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Try 3 more, but if you don't like it after that you may as well quit šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I agree the series isnā€™t for everyone. But those that donā€™t seem to enjoy it also seem dead inside.


If youā€™re really about to give up, try season 4 episode 5 as a last ditch effort. Iā€™d tried to get into R&M a few times but couldnā€™t, and then I randomly caught a scene from this episode on adult swim one night and I was hooked, went back and watched from the beginning


The Purge Episode is my: *If you don't like this, you probably won't like the show,* go-to. It's fuckin great.


I'm gonna rip your guts out and smear em all over your face!


You don't have to love it, just as long as you give it a go, if you want to stop then do so.


Watch episodes 4-6 as well. They're incredible. Also don't make up your mind on the show until you've finished episode 6. Just trust me on that one.


You canā€™t judge what you havenā€™t watched. I agree, try 3 more episodes. The show is not like South Park so donā€™t expect the same kind of humor. Just watch and see if you get into it. If not, then itā€™s just not for you. No big deal šŸ¤—


Tbh I liked season 2 much more than the first, try watching a few more episodes and see if you like the show


Look ar it like this: are the first 3 episodes of South Patk great? No. They're also quite different from later episodes. Rick and Moety grows quite a bit in later seasons also. I'd say give it a few more episodes and if you aren't into it then it may not be for you.


Probably not. Awesome that you gave it a real try though.


Always watch the 1st season of any show before you decide it's not for you. Breaking bad seemed boring at first but then it became one of my favourite shows of all time


If you try "Total Rickall" (Season 2, episode 4) and don't like it, I'd stop trying. That's the episode that hooked on my wife...


Hey again, and thank you all for your replies, I really appreciate it! I will definitely give it a go with some of the episodes you recommended me here and then decide. Cheers all


Well I'm not a big fan of season 1 but I dont hate it, season 2 is my alltime favorite to this day. But if it is annoying you, might not be for you. The only episode from season 1 that I really dislike is the pilot. Most of the show is not about sterical laughing tho, sometimes the humour is just subtle. But well, it varies from person to person. I, for instance, can't stand a single episode of SP (that you used as comparative) and dont find it funny AT ALL, but I know it has to be good for someone otherwise it wouldnt be such a hit.


Go somewhere else. No one fucking cares if you donā€™t like show.


Dude was just asking for advice šŸ˜‚ aggressive much? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a Huge fan of South Park myself. I do not like to compare it to Rick & Morty. South Park blows Rick & Morty out of the water, no shot they can compare to it, but I do like the show for their own style of comedy. I was not a fan of Rick & Morty up until 2 years ago, I watched the entire 1st season and understood why the fan base was so crazy. I like the interconnected episodes they offer and storylines details. Itā€™s an acquired taste but after you start to enjoy it, itā€™ll stick definitely. I say keep at it and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll come around.




nobody cares, watch it or don't. It's not some big life decision.


I donā€™t think the episodes are for laughs anyway. Am i wrong?

