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I dont give a single shit about racing games, but F-zero 99/X compels me for some reason


Same for me with Star Wars: Episode I Racer. Cars? eh. Jet-powered chariots of death? Hell yeah.


Episode 1 Racer is awesome


Omg there's an arcade near me that has a huge Episode 1 Racer cabinet with a cockpit you sit in and two throttles for steering/accelerating. I can't *not* play the fuck out of it when we go there.


Apparently that machine is one of the hardest machines to maintain. Get your plays in while it's still there!


oh no, you're scaring me


Exactly! Futuristic racing games >>>> regular racing games


Kinetica šŸ”„


While I suck at racing games in general, I have fond memories of playing NFS Porsche because it starts really slow with all the oldtimers.


I am both bored by racing games, and bad at them. But I am *addicted* to Sega GT 2000 on Xbox. Something about the way you start with a piece of shit in your garage and slowly work your way up, all the while selling your old car in the newspaper just gets me. I think a game with similar lifestyle elements, but not stuck in race tracks and is a street racer would have me hooked forever. Because I still dislike the rally car or whatever type racing it is, with the manicured tracks and stuff.


My new racing obsession is Biker Mice from amars. I was really surprised how deep and fun it is. But I wpuld never pick up forza or something and try it


Have you tried Rock N Roll Racing?


If youre willing to give arcade type racers a go. Burnout 3: Takedown is a lot of fun, and has a banger soundtrack.


I am familiar with it, enjoyed it as a kid. But right now I'm eagerly waiting for Aero GPX.


Welcome to the world of AG racing games. We hope you enjoy your stay.


I haven't played a basketball game since NBA Jam TE


I haven't played a football game since NFL Blitz.


Mutant League football


Mutant Football League (spiritual successor) is a fun time. It's like Blitz meets Madden


I haven't played a Soccer game since Fifa'98


I haven't played a Soccer game since Super Mario Strikers on Gamecube.


Haven't played a Golf game since Zany Golf.


Same to both, but I've never really even understood the rules of American football (not that Blitz was proper rules), I'm in UK, it's not really played here, but I still played the shit out of that game.


I was just going to say this. I'm not a fan of sports games or sports in general, but I love NBA Jam.


Same. 4 player NBA jam is possibly the best party game ever. I had friends over for a retro game night the other week. We played the Sega Saturn version on a 36 inch Sony CRT. It's amazing how fun that game is. I can see why it was such a hit in the arcade back in the 90s.


The commercial for NBA Jam TE lives rent free in my head


I hate driving games, but love Crazy Taxi


Another take: I love crazy taxi (favorite ā€œracingā€ game as well) but donā€™t like crazy taxi 2. 2 got too refined and lost a lot of the fun jank.


I love Crazy Taxi 3 on the OG Xbox the most, because for me it has the best version of West Coast (Crazy Taxi 1): you have an improved map (mostly cool short cuts and a few extra pick up points added), you have the jump from CT2 and can do multiple pickups, but you donā€™t have to use any of that stuff if you donā€™t want to. If you play it bare bones you still have the most polished version of CT1 plus the original soundtrack and all the original names of the pickup points & whatnot.


I honestly want to get a new og Xbox. Thereā€™s so many great weird exclusives on there that have barely gotten rereleases. Really want to try gun Valkyrie, otoshi and phantom dust to name a few. But god that console was so bulky and took up so much space.


Itā€™s not bigger than a PS3 or anything šŸ˜… they are amazing to mos though, I have over 10000 games for all kinds of old systems on mine, including a ton of arcade games


And the map isnā€™t nearly as much fun on 2.


2 was kinda sterile compared to the 1st (which is one of my favorite games ever). The level design just wasnā€™t there, and it didnā€™t feel like it did a ton beyond the first game. Wasnā€™t terrible but just a little bland and disappointing.


Ooh, that's a good one! "Let's make some craaaazey money!"


I dont like most rhythm games, but I love parappa the rapper.


Check...and turn... The signal to the right. ..Check..turn..right signal signal to the FUCK


Kick, punch, it's all in the mind If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find The things I'll teach ya, is sure to beat ya Nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now Kick!


Yoooo I love popful mail. Iā€™ve never seen it mentioned anywhere and itā€™s such a fun game


Not a huge RPG guy, but I love chrono trigger and pokeman. In fact I didnā€™t even know that pokeman was an rpg(or at least has heavy rpg aspects) till like 6 years after playing it.




