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Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, although it greatly varies in flow depending at what time of year you go. You can also take a slight detour to Craters of the Moon


Awesome I’ve added both to the trip


Came here to say craters of the moon!


If you’ve got time, I’d adjust the route and drive past Bear Lake through to Logan and skip salt lake. I think it’s the prettiest drive I’ve ever done, and I don’t think you sacrifice much time.


Definitely +1 for Bear Lake. You can leave the I-80 and take Highway 30 as far as Kemmerer, then turn left onto the 89 which will take you down and up and around the west shore of Bear Lake. You'll eventually rejoin the 30 and then go through Soda Springs and get to Pocatello.


It’s so crazy to see this post as I grew up not far from Soda Springs. I also add a +1 for the Bear Lake area. Heard craters of the moon is cool. I never went, but always wanted to. When I take my fiancé to see where I grew up, I’ll for sure go. Edit: stop in Lava Hot Springs for a soak!


Ive done this exact drive a ton and of everything on this list, if you do nothing else, do this.


City of rocks isn’t too far out of the way, and is definitely worth the stop.


If you’re going to craters of the moon you better stop off at EBR-1. It is the first nuclear reactor in the world to make electricity for the grid. It is a museum now. It’s incredible.


if you’re out that way, check out Buhl, ID. There’s 1000 Springs and Blue Heart Cove (waterfalls along the Snake River and paddleboarding in turquoise crystal clear springs)


The bridge near Shoshone Falls is also a famous BASE jumping spot, so you may be able to see some folks doing that.


I was there a couple days back. The flow was miniscule. It was still lovely though but we were underwhelmed. Just a data point. The town was pretty cool though and had a nice downtown.


We’re getting close to the end of runoff season here in ID.


Fair warning: during the summer Craters Of the Moon is extremely HOT! Make certain your vehicle is in good shape and you pack water with you.


I’ve never been more disappointed than the time I drove 4 hours to see Shoshone Falls aka “the Niagara of the west” 😂


I know! I went there only to be told they turn it off during the week. Never knew you could “turn off” a waterfall.


And you believed that? 🤣


They don’t shut them off, but at nighttime Niagara Falls had greatly reduced water flow. Most of the water is diverted at nighttime to the hydroelectric dams for power generation. Niagara Falls HAS been shut down, but only twice in history. Both times were for erosion research and once they also did construction.


The water flow at Shoshone Falls is pretty much at the mercy of runoff in the spring (when it is most phenomenal) or rainfall (of which we don't get much in the summer months). Can water be diverted? Sure. But mostly it isn't...


Most of the Snake River flow is diverted for farm irrigation purposes before it hits the Falls.


Not in early/mid Spring. But definitely a good deal is in late spring through the fall.


Came here to say this.


I just passed through that area a few weeks ago on my way back to California from Yellowstone. We planned to stop at Craters of the Moon, but ultimately opted not to after getting severely delayed driving through the absolutely worst sideways, practically no visibility storm I've ever driven in.


I suggest craters of the moon, that place is other worldly. So glad I dragged my ex begrudgingly.


Was in Twin Falls for some business, and drove by these falls without even knowing they were there, right off the highway. Absolutely stunning. I had to pull over and get out and walk around. 


I visited Craters of the Moon on a cross country trip a few years ago. I highly recommend it, especially if you're into Geology.


+1 for craters of the moon detour.


Are you already in Rawlins, or can you abort and pick another route? I-80 across Wyoming has exactly two things worth stopping for - Jack and shit.


As someone from the UK, we joined I-80 at Cheyenne and drove all the way to Rock Springs before heading up towards Jackson. The lower Wyoming landscape is just so surreal to what I’m used to. Yeah there’s not much to stop for, but that was kind of what was so interesting to me. https://preview.redd.it/sgwavex5cy8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dcd23517652659d349e73731b9d8e07a7614139


Yep the middle of the USA between like Ohio and the Rockies is just small towns and corn. It’s pretty wild. Once you start getting to the Badlands/Rockies it really turns!


