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I liked Jen in the beginning. Once she crawled up Teresa’s ass she become toxic. I wish she would have stayed away from her, maybe the show wouldn’t be as bad as it is now.


Yep! She built a whole second home for herself up Teresa’s ass…. Complete with 16 bathrooms.




1st season, I couldn’t stand her.  The way she acted when they went to Marge’s friends house in some flyover state, you would have thought they were in some 3rd world country.  Eventually she grew on me because she was funny, messy and had some great one-liners.  Is that a person that I want as a friend? No, but she is entertaining to watch.


If Jennifer gets canned next season and Teresa gets to stay, that friendship will be over and Jen will trash her in interviews. Right now it’s mutually beneficial for both of them, it makes Jen a little more relevant and gives Teresa someone to talk to.


She can be so funny! I don’t understand the part of her that wants to dig up dirt on people. I hope she’s able to get help to overcome that need.


Honestly she’s just nosy and likely bored. Marge and Tre do just as much digging it’s just Jen is currently the *face of*


Someone’s gotta do it! I want my housewives gossiping and being messy, not lunching politely


Margaret taught her that.


Actually Tre did, since she’s the one who literally does it with her every season. 🙄


I feel like she really wasn’t doing that until it was done to her, the main person I see do that is Marge


She is just as bad as Teresa. So even though if Jenn A ended her friendship with Teresa tomorrow, I still wouldn’t like her.


My favorite moments w/ Jennifer is when she’s not with Teresa. I love HER storylines and HER quips, I think she’s so funny but is constantly dragged down by her blind loyalty to Teresa. If she ever became her own person and broke free from Teresa’s grip she’d be such a powerhouse.


watching her kissing theresa’s ass on the aftershow last season was excruciating. she’d be much better off without her.


She tries too hard to be like Tre


I think she’s in her own category of vile.


she’s almost as vile as Teresa.


I think she just may be more vile


1. Jen A dresses better   2. I like her kids better (the Guidice girls have aged out)  3. Bill > Louie  4. I go hard for Italian culture but I enjoy learning about Jen’s Turkish culture too (I love women of color because that’s what they are)  5. She’s funnier than Tre   6. More likable   7. A true housewife because Jen does nothing all day   8. More interesting marriage  9. Easier relationships w all the girls   10. I used to love to look at Tre’s beautiful Italian features but that’s gone so now Jen A fills that exotical fetish lol even w the bad nose job 


There's so many problematic things said here I don't even know where to start 😖


Point 10 is crazy lmao


Wild???? Like wtf lol and I love women of colour because that's what they are??? HUH????


I’m acknowledging that they are ethnic women and their culture means a lot to them and I think that’s apart of Jersey’s magic. Reddit is so weird about anything racial and quick to think the worst too.


You def don’t need to meet me in person then!!!!! 


Girl I don't wanna, my exotic ass is too scared lol


You’re weird


Thank you 


10? Beautiful? No


No way. I don't dislike Jen, but her family is no where near as charismatic, funny or interesting as Teresa's. Bill is a turd.


I feel you I just liked them better when Juicy was around 


Juicy was a fucking dick a lot of the time, but he was funny and him and Rosie together used to crack me up! Bosom buddies…


I do enjoy her a lot more when she’s not doing Tres bidding. Her trying to deny and justify CLEARLY setting up Danielle to get the Melissa rumor on camera last year was laughable. You can tell she practiced in front of the mirror.


I want to like Jen so bad but she’s such a try hard and has a huge hard on for Teresa. I actually liked her lunch with Melissa and feel as if they can get along and make the show enjoyable if they get rid of Teresa and Marge. Jen has a lot to offer between her Turkish roots, married to a doctor, raising kids with a busy surgeon, etc. but she’s stuck in Tre’s shadow.


The thing about Jennifer is that she hangs on to Teresa like gum on a shoe. Teresa can't shake her.


More like a hemorrhoid


THIS!! Yes! She gives us all the mess but with tre she just does mean girl bully shit


Ugh who cares about NJ housewives they are 50-60 in age, BH housewives same but more entertaining not acting like mean hs girls


I think so too. I do enjoy her as a housewife but her relationships are held back by being teresa’s puppet and side kick.


I believe the medical term is Stockholm Syndrome 😂


Jen gets a lot of hate because of this.


I'm sorry but the "old lady energy" "bougawolf' chick will never, ever be cool. She's an absolute corny dork.


I can’t stand teresa but I LOVEE jen


Hard agree. Remember when she confidently called Marge a booga wolf? 💀 Jen is underrated


Not the original one and only Boogawolf 😂


She needs to break away from Tre. Bill misses the guys. It must be a bummer hanging around Louie all the time.


I love her family stuff ..m her dumbish parties and her backyard. Haha


I get a kick out of Jennifer! She has evolved so much!


Can’t wait for the three stooges get their heads out of crypt keeper Marge ass ![gif](giphy|qQ8rdV80NkCac)


This is where I have to crown RHONJ as 2nd to RHOA… aside from Cynthia they were all stars and although Nene was the HBIC she still had to share the spotlight. It made for damn good tv too. All of the ladies had their own thing going on and personalities. RHONJ hide behind Tre, Marge and their husbands and I’m so over it. They have no identity of their own outside the kids. Too easily led and divided over the pettiest stuff. They wouldn’t last one day in ATL, Tre too. 


We’re talking about Jen here, love. If I want rigid “teams” that refuse to say one bad thing about any of their own members and instead immediately jump to insulting people on the other team even when the convo isn’t about them, I’d read about what’s going on in politics today. Blind loyalty is lame.


I don’t care what you want ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)