• By -


Me: “Hi, welcome in 😄” Jerry: “IM JUST LOOKING 😠” Me (matching his tone): “AND IM JUST SAYING HELLO 🤬” Jerry: 🫨🫨🫨 “how dare you!” Hitting these miserable fucks with their own bs was one of the only cathartic aspects of working retail.


"Hello! Hows your day going? ☺️" "Im just looking." "I was just wondering how your day is going 😅" "Ohh.." I used this constantly in retail. Every single person realised they werent fucking listening to me at all and being disrespectful. I swear I cant remember a single time someone was oppositional. Only more proof we're being treated like items instead of people. I made it very clear I am not that and have shut people down plenty of times. Idc that you think Im a teenager, Im a grown woman and you will respect me or you will not be served.


Respect is a two way street!!! 🫡


And sometimes you get run over whether you look both ways or not.




I mean even if you were a teenager, you'd still be a working person worthy of basic respect


I agree!! I did management for almost 10 years and teenagers were often the most reliable and hard working employees I ever had. I treated them like adults, gave them reasonable responsibility and positive feedback. I could give you a pretty big list of sub-20 people Ive had that I would choose over nearly any employee I had. That said, it is not how the general public seems to view it. I got "Yeah right." nearly everytime I told someone "I *am* the manager." All the way from 19 to 28. Then I jumped ship 😅


Oh hell this. I have baby face bad, to the point someone thought I was half my age. (Now I usually get anywhere from 10-15 years younger) and the amount of people who can't believe I was the manager or would go to my older coworker and get pissed when they were referred right back to me... Love it and hate it, but more hate it for the waste of energy.


I work in a drive through, I'm sometimes having to tell people at the speaker that "I won't be a moment, sorry!", and 75% of the time I'll hear them starting to tell me their order. M8. No. I'm busy. So I ignore them, and their little "hello"s afterward to check I've heard them. Then when you do greet them and say "thanks for your patience, what can I get for you?" the have the audacity to get mad because YoU WeReN't LiStEnInG and they get aggressive, "I SAID, I WANT A *LARGE CAPPUCINO* ON *ALMOND MILK*, WEREN'T YOU LISTENING?!" "No sir, I was serving the customer at my cashier window I did say I won't be a moment." Fucking people, man..


Maybe say "Sorry, I will be right with you, give me a moment!" Saying only "I wont be a moment", I can see people mishearing or misunderstanding. It is just also misleading grammar. Which Im sure Im guilty, but food for thought 🤷‍♀️ Thanking people for patience is a pro move more people should use though. It softens the interaction so much when youre running circles. Like a compliment to the customer. Half the time I get "No, that was very quick!" when they had seemed aggitated beforehand. I also will say "thank you for being so kind/understanding/lovely today, we really appreciate it!". Sometimes it locks in that good experience and sometimes it rubs their huffing in their face. Either way Im happy ☺️


“Thanks for your patience” is good, I always say “sorry about your wait” but maybe I should change.


Give it a try! I still slip and say sorry sometimes, but the little appreciation seems to make a difference, especially if you can put your genuinely empathetic voice on and say "I appologise for the wait!" *afterward* Damn I sound a lil nutso, but this rhetoric always made my situations more pleasant. Its a lil embarassing, but its things that helped me 😰


I totally get it, and I have that voice down, my husband calls it my customer service voice.


*Everyone* has a customer voice, we're just higher level because we unlocked it 🤦‍♀️ Ive also unlocked "who the fuck is this and why do they know my name but 🤠👍" and "our kitchen closes in 5 minutes but youre my fave customers 💕💕". Im working towards "DGAF" but it seems pretty out of reach still. We can dream 🤷‍♀️


I love this comment. Like new skills at new levels or side quests for the game of life.


The game of *server* life 😅 Im still pretty low level, but damn, the game is hard!


I used to say "sorry for the wait", and while it did the job, in my personal experience I found that people were even more receptive to "thanks for your patience". We're acknowledging their wait with both of them, but being thanked for something usually makes people feel good, so there's either a happier customer, or a cranky one that starts to rethink their behaviour and it acts as a mini de-escalation tool for customers that wanna start shit, especially when it's in front of others and they'll look like a muppet for going off when you've JUST thanked them for being so patient. I'd be too embarrassed to make a scene after being thanked for my patience, that's for sure! 🤣


This 100% not just in customer service but everywhere Instead of “sorry I’m late” say “thanks for waiting for me.” Instead of “sorry I missed that” say “I appreciate you catching that for me.” Instead of “sorry to bother you” say “thank you for taking the time.” Instead of something bad/negative you did, making it about something positive they did. People will generally be happier about it. Partially because it’s a positive not a negative. Partially because you’re saying a nice thing about them and people like it when you think nice things about them.