We stopped in a tiny old town in the middle of Kansas just off I-70. Such a cool experience and somewhere most tourists would never go


I’m from Minnesota but driving out to Montana (went to college there) was wild. North Dakota was similar enough to western/central Minnesota but all of the sudden getting into Montana just felt surreal. Like transported to a different time almost. its vastness is pretty unique out that way. I’d imagine it would those parts of the states would be pretty jarring for someone from the UK.


In the UK you would struggle to drive even 15 mins without coming across some sort of town or village, so yeah, I loved the experience. We stopped on the side of the road to just take it all in. Silence except for just some wind. Did the same in rural Kansas. Amazing.


In the Dakotas once you cross the Missouri river it’s a different world


Absolutely agree with this. I drove across i80 in the dead of winter and it was actually really awesome. I can imagine it would be even better without all the blowing snow.


I have to agree here. The first time driving cross country was something. I had flown over a few times but driving through the vast expanses was awesome. The only thing I can sort of relate it to is standing on top of a mountain. But even that doesn’t do it justice. The views are very different. You can just see for miles and miles and miles across absolutely flat plains. Every time after that, it was misery that couldn’t end soon enough. Haha


One man’s trash is another man’s treasure


Ooo I love Jackalopes!


Not true at all, the Snowies west of Laramie are really cool. The stretch between Cheyenne and Laramie is also pretty sweet. Pretty sure 80 runs through fossil lake also.


Did you forget oil wells and speed goats?


The most exciting thing you’ll see is a wind fence, but you’ll see it coming 30 miles away because there’s literally nothing else around


Nah, lots of sage brush and antelope lol


Craters of the moon in Idaho. Lots of cool fossil stuff around Kemmerer, Wyoming.


Awesome! I might hit Kemmerer on the way back.


There’s a great free music fest there July 19 weekend : oyster ridge music festival


Ooh can you elaborate on kemmerer? Have not seen anything about this and going through southern wyoming in september.


If you like trains…. Golden Spike National Historical Park. It’s an interesting stop.


We loved visiting here. Best part were the visitors from Germany who were doing a “Wild West” tour and were giggling like 6 year olds.


Cool! I’ll check it out


Definitely check out Spiral Jetty if you’re in that area, OP. One of the lesser known but absolutely worth it pieces of earthwork art.


I agree with this 100%. It’s super neat.


Love this place and modeled it on my railroad layout.


Lots of stuff on the Idaho side. The Perrine bridge at Twin Falls is close to where Evel Kenieval did his canyon jump. Craters of the moon. Malad gorge. Shoshone falls. Don’t know much about the Wyoming side.


Head north and go through Dubois and Jackson. The go west to the Craters of the Moon NP in ID.


The drive from Boise to Craters of the Moon is the most beautiful stretch of the country I’ve seen so far, very unexpectedly. My wife and I drove to Boise from SLC last month, and we detoured through Blackfoot, ID to do the Potato Museum (also highly recommended - say hi to the potato family for me!!!). Craters of the Moon is referenced in a Mountain Goats song, so we passed by. Otherworldly place, absolutely fascinating, and boy howdy do I ever wanna camp there. Then the drive to Boise through Sawtooth Forest as the sun was setting rocked my world again. My wife and I were in SLC when there were signs of aurora borealis in Portland (where we live). I spent the whole trip being mildly bitter that we missed it. Then I saw all of that, and saw a beautiful crimson sunset over the hills and mountains in a perfectly cloudy (but not too cloudy!) sky. Portlanders can keep their aurora. That drive will forever be seared into my memory. It was perfect. Seems like a terrible place to grow up, but an incredible place to retire. The green hillsides and surrounding area were breathtaking. If you go to exactly one place, though, make it Craters. https://preview.redd.it/rbtqlbtxdy8d1.jpeg?width=4984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd70179a0d191b8e72ca8219eda46aabd9eeb788


Guessing you didn’t take the freeway from Craters to Boise? Perhaps went through Sun Valley and Stanley? The freeway stretch is incredibly dull!


It's definitely different strokes for different folks bc for us, the drive from Craters to Boise was mind-numbing. However, we're Western Washington locals and used to more trees, so it was unnerving. My husband did enjoy seeing the wild Snake River, however. I loved Craters but the drive there was... a lot.


