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Bear Mace. After Johnny Knoxville got maced, tased and shot, they asked him what was most effective. He said bear mace.


I appreciate that you gauge your personal protection on Johhny Knoxvilles anecdotal evidence.


The guys' got experience you gotta give him that


I trust his judgement… in this scenario.


Ask an expert… in pain


I trust he didn't lie. And, not many people have direct experience of all three, so... anecdotal evidence for the win! I do doubt that OP will be accosted by Johnny Knoxville, though.


What he’ll have to watch out for is Bam.


Knoxville is kinda an expert on being on the receiving end.


My uncle once decided that he wanted to buy mace for all the women in the family (his mom, sister, sister in law, niece) so he ordered a few different brands and maced himself to decide which was the most effective. He’d long been just about impervious to police mace. I never had the need to use the mace he sent me. He’s been dead for 11 years now and I don’t think about him very often so thank you for reminding me.


I also appreciate that


I’ve only ever met one cop who preferred getting sprayed to getting tased. Being sprayed sucks.


Been sprayed with OC many times, and tased. I'll take the Taser anytime. Showering 3 days later and still feeling the burn.


Stood next to a guy that had been sprayed. Was downwind. Don’t do that. Could barely see.


I concur. Me and my dumb friends did the mace and taser test. After watching Jackass. Mace is horrible.


A hunting knife won’t protect you from someone with a gun, someone stronger than you, or any of the large predators you stand virtually zero risk of encountering.


Agree with this, if you’re concerned about being approached/just want the xtra feeling of a safety measure, I would recommend bear mace or a taser. Try not to be too concerned though, just be safe and street smart and you will very likely not encounter issues👍


And bear mace is actually useful if OP is camping and runs into an actual bear


Or even a group of humans. Works wonders


Pro tip: "bear spray" does not work like deet "bug spray". Different concept all together.


But have you tried it?


Some people have, turns out bears dont mind a little extra spice either


Tony Chachere’s Bear Mace was NOT the best marketing combo.


When in bear country, always wear bells and bring bear spray. Black bears don't like the extra noise, grizzlies don't like the extra spice, and polar bears appreciate the extra seasoning.


My understanding is that the bells have been shown to not really do anything - I'll see if I can find where I read it. If i remember correctly, they couldn't tell the bells apart from birdsong. Edit: https://www.nps.gov/articles/hiking-in-bear-country.htm https://www.backpacker.com/trail-news/do-bear-bells-really-work/


They don't. It was part of a poorly worded joke.


Give the polar bears a Coca Cola and they will be content.


Or people for that matter


This is the answer.


Won’t deter all bears…


Or police while storming the Capital building.


Human mace for the human race and bear mace for the bear’s face. Also several air horns, two dozen Roman candles, a few moltov cocktails, and a bottle of bourbon. Sawed off shotguns if you’re really feeling patriotic.


That's an interesting arsenal. Taking note.


Sawed off shotgun…hand on the pump ![gif](giphy|beicgv3A4fKf7D4DGF)




This. I keep a can of pepper spray gel (no mist, long range, bright orange, and just splatters all over whatever you aim it at), but within reason, safety just isn't really an issue. The closest I've ever come is when I stopped in the middle of nowhere in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and some people walked up to my camp. Turns out they just wanted to know if I wanted to come smoke meth with them.


Oh, lovely


Gotta say, as far as tweakers go, they were pretty chill and friendly.


😂 well I guess that's a plus! And they wanted to share their stash with you. Generous 😂


If you run into some tweakers, you can always tell them that you’re in the middle of a mission/quest and they will totally understand and leave you alone to go about your business


That's usually not even a lie. Sometimes I do Uber eats just for fun because they feel like little side quests.


So you're in the Uber eats reddit too? 😂 small world


Welcome to the USA 🤦‍♀️


Knife is for intimidation with people at best. But even then, pulling a knife on the wrong person without the intention or ability to wield it effectively will end very badly if they’re faster than you. 


