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The easiest thing you can do is change your aspect ratio. You need some black bars on the side. Yes it will make the screen smaller, but also it will put things in the correct proportion. It looks awful partly because it is stretched.


This guy retro games^




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i do get a chuckle from dorks who play retro games in wide screen and think its being upscaled to hd lol.


For one thing, don't play it stretched to widescreen lol. Unless that game is a random special 16:9 PS1 game most of them are in 4:3. tbh the cheapest way is probably a PS3, despite PS2 backwards compatibility being dropped early on all of them can still play (most) PS1 games. Though the price of a Retrotink 2x Pro and some S-Video cables is in the same ballpark as a used PS3, unless you can find a good deal on one (or already have one). Cheap AV to HDMI converters are never better than what is in your TV already. There is also always emulation with up-scaling options.


To add: Anecdotally, I found using a lower resolution TV with my PS3 made PS1 games look better. I have an old 720p LCD with a TN panel. Even the PS1 itself hooked up to it looks acceptable compared to the 2K monitor I mainly use for everything.


Depending on the game the graphics may have been designed with aliasing in mind.


> For one thing, don't play it stretched to widescreen lol. Unless that game is a random special 16:9 PS1 game most of them are in 4:3. None of the PSX Final Fantasy games are. All of them were designed for 4:3 and will only function correctly at that aspect ratio, especially due to the backgrounds and other visuals. For better or worse.


Wait, PS3 can play PS1 without having the backwards compatible model? Is this with the disc or via digital means? Oooo shiny exciting times!


All PS3 models play PS1 games via software emulation. You can buy some of the PS1 games from PSN, or use the disc. The BC models had hardware to play PS2 games. I think the early fat 20GB and 60GB models had the Emotion Engine + GPU, later fats (40GB and 80GB) only had the PS2 GPU and emulated the CPU. Later fats had limited PS2 support via software emulation, but all models handled PS1 the same way. If you're open to hacking a PS3 I hear that they all do a good job emulating PS1 and PS2 games using homebrew apps too.


Many thanks for the quick and informative response!


You're welcome! Also a word of caution: people say the BC models are dropping like flies now due to a manufacturing defect. Something about the GPU, either the chip soldering is bad and joints are cracking or the chip itself cracks (I get conflicting explanations on Reddit 🤷). Now's about the time when they're rapidly going YLoD though either way. I hear there's a repair option, but I think it involves swapping the GPU from a later model which is an expensive job if you don't have the skill to do it yourself. I think it's a BGA chip so way more challenging to work on. So I wouldn't recommend going and paying the current crazy prices of a BC PS3, just not worth it IMO. Since it would only be doing software emulation for PS1 *anyway*, get a cheap mini PC to do that if you're on an HDTV. If you have a 240p/480i CRT, get a cheap PS1 or PS2 if you like. (PS2 isn't BC with 100% of PS1 games; it is with *most* but some don't work or have issues). That's what I do, I've got a PS2 on an old CRT and a PS3 slim for PS3 games, I used to own a BC PS3 but even if I could *find it* at this point I really don't feel like it adds a huge convenience value to me.


There are knockoff versions of the 2x available for pretty cheap


Tbh those black bars don’t sit well with me so I play in stretched widescreen


Tried ajusting, doesnt really improve much. But thanks for the tip


What have you tried adjusting? If you're going to ask for help, you need to be as specific as possible.


Go in the TVs settings and change to 4:3 while playing old games. The black bars are your friends


On original hardware AND cheap? Unfortunately, no. If you want to play on your original hardware, you’d need a CRT tv, or an upscale like RetroTink. You could also emulate it and throw on a CRT shader. I play PS1 games on my Anbernic handheld and they hold up really well on there.


And there’s the cheap way. The RG35XX-H plays PS1 beautifully on the little screen. Never tried hooking it to my TV or monitor, though.


CRTs are cheap though


Mhm depends on where you are and what's available... Supply & demand can be a cruel mistress


Cheapest? 4:3 and turn your sharpness down


Retrotink 2x


If you are insistent on original hardware, Retrotink or RAD2x is probably the best option. But honestly, I've been using Duckstation and can't see myself going back to original hardware. People with a Mister will probably say the same about it as well.


Love Duckstation.


Duckstation IS the bees knees!!! 🤓 🤓 🤓 If I didn't have original hardware, THIS would be the recommended solution. Upscaling & the whole 9!!! I remember back in the day of epsxe. Long time ago. Memories & progress...🤓🤓🤓


You can get it on Steam with a pretty significant graphical overhaul and several quality of life features added.