Go past Bear Lake and through Logan Canyon instead of SLC. You will not regret it. https://preview.redd.it/dbwnzcdjfy8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450d49165a86200c1f9d11616d2d5230e419547f


Get yourself a raspberry shake if you stop in Bear Lake!




Take a thick wet suit for Bear Lake.


My dad says the same thing, but we never wore one when we were little.


Yeah, I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see Bear Lake. It's stunning.


Came here and thought the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/emsyb7l4309d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3cb8e9423a1e2cb97ef102d20c7ea74c3ce752 taken on June 17th


After you're west of Rawlins, WY, then you can drop down into the far northwest corner of Colorado (you want to get to Highway 40 basically). Dinosaur National Monument is one of my favorite places. There is a Colorado side and a Utah side. I would skip the Colorado side for time and family interest (but is really cool if you like geology and the Uinta mountains and Yampa river). The Utah side of Dinosaur National Monument has the Green River gorgeously snaking through the park, some seriously cool rocks and mountains, a massive wall of fossils, a lot of great petroglyphs you can easily get to, small canyons and short hikes that are great, etc. Seriously, it is an all around great place that I love and can be seen quickly or lingered in. And when you come out and go towards Vernal, UT on Hwy 40, you're going to want to go north on Highway 191 to Flaming Gorge. Honestly, you could use Hwy 191 twice to get to Dinosaur National Monument and come back and you wouldn't be bored of it. There are educational signs about dinosaurs as you drive through interesting geology and mountains and then Flaming Gorge is pretty. My vote is for Utah side of Dinosaur National Monument and using Hwy 191 through Flaming Gorge. Craters of the Moon is also good, too.


Yes the but snowy mountain range is beautiful and the Saratoga Hot springs are right by it


Honestly everywhere. Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, SD & ND are all beautiful


I was born and raised in South Dakota and the Black Hills are my happy place. I love it out there and everything in this part of the country.


I know my comment wasn't helpful but every damn place you can stop is probably worth it. The views are amazing.


Ditto for growing up in the Black Hills ☺️


City of Rocks , Idaho..


The Spiral Jetty and Smith & Edwards surplus store, in Utah. Maybe stop and take a dip in Bear Lake, on the Utah/Idaho boarder. Or Lava Hot Springs!


Take the 410 out of Yakima and go through Mt. Rainier. I thought it was pretty scenic.


This is the secret route for holiday travel-- we're an hour outside of MRNP and can get to Yakima in just over two and a half hours. Much prettier than 82 to 90.


Lava Hot Springs ID is in the neighborhood. Soak your cares away


Here to add yet another +1 for Craters on the Moon detour. I stumbled upon that on a road trip and couldn’t believe my eyes.


If you can afford a detour, Dinosaur National Monument. They got amazing fossils there, as well as petroglyphs.


https://preview.redd.it/h0tj1pl79z8d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=813fc5f1f852575534432b89222d119e14eae548 You should reroute a bit and dip up north - go to Jackson and see the Tetons, then cut across the mountains to Craters of The Moon. It only adds 2 hours to your trip time (driving-wise, not counting stop time) and will be infinitely more interesting and memorable.


How much time does it add to stop at fall creek falls (swan valley ID) great drive through part of Wyoming and Idaho to get there… and then can still hit Shoshone falls and perine coulee falls in twin falls … then I also suggest thousand springs state park !!


I would say cut from Evanston up to bear lake and go through Logan canyon. I imagine it would add about 30 minutes but it’s absolutely breathtaking


Shift your route slightly north and hit Bear Lake on the Idaho/Utah border


Devil’s slide?


I’d go through Idaho falls, to alpine, to Afton, then to your destination. Much prettier drive.


The pass was destroyed. They are fixing it quick though. They could also go through star valley instead of utah then through soda springs and lava.


Correct, but idaho falls to alpine doesn’t go through the pass, which is why I recommended idaho falls to alpine instead of Idaho falls to Jackson. Alpine to Afton is through star valley.


Oh, okay, my bad. Thank you for being kind.