It's also a great way to get packed up by a person with a gun. Drawing a knife is like an escalation from no lethal force to lethal force. I would stick with bear spray and you should be fine.


Agreed. Your knife can very easily be used AGAINST you. Not a great choice & not particularly effective if you don't know what you're doing


Famous American saying: Don't bring a knife to a gun fight...


I had a guy come up behind me in a roadside rest stop while I was at the urinal. He goes give your money , I said oh ok and as I turned around I pulled my pistol and he goes oh shit and runs out of.


What are the laws about a foreign tourist buying a gun? I know as a citizen of a red state I probably have one being shipped to me for the mere mention of one whilst using my phone, but I don’t think it’s as easy for a foreigner on a tourist visa


I'm not an expert on it but I would seriously doubt anyone without proof of residency can get a gun here, unless they bought it on the street.


I've bought guns on a non-immigrant visa, with the only speed bump being you have to have a valid hunting permit. You're almost certainly right that you're not getting one legally without a government ID.


That’s my guess too


That is a correct guess. If you're not a resident, you can't buy a gun.


And I always carry when camping.


I always carry …


This is even true from state to state…


Not true! Neighboring states are allowed to sale guns to anyone from a neighboring state.


False. You’d have to have the gun shipped to a gun store in your home state and undergo the background check there. The one exception I can think of off the top of my head is active duty military. I was a resident of Texas but stationed in South Carolina. I had to show the gun store a copy of my orders.


I’ll help you out bro. You can absolutely buy any long gun from a state that neighbors your state. https://www.ffl123.com/ffl-sales-contiguous-states-sales/


That’s only true for pistols. For rifles and shotguns you can buy out of state with no problem, just the regular background check. I live in Kentucky but I’m about a mile from both Illinois and Missouri. Illinois has horrendous gun laws so I’d never even consider buying a gun from there, but in Missouri they have a very big gun show twice a year that I used to go to. I don’t go looking for pistols because I know they won’t sell to me since I’m out of state, unless I want to have it shipped to my local FFL, but I’ve bought rifles and shotguns from there with no problem. I just fill out the forms and they run my background check, just like they do in my home state, and I’m good to go.


That's a big no


You need a SSN for the background check federally required in every state so no non-citizens cannot buy a gun in almost every state except a few that allow private sales and even then you’d have to find someone willing to sell you a gun without seeing ID and signing a bill of sale.


Not exactly true. I've legally bought guns in 2 states and I'm not a citizen or even a green card (permanent resident) holder. There are some extra requirements like having to have a valid hunting permit, but citizenship not a requirement.




FBI would like a word


Then get out


So? Basically every gun show in Idaho or Nevada? OK got it!👍


Info for that question is [here](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/may-aliens-legally-united-states-purchase-firearms) I’m not going to throw 2nd amendment stuff at this question, but short story long and to the point of carry and what you’re thinking, double check national parks and on federal lands, absolutely no weapons near like military installations, tribal lands (requires permission), most campgrounds, most hotels or private property unless admitted by the property owner. There’s some useful maps about states allowing concealed carry, info on storage, on your person, etc. And because of the road trip option, different states have different rules. Some states are more firearm friendly than others, but ultimately you’re at 99.999% chance of absolutely nothing happening. If anything, pepper spray or a multipurpose tool can be helpful if you think you need immediate safety.


What I am concerned about is the OP has been to a few countries and feels like the US is the scary one.


You can’t


Just go to REI and get a big can of bear spray. Or camp where where are lots of people around; odds are pretty good that someone is carrying a gun and is looking to be a hero. I personally don’t pack a gun but for every Reddit redneck who brags about carrying there are probably five more who do but keep quiet about it.