Thank you for your suggestion! I try to be as clear as I can, it can be difficult during rushes, and sometimes it's "so sorry, I'll be with you in a moment", but I usually don't have time to say much more than that, as I'm the only one taking orders AND taking payment, so I'm dealing with people changing their mind before (or after) they pay, adding extra items, remembering they have a discount code, etc, and also trying to take new orders on two speakers which comes with its own set of issues, like one side thinking I'm talking to them when it's just the other speaker and it's super loud, so they 'place their order' and either get really mad when I greet them for real, or they drive down thinking it's all good, and they get to my window and I have no order in my system for them. They then get angry, accuse me of not listening or not doing my job properly, and get huffy when I tell them that it is, in fact one person operating both speakers and the cashier booth, I can only do so much at once, and taking two separate cars' orders is not one of them. All that being said, some days I get lucky and most people respond with "no worries, take your time", "you're good" or the like. It's always nice, then you get that one entitled asshole who ruins it for you 🤣 For context, the drive thru is served in alternating lanes, it's weird and I hate it, but feel free to google Australian McDonald's two-lane drive thru for a better visual, but basically it's two speakers, side by side so that a car can wait at each one; think a two-lane road where it merges into one - this is like that bit, and they form one lane at my cashier window (I don't know if they have this set-up in other countries or not) 😊


GET IT OUT!! You deserve to rant, dont appologise ever...atleast if youre doing things well!! 😅 Sometimes those 2 seconds of clarifying will save you wayyy more time. Cant imagine where you cant just say "You already paid for x but if youd like x it will cost more".


This person also said “M8” (or “mate”) and “whinge” instead of “whine” so I’m guessing they’re British or from the UK. In which case saying “I won’t be a moment” makes sense. Cos that feels very British-ish… 🤔🤔🤷🏾‍♂️


I understood so! A few extra words would still only take a second and help to clarify! Thats all I meant. ETA then they talk about cents and not pence so idk friend 🤷‍♀️


I'm Australian 😊 I'm back at work this week, so I'll be trying out your earlier suggestions! Thanks again for those!


I'm Australian 😊 I grew up watching British sitcoms at my grandparents' house though!


I will be a moment, not I won't be. LOL


I love it when people pull up and start the "hello, hello are you there?" routine, I make them wait, even if I have literally nothing else to do. I could have my finger on the button to start speaking over the headset, and I will put my hand down and wait a good 5-10 seconds, their incessant hello-ing in my ear all the while. Then I start with "hey, thanks so much for your patience! What can I get for you?" in my cheeriest, sweetest customer service voice. I don't know why, but it makes me so happy 🤣 I live for the petty!


Yes! I have done this before. I don’t care if you are buying or not. I said hello, you can say it back.


It costs $0.00 to be a decent person, and I’m going to be way more inclined to better serve, throw a discount in for people who are respectable. Be an asshole and you’re getting attitude right back!


Oh my gosh I love the people who will throw in a discount ocassionally! Y’all are the best to meet at stores and everyday shopping. 🛍


Like thank you so much!!!


There’s usually some small way to reward/punish ppl. The rude ones usually don’t know they are being punished. Like if I call you Ma’am and I’m not chatty, you are being punished lol


I worked customer service - mostly on the phones. We all used sir and ma'am every single day, every single call. However, the *frequency* of use was directly proportional to how difficult the person on the phone was being.


Scott Seiss covers that one.


I remember the first time I saw one of his videos, I was like “YES” 😅 he captures the retail essence so beautifully!


He's brilliant.


I worked at a high end grocery store once. On my first day there, a customer walks up right in front of me and just said “panko.” I misunderstood him and replied “oh, you’re welcome. it’s my first day here and I think I’m doing an okay job so far.” He became immediately furious and replied “panko is a Japanese breadcrumb, you idiot.”


"No shit Sherlock. And manners are a thing."