If you're going through that area of Wyoming, I would make a slight detour north and check out the big titties. I mean the grand Tetons. Doing that for you could go to Yellowstone but probably not. But the big titties are nice.


Hitting them on the way back!


Little America 🤣 Wyoming truck stop


Make sure to gas up every time you can, that's desolate areas.


Me, I’m about 200 miles on route


[Saratoga Hot Springs](https://maps.app.goo.gl/8BuKA2BnGpb4pewS7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy)


Really hot this time of year, lol


haha yeah I guess when I was there it was still pretty cold in Wyoming


Lava hot springs, ID! Stop for a soak in the hot springs and some lunch.


I'm a big Moffat County advocate, I would dip a bit further south into NW Colorado. Brown's Park is awesome. Steamboat Rock, Gates of Lodore, Sandwash Basin...


Yuki Yama Sushi in Park City, Utah is a game changer.


Snow mountains in medicine bow


Shhhhhh, don't give it away


Years ago I got skunked on a backpacking trip into the cirque of the towers. Ended up here as a consolation and have been back a few times. It's a hidden gem.


You could do some hiking around Snowbasin ski resort


Stop in Gothenburg NE at Lisa's Cafe. You won't be disappointed


What's the elevation like in this route? Any gnarly hills. Spouse has high anxiety


Lava Hot Springs, ID is really cool and fun. Big water park, floating the river, and, of course, Hot Springs


Mountain Donuts. Ogden UT.


Take the longer suggested route and you'll go past the salt flats that are kind of cool if you've never seen them and you will also get to go through Wells, NV which has my favorite dive bar of all time and a few brothels if that's you're thing. I just looked it up and Luther's Bar and Grill is "permanently closed" which makes me want to cry a little bit.


Bonneville Salt Flats, depending on the time of year look up Poppy Fields near SLC, Antelope Island, Goblin Park.


Do you fly fish? You are passing some of the best areas in the country..


Golden Spike Monument


Folks who are calling the landscape names…..well I feel bit of anguish for you. That whole region has some very lovely character and sights.


Bear lake was amazing. We came through some dusty high hills to a bright blue lake oasis in a valley. It was a very happy surprise.


Boise Fry Co. Those Idahoans are holding out on us from some of their best potatoes.


You and the fam could stop in Park City, UT and check out the summer Olympic park! Or the base of the ski mountain as well. There are tons of activities for the kids. Have fun!


Fossil Butte National Monument in Wyoming near Kemmerer is a cool to place to visit if you like fossils and like having basically a whole park to yourself. Definitely worth the trip.


Ya gotta stop and see Riner in the winter. https://preview.redd.it/obssa9u0sz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d74daad4d7af9a6f6ca3c49ccb8d6f3f895103


Download the Atlas Obscura app. You’re welcome in advance.


City of Rocks National Reserve in southern Idaho is underrated and it looks to be right along your route. It's definitely worth a stop


One of my favorites is Boise. The park in the middle of town has a beautiful rose garden and a pretty good Anne Frank education spot. I also really enjoyed the old idaho state penitentiary. They do tours and it has a creepy history and vibe to most of the cell blocks.


Take a more southern route in Wyoming and go through Flaming gorge. Will spit you back up to your destination, will maybe add only an hour or so and is amazing


Fwamming gorge.


I did this this past Thursday. It is so beautiful. I didn’t have time to stop but I want to go back. I’ve even looked at land In the Wyoming leg.


Honestly, that route through the northeast corner of Utah is some of the prettiest driving in the whole country.


Visit Badlands National Park in South Dakota for dramatic landscapes, explore Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills, and don't miss Yellowstone's natural wonders. Enjoy your family road trip!




Creators of the moon


City of Rocks, Iron Spike Railroad museum


Red dessert, cache canyon, bear lake, hotsprings in idaho.


If you want to see some wild horses there’s a scenic drive called Pilot Butte right off I-80 in WY.


75¢ ice cream cones at little America


City of rocks ID. Kemmerer WY if you want to bring home some fish fossils.


Doing this same trip this Friday and Saturday. Let me.know if you find anything worthwhile. I've made the Wyoming drive dozens of times. Honestly, nothing there unless you like railroad museums/monuments.