This is hands down the best advice for most travellers. I'd also add that POM brand pepper spray is excellent and extremely portable. You should carry it daily. Almost all other "self defense" picks are not useful or dangerous to the operator (knife, dinky tasers, blunt force instruments, etc). So, I carry. I'm a vet, I suppose some would say a "redneck," or at least I was raised in the sticks where guns were a part of life since I was old enough to handle one. The fact of the matter is this: yes, a firearm is plainly the most effective tool for stopping a threat, when utilized properly. A firearm is "the great equalizer." But, the flip of this coin is that to effectively and safely use one, you need to invest significant time and possibly significant expense into training with and acquiring a reliable firearm, plus a good way to carry it (i.e. holster and belt). Then is the legal aspect. There's an insane amount of legislation involved when you can and cannot utilize a deadly weapon for self defense, and it varies state to state. There's also an equal amount of laws regarding who and when you can carry. For example, my state is a "constitutional carry" state, meaning a concealed carry license isn't required - anyone of age and legally not prohibited from owning a handgun can carry it concealed or otherwise. However, if you were to drive 40 minutes into the next state over, you would need to open carry, with no ammunition loaded when you are in the vehicle, and the ammunition itself stored separately. If you drive the other way, into another state, you can't carry at all. Some states' CCW licenses (yes, each state has a specific license) are good in certain other states but not valid in others. All this to say: carrying a firearm goes beyond walking to the gun store and getting strapped up, G. It's a complex variable-dependent practice that, in order to be done safely and effectively, requires time and money. Again, I carry every day, and I do recommend it to those who can, especially for those like me that fall onto the list of folks some certain other folks wish to do harm to because of the way we were born. But if you're not willing, or not able, or morally opposed, the next best option is OC/pepper spray. Very few laws regarding it, relatively inexpensive, easy to use (although you should buy 2, one to deploy as practice), and won't have the possibility of a manslaughter or murder charge if you do use it. I ALWAYS carry OC spray if I'm carrying a firearm, and usually do even when I don't. Stay safe out there. The best self defense is situational awareness, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.


I'm at the vets office right now, so when I read this, at first, I thought you took care of sick puppy dogs.


Ha. Wish I did. Too much of a softie to give them any shots or anything though...


And that’s the realization that kills every childhood dream of being a veterinarian


This was a very sensible, well thought out post. Thank you!


I believe you can purchase training spray to practice without actually pepper spraying an area.


You can. POM sells a canister made for this purpose that shoots water. Assuming you have somewhere safe and open enough to do so, using the real thing isn't necessarily a bad idea - it's likely at least some of the spray will come back on you, so knowing what that feels like and how to continue defending yourself or getting away after that happens is good training.


I don’t carry a gun, either. When I thru-hiked the AT, someone in the middle of nowhere VA at a gas station asked me if I was carrying. It was the first question he asked upon meeting me.  “Oh you’re one of those hikers, huh going the whole way? Do you carry a gun?” “Oh I got a lil something in here” and patted my pack.  The man smiled and said “I feel ya, have a nice day!” It just sketched me out that among the first things he said was asking if I was armed. So I suggested I was. 


I got rid of my gun five years ago or so when I looked into it and saw there was like a 500x chance one of my kids accidentally discharges it at some point than I discharge it purposefully in an emergency. But before that, you wouldn't have caught me telling a person I had it with me or where it was. Really ever.


Saying, “this will melt your eyes” and unholstering bear spray will deter damn near anyone.


As an American, this would not have crossed my mind but I understand wanting protection if you're camping alone. I wouldn't feel any less safe alone in the US than any other country.


+1, this 👆🏻


New mexico or South Africa. I can guarantee you feel more safe in one of those.


Your ability to legally carry a weapon is going to vary state by state. Concealed, open carry, knife type, blade length, etc will be very different depending on where you are. One item you can probably get away with in many (but not all) areas will be a small camp ax or a hatchet. Honestly, get some bear spray. As to being worried about your safety while camping, you will likely have no worries. Over the years I've had more issues with chipmunks than anything else. Little bastards.