Why would you call me a Japanese breadcrumb, are you stupid?


Wow, that guy is a cunt.


Please don’t insult cunts.


Fair point, lol.


This is so fuckin funny 😭


Omggg, HOW FUNNY!!! What a prick! I would’ve laughed ☺️


Nicely done. Have an ~~updoot~~ breadcrumb.


"Sorry. I don't speak Japanese. " lol What a coont.


"You're welcome" is funny as hell.


I hope you walked away from him. So disrespectful




Not a customer, but a vendor. We had put in a service request for some locks to be fixed and the guy comes in and goes up to a cashier (while she’s checking somebody out) and just yells “LOCKSMITH!” and scares the shit out of her. She’s so confused (she didn’t know we ordered a locksmith) and doesn’t know what he’s talking about so he just yells out again “LOCKSMITH!” and I hear him and come up to take care of it. Why not “excuse me, can you call a manager for me? I’m here to fix the locks.” Why do people treat retail workers like they’re robots who just need to hear the magic word and not people?


she should've answered "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't sell locksmiths"




Or respond "aisle nine" or whichever is furthest from you. when in doubt send them to aisle nine.


My response: "CASHIER!" And go back to what ever I was doing 




I'm surprised he even introduced himself. I always have people I've never seen before come in and just start walking in my back rooms and cooler or start messing with shit. I have to walk over and ask what they are there for. Last Sunday I see a guy walking around the building with a ladder. When he walks in I say , "Morning. What are you here to do today?" And he got an attitude and says "I'm the electrician!" I matched his attitude and say ,"Well I've never met you so need to know why you're messing with stuff in my store." I don't get why anyone who is doing work in a store won't introduce themselves. I'm always asking people why they are in the back because I've never seen them before. Then getting attitude because they don't think its important to introduce themselves.


Me just today, working at a hardware store "Batteries?" "What kind? Auto? Power tool? Normal?" "Charging battery." "Auto? Power tool? Normal?" She finally named what she wanted, including the brand, which was all I needed.


I work in a grocery store and I hate that crap. Some random idiot will stalk up to me and belch out "BREAD or BEER". I just look at them and say.....yeah what about it??? What I really want to say is " Do you want to know where it is...do you want me to shove some up your ass?" What??? Jeez people use your damn words


It’s brainrotting how stupid people are. I always imagine saying some shit on the last day of work when I quit part time. Oh well maybe I won’t leave on a bad note. We shall see. 😏


"Beer?  I'm a fan of it.  You have a nice day, sir!"  And find something far away that I need to do.


LMAO...next time I will say "Beer? Yes please"


Yeah, it doesn't make any sense for them to expect you to immediately know what they might of wanted if they just yell a word at you without any explanation or context as to what they may need that item for. "PIZZA!!!???" Okay, what about it? Are you interested in buying one? Do you want to know if we have or had any in stock? Do you like it? Etc, etc.


Plus, you're behind me, sir. How am I supposed to know you're talking to me? I got a customer mad at me today because he tried that and I completely ignored him until he said "Excuse me".


The plus of being older ( in my 50s) is when they come up to me I just tell them I’m going deaf and didn’t hear them. They never realize that I had to have heard them to say that in the first place. 😂 Serves them right for being rude imo.


That's the Willy Wonka joke. Always a good one.


yeah this happened to me recently, i was doing shelf shit and heard “where’s the ice cream?” directed at me from behind. i didn’t turn around until i heard “excuse me” then when he repeated his question and got the answer he left in a huff as if i had ruined *his* day by not leaving my work until i’m addressed 🙄


Then the one time you do turn around when they don’t address you, they’ll be on the phone or something and go “I wasn’t TALKING to you!”


I was talking about this exact phenomenon with a friend and they said that its lime they're treating us like a vending machine instead of a person! Edited for clarification


This made me LOL...as if you barking random products at a clerk is magically going to make said item shoot out of their mouth like a Pez dispenser


Edited for clarification, but evidently not for limes.


lmao I just noticed that! Gonna keep it in now bc it's amusing


The best response is to just reply with "MANNERS" and see what happens Edit: corrected spelling




I'm going to do this.


Use your best Siri voice “I’m sorry, I didn’t get that” “BANANAS” “Did you want me to Google “bananas”?”