If you have time and like hiking, Curt Gowdy State Park is a great park.


City of rocks is pretty amazing.


great mexican food in ogden utah


If you or your family golfs, the Canyon Springs Golf Course in Twin Falls is absolutely beautiful. I don't even enjoy golfing and do it about once a decade, but the entire course is inside canyon and it's gorgeous. *edit to add the city


Sun Valley, Idaho is a bit north of your route but a stunning stop. We take this route a lot. There’s a scenic road outside Sun Valley called Trail Creek Rd that is a real doozy and only for the very brave but worth the stories after passing through.


Not. Much. (Source: grew up in SW Idaho, traveled the area a lot).


Probably a gas station


If you love to see something out of the ordinary. Over the border in Colorado by Craig (see map) is one of the few remaining places in our country set aside for wild horses. The Bureau of Land Management controls the land. But, anyone can drive through and even camp on the land. The wild horses are truly amazing to see in the wild. Especially, when you see them up close (Do not get near them. They are wild.). But, when they take off running free it is so cool! https://preview.redd.it/5iec7ywbzy8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee8bb54a104fd6cce00d874caf492593a30fa12




Big cottonwood canyon in Utah!!


Go a few miles south of that construction pin and go to Skinwalker Ranch!!!


Not sure if you’re heading east or west but I think east. Grew up in southern Idaho and love all of the terrain Look for wildlife heading through Utah and southern Wyoming. Any glimpse or outright visit to the Tetons….wow!! Think you are past sites in Idaho.


Mesa Falls, island park in Idaho.




Antilope Park, had buffalos, in salt lake


I love stopping at Antelope Island State park if I’m near there for the sunset!! It’s nice all day but the sunsets are spectacular. There are bison that live there as well :)


If you haven’t been there and you can change the route, don’t miss the Tetons and Yellowstone


I believe the Napoleon Dynamite house is in this vicinity (Preston Idaho)


Bear lake


Take the long way and visit Jackpot


Don’t miss the Sublett Fuel Stop off I-84 in Idaho. Please tell the white alpaca I say “Hello!”


Spiral Jetty, antelope Island, fort Bridger, devils slide, bear River state park if you’re gonna go the Utah way. If you’re gonna go the other way through Nevada, stop at Angels lake outside of Wells, and hit up the Salt Flats as well. DM me for some other ideas outside of Wells I don’t want to broadcast on Reddit.


Fort Bridger


Before getting to Boise do the loop from twin falls - sun valley - Stanley - Idaho city - Boise. You won’t be disappointed if you like mountain scenery.


On the part just north of SLC, I would recommend taking a detour through cache valley (where I am from) if you have the time! It is much more scenic than driving through box elder county, which I find rather ugly and boring (unless you want to go rabbit hunting in snowville!) If you go through cache valley you could even stop at lava hot springs in Idaho on your way which is a cute town built around some natural hot springs


If you can drive North thru the Wind River Range … beautiful


Peregrine falcon / raptor bird place just outside of Boise.


Craters of the Moon!


To be that close to Grand Teton National Park and not go see it would be a crime. Edit: if you’ve never been there that is. But still.


Deez nuts


stop signs


Stop in Pocatello Idaho. 100% guaranteed to be the best Applebee’s anywhere within 50 miles.


Craters of the moon, Shoshone water fall and ice caves were really neat


Skin walker ranch. Or blind frog ranch.


Not mushrooms or reefers


I don’t condone drinking and driving but stop in Wanship, UT for a whiskey tour and tasting at High West Distillery. Get some food too because it’s amazing and don’t drink and drive!


If you like Magic: The Gathering, I guess SLC is like the Mecca of the game.


I don't know how much time you have for detours, but if you take some advice from others and go to craters of the moon, you should also go up to Sun Valley, then on to Stanley, then over to Idaho City, then to Boise. That'll take you through some of the most beautiful mountains you'll ever see.


EBR-1 is in Idaho. It was one of the first nuclear reactors in the country. It was interesting history. And also +1 for Crators of the Moon.