The idea that the US is dangerous for tourists is ridiculous and completely false. It's on the level of many European countries, completely different world than Africa or many South American & Asian countries. Nobody is going to rob you while camping, in fact among campers/backpackers it's common to leave your base camp unattended all day with no expectation of problems. The dangerous areas are those that you would find in most countries - poor urban environments, at night. but as a tourist you have no reason to ever go near them. As an American I don't know anybody who carries a knife for self defense, or a gun. They exist but to be honest guns are much more of a cultural and political signaling thing than something that effects daily life. It's legal to carry most knives, there are some exceptions for wierd things like gravity knives or very long blades you gotta look it up by region, for example in texas there are no exceptions up to a 5.5" blade. If you are paranoid and it would give you peace of mind, you could consider picking up some pepper spray, legal in all 50 states.


Yeah just don’t camp under a freeway overpass with the crackheads 😂. If you camp at actual campgrounds, you’ll be fine. I’m 50 been camping my whole life. Never felt safer than when I’m out camping. People tend to look out for each other.


lol chicagos knife law is 2.5"


Pepper spray is illegal in NY, I’m from there. Basically any self defense tool is (tasers, etc). You’d probably get in more trouble for having a self defense tool than the guy trying to rape or rob you; considering how modern prosecutors act. That said, the chances of anything happening are infinitesimally small. The US is very safe outside poor urban areas. And crime rates are down significantly from the 1980s. Even nyc is much safer than what people think. Edit: ok it’s not illegal but it’s hard to get and the sizes that are legal are so small it’s basically useless. Plus the legally allowed potencies are quite low and might not be effective if someone is on drugs or less sensitive to pepper spray


That's factually incorrect. You can legally buy & carry spray even in New York *City*. It just can't be bigger than .75 ounces, or stronger than 7%.


Concurring — based in NY(C) myself and the misconception about pepper spray being illegal comes from the fact that it’s illegal for online stores to deliver it within NY. You can walk up to the store and purchase pepper spray so long as you’re above 18 without any felonies on your record (up to two sprays).


Very well put.


Agreed, humans aren't the animals you need to be worried about. Most places you don't need to be worried about anything. Some places, some bear spray could be useful. The camp will let you know.


As someone who has a gun, not for any of the reasons mentioned, I’m thankful I typically have one camping, not like anything is truly gonna attack me when I got the loudest dog in existence, and I take the steps to ensure nothing hopefully visits me. Is it necessary to carry a gun? Nope. Have I ever regretted bringing one with me? Nope Does the random European tourist need a knife/weapon camping? Nope. Don’t leave your food or beer out, then nothing will have a reason to come. Camping is awesome, but if you’re already predisposed to fearful thinking, you may not wanna camp alone in the woods


Honestly best comment here. Paranoid people probably shouldn’t venture into the great outdoors. In the slight chance something happens, panic makes any situation a million times worse


No. If you're going somewhere with bears, some bear spray. You could also get a small pepper spray canister. I've camped extensively in the Western US, lived in cities of various sizes all across the country, and driven back and forth across the country multiple times and never had any situation where I've felt that having a weapon would make me safer. I am a slightly larger than average white male though


I also feel like campers and hikers are a friendly bunch overall. as in hospitable and charitable and willing to help each other in time of need. OP should be aware but being afraid to camp would not cross my mind. --older ish white woman who almost always travels alone.


I'm a smaller than average (mostly)white male and I've never felt like having a weapon would make me safer either. And I've also lived, camped and traveled all over the country, same as you. Currently live in one of the biggest cities in the US and don't carry a weapon. I completely agree with the bear spray suggestion. A knife for defense is generally a bad idea. Edit: second time I've said don't count on a knife for self defense and been downvoted. Whoever you may be, you have no idea how the world works. Keep thinking you're gonna be some kinda badass. See the comment below about knife fights.


