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Anywhere is a hookup bar depending who you are lol aged out at 33? stop youre young. there are plenty of places around the jefferson L train stop imo


Everyone I know is basically at least 33 running around in a k hole near Jefferson L- ur good


I feel like jef l is young vibes and maybe ran thru for me lol


you. are. young. lol and i agree jefferson isnt the most happening spot (speaking in your era lol) but its nearby and fun. alittle picky are we…


I think I might be picky lol. I am a bit of a curmudgeon. Also I don’t mean to imply like .. I’m old and washed up I feel over all youthful and hot and all that it’s just that a lot of the bushwick 20-something vibe isn’t thattt attractive to me anymore


Its great to always have standards but for a hookup? i think the bar id set alittle lower with the “vibes” but dont quote me lol ive had alot of fun in ridgewood!


What’s the point if the vibe isn’t attractive ? That’s the whole point of going the irl route at all imo. To get a sufficient vibe check.


agreed BUT how can you assume vibes without being there? thats all i was saying. try out a few spots!


Any bar is a hookup bar if you put your mind to it. That being said i find if you post up on a bench at the Grover Cleveland playground and read infinite jest while eating peanuts all the local squirrels will come to you.


I’ve found any bar is a hook up bar if you’re still lingering around closing time.


Do you just go up to any girl that's by herself? That's kinda unlikely to even happen. Not sure how this works since everyone is in a group .


yeah, honestly where are the places where SINGLE women exist and how do they exhibit this? don’t say dating apps


As a guy who's tried many things in this area....I do think dating apps are the easiest. Ive cold approached, talked to girls at bars....etc and there's just so many roadblocks. Many women in this area are either seeing someone, in situationships, or lesbians. At least on dating apps you know they find you somewhat attractive and that they are single.


Yeah, you’re right. I’m (assumedly) around your age and I think only once in my life have I met someone in the wild and had it lead to a date/hookup etc. almost always seem to need to be vetted by a dating app or mutual friends etc. I think this is somewhat warranted given the potential danger in meeting/trusting a rando but personally I wish I could live life assuming I’m not a threat to the people I’m attracted to. Sidenote- most of the women I know seem to heavily be hinting that they want a confident, devil-may-care approach which I find hilarious because we just spent the past decade reinforcing the idea that every adult male is “trash” and ultimately inherently dangerous. It’s difficult for me to flirt with a woman without feeling like a nuisance despite even being told that I’m the contrary. also before anybody calls me an incel lol I am in no way involuntarily celibate I’m just making an observation


I’m 31. I’m down to chill around in bars and talk to girls with you if you want. 2 years ago I was cold approaching like crazy in Bushwick. I got a few instant dates, 2 hookups but the amount of women I had to talk to to even achieve that was ridiculous. It wasn’t worth it so I don’t bother anymore. Maybe it really works well if you’re tall, good looking and a great conversationalist. You’ve gotta be the full package. Yeah a lot of women may want organic and cold approaching isn’t really that either. I’ve gotten so many harsh rejections after just saying hi to a woman but also some girls really appreciate it and say it makes their day. It’s like 50/50. Strangely enough the models have been way more friendly than the more average women in my experience.


I’m actually out of town right now working but that’s cool of you to say that. Yeah man I agree, it’s actually really not so bad being rejected after you get used to it but you at least need to be allowed to get used to it haha. I feel like the best thing one can do is just shrug it off and move on. helps when there’s a friend there though.


Idk being rejected too many times definitely leaves cracks in your confidence. You can get used to it but it kinda adds up a bit


definitely also true


we just haven’t found each other yet usernamehere1993


Well now we did virtually. Hi there.


as a woman in the area who is not involved in the 3 endeavors you listed, i guess that leaves me here seeking dating advice on the neighborhood reddit. hope it works out for us all!


It’s tough out here! I looked at your post history. I love dive bars. I hope you found out you like. I have my favorites I could mention too


I think 3 Diamond Door still has some magic.


I've lost a lot of respect for myself in that bar. Ten out of ten.


