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They are trying to scam when they are trying to distract you happens quite a bit. To counteract their nonsense I loudly start undercounting their change quarters as nickels, dimes as pennies nickels as pennies when the customer starts sniveling I tell them it's their fault I am having problems with counting. My immediate supervisor tried talking to me once about it and I immediately pointed at the customer and told boss what this homo saipan is trying to do and my solution. Supervisor just walked away and asked if I could hurry up


Just start making small stacks that add up to $1 or .50. Then slowly recount as you make each stack. So $1, $2, $3...then start another stack. Take 10 minutes to get the total right. If they remove coins or add coins, start over at zero and begin making stacks again. Only slower. You get paid by the hour, so if you do one transaction per hour, or 20, you get the same amount of pay. If your supervisor want to bitch about your pace, tell him that you are just trying to avoid a shortage.


My way has cut down on people trying or retrying to mess up my counts and supervisor leaves me alone


that is basically what I do. I'm not afraid of looking like a dim witted buffoon either


You're not dim-witted; you are just trying to accurately count the money so that the company is not at risk. Quote stupid Asset protection speech directly to your manager. If the company loses, we all lose. If the company prospers, we all prosper.


You do not have to accept unrolled masses of change. You can decline to accept any payment for just about any reason. "It would disrupt business to take your five gallon jug full of change, so no thanks" is one of them. "Legal Tender" means if you owe a somebody a debt, you offer them cash and they refuse it, they can't sue you in federal court for non-payment. That's all it means, it doesn't mean you have to accept a wheelbarrow full of nickels from a disgruntled prick looking to cause problems.


Gotta love Australian laws. No more than $2 in anything up to 50 cents, no more than 10 times face value above 50 cents. L. A. W. Law. We can just tell them to fuck right off with that crap.


That’s so cool bro😭😭. Wish we had that


I can already imagine the conversation. "Here's $50 in dimes." "Fuck off."


If it was in quarters that’s one thing, but it seems like these people only ever have dimes, Pennie’s and nickels


USD isn't even my currency, but I once got 200 kr. in 2s and 50 "cents", which is equivalent to my previous comment.


I have had to use change when things are tight, and I always count it in front of the cashier and then give them a chance to count it (usually they don't). I'm also super apologetic. Sometimes a trip to the dollar store with the change I've saved is just what happens.. It sucks and I've been on the receiving end for sure.


This I count it into 1 £/€/$ piles and let them count it too. My counting is dodgy - it usually works in my favour


At least you try and help to count it. These people I get seem to actively work against me


I've had those customers it's frustrating!!


If I’m paying in change I go to self checkout and make sure it’s never more than maybe $5-6 worth.


That’s 1000% fine.


I tell them up front that I have to count all of it before the purchase can be completed because if my till is off at the end of the night, I’ll get in trouble. I then don’t hand over the bag with their items until I am finished counting. They can stand there until I am done. Yes, I get that some people are scraping change together to eat, but it is super annoying when they’re buying something non-essential like liquor or cigarettes.


Yeah once a guy thru like 3$ of change at me for a pint he was already about to be banned. He would come in like 3 times everyday and harass us and customers. So the last time he came in thru change at me and left before I could even count it I was done. Of course he came in the next day. I told him sorry you are banned. Don’t come back or I’ll call the cops. Of course he called me racist. Even tho that has nothing to do with it. Like sorry bro you can’t do that any other place why you think you can do that here ? I hear now (I don’t work there anymore) that he tries to get his other homeless friends to come into buy his pint for him. They all know who they are so they get told to kick rocks too. You are banned. Sorry. Act like a responsible human and you would have never been banned. I would have sat there and counted out change if he didn’t throw it at me grab his bottle (with no bag, illegal) and run off. Like no. I don’t think I’ll ever work back at a liquor store. I go in there to get my own stuff and regulars see me and ask me questions lol. I just say sorry I don’t work here anymore I don’t get paid for this I can’t help you.


You can give the change back and say “I’m sorry, but these have to be in rolls for me to accept them.” If they insist that you have to take it, decline again and say if they need their chance counted to take it to a local bank.


Unfortunately we can’t do that at my job lol. We have to accept it no matter what


Ah baloney, I’m sorry OP!


Some places will require opening all rolls.


Especially because rolls are either several coins short or they don’t contain coins at all


Oh, goody, another "roll" of *sand.*


Mainly the homeless dumping change on the counter, knowing they dont have enough and getting mad when you tell them you clearly dont enough for the beer you constantly waste peoples charity on. I also hate when a customer counts change, dumps it in your hand, and gets annoyed when you dump it back on the counter amd count it. Then whoever else in line is sighing knowing the person before them turned a one minute interaction into five minutes.