“Yes tell me about bananas!!” “Sorry, you’ll have to unlock your iPhone first”


Say it in the self checkout voice. "Are you looking for 'organic bananas?'"


My husband used to work at a grocery store and a customer walked up to him one day and said “Bread!” He was very confused when my husband responded with, “it’s a sliced grain product commonly used to make sandwiches and toast.” The customer said ummmmmmmmm. My husband said, “would you like me to show you where the bread is?” The customer said yes, please. Some people can remember their manners.


Your husband is the GOAT 😂


This has Airplane (the movie) energy.


Don’t call me Shirley!


I love when they get mad when they have to actually use their words.


I ignore customers who don’t at least say “excuse me” before asking me something. If you’re going to act like that you don’t deserve my time, I don’t care if I work here and you’re a customer. You’re not going to talk to me like that.




This is probably the only instance where it may be passible to use. Anyone who says bathroom to me are usually doing "The Dance" by that point and it's pretty obvious what they need.


For that, I'd give them a pass and maybe escort them if I was available.


I just respond with a random word of my own. GOLDFISH! Oh I thought we were just saying nouns… if you wanted more should have given more


Are we playing password. My 4 year old grandson can use his words...🤦‍♀️


Right 🤣 the category is “things you need?!?”


A gag! Handcuffs! A slap! Lol. 🤭


KY is on 12 and cucumbers are in produce


OMG! And I thought *we* were bad for hiding condoms and lipstick in random couples' carts...


I was a nanny before this job. The newly turned 3-year-old knows to say, "May I have some water, please."


That's a polite kid. They're gonna go far. They're gonna fly high, they're never gonna die. They're gonna make it if they try, they're gonna love them.


He's got good parents.


Did you tell them the name of the game? Was it riding the gravy train?






Yep, that’s what I do too. Unless they can form a complete question, I just keep walking.


They think you're google.


Even Alexa and Siri make you say their name first!


This always grinds my damn gears! I work in the fitting room and instead of saying 'hello/hi/how are you' I always get "five" (or depending on how many clothes they have), it always makes me so damn mad!


If they do that to me I double down & take & count their items slowly.


Do you say it like *The Count* 🧛🏻‍♂️ on Sesame Street?


One …. Hahaha…two….haha


Ohhh I love that! I always tend to either huff at them or ignore them when they tell me thank you/have a good day.


Doesn’t take much for me to go petty on them these days.


I've gotten so bad. When I say hello and then just start saying whatever bs, I say hello again. And again until they say it back


Play a word association game with them, and say the first thing that comes to mind.


The other day two men walked into my store, chatting as they came in. Before I could greet them or anything one just shouts "STAR WARS". I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or still talking to his friend (bc that's not a greeting) so I said "how can I help you?" And he just repeated "STAR WARS". I pointed to our shelf with Star Wars items and only then did he form a complete sentence.




Same energy as the customers who come up to the till and yell "DEBIT" or however they would like to pay before you even start processing their order Bonus points if they try to tap their card on the screen and get mad cuz it didn't go through... Of course it didn't go through I haven't rung your order through yet to get your total nor have I selected the method of payment


*sticks in card and removes it a few seconds later before I’ve even finished scanning their items* *gets mad when they have to dig their card back out of their wallet, that they have to dig out of their purse, all because our “stupid machine didn’t take it!!”* Like this ain’t Aldi 😭


Or when you don't understand or know what they looking for, but they answer with the same word when you ask. Same goes when they ask for Nivea, but don't say something like shower, shampoo....since those are never in the same aisle




"What?" "He said CHOCOLATE!"




As an older consumer. In a wheelchair I may add. Courtesy of any kind is appreciated in this day and age. I have always been polite it's how we were raised in the 50s. When I'm polite and respectful of people who are staffing a store. I get some nice results. So I guess the best advice I can give you is to always be polite. It costs you/anyone nothing. But being rude can cost you everything. Not being mean or uppity. Just a simple suggestion. Hope everyone has a good day.


That’s so weird? I was in the grocery store looking for Torani syrup yesterday and went up to a worker and asked “Hello, do you know where the Torani syrups are?” Like… why would you not fucking ask politely? People have no manners.


well which flavor did you settle on. Gotta go to world market for any of the good ones, our store only has boring ones I guess people spike coffee with


I like to mix strawberry and vanilla with my sparkling water!


