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I'm all for new housing, but there's just not enough planning and proper design work being done beforehand. This leads to a whole lot of frustration in the long run, from overcrowded schools, poor traffic, to overcrowding of parks and recreational areas. A lot of these developments are geared toward first-time homeowners and young families. That puts greater demand on schools and the environments around them. Are there sufficient schools and parks around these areas to accommodate the influx of families? Are the streets able to handle the type and quantity of traffic (in terms of vehicle traffic and being able to ensure pedestrian safety)? How would the population influx impact traffic and transit systems for the immediate and surrounding areas? Would there be an impact on emt timing/access? There needs to be some serious discussions about urban design and decision process before they start laying the groundwork for housing.


This reminds me of the 2 tower proposal at Carville and Yonge, which would strip away the No Frills many in the area rely on. It’s reminiscent of when Walmart next to VMC closed and moved further away, taking away the only walkable grocery store servicing the at-the-time, 3 ish towers that has now grown to over double in occupancy. In its place is now an art community, which I can appreciate but…I’m sure many would rather be able to walk and buy food than look at art. I don’t understand how GTA cities conduct their urban planning.


More homes are built does not mean they are affordable. It could mean more money are made!


Down with NIMBYs


Good, build build build. FUCK NIMBYS. People can't constantly live in fucking basements.


Register for the virtual open house or take the survey here: https://www.richmondhill.ca/en/find-or-learn-about/increasing-housing-supply.aspx


Thanks for the link. I submitted my response through the survey.


It’s unclear on the root cause of the housing problem. If it is too many people being brought into Canada too fast (seems to be the case), this proposal here will have little to no positive impact in creating more affordable housing in Richmond Hill or anywhere. Demand will continue to rise faster than available housing and housing will continue to remain unaffordable. If your kitchen sink is overflowing with water, first step should be turning off the faucet and not build another kitchen sink. The proposal here would have been more meaningful if there is some action to reduce demand from provincial or federal level. Otherwise, this is a proposal at best solves little (or nothing at all) but may bring various other problems.


Have no concerns - we need homes, we’re in a housing crises. People want to move here, we need to build over everything. Down with the NIMBYs.


The homes they’re building are the ugly and inaccessible townhomes that are 4 storey and have narrow steep staircases at every turn - have you even seen what’s on the market and what’s being built? It’s awful. We don’t need more people crowding up the streets. We have enough crime rate and traffic as it is. Why would we want that for Richmond hill?


Your common sense has ruffled the realtors and their sycophants on this thread lol


> We have enough crime rate and traffic as it is. What crime? Richmond Hill isn't Toronto, lol.


We need better built neighborhoods instead of the sprawl that is currently happening. We have so much traffic because everything is built so spread out that you need a car to do anything.


NIMBY found


Couldn't have put it better myself


I do think we need more dense housing, but will these new rules allow multiplexes to be built on existing low-rise residential neighborhood plots? If so, this does not look appealing. I would rather the city designate new development areas for dense housing or specifically along streets facing the road, etc. https://preview.redd.it/5jav9oavwc6d1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb54d4a08ae5ea51ea2b4bd73ee81110000d0e2d


Oh, well. Richmond Hill was a nice place while it lasted. It was only a matter of time before they decided to strip the town of all the qualities that made it a nice, peaceful suburb in order to transform the place into another "metro" by building lower-income housing and increasing density, which will no doubt bring with it a plethora of unpleasant/unwanted demographics who will not jibe with the traditional character of the city. I guess everywhere needs to be reduced to the likes of Mississauga/Brampton so we can say there's enough "diversity and inclusivity".


I agree, just turning into toronto, high rises and town houses, killing our land. But the people are consumers, they love their hamburgers and hockey games. People are gonna keep getting mad rich on over priced houses while bringing in more and more people who we can’t house…


RH has character LOL


I spit my drink out. Unionville has character - Richmond hill has money laundering operations and a park.


