."


Things like this make me wish it was socially acceptable to point and laugh at (and possibly openly mock) a grown adult throwing a temper tantrum that they only have themselves to blame for.


NGL, if I was a customer watching this idiot behaving like a toddler, I would absolutely call her out and laugh at her BS. If I can help my fellow retail warriors while I am on the other side of the counter, I do it.


No longer a retail worker and haven't been one for ages, but will absolutely call out my "fellow" shoppers in defense of a clerk or MW worker.


Back in 2020 I was in a Dollar Tree in the US (everything in the store is $1 before tax, although i think it's now $1.25). I don't remember what we were there for, but there was a LONG line stretching back through one of the aisles and only one cashier/manager for the whole store. Having worked in customer service jobs before, my SO and I were perfectly capable of standing in line without throwing a fit. The person in front of us - not so much. When we finally got near the register (we'd been waiting about 5 minutes), the dude in front of us started berating the cashier/manager for taking too long, yelling about how "No one wants to work!" and all of that BS. Now, I'm not generally confrontational when people are messing with me, especially at my job. But when I see someone messing with another retail worker/server, I get pissed. I told him "Just shut the Hell up, you're embarrassing yourself." The dude in front of him said the same thing. The rude guy's response was to try and get in my face and intimidate me, which would've been a lot more effective if he was tall instead of just fat. He said something about how he could "handle me" if he wanted to, and the cashier/manager chimed in that he could kick the guy out of the store if he had to. The guy made a few more comments I won't get into, but he eventually decided to shut the fuck up and start acting like an adult. Fuck socially acceptable, call out the assholes. Especially as a customer who can't get fired for it.


I WOULD have been laughing my ass off at her! Admittedly that would have done NOTHING to deescalate it, but it would have felt great.


I think certain behaviours need to be shamed and called out regardless if it’ll de-escalate the situation if it means we’ll see less of it in the future.


Shame em and name em!


I have actually told irate customers that they can't yell at the cashiers like that. Twice. Both times, it was at a Walgreens, but different ones. Both times, it was during the holiday shopping season when people show their love for Jebus by acting like absolute c@nts. In the second incident, this older guy was told to go get checked out by a cashier at the makeup counter because the line was so long at the front, and he was throwing a tantrum about it. You'd think he would have been happy with having his @ss kissed, but instead, he refused to be helped at the makeup counter and started yelling at the cashier. I have no idea why it offended him so much. I started yelling, "Sir! Sir! It's not OK to yell at her like that. She's just doing her job." He tried to yell at me, and that brought the manager out.


Man’s a dumbass for not getting checked out at the beauty counter. If the person there’s in a good mood and have some to give, likely he coulda gotten some free samples 🤷🏻‍♀️ (a good chunk of my retail experience is in the beauty industry).


Definitely a dumbass for sure.


I honestly don’t see why it isn’t. Who’s gonna scold us for it besides the overgrown toddler?


I wish it was acceptable to just slap the crap outta someone without repercussions. This lady definitely deserved it


Do it.


cant read the big ass signs saying out of order but can always find that one expired ticket for a sale that someone forgot to take down and demand you honour it


I don’t understand why some people don’t grasp the concept of “**it’s not working**”. We have a SCO register that keeps dying. Maintenance has been out to fix it monthly, doesn’t help. We finally had to take the scan gun away, bc the **LANE CLOSED🚫** notice on the screen, covered with the paper bag with handwritten **OUT OF ORDER** sign, & the big orange traffic cone with **CLOSED** hanging on the scan gun weren’t enough for people to get the hint.


When I used to work at Walmart on SCO, no amount of signage and establishing it's clearly out of order (like lifting the screen and revealing the inside) would keep customers from trying to use it. Eventually, it took me having to physically stand in front of it as well telling people they couldn't use it (although the second I stepped away to help someone a customer would try using it). People are just fucking stupid


They so are! I just had a customer tonight get all boo-boo-angry-faced tonight bc she was trucking right along to the not working SCO register. I was helping another customer, but I called over to her, sorry ma’am, that register isn’t working. You’d think I told her “we don’t serve your kind” by the look she gave me the **entire** time she was checking herself out, after having to wait a whole mere seconds for the next open register. I was praying that she needed assistance for something, but alas, today the gods did not smile upon me.