I've already said something along the lines of in response "What? Popcorn what?" Because without saying the rest i just assume they are speaking random words at me. Like completely unintentionally.


Just shout out related words and make it into a Marco Polo type game. If they say banana, you shout bread.


I literally just act like I’m stupid and I don’t understand them until they FORM A SENTENCE 😤


I turn around and look at them and say "are you looking for something?"


I work at a tool store and sometimes make a game out of it when someone does that. They say 'screwdiver' and I'll say 'drill'. When they ask what I mean, I say I thought we were playing a word game lol


I intentionally will keep going “I’m sorry, WHAT?” Until they use their words like a big kid.


And I just wish they’d say excuse me instead of constant “SIR??” Or “MAAM?!” They misgender even my cis coworkers and it gets so infuriating several times a day 😭


My favorite response to that is acting super confused in a genuine way and saying something along the lines of “what about it? Are you looking for that or…?” Because 1, it forces them to actually acknowledge how stupid they sounded by blurting out a random word instead of saying a full sentence and 2, you can act genuine enough that they barely will notice you’re being super passive aggressive toward them.


I work in a grocery store as well I just repeat it back to them as if it were a greeting customer- “Chicken” me- “Chicken to you as well” then I just stare at them until they ask me something or go back to my job.


Someone yells, "Bananas!", just point vaguely and yell back, "Produce!", then turn back around and continue with what you were doing


"Somebody call 000, this person is having a medical emergency! They're shouting random words at me!" I'm just a petty asshole like that though haha (000 is Australia's emergency number, like 911, for context)


I’ve had ppl dog whistle or snap their fingers at me to get my attention. Nothing makes my blood boil more


I will try this while at work this evening. Unless they are staring directly at me while they ask something I will ignore them.


It was not super busy so I didn’t implement this a lot


I work in a fashion store. “ RAIN COATS” Any person who knows how a shop works will know it depends on who you’re buying in for & go to the relevant section- Women’s, Men’s or Kids. But not dickhead. He wanted the Raincoat Department. He would not answer my question about who it was for, so fuck him.


D1ckhead wanted a condom?


lol no.


Raincoat is an old slang term for condom.


"Scissors." "What?" "I thought we were just saying random words."


I need scissors! 61!


They should just have store specific "siris" in the aisles that they can shout at.


Been working tech sales/support for years. You *massively overestimate* how capable these fuckheads are at even the most basic technology lmao


Every time someone does this, I look at them, say "hi how are you?" and stare until they get awkward, then show em, after they've realized they were being rude. What are they gonna do? Complain that I asked how they were doing? Even if the tone was as if I was speaking with a toddler.


I have people do this with interesting results. Though my favorite was when a guy came up and said loudly “COFFEE?!” In my face “I would LOVE some, thank you!” I said very loudly right back. Took him by surprise and we both laughed. We provide free coffee at my store and I informed the guy where he could get some. He actually came back 10 minutes later and handed me a cup of coffee. Told me thanks for the laugh and to enjoy my day. Probably one of my most favorite interactions.


“Excuse me, hi im sorry you wouldnt happen to know where the cereal is would you. Thank you!💖💖💖” Or “could you please tell me which isle this is in. Thank you so much.” I will forever butter that bread to the edges until it hurts. You stock my favorite snacks. You deserve to be treated like a human being just like everyone else. This is what AI has done to humans. I blame technology🤣


I’m hard of hearing and even with my hearing aids I often don’t understand what people are saying to me. I’m not deliberately ignoring anyone or intentionally being rude.


THIS, this right here is the bane of my existence. Why can't we have mutual respect for one another? Why is it so difficult for a motherfucker to have a crumb of common sense or decency to treat someone like a human being. I constantly have to look them dead in the eye and loudly but politely say "Hi, how can I help YOU today"? It's like you have to remind them that we're not Google/Alexa/Siri....


My approach is to look at them silently as they repeat the word.


Something similar happened to me earlier. I work at a thrift store and we have discounts depending on the colors of the tags. I was working on the men’s section when this guy starts speed walking toward me and just goes “discount colors”. I feel your frustration. Is it really so hard for the general public to have the smallest bit of respect for others? “Hey, excuse me, what are the colors this week?”


Sorry, my name is not bananas. It’s Bob. Says so right here on my name tag.


I have a question. Dog food. No, that’s really more like just a noun.