*Pokemen, the evolved version. I canā€™t believe I goofed on spelling PokĆ©mon correctly. I need to get more sleep.




*Multible Pokemenā„¢*


That's right Grandma!


I am not a fan of First Person Shooters but I love Perfect Dark and Goldeneye


Give the 2nd and 3rd Timesplitters games a shot. They're spiritual successors to Perfect Dark and Goldeneye made by most of the original developers.


I love Mario Tennis even though I don't generally like tennis games. Or tennis in general. But something about the package is just really appealing.


I have fond memories of repeatedly clobbering my opponents in GBC Mario Tennis with tennis balls back in the day. šŸ˜€


I donā€™t like scrolling shooters Gradius likeā€¦ but man I enjoy the Parodius series.


I'd rather watch paint dry than watch sports or play sport games....unless we're talking NBA Street, NFL Blitz, or Wayne Gretzkey's 3D Hockey


I don't even know how to play football, but I am a massive fan of NFL Madden. Specifically 2004. Although I've been playing 24 lately and it's fun.


You're not gonna count the NHL equivalent to NFL blitz?


Make any sports game more arcade like and its instantly more fun to me than the realistic EA series or equivalent.


Golf games are whatever, but Neo Turf Masters is one of my all time favorite and most played games, probably in my top 10


Neo Turf Masters and League Bowling have eaten my time over the years. SNK was the king of arcade sports.


I am not good at Gradius or similar shmups... but for some reason I am pretty decent and have a lot of fun with CAVE Shmups, especially Mushihime-Sama Futari and Deathsmiles. For a bit more modern (but also retro-styled) game: I dont like First/Third Person Shooter a lot. I played a few and liked my time with... some of them. But that genre was always more of a "Yeah, I play this, because other reasons", like HALO... I played that mostly for the COOP Campaign. But then... Ion Fury was released. And I never had more fun with a shooter since then. Although Max Payne came close... Racing games arent really my thing for the most part, too. When I play them I prefer the less real ones, like Re-Volt or Star Wars Racer. The only "real" racing game (real in terms of real cars, non-futuristic or otherwise fantastical) I reaaaaally love is Need for Speed - High Stakes. And \*\*\* Popful Mail... XD That game was really good, but it was damn near unbeatable hard at times.


I'm also not good at shmups but I love them. I played the hell out of Flying Tigers (shareware) and R-Type Delta. Ego shooters I don't like as well (especially with controllers) except for some notable exceptions: GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Quake 2, Doom3 and pretty recently: Project Warlock.


I bought Project Warlock, as it looked fun but haven't played it yet. I play more action focused games between big Jrpgs and those take a bit to complete XD


Haha I know - but the game's pretty short, for one playthrough at least :)


So what genres do you like?


RPGs and story -focused games. I don't mind other genres and if a game is good I can and will play other stuff. And I do all the time. only thing that kind of makes me not buy a game is open world stuff. Played too many of those and can't stand most of them anymore (after a while I realized most of them are just cheap busy work without much depth to inflate playing times).


To be fair, Popful Mail isnā€™t so much just a platformer as an action RPG.


I am not a Zelda guy... I much prefer having experience points and leveling up. But the very first Legend of Zelda for NES is a lot of fun.


I know exactly what you mean! I havenā€™t been able to beat Link to the Past, but when I played I would find myself going around killing enemies as if I were grinding for exp. I would have to tell me ā€œhey, there is no such thing in this gameā€ lol


The only one I absolutely loved was *A Link Between Worlds*. Couldnā€™t put it down.


Action RPGs bore me to tears (I'm a turn based fan) but the Secret of Mana game I could play all day and night. Not the remake though.


I guess for me such game would be Chrono Trigger. Don't have anything against JRPGs, even tried a few, but it's the only one I've completed.


Iā€™m not an RTS fan, but the first two Red Alert games were an addiction when I was growing up.


Not a fan of Fighting games, but OG arcade version of Mortal Kombat is one of my favorite games


I generally find sports games boring but I genuinely enjoy Mario Tennis and NBA Jam.


On technicality, I guess Runescape. I've tried a few other MMOs (most a few years after launch at least). FFXI, WoW, Tibia, Kal Online, ESO, PSO 2. I couldn't get into any of them. I gave them all about 15-20 hours, which I know isn't a lot by MMO standards (especially considering I have 7 years of actual play time of Runescape since 2001).