Crystal hot spring in tremonton


Also Angie's in Logan is yummy (I'm a local)


Bonneville salt flats


Hagerman Fossil beds in ID is right on your route.


Piedmont ghost town and kilns. Had great experience with wildlife there except for the time me and my dog ran in terror from an angry badger that had to be pushing 30 some pounds. Actually, that was kinda awesome too. Also, hit up the rock and fossil shop in Evanston, WY.


Name all the states! Go!


From park city dip into the uintas mirror lake highway. Bring you right back to Wyoming.


Probably an Idaho state trooper so youns’s better ain’t got no weeeed on youns or in youns car or else…….


Must stop at little America


Dinosaur National Monument, UT. Worth the diversion. Very educational.


There might be a Aragorn sheep left behind a mountain somewhere…


Nothing. This is the worst drive in America.


I’ll recommend that you stop to take a dump


Malad Gorge was unexpectedly one of my favorite parts of a similar trip and it’s right off the interstate if you don’t have a lot of extra time.


Just did that trip. Nothing


Salt lake City is a great stop but you can easily spend a couple days or more if you're in to the outdoors


Stop at the Idaho National Labs museum to check out the first nuclear power plant to generate electricity. It has a full, free tour. You can twiddle the knobs on the control panel, and outside there is a damn nuclear powered jet engine.


There’s a pretty cool train museum in Evanston, WY. You should check it out


I think gettting off 80 to see Bear Lake is worth it.  Beach parks all over it, right off the road. Great break for kids, get raspberry shake in garden city.    ‘Caribbean of the west’.  Smaller mountains, but prettier blue than even Tahoe.  Logan Canyon out.  Together, these are better than craters of the moon, imo. Especially in summer.    




Bridal veil falls in Utah


Lots of people suggesting nature and seem to have that covered so I’ll suggest the Hill AFB Aviation Museum north of SLC (check opening hours) and the Minidoka National Historic Site (former Japanese internment camp) outside of Twin Falls!


Thousand Springs by Jerome, ID is wildly unadvertised. It is one of the mist awesome things I’ve ever seen. Spring/ summer is the best time to go.


If you're up for a 6 hour detour, take highway 55 in Boise, then turn onto Banks-Lowman rd and follow the road until you hit 21 and you can either choose to go south into Idaho City or keep going north into Stanley. 21 in Idaho City will loop back down into Boise and 21 in Stanley meets with 75 that takes you down through the wood river valley and the sun valley area. 75 then merges with 93 and at the 75, 20, 93 JCT you can head into Carey via 20 and hit Craters of the moon from there. Misread the post. Coming up from Shoshone falls you can drive up to Carey where Craters of the Moon is and take highway 20 to the 75/93 JCT and head north into the Sun Valley area on 75 and take 75 all the way up to Stanley in the Sawtooths (don't forget to check out Redfish, Stanley, or Alturas lakes) and take 21 down to Lowman where you can either go up the grade on 21 into Idaho City and back into Boise or go on Banks-Lowman rd through the Payette river canyon. Might be intimidating for someone from flatlands, but it's a super awesome drive. If you choose Banks-Lowman there's a gas station in Crouch before you hit the intersection with highway 55 and you can head south on 55 back into Boise. Also head up the Logan canyon on I-15 rather than using I-84. Much better driving experience and you can follow I-15 into Idaho Falls and take US20 west from there to Craters of the Moon. 55, Banks-Lowman, 21, and 75 offer some of the best damn scenery you can get in Idaho. The Sawtooths and the Galena summit will not disappoint you at all. Central Idaho truly is a gem.


Add some time, go up into Grand Teton, ideally go north further east and go over Togwotee pass and come through the park and follow the snake River, then go up through tetonia and west Yellowstone following the river that way. It's beautiful. And I prefer the highway stretch of I -90 over I -84 and you don't have to deal with as much of I -5 coming into Seattle from the South. I worked in Jackson and went to Washington State, I made that drive twice a summer for many years. If you are dead set on that way, bear lake and Provo canyon, then up to Shoshone falls and craters of the moon and do yourself a favor and check out crater lake then Bend, Or. Have fun with Portland/Vancouver.