I work at a small store that, among other things, changes batteries in watches and key fobs. practically daily people would just shove their watch/fob in my face and very loudly say "BATTERY" And it's always a boomer.


I always feel so bad bothering someone stocking, but sometimes I just can’t find something. Glad to know my “excuse me” isn’t THAT annoying, lol


An old fool came up to me and yelled “SOUR CREAM”. I didn’t even respond because I know damn well my mother did not name me after dairy products😒


Yikes! I cannot imagine doing that to someone, let alone putting up with it. I was in a store today and needed help finding something. "Excuse me? Could you tell me where I can find something?" I told her what it was, she told me the two different places to look, and I thanked her profusely. Not hard at all.


"Bananas." "No thanks, I just had breakfast!"


Today some women quickly approached me and said "cottage cheese" and I guess I take a little longer to process things than most because most people act SO impatient while I'm thinking she just looks at me going "cottage cheese. Cottage CHEESE. COTTAGE CHEESE?!?" Until I remembered the aisle number and blurted it out to get her out of my face lol. These people are driving me mad.


I wouldnt even look at her i would just start mimicking an answering system. “Im sorry, i cant understand you. please say what you need in clearer more complete sentences & i may be able to get you to the right place.” Then cut her off when she yells it slower. “It sounds like you need help with cottage cheese. Press 1 for the dairy department. Press 2 for the feminine care department. *walking away*


Customer: "butane!" Me: "what about it?" Customer: "I need some." Me: "alright. Good luck finding it!." _disappears_ That is how this interaction goes, every time. If you want my helpyou can ask for it. Same thing when someone just stares at me. me: "do you need help with something?" Them: _vaguely gestures_ Me: "use your words please i can't help if I don't know what the problem is"


It's always funny to me when what they are looking for is technically in three different places. I could have given them the directions to the specific one they wanted if they had used complete sentences with me but nope! I'm going to give you the directions to a random one and secretly hope you come back and complain to me that "they weren't even there!!" Because then at least then I know I wasted your precious time, rude ass.


Just assume that they're playing word association: "POPCORN!" "Cinema" "BANANA!" "Split" "RUDE!" "Customer"


I hang my head in shame. I did this yesterday. My mother is in town visiting and we went grocery shopping together yesterday (in 105 degree heat, in a car without a/c). Every time I turned around, my mother had disappeared. I called her on the phone, "Where are you?" Four times I had to call her because when I got to where she said she was, she wasn't there. It was already a bad day, store was insanely crowded, rude people, I was losing my mind. On the last phone call I actually said "Okay, now you're ticking me off! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" So when I finally caught up with her, and we were heading to the registers, she needed one more item and it wasn't on any of the aisle indexes, so when I saw an employee picking groceries, I just walked up to them and said "Canned fruit!" In my shameful defense, I did thank her profusely before dragging my mother to the canned vegetables aisle. I am so sorry.


If they do that say "bananas? Is that what you want? Do you want me to show you where the bananas are?" If they can't communicate treat them as such. I always, ALWAYS get them to repeat themselves if they shout one word at the back of my head and get them to repeatedly repeat themselves based on their level of rudeness. People who are respectful and nice get spoken to like they are an old friend I have not seen for years as that's what I feel they deserve for being decent.


I used to work at a store that had the word “Floor” in the name. People would come in and genuinely ask where the flooring was.


I was always taught, the worse they get, the nicer you get. Really pisses them off.


I once hand a (50ish) women shout out her car to me didn’t get out of the car and didn’t say anything else but - “Aldi” I said “what!?” “Aldi” she shouted again. And I did give her directions, but for the long way around (40 minutes longer) to the 2nd closest Aldi. 😂


Shout out a random work like "scrubber!" Or "bread!" And when they give you weird looks go "oh sorry I thought we were just shouting out random words. Anyway, what can I help you with?"






I just replied shortly "what?" And made a sour face. even if they finally explain themselves I just shrugged and walked away. I have no time for entitled pissheads. Find it your goddamned self if you're gonna cut attitude with me.


It’s worse when they cut you off in the middle of you saying “hi how can I help you”. Like I’ve had people raise their hand to get me to stop and say “WHITE WINE” or shove a phone in my face without saying a word. I wish it was ok for employees to ignore customers who are rude, like I’ll still serve you but you’re on your own in finding what you want until you can ask me like a normal human to help you.