I agree with this one. I think it's fact the economy feels alive and real, and there's so many non-combat options to enjoy the community. It's very relaxed, every once in a while I fish until I can afford a membership, then just hang out fishing and grinding other games at the same time.


I love Pokemon games, I canā€™t stand any other jrpgā€™s or turn based games.


I've never liked first person shooters but played Metroid Prime all the way through and liked it. Also I just started playing Popful Mail myself and I'm very impressed.


I hate sport games but I love NHL 94 on SNES.


maybe not the same but I play guitar but can't stand rythmgames. Especially guitar hero xD


I dislike hack n slash, but I've played through Bayonetta 2 a handful of times. I was convinced to buy DMC5 as a top-tier entry in the genre, but I didn't like having to learn to play as 3 separate protagonists with different movesets and style.


Iā€™m generally not into point and click games but the Curse of the Monkey Island is an excellent game I played through more than once even though it has only one ending.


I usually stay away from slow burner point-and-click games, but I thoroughly enjoyed Grim Fandango.


I really used to like Stellaris, still the only 4x game I got into.


I got a bunch of star wars ship mods which just makes everything so much cooler


Generally I don't like and suck at racing, but I really love Ridge Racer 4


Shmup: Ikaruga is very addicting to me trying to perfect it Racing: Rush series, Burnout series, some NFS games


PokƩmon; I typically won't play any turn based RPG, but a PokƩmon game will almost always be an exception. Even as a kid, I didn't look at Red version with the same disdain that I would give Final Fantasy.


I rarely play many platformers but I greatly enjoy Castlevania Adventure 2: Belmont's Revenge. Short, sweet, and still difficult for a bad player like me.


I hate Soccer/Football but could happily play Sensible Soccer and Football Manager all day long.


Jade cocoon, jrpg/turn based/creature catcher


That was a really unique pokemon inspired rpg.


for me its gotta be rpgs or sports/racing games. Even fighters. Those were the genres I rarely played or invested much time into. But I was playing super high impact on the snes the other day, and I was having the time of my life. I remember playing that when I was kid, it was one of the rare genuinely fun football games.


Doom and fps games, road rash and racing games


I really donā€™t like sports games but I legit think that NFL2K1 is the best game on the Sega Dreamcast.


Turn based games . But final fantasy x is my shit


Donā€™t like fighting games, but SFII is one of my favourite fames ever.


I absolutely HATE real-time strategy games like StarCraft, but for some reason I loved a game called SWAT 2 as a kid.


I always wanted to play that game back then, but I never managed to because it was on an expensive platform I didn't have. It's funny, I've had the ability to play it for like the last 20 years through emulation, but my priorities changed and I still haven't gotten around to it. "One of these days", I always say...


I don't know much about racing or cars but I have hundreds of hours in the Forza horizon series. It's just so pretty!


NBA Jam. Tokyo Xtreme Racer was the first racing game I liked. PGR was the second.


I historically avoided puzzle games, but I love playing Picross/nonogram games. Picross games were slow to take off here is the US and many early ones never received an official translation, but fan translations are fantastic. It was a *very* fun surprise when the unreleased Pokemon Picross for the GBC appeared in a leak some time ago.


I like fifa street for the PS2 but I dislike sport games in general


Looks fun!


I don't necessarily like sports games unless they have an arcade feel to them. But I really loved NBA Live 99. Especially when you turned off the rules/fouls. Don't think I played a basketball game since


Tony hawk pro skater 2- was amazing!


Not much into souls-like and their general git-gud philosofy... ...but I love Bloodborne for its lovecraftian lore and athmosphere


Mystaria/Blazing Heroes, Tactical Role-Playing Game


Tetris is one of my favorites and I normally don't care much for puzzle games


I haven't enjoyed sports game since about 1996. Prior to that, Tecmo Superbowl, Punch Out!, NHL 94, NBA Jam, and Sega's World Series Baseball were my jam. That era of sports games remains the only era of sports games I can enjoy. I couldn't even get into Rocket League.


I only can play sports games if I like the soundtrack.


I hate football games but Super Sidekicks is a jam. Also, not into FPS but Unreal Tournament was amazing. This is a bit like cheating because I love Tetris, but I love Tetris 99 even though I don't like battle royales.