Yeah. I have a friend who was a paramedic and he would say that the loser of a knife fight dies in the street, the winner dies in the ambulance.


same. bring bear spray. works on man an beast alike in the highly unlikely chance that you'll need it. (i never have) and for the record, getting a firearm without being very familiar with it and the laws of when you'd be legally allowed to use it makes it a big fat liability. read up on avoiding contact and confrontation with bears, and try to avoid cheap cheap motels in the shitty part of town.


Negative. 53 years and haven’t come close to needing one.


Absolutely. I've criss-crossed the country and have yet to stumble upon or into a situation where a firearm or any weapon would have been warranted.


Bear spray. But also, the US isn't a dangerous place as long as you're not engaged in criminal activity, stay out of the inner cities, and keep your food in a bear safe manner when camping.


Avoid any time machines either, since apparently a lot of these opinions re:cities are straight out of the 1970s.


Lmao, as if everyone's walking around strapped. Stay out of the hood at night and you won't have to carry anything at all.


I trust my 18 year old daughter to camp alone with her girl friend. You will be fine. Bear spray as others suggested. I’m sure it’s legal to carry a knife, but I wouldn’t.


Live in Montana and camp regularly. Why does the US make you nervous as opposed to Africa or Europe? Always carry - not for protection from people but for wildlife. Jesus.


Because there are a bunch of America-bashing videos that make it sound like we all walk around packing heat and every Walmart has an entire section devoted to guns. Lol.


You camped in Africa but are worried about the US 🤦‍♂️ boy oh boy


We have camped all over the USA. Stay away from high crime urban areas and there is no need for a weapon. If you’re in bear country get bear spray but other than that you should be fine.


I live in Los Angeles and don’t own a gun and I’m not only alive, I’ve never had an encounter with anyone wishing to do me harm. No, I am not an anomaly. Quit fear mongering


Also from LA, have had an encounter with someone wishing to do me harm. Stop acting like your experience is everyone. Although a gun is far from necessary in LA, its by no means a "safe" place all over and extra caution should be taken, especially in certain areas.


“Bad stuff only happens to other people”


We live in Texas


i've camped all over the us, in some mildly sketchy spots, never had a weapon, never needed one. you'll be good.


You need a bazooka or flamethrower or else you'll just end up out gunned. /s


Id imagine you’re more likely to die of hypothermia or heat related illness. Camping prep is often focused on being attacked by animals or humans rather than protecting yourself from the basic elements. Make sure you’re preparing yourself properly for that too.


100%. Heat, cold, and dehydration are the real killers.




95% of the people that carry a weapon legally don’t use them. Likely, you won’t even know they have them. It’s a feeling of safety that’s been passed down through generations. It’s not the Wild West here like the media portrays. More than likely, people will leave you alone if you leave them alone. Predators? Depends on the area you’re in. If you follow the guidelines for the area, say, if you’re in bear country keeping your food sealed up and away from you, you’re fine. Most predators are the same. If you’re not in their way, or aren’t offering food, they will steer clear.


Yes I keep a firearm when I travel long distances over night and especially when I’m camping or in secluded areas. Whether it be for animal or human protection. I’ve always open carried when in national forest area and never had a problem. Also in CA there is a loophole law that if you have a valid CA fishing license you may concealed carry a firearm when you are fishing or traveling to and from your fishing location. I just keep a mini pocket fishing pole with me. 😛but that’s as long as you are not in a specific area with firearm prohibited such as state parks or nature preserve


I’m female and have camped solo in every state in the western US. You call it a road trip, so I’m going to assume you’ll have a vehicle. If you’re concerned about your safety, why not sleep inside it? For both bears and humans, this is probably the single best safety measure you can take.


The only places I ever go without a knife are: airports; government buildings; the shower. It has nothing to do with protection; knives are just very useful. I would never go camping without one. What I carry are pocketknives with about a 3” blade. Hunting knives are for cutting up game, which you probably won’t be doing as a foreigner in the summertime. Whenever I see a guy with a big knife on his belt, my first thought is that he’s had his gun rights revoked and has psychological problems.


i always have at least one firearm in the truck, but it rarely comes further into the campsite. never had to ever take it out of the holster but i think it’s foolish not to always be prepared. better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


I live in a state with more guns per capita than most others. Me, I’ve never felt scared or a need to own one myself.