Let me add. The light was off. There was a huge, orange traffic cone with **CLOSED** written on it, & the screen said “reboot in progress”. You get what you deserve, lady 🤦🏼‍♀️


So which is it? You’re unemployed or you work a dead end job at a grocery store? My God you are a trash human. I can’t believe two people wanted to voluntarily sleep with you. Haha


I had a similar situation when I was a cashier at Home Depot. I was on the self checkouts, we had 4, one of which had 3 out of order signs. Guy comes through, rips off 2 of the signs and tries scanning. He angrily asks me why “this piece of shit” isn’t working. I told him “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask the other sign.” He got pissed, threw everything on the floor and stormed out, claiming he’s going to Menards and we lost a customer. A few days later I saw him using the same out of order machine, getting just as pissed off.


I don't understand how people get this stubbornly idiotic. And how they get mad at US for their own dumbassery.


Just like negotiating with a toddler. Repeat the options, repeat and repeat again. Tantrum.


*Major* kudos to the team member for refusing to give in to her tantrum. They're da real MVP.


I’m a SCO supervisor, this doesn’t surprise me at all. I had a row of closed positions yet the dumb fucks would still march up to them & start scanning without a single glance at the big bright blue sign CLOSED. So I have to put another sign over the scanner itself . Then today I had one customer who did three transactions. Brings one item, I show her how to scan it despite the instructions on the screen . Then she couldn’t work out how to pay. So I pressed ‘ Pay’ . She couldn’t differentiate between ‘Card’ or’Gift Card’ . I pressed card for her. Then she stood there dumbly waving her card at the screen instead of the card reader which was illustrated on the screen & blinking green= ready. Finally she paid & I let her through the barrier on the assumption she’d fuck that up too. She then went through the same procedure again TWICE. Then the final insult, that ol favourite “ I wanna be served by a human “ what with me being a giraffe & all … lol


When I worked self-checkout I used to just stand back and watch to see how long it would take these people to figure out that the machine with no light on, a dark screen, and a closed sign right on the scanner wasn’t going to work. Had to get my entertainment somehow.


The first inclination is to assume the customer is an idiot. Of course they could be elderly or what have you, and may not have much experience with technology, so exceptions are made. But I've seen some discourse over self checkout and I actually believe some of these 'helpless' people could figure out how to use it, or even already know, but act as dumb and annoying as possible to protest the situation. All that happens is we think they're a dumbass, maybe write a small post online or rant to co-workers about how much of a dumbass they are, and that's basically it. I used to think there is no way somebody could be that helpless and dumb, but it seems to me like a lot of people actually aren't, but they protest by being a moron and at that point there is no difference really.


Yeah like if it's someone who's elderly I try to be patient because I feel bad. I also wonder why they're out by themselves if they're having that much trouble. There was one woman in particular who came in already mad because she couldn't insert her cash into the gas pump (I've never seen a gas pump in my whole 26 years of living that can accept cash (at least not in my area Idk about other places around the world/country)). I got her to prepay and then I watched as she walked back to her car and just stood there for a few minutes doing nothing. I went out to make sure she was alright and got her started on the pump before going back inside. She comes back in for her change and then gets mad at me again because the change is wrong (it's not). Argues a bit, does the whole "I'm never coming here again", leaves I told a coworker this story and she told me she witnessed the woman drive the wrong way into the roundabout up the hill. The fact that there are people out there like this worries me. Not only for their safety but also the safety of others. If your mental faculties are that low, how THE FUCK are you driving???