Rpgs tend to be slow and boring. Monotonous. And I get lost easy. But I'll jam some shining force any time. I really don't even know how to categorize it or if there's other games besides the series to put it next to but I'd like to add... Honorable mention: any of the Katamari games. Sort of bizarre are unique. Corny ass Japanese pop culture.... whatever style.... but you'll lose track of hours rolling up random shit Edit to add: I always found myself disappointed with FMV games. But sewer shark really did it right


Popful Mail is absolutely one of my top ten games.


Shenmu was the only RPG I ever got into.


I can't get into Final Fantasy at all, I'm really more of a Dragon Quest guy, but I really enjoy the first FF game, likely because it's so structurally similar to DQ. It just has Dungeons and Dragons style spell slots rather than MP.


The Southpark RPG games. Forgive me, but I HAAAAAATE turn-based rpgs.


I dont really like racing games but grew up loving Gran Turismo.


Fishing Resort for Wii and Sega Bass Fishing for Dreamcast. I don't like fishing games, I've tried a few, but those two are amazing. I recommend them to everybody, as they're just so much fun.


I usually dislike racing games, but Rock'n'Roll Racing is one of my favorite games ever, in any genre. I also like the Top Gear series ā€” and, therefore, I just LOVE Horizon Chase.


Hey OP can you sell me on Popful Mail? Iā€™ve tried to get into this game in recent years and it just hasnā€™t stuck. I get it was a thing of its time, but does it hold up? I found it a bit too cutesy and a little boring. I only played about an hour each time though.


Final Fantasy Tactics. I got so addicted to this game, but Iā€™ve never gotten into any other tactics type game before.


Not much of a sim guy, but I liked Turn and Burn: No Fly Zone on SNES.


FIFA Street (PS2) Burnout 4: Revenge (PS2) Rainbow Six the original for Playstation and PC come immediately to mind




I dislike TD games, but I loved Plants vs. Zombies when it first came out.


since popful mail is on thumbnail i recommended playing unworking designs mod for it


Coincidentally, this is one of the last side scrollers I ever liked. It puts most that come after it to shame. Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Vita, as I hated all sports/racing games till then. But NFS being open world changed that. Stellar Blade: I didn't like the Soulborn genre at all. But SB was very impressive despite it being a fanservice game. I didn't expect the level of gameplay it had.


Not a fan of shmups but i do enjoy r-type and swiv


Reposting due to trolls/idiots: JRPG: Mother 3 (GBA, 2006), Final Fantasy VII (PS1, 1997) MP FPS: Unreal Tournament (PC, 1999), Starsiege: Tribes (PC, 1998) Survival Horror: System Shock 2 (PC, 1999), Resident Evil 4 (PS2) Arena Combat: Bomberman series 2D Racing: Micro Machines: Turbo Tournament '96 (MD, 1995), Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament (MD), Rock 'n Roll Racing Fighting: Soul Blade/Soul Edge (PS1, 1996) and SoulCalibur (DC, 1999), Yu Yu Hakusho: Makyo Toitsusen (MD, 1994), Tekken 3 (PS1, 1998), Street Fighter II Turbo and Super and a couple more ā€‹ā€‹Party game/Mini-game compilation: WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! (GBA, 2003) God sim: Dungeon Keeper (PC, 1997)(KeeperFX), Dungeon Keeper 2 (PC), Populous: The Beginning (PC) ARPG w/ dice roll-based combat: Secret of Evermore (SNES, 1995)(w/ mods), Diablo (PC, 1996) Tactical FPS: Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (PC, 1999) 3D Platformer: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, 2007), Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii, 2010), Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (PS2/PC), Ratchet & Clank 2 City Builder: SimCity 2000 (PC, 1993), SimCity 3000 Unlimited (PC, 1999/PC, 2000) Gravitar/Thrust-like: Gravitation (PS1, 1998)(Gravity Force)


Cool Never heard of this. Saturn is definitely my go to when I start collecting again.


This is Sega CD though so different console.


I never had a Dreamcast but I Did play MDK2. That was in 96 and I still think about that game and how past it's time it was.


i dont really like persona series but for some reason person golden 4 in psvita is fun


Black Ops II


Sport and multiplayer games šŸ¤®


I can only think of Parodius and Super Mario Kart (or the clone called Rock 'n Roll Racing).


Funny, I got annoyed very quickly by Popful Mail's clunky jumps.




Not sure you read the assignment.


What makes you think that?


Do you play/like any genres at all? To add: and for someone who ā€œdoesnā€™t play/like fighting gamesā€, you listed 8 of them


Yes? What a stupid question.