Not walshs pub


Lollllll. I was invited to a Polish birthday at Walsh’s few years ago




The best place to get hit on in Ridgewood is Bushwick Lots of feedback in this thread obvs, but rephrase this q and take it to the Bushwick sub and you'll have a megathread in 90 seconds


Heavywoods and Left Hand Path is where I still get hit on by men our age range… If you go in the earlier evening, the bartenders might even open up the conversations with the few at the bar for easier socializing if you join in when they do…


Peals is really good at this


Yeah! Pearls is where I used to have a drink between doing laundry and there’d be other girls sitting there alone having a drink and we’d all just kinda do our thing but also acknowledge our comfort in the moment but then we’d all end up leaving before the single guys who could potentially hit on us come in… but when I did that I wasn’t looking to get hit on… I’d probably go there early evening if I did want to get hit on but I know a lot of the older guys that go there and they’re good guys but not the type to go hit on a woman sitting alone so you might have to make the first move… I actually made some of my best friends by sitting alone at a bar while they were also sitting alone at the bar haha


Her inbox right now ![gif](giphy|AUlNi9YCtzSnu|downsized)


I don't know if I would say a "hookup" bar but the vibes at Pizzeria Panina's bar and Sundown/Cassette I've always found it easy to converse with and make connections with people in a chill/not super rowdy way solo, as an also 33 y.o single guy....maybe I'll see you there


Ridgewood Queens public library.


That’s where all the hotties are especially now that the mayor is no longer cutting their budget.


Myrtle pub on Seneca and Myrtle


Someone else mentioned this spot recently to me! Not as a hook up spot but just chill neighborhood spot. Hasn’t really been on my radar but sounds good, and love a free hotdog


They just did away with free hot dog☹️


NOOOOOOOOOOOOIO! Ok I’ll still check it out there tho


There goes that place lol its always great an low-key now all the reddit dudes will flood there lmfao


I highly doubt that.


Its a joke pal lol




She may like the free hor dogs. Lol


Jones Bar


Theres a super secret fight club we host under the library near 93 Park. We normally through 4 random men an women in the pit and make them work together to defeat each other. It really helps break the ice an see how the compatability works out. So far its a hit. Fair warning 2 lesbians are currently the champs an they fight dirty


I wish


Ride the train at Golden Dawn clubhouse.


Put a sign saying you want to get laid. You don't need no stinking bar


Hermit life rules. No one to answer to.


people still hookup?


Yea duh


We definitely need a singles night here!!


you won't really find any specific places for that i don't think. you might be better off going to events and meeting people over shared interest in the event. maybe places like windjammer or milo's yard are a little quieter and more conducive to meeting people but, generally, i don't think anyone approaches random people in bars anymore. no one good anyway


Mmm ok yeah. This has sort of been my conclusion/takeaway but didn’t know if I was like .. missing something? Probably also has to do w a lot of my friends who I would hang w leaving the area / me getting older and less carefree …. Idk it’s like I blinked and the vibe just feels different lately and I don’t run into the same familiar faces around anymore


Aleph’s comment is not true… I’m a 34year old (and a new mom) in the neighborhood and still get hit on at bars by guys that randomly come up to me alone, with my girl friends, and even when I’m with my guy friends and husband! Bars guys will still come up to you and hit on you: Heavywoods, Left Hand Path (definitely guys more our age here), Pearls, Clara’s And if you truly want a shark (what I call the guys that prowl the bar searching for the drunk girls) you can go to: 3 Diamond Door, Birdy’s, And I think the other spot is called Carmelo’s 🤔🤔 I’ve never actually been to this bar but my female friends say it’s like Birdy’s with the shark kinda guys…


I do still think you should give it a try,there is a charm to meeting people in person old fashion way!


Haha thanks and I agree! Dating apps = no good/boring


I’m a bit older than you and have been in Ridgewood for 15 years but Ridgewood definitely changed a lot in the last 4 years compared to the 10 years before that. We ran into some old friends from the early 2010s who we hadn’t seen in a long time and it was so comforting. But it also deeply contrasted how we feel when we go out to bars and restaurants these days. Luckily we’ve lived on the same block this whole time so our neighbors are the same but all our close friends have left/been priced out.


Totally relate to this!


It’s tough out there! We used to make all our friends at bars. RIP ~~Ridgewood~~ Queens Tavern.


Queens tavern?


Yes, ha! It’s been that long. It was the only bar we liked in the neighborhood for a long time.


Rolos is not a bar. Lol.


The cobra club just because it's usually the go to pre party/post party spot for the area. It's all about the vibes clicking. There's always friendly people you can strike up conversations with, and take it home. It's really up to going with the flow


At this point, the real question is how much has your inbox blown up since creating this thread


The commodore is the spot


I’d argue Aunt Ginnys is the best for this. Play some buck hunter and a pool playing dude will usually talk to you pretty quickly


Any bar anywhere will do, hellbender is prob a good place to start






Mmmm Jupiter disco probably


23 f in the area and i ask this question all the time - godspeed to the women who actually want to be picked up by the right person!


What do you think of Rolos?


Ugh don’t get me started


Ha, it's a joke. This sub hates Rolos.