You even have to double-check rolled change. One time, we had someone pay with $40-$50 worth or rolled quarters ($10 each). They were opened later & we found the centers stuffed with mostly pennies wrapped in electrical tape until they were the size of quarters. Anyways, a roll of us quarters weighs exactly 1/2 pound. lol


People will also use washers in place of quarters. Pennies in place of dimes.


Once at Kroger as a checker I had a customer use like 35 dollars worth of Sacagawea gold dollars.


Really nothing wrong with that. Just make sure there aren’t game tokens slipped in there.


This isn’t the 1400s where everyone has a satchel of gold coins. Of course I accepted the form of payment it just took forever to put them in little piles of 45s or tens.


My manager told me about a grocery store in town that refused to take 5.00 in quarters that's all she had! She was getting mlik and eggs and the cashier refused! She was so mad and asked to speak to a manager and the snotty teen said no I won't call her over. Finally she noticed the MOD and asked why shy couldn't pay with the change? Manger took the money thanked her and the cashier was fired.we found out later that the little girl had been disrespectful to many.


Fuck that. I would use a coinstar and get a voucher for the store or take it to a bank. I hate to waste people's time and mine.


The fee for coin star is getting outrageous. Wish they had an option to deposit the money into your bank account. At the very least, get the gift certificate for Amazon. That way you don’t have to pay the 12% fee that coin star charges.


It's been at least 5 years since I used coinstar. When I used it, it only charged a fee if I wanted to cash in my coins for bills. Store vouchers didn't charge any fee. This was at Albertson's Market 5+ years ago though.


Interesting…..every coin star I’ve seen doesn’t give paper money. It gives you a voucher to take to the register to get the paper money. The 12% fee is already taken out and the voucher must be redeemed at the store you use the coin star in.


I could be wrong and just didn't notice. But I swear that it said no fee if you use the voucher in store to purchase items. That was back in my drinking days and I was always pretty lit when I used it. I would save change for a few months and would cash it in when I was running low on cash to buy alcohol. Thank God those days are over and have been sober for 7+ years now.


“Back in the day…” when food stamps were still paper, any change less than $1 was given in coins. We had a guy who would round up the neighborhood kids and send them in to each buy a candy bar in order to get change, until he had enough to buy beer or cigarettes or whatever. But we all took our sweet time counting the change.


Had a customer who tried to pay for people’s purchases with his food stamps. That way he’d get the cash for his food stamp.


They don't allow that nonsense at my store. It wastes time and there is too much chance for error.


Wish we could deny certain sales


I had these crackheads at a drive thru I worked at who would come through, get out their car, and proceed to tear that dirty bitch apart looking for every sizzurp-encrusted penny they could find to make their order. Then they would get home and light up a joint to take the edge off, come back for round two, and do it all over again. Honestly they were super chill. I didn't mind that the transactions took extra long because it meant I had to deal with less of the heroine Karens.


Where I work we could just get the counter from the office to weigh change if it's a lot. That said, if someone brings me a lot of change and wants to pay in it, GIVE THAT SHIT TO MEEEEE. I have some sort of thing and I LOVE to count and sort change. Literally makes me giddy. If I think there's gonna be a line I just call backup. People can wait like two or three extra minutes otherwise, it's the same as when cards don't work and take ages, or there's a big order. Sometimes you just get stuck in line. Mmm but yeah gimme that change and I'll count it quick and sort it on the counter. Makes my day. It's not even about being able to waste time, I just really love sorting and counting.


As soon as they give you money, count it and put it in the system. If they try to give you more say "sorry but it's company policy for us to enter in the amount given. After that we cannot accept extra change."


oh they absolutely are. or they're just clueless and im not sure which is worse. i would start making up rules because i love lying to customers. "sorry, corporate/management/the devil said no coins over $5 until they're rolled."


When I worked retail, we had one man who would bring in a 3lb can of pennies to pay for his newspaper. No problem, except occasionally the cashier would neglect to turn off the conveyor.


that's because it IS A SCAM


Honestly I don't mind change all that much, especially since my store is always short on change. But at least put em in the little paper rolls. Wtf are they just dumping loose change on you? CRIMINAL.


It’s just loose change


I would die.


When they start messing with the change, I would take GREAT joy in throwing up my hands and saying "Oops, I lost count. Now I have to start over.". Do it every single time they touch the change, or try to interrupt you, or try to distract you. Let them suffer just as you are 😎


Are these the same stores that have signs up saying one dollar bills and coins needed?


Nope. We areant allowed to have those signs




And the store has to count it themselves before processing the transaction, so you will be standing there waiting for a few minutes…..just accept it




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Contributions that are disrespectful or degrading towards retail workers are not welcome in this community. We have a very low tolerance for this rule being broken. Very easy to get perma-banned violating this.