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People who aren't necessarily or completely boys play boys all the time in theatre, no matter the character. If you're right for the part, you can do it!


In my opinion, it depends. Your vocal range and your physical. Like if you’re more fem presenting you’re gonna have a harder time playing Noel. I wouldn’t say necessarily inappropriate but Noel has to present as a cis man in character in order for the story to roll.


I’m a fairy androgynous presenting person & I have a deeper voice


I’ve seen people do it! It’s entirely possible


is there a specific reason why you specified "cis man"? i wouldnt personally see a problem with a transmasc actor playing him and there being a potential for a slight character alteration where Noel is a gay and trans man but idk. is there some sort of story conflict that im forgetting? /genq /nm


I mean like he can be played by a trans man but I said Noel’s specific character is cis. So like he has to be presented as a more traditional man.


I mean, Noel has a whole fantasy about being a woman, if he was a trans man who was born a woman, i don’t think it would give the same message, and some could perceive it as offensive and transphobic


Actually I've seen some pretty amazing versions of Noel played by transmasc actors (not necessarily the same thing as the character being trans, but it could be interpreted that way). Also, it's not offensive depending on the way you interpret it - in most popular interpretations, Noel doesn't genuinely want to "be a woman" it's more about the aesthetics of the era that he fantasises about? It's more akin to drag, at least the way I see it.


If it’s in more of a drag way then yeah there’s nothing wrong with it. I just worry about some people being offended


Alternatively, you could characterize him as a severely closeted trans woman 🤷‍♀️


Yeah that’s one interpretation but has nothing to do with a transmasc actor playing the character


I was referring to OP as an AFAB*


you never know unless you try! non-men play male presenting roles all the time, if you have the range and you fit the part in the director’s eyes then i don’t see why not. there are some shows where different identities are crucial for certain parts (think shows like Hairspray) but i don’t think this is one of them.


Yeah of course!!!


Why not. If it’s what you want.


RTC has gender blind casting imo


I saw Skiing Squirrel's production of RTC in Clinton New York last summer and they had a (cis) girl named Taylor Languein playing Noel, she did a fantastic job! You can find pics of the production and her Noel on Instagram at skiingsquirrelproductions


It’s theater. For all intents and purposes, you get on that stage and you are Noel Greuber, regardless of who you are off the stage. Shakespeare was written with men playing women and so on. If the director thinks you’re a good fit, that’s all that matters.