Just to add to this. There are also mods that upscale the backgrounds, add orchestral music, frame rate improvements (though I find those less helpful), and a couple other options.


Moguri Mod is the name


Indeed that it is. Moguri Mod is an amazing thing indeed.


They remastered it on the Switch. Backgrounds are still the same but the characters and enemies were redone. I think it's on mobile and playstation too. Also PS1 looks horrendous on a modern tv. PS1 was designed to be played on tube tv. Nothing you can do to make it look better on modern displays. Looks best on a tube tv with s-video.


> Backgrounds are still the same Backgrounds have a bilinear filter applied. > Nothing you can do to make it look better on modern displays CRT sanders via something like the Retrotink or with emulation.


nothing you can do? lol have you never heard of upscalers?


I have a framemeister. And out of all the systems I have used it with the PS1 still looks ugly on an hd tv.


you clearly just have unreasonable standards. framemeister is a quality product.


The framemeister is quality and it works well for most other systems. The PS1 is the only system where I would recommend crt over upscaling. The PS1 has a lot of dithering effects that just don't look right on a modern tv. The PS1 look incredible on a tube tv with s-video. I've also messed around with the PS1 via backwards compatibility with the PS2 and PS3. PS2 with component and PS3 with hdmi. I've always strived to get the best image possible out the retro games I have. I also have the Japanese component cables for Gamecube. I've spent a lot of money testing old systems with different cables and methods.


Get yourself a RAD2X cable or a RetroTink2X to get a way cleaner image, it’s so worth it, even if you just have composite cables. Also be sure to change the image on your TV from 16:9 widescreen to 4:3!


You could get a CRT. You should still be able to get them on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace pretty cheap. I really can't play retro games on modern TVs since it just looks so awful to me, plus those games were made to be played on CRTs.


Yea I said the same thing. Hell I got my CRT for free off of Facebook marketplace. Guy was only 20 mins away and he even helped me get the heavy beast into my car.


What kinds of inputs does that monitor have? It looks like you’ve got it hooked up via composite and that won’t help matters any on an LCD like that.


I bought a cheap hdmi adapter for my ps1 off Amazon. Works great cleaning up the image.


Get a 4:3 crt


Just to let you know, if you don't have the space for a normal CRT, consider getting a much smaller 13 inch CRT. They don't take up a lot of space at all, and still look really good. Games made before the PS3/360 era will always look best on a CRT.


100% this!!!


Remake it into 3 new games


Try looking for a smaller 14" trinitron CRT TV if you dont have space. CRTs are a must for all retro gaming.


There isn't too much of a difference between regular and Trinitron CRTs, except that Trinitrons are slightly sharper. I wouldn't pay an extra $200 for a Trinitron vs a regular one, though. Just find any 13/14 in CRT and it will work just fine for you.


Trinitrons and shadowmask CRTs look vastly different. I love both but they don't look similar at all. They all have unique characteristics to the image just from the different types of shadowmasks alone.


you don't need a trinitron.


Not the answer you asked for but I recommend playing on PSP (cheap )/ Vita (better), you can adjust the aspect ratio so it’s not too stretched. Small screens make it look great and plays well with save states on the go.


I played it recently on Vita and PS1 games look excellent.


Using original hardware? Not really. If you have a PC you can use the moguri mod.




I use mclassic for my retro stuff. Its been a gem of mine for years.


Use an overlay of scan lines


Keiko labs do a PS1 to HDMI, made gaes look so much sharper on my 60inch tv


ReShade scanlines?


*in Palpatine’s voice* Not from a flat panel. This is why there is a whole market around CRT scalers and such. If this is an actual PS1, you’re kinda screwed with that monitor. You’d be better off connecting a computer and setting an emulator to force 4:3 aspect ratio and some kind of decorative CRT filter. Any retro scaler will also work but it’ll be more expensive than the console itself. I personally looked for a small CRT TV on local market pages and just hauled one home for like 20 dollars.


Play the pc version with the Moguri mod. That's the cheapest way to get good image quality.


A couple cheap options. You can get the Pound HDMI cable. Maybe not like the best out there, but I've been pretty happy with mine and it's only $40. POUND HDMI HD Link Cable - Compatible with PS1 and PS2 - HDMI Cable with RGB Display, 720p Resolution, Plus Micro USB Cable for Power https://a.co/d/45Nt6nv You can try the retroscaler2x on Aliexpress. It's a clone of the retrotink2x for like a third of the price. I've never tried using it for PS1 but it's done very well on my SNES. RetroScaler2x AV to HDMI-compatible Converter and Line-doubler For Retro Game Consoles PS2 N64 NES Dreamcast Saturn MD1 MD2 https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNaHx7U


4:3 aspect ratio and use a proper upscaler. A CRT TV would be the cheapest way though lol


I know you said on TV... but don't you wanna try RetroArch ? You can play with a controller and improve graphics by upscaling resolution up to 8 times depending on your pc stats.


squinting is a cheap easy way


yeah, play it on an emulator. preferably duckstation. You can crank the resolution up and add anti aliasing and all kinds of other things. I own just about every major home console released in north america, i still play on emulator because its just better in 2024 . Especially if you want to do graphic improvements.