Once had a customer follow me around the store yelling "HONEY" like that for a few minutes until someone else helped him.


I get this sometimes, too. I'll greet them, and they'll respond with "carry on." As if that's a normal reply to someone saying hello to you. 🙃 I love retail.


I work at a FedEx Office. Every time someone just walks up to me and says "SHIP SOMETHING" I get closer to jumping off a cliff


We’ve become accustomed to all this smart technology that we just see shouting single words at people like cavemen as normal now


I was walking out of the store after finishing my shift, and before I could take one step outside, "FRUIT JUICE!"


People always looking for OJ in dairy like it's the damned walmart


Play a word association game. They yell banana, you yell split They say popcorn, you say movies


i always reply the same way with a one word reply and they get mad at me for it. 🙃 what do they expect?


It’s worse if you’re in the middle of an aisle working when they pull that stunt.


If I need to find something and have no clue where it might be I'll just ask an employee politely. It's really not difficult


"Brown mulch!" Uh, do you have a tag to scan? Theres like 4 different varieties and I cant leave my register "Ugh!" \*loud scoff\*


If they don’t use their manners, I like to do a little bit with them. If you make it jovial enough they can’t complain without sounding like a crazy person. And if you have the right tone you can basically say anything.


Sometimes they don’t even say what they want, they just shove a phone in your face or something.


Its honestly so weirdly empowering to give customers the same energy back, like when I fast started working, I wouldn’t DARE to have done that, but now, bits and pieces here and there, really boosts a girls confidence can’t even liE😩


I worked retail grocery for almost 8 years and I’d fucking kill to have someone just look at me and say “peanut butter” so I can say “3, back half” instead of flagging me down, getting me to get off the floor, walk across the aisle, and then walk them down to the peanut butter. I understand you’re frustrated but the alternative is worse.


Dont even acknowledge anyone who doesnt have the decency to treat u like an actual human being SMH i hate people who treat others like theyre not relevant. Im a server, when i approach a table to introduce myself, its 💯 rude when customers just blurt out, interrupting me like “soup salad breadsticks!!!”…seriously like who raised u? Do not treat me like im this insignificant “thing”. At that point i do not acknowledge and will walk away. My manager will take over for me lol But yea thats totally rude to just shout at you the “item”…i could not even fathom such a thing


When I was in retail, my response would be to stop, and with the patience of negotiating with a 5-year-old, would look them right in the eyes, and slowly ask "are you...asking me where the (item) is?" Any chance I could get to make people rethink how they interact with service workers, I would take it.


Sometimes they’ll do the same at the register but act like I don’t know the item they’re handing me. Them, handing me bread: “BREAD” Me: “hello :)”


That's right, keep walking. Eff those folks. How rude to just shout that shit! They're the same type of person who interrupts the server's greeting/opening spiel with whatever they want to drink.


I work in a grocery store in the deli where I slice people's meat a nf cheesez and I still get people asking me where something is, like does it look like I can wander the store no now go away. I've had so many interactions like this Me: hi how can I help you? Them: Gouda chips(or some other shit that we don't carry) Me: I'm sorry sir/ma'am we don't slice that Them: no where is it Me: let me ask my manager Them: okay(clearly irritated) Me: they said either isle blank or blank Them: okay -walks off No thanks, or anything


"What about them?"


I’m socially awkward ASF and even I don’t do this! Is this real life RN?


I once had a man prob in his 50s or 60s come to my counter at the pharmacy and say 'COVID' I of course am very confused and ask if he needs a test. He says 'no I need the COVID shot.' i'm like 'oh yes do u have an appointment?' (knowing the answer) he says no like I'm the biggest idiot he's ever seen. I say 'sir I'm sorry but we can't take walk ins at this time'. 'The commercial says walk ins ok' FML 🤦🏻‍♀️


This explains a lot as to why customer service people seem so shocked when I treat them with basic human respect and decency.


I always say "what about it?"


I work at a delivery/carryout restaurant. I hate when someone enters, I say, "Hi, how can I help you?" and the response is "Dave." That's if they even let me finish the question. Are you looking for Dave? Are you placing an order for Dave? Are you picking up an order for Dave? Is Dave a way in which people assist other people?


Just shout back a random word and when they ask say I thought that’s what we’re doing