Agreed. The trails and parks and all the peaceful spots have become more and more busy. I don’t care about peoples backgrounds but there is a certain charm to a smaller crowd. The new townhomes they’re building and have built are also horribly ugly and so impractical for many with the sets and sets of unnecessary and narrow, steep staircases.


Calm down, they're just suggesting buildings that are four-storeys tall, not massive condos, lol. And if that bothers you still, it'll be years still before they finish building them, so you've got time to make your move to leave.


Or, we can JUST SAY NO and then YOU have time to make YOUR MOVE and leave :) LOL :)


Ah, good ol' NIMBYs. Protective of their little Tim Hortons driveways.


Good old vested interest, protecting their money money money and who cares about anything else.


Bruh, I'm a millennial who pays $2500/month to rent a 550sqft apartment. LMAO.


Well, you can laugh your ass back on, because there is some reason why you feel as strongly as you do about this to the point where you are calling educated, intelligent, Principle-guided people a NIMBY.


Personally, I don't see NIMBY as a derogatory label, even though the people who throw the term around tend to use it in that manner. Rather, I wear it like a badge of honour. From the looks of your position on this matter, it seems like you should as well. NIMBY 4 LYFE <3


We want CONDOS!! We want investor bought CONDOS with chronic 50% vacancy just like Toronto. We want sky-scraping TOWER OF BABELS with Real Estate offices and Dentist Offices at the base. We want our already OVER-WHELMED INFASTRUCTURE to be even more strained. Give us more TRAFFIC PROBLEMS. We want DENSITY. Dense up those condos just like cracker boxes on the grocery store shelf. Just like NORTH YORK. In fact, change Richmond Hill's motto to A LITTLE NICER, A LITTLE NORTHER NORTH YORK. DOWN WITH NIMBYS !!!


Shut up.


Funny how the mere mention of more homes made you throw a whole ass tantrum over nothing. This is a proposal for four storeys and multiplexes literally the exact type of gentle density this town needs. If you want the city to be able to afford its infrastructure and maintenance costs it's gonna be growth through buildings like this or the condos you mentioned. Take your pick.


Not sure what a 'whole ass tantrum' is. It must be a term of your creation. I would use the terms 'incredulous' or 'ironic' before I would used such an ambiguous term. As for the rest of what you said? Nice thought physicianing, Dr Spin :)


Incredulous does seem to describe you well, good point


More ironic, actually. There are real concerns posted in that 'whole ass tantrum' as Dr Spin called it. Those that want more development so feverishly are those who are going to benefit monetarily from it in a huge way. They have little concern for how it will impact the community and if they did know they wouldn't care, those things are externalities. Big Money has the loudest word and the last word, always. Now, is that straight forward enough for you?


Sorry forgot I was replying to a geriatric, let's just say I am incredulous that people with one foot in the grave have such petulant outrage for change that you'll never see. If you don't like it you can close the blinds in your assisted living facility and reminisce about the dirt road you used to play stick ball in.


Ha ha ha......NOW who is having a whole ass tantrum lol Thanks for the laugh, of course I won't respond any further as your statement here has as much validity as your first one.....you are consistent, I'll say that for you.....and that is as nice as I can be :) Peace Out :)


Funny to mention North York, one of the most desirable neighbourhoods in the country




Developers cannot build fast enough for the region. There is such high demand for residents between Finch and Sheppard. Walk along the street and you see dozens of amazing shops and amenities and at all hours of the day are people walking around and enjoying themselves. Aside from the towers flanking Yonge, many of the new developments are medium density and mixed use making them great for families. Not to mention the few dozen parks, subway access, and numerous festivals. When you look at urbanism done well in many urbanist content creators, they routinely show footage from this corridor. I also live near S&Y after living all over Toronto most of my 40 years of life and can attest to how great this place is. No one I know who lives here wants to move except for the occasional person who had to leave for other reasons. It's one of the most vibrant communities in the city and willowdale has routinely topped desirability charts. The only funny thing is your hubris




dude do you come at everything this sourly? You need therapy mate