Depends on your definition of the word "cheap" but the retrotink is made for this https://www.retrotink.com/shop You can get the 2X-Pro for $140. Cheaper than a good CRT and less of pain to deal with.


OP: "I don't have the space for a CRT" This sub: "HAVE YOU CONSIDERED A CRT THO"


Play on an old crt tv as they designed them to be played on crt. It rounds out pixels and actually improves the image quality


Get a crt laying on the side of the road for free.


All you need is a crt tv


Don’t kill me here… Emulating and upscaling. I know it’s cool to have original hardware and games (I have them too) but new tech is advancing and leaving the old relics behind. It’s becoming harder and more expensive to play these old games on their intended hardware.


All TVs and monitors should have a 'CRT Filter' option


Lower your standards


Buy the PC version, install the Moguri mod and play the game in HD with AI upscaled backgrounds and textures.


If the game is sprite based try the crt newpixie shader, it does wonders.


Make sure you're displaying the game at the correct resolution. Most emulators and monitors have a way to adjust it down so you'll notice a significant bump in clarity. And for the love of all that's holy don't run mods that clean up the aliasing and noise like everyone does these days. The grain is half the experience.


Can a PS2 component cable work on a psx? That would be my first bet, other wise, yeah, aspect ratio. S-video if your TV supports it, in sure there are svideo cables for the PSX


Buy any CRT for 10€ and you'll be set


If you have the space for it, get a CRT monitor. These games were meant to be played on one so they look ay way better on them. Preferably one that has the same resolution that the ps1 outputs…other than that, theres not a lot of cheap ways. The retrotink upscalers are like straight up black magic but youll pay for it especially the one that does 4k


Cheap? No. But if you want retro consoles to look their best, get a Retrotink scaler! This is absolutely a must have for anyone with old consoles (that use analog video) playing on modern televisions! Also, don't stretch the image to fill the screen. PS1 games are 4:3 and look best unstretched.


Emulate on pc. They can do 4K. Also, last I checked, if your pc has a disc drive, you can use the original discs.


CRT is the way, my friend.


I found a 20" on offer up for $35. So it could be a cheap option.


i bought one of those cheap £10 Ps2 to Hdmi adapters and it worked pretty well. everyone will probably tell you to buy a £200 one though 😂


That looks really wrong. I would still consider even a small crt if you can if you’re going to play this on original hardware. For emulation, I’ve always had issues getting the picture to not look like trash on my pc. However, retroarch came out on iPhone and im not really sure why it looks so much better than it does on my but it’s passable for me. First time I didn’t hate emulation. Check it out.


RAD2X PS1 cable is probably your best bet for cheap-ish solutions.


Wow. The picture isn’t even normally THAT bad on a built in tv scaler. To me it looks like this might be one that doesn’t process 240p correctly.


there isnt a cheap one, but there are expensive converters these are meant to be played on CRTs id just buy the steam version if i were you


Use a crt


Emulate PS1 on a potato and enable CRT filters.


Buy the newer-gen ports on sale.


Play it in a ps2.


Trash pick a CRT and plug in via composite


Get a CRT. Find a way to make room. Trust me. I got a 32 inch CRT a few years ago and it was the best investment for all my old games. They look and play amazing. No input lag. Games look great though S-Video. I have a 50 inch 4k and I can watch a movie on it while playing the retro stuff on the CRT. It's the best of both worlds. And besides all these old games were literally designed for old box TV's.


Yes. Find a CRT TV. You don't have to be super picky about the set. Just find one with composite input at least. Small ones dont take up a crazy amount of space, corners of rooms also are a better way to utilize space if you go with a big one. Anyway, if you keep your eyes peeled, pretty much no matter where you live if in the US, you'll stumble across a few free or very cheap ones.


Get a CRT, usually can pick them up for free or very cheap on marketplace. Although I guess that depends on where you are.