Report her for drunk driving  


She wasn't drunk. Also, this was a few months ago


I think that same lady visited one of my restaurants. Orders from head office is to only use kiosk inside, though staff is to take orders for guests on request. A lady comes in and walks past the kiosk line, up to the register. The staff member currently helping at the kiosk says he can help her over there if she’ll wait her turn, but she literally pretends not to hear him. A manager walks over and repeats the same thing, but the lady says: “No, you’ll take my order right here, right now, on this” she says while she points at an obsolete screen that is no longer connected to the order taking system. The manager apologizes, being super polite especially since I’m right behind her, and explains that this is no longer a working register, they’re waiting for the kiosks to be moved to the front counter. She doesn’t believe this, so the goes to grab the screen and turn it around, but the manager stops her. She starts screaming about how she isn’t paying us to take her order herself, even as the manager tells her for the third time that they will do it for her. Lady says again that she isn’t touching that filthy thing, that she wants someone to take her order for her, so I jump in, clearly a higher ranking manager as I’m not uniformed, and tell her that I’ll personally do it for her on the kiosk. Happy to have gotten the attention of a higher ranking manager, she marches straight to the kiosks and says “excuse me” to the guy ordering on the closest one. He looks confused as the lady waves me over and motions for me to do it right now. I explain that I will wait right here with her and do it as soon as one becomes available, that there’s only a few people in line and three kiosks. Well, those people came in after her, she says, and she starts to yell again that this is what it’s like to be a white woman in America now, always getting sent to the back (whatever that means?). At this point we’ve all tried, and as the DM, any complaint in this area will go to me anyway, so I tell her that I can’t help her unless she’ll wait her turn. She refused to get in line until she’d argued with my manager, who could have been making orders, and now she wanted to jump in front of everyone who had waited patiently. I told her she could either wait her turn and have the host help her, or take her business elsewhere. She starts to shout that this is what her kids asked for, so she has to have it, so I tell her she can if she’ll just wait her turn. I walk off, she asks where I’m going, and I say “somewhere else”. She kept bitching the entire time she was ordering, and then as she waited for her food. As she left she whined again about being treated poorly as a white woman. This was confusing as I am myself a young white woman, the host a teenaged white woman, and the manager an older white women. As far as white chicks goes, we had her covered.


She's so desperate to find an excuse for being bottom-of-the-barrel stupid that she just parroted whatever Newsmax drilled into her incredibly dense skull for the last month.


About 10-12 years ago, Sonic restaurants expanded into our area. A new one had been built, but wasn’t quite open yet (I assume they were still equipping the inside, hiring and training staff etc.). In addition to the lights being off, they had also blocked the main driveway entrance/exit with a couple of dumpsters to really sell the fact that no, they weren’t open yet. I’m sure you see where this is heading… My husband was running an errand at a nearby store when he saw some drive up to the dumpster, get out of his car, and somehow push it out of the way enough so he could drive up to one of the speakers and wait for “someone” to take his order.


“Has big display for opening hours” 40 minutes before opening and banging on the door, yelling at me. The expectation for customers to read is unfortunately asking quite a lot for some people.


In her head her logic is flawless, she is in the middle of a transaction so why should she have to go the back of the queue. The fact that whatever decaying tissue she has in her head attempting to pass for a brain managed ignore that the situation is entirely of her own making used to be remarkable. Nowadays, it's just an average and regular occurrence. Fuck, people are dumb!


Many moons ago, I worked in a dying mall. The store directly across from my store was a toy store and they went out of business. Their signage had been removed, both registers removed, the counter removed and about 75% of their shelves. 100% of the merchandise was long gone. Men in construction type gear were stacking up the last of the metal shelving and this woman walks up, ignore the large extremely large and bright permanently CLOSED signage and starts screaming at the workmen that someone was going to give her a refund (she had a bag of toys). They laughed at her and she continued to make her demands. And they continued to laugh. She finally stormed off in a huff she realized myself and 2 co-workers were standing outside our store, along with a few customers, all dying laughing.


"the sign that you threw " "what sign?" plz not her gaslighting what she did. it amazes me how pple will rip a sign that says "doesn't work" and then they think it automatically will work. how do these pple dress em selves everyday without help?


I never feel bad for these type of customers. During Covid there was a shortage on money so we didn’t put money in the self checkouts. Dozens of signs all over the machines even people constantly saying over the loud speaker yet they would still push cash back and be mad when nothing came out. Good luck disputing with the bank.


I'd clean up her spilled drink 10/10 times if it means the asshole leaves without getting their way.


I have so much respect for the second worker who wasn't letting her get away with shit.


As a fellow customer, BIG thank you for the guy REFUSING to serve her. I really hate when bad customers get priority service because they are causing a scene.


I wonder if they will banned her


The broken record wins again.


Imagine that cashier having to work full time with that abuse for a wage that doesn't even cover rent


Many customers lose the ability to read when they walk in the front doors. It's a bizarre mystery that I still haven't figured out.


What a dumbass..smdh…I weep for humanity


I can feel your pain I've seen customers do this time and time again. Only to have reality face them in the ass.