Camping in the US is actually very safe in that regard, there are an absolutely tiny number of incidents each year of campers being attacked by other people or large animals. I've had more issues with harassment sleeping in my car in parking lots than I have camping alone in the woods. If you're really worried about it, buy a can of bear spray. It works on bears and it works on people, but it's unlikely you'll have to use it on either.


You'd have to be very careful gun laws change from state to state


I have lived in this country for 37 years, lived on the west side of Chicago for the past 8, and can very honestly say that owning a firearm would have been helpful to me precisely zero times.


I always do, but that’s because I’m always armed anyway and can carry in all 50 states. You can’t do this if you’re not a citizen though, and if you are you need a license that is valid in that state or has reciprocity. Knife laws and permissible lengths vary by state so make sure you’re checking.


You're overthinking it. I've lived in various states in the US for 44 years now, still don't own a gun, and have never encountered anyone with a weapon and bad intentions.


Anytime I do camping or long hikes, I take bear spray and a hatchet. Mostly because bear spray is more effective than a knife or just normal pepper spray, and a hatchet because it has a lot more practical use than a machete IMO.


Why does the USA make you nervous? Location matters... some places are dangerous, others are not. A big hunting knife is not going to help you if someone with a gun threatens you, or if 3 people threaten you. If you're not skilled using a knife, don't bother, it's not a weapon for the untrained. As for the law, those vary wildly from place to place. A hunting knife is almos standard equipment in Montana but will get you arrested in LA. Don't believe the propaganda... most of the US is shockingly lovely. All the violence is in a few big cities.


Reddit paints the US in a pretty negative light.


Every state has different regulations about what you can carry, including knives. I’ve never had a problem hiking or camping.


Baseball bat for swinging and a bear horn for blowing - all day and all night. Unless you’re trained in how to fight with a [specific weapon] you are essentially offering more murder-variety to any ill intentioned person. But everyone has some experience swinging a bat and those horns are amazing.


I have a Gerber machete that I keep in my truck. If I'm sleeping in my rooftop tent sometimes I'll bring it up with me. It's been incredibly helpful as a tool but never really encountered a self defense scenario. Most regulations in the US are on concealed carry weapons. If you have a survival knife that is "open carry" or kept in your vehicle/tent. You shouldn't run into any issues. bear spray will probably be a much better self defense weapon than any knife


Where are you camping? It really depends where you are.


Yeah go ahead and buy a knife you don’t know how to use and get it used against you.


Glock is your friend


I always carry a gun when camping.


I was going to recommend bear spray as well. A knife could come in handy, of course, but you don’t have to be in contact with the human or bear when you use spray. It is recommended in a lot of parks in the summer, at least in the west US.


These less than lethal guns look interesting. [https://byrna.com/](https://byrna.com/)


generally the people in the US camping community are not a threat, of course there’s outliers. also the areas where camping is more common are generally lower crime. i second what everyone else says about bear spray. bear attacks aren’t common, but it could save your life if you were in an unlucky situation. it could also be used on a person if you had to. just use common sense and street smarts and you should be good!


In my vehicle, always. On my person, depends. Accessible when I'm sleeping, always. When I travel overseas, never. Those people are not that crazy.


I’ve spent hundreds of nights out camping/boondocking/backpacking in the US and I’ve never had a bad encounter. Only people I’ve met are like minded outdoor enthusiasts. Never felt the need for a weapon. As others have mentioned, bears are the biggest threat if you’re on their turf.


No word from OP. I think that kind of settles the question.


I never camp or hike without carrying a gun. I’m a small woman and hike alone very often. Where I live we have many dangerous animals which don’t scare me nearly as much as other humans. But either way, I’m prepared to protect myself.


I