Either play PS1 games on a PS1 and tube television that is designed for that resolution Or play it on A MODERN SYSTEM that isn’t old and will “look better” on A MODERN TV. My HTPC Console renders PS1 Games drawn at 4K beautifully on my television. If I tried to hookup a PS1 to it, the image would look horrible. **So either use a modern system with your modern TV, or use an old TV with your old system.** If you mix and match, then you are choosing to have poor quality. And even getting upscaleds and stand-alone hardware like the mClassic will cost MORE than what you have already. Even changing the aspect ratio won’t help that much, it will alleviate the pixel stretch of the X axis, but that’s about it. If you can run it into a smart monitor or through your computer, you can use ShaderGlass with MattiasCRT to emulate an old television while using your original console through a video input on your computer (but most people don’t have that functionality and it will cost more to add than either getting another TV or even a MiniPC to draw this game at the resolution of your TV… but if you do get a consolized PC, **not only can you render it at a higher vertical resolution, but you can also use WIDESCREEN PATCHES to fill up your entire screen** without stretching any pixels!) 👌


If you have a 4k monitor, use CRT shaders with Reshade or RetroArch. I prefer Reshade for it's flexibility


Games of this generation look best on CRT TVs. They were designed to look feel and play much better on them. You are trying to play a game on a newer TV that doesn't produce the proper aspect ratio and saturation. Play on an old CRT TV or invest in a good upscaler like Retrotink. Emulation is also always an option though you must find the iso images for each game, and some emulators require bios. You can also look into a MisterFPGA which is another option. There are also mini classics like the PS1 which has an HDMI port. Hope that helps


If you don’t have a CRT the best way to play this game is not on original hardware but on steam with the moguri mod.


A CRT brother


If You are using original hardware, You Will only get good image Quality on a crt tv or monitor. If You want to take the emulation road, than You can Make it look good with a retropie raspberry or with a PC to your HD tv


na.. pixels are on a fix resolution, no possibility to ramp them up.. if you use an Emulator, you can try to blur with filtermasks like scanlines to emulate the scannlines from a crt or to blur te grafics a bit


Duckstation with 4x+ resolution and geometry correction turned on. It's seriously looks way better than it ever did on the original console.


Get a crt


Get a CRT


Both "Cheap" and "Better" are relative. My "cheap" and "better" would be an old surplus computer running an emulator with a couple of shaders and higher resolution. Your neighbor probably has an old CRT TV in their garage...


Get a CRT TV


There are a couple of adapters from composite to HDMI that also have upscaling. I purchased one for my PS2 a while back. I'm sure they still have them on Amazon.


ePSXe + Shaders


Did you try doubling resolution in the emulator settings? E.g. RetroArch has it


Its original hardware :(


I still have the PSX with the game, but rather play on my Raspberry Pi with Retropie, there are shaders built in ĂĄnd an upscaling feature. The batlle loading screens still take forever, hehe. I wish those could be skipped, would save 60% of waiting while gaming.


There's this little thing called the RetroArch


Buy the remastered version on Xbox


CHEAP. PRETTY. ORIGINAL HARDWARE. Pick 2. If you want to play a pretty version of this game, look at the Moguri Mod for the Steam version. On original hardware, though, you'll need to fork out for an upscaler (retrotink) and it still won't look AS good.


You don’t need a CRT. You need a decent upscaler/supergun/linedoubler. The RetroTINK isn’t too expensive and works well. IIRC the PSX will output RGB if you get the right custom PSX scart cable. There’s a company in the north of England that will make you one. The textures will still be rough and the resolution will still be low, but there will be less smearing and better color.


A consumer CRT is cheap. Often they are free. A good upscaler is not.


Did you miss the part where the OP said he doesn’t have space for a CRT? Cheap consumer CRT’s look terrible anyway. Good ones go for real money now. And the RetroTINK is cheap, well under a hundred bucks last I checked.


Emulate it on your phone and use a usb-c to hdmi cable and a Bluetooth controller to play on your tv.  I throw dreamcast fighting game tournaments at the bar using my galaxy 21


The cheapest way is to download ePSXe, run the rom with a scan line shader and turn the aliasing up or down depending on the experience you're after.


First, you don't need a CRT to enjoy the Playstation library. Second, get a high quality cable that keeps colors clean and separated. Also these cables are sheilded, so outside noise or static does not get into the video signal as easy as the standard cables. Makes a big difference and is not as expensive as a Retrotink. https://www.retrogamingcables.co.uk/sony-av-accessories/PlayStation-1-RGB-SCART-CABLES/SONY-PLAYSTATION-RGB-SCART-CABLE-SYNC-ON-LUMA-LIGHTGUN?tracking=5543fb4c077bb


I quit playing FF IX after a few hours because I hated out it looks.


Hey that’s fine, not everyone can have good taste


I actually just played ffix over the weekend lol haven't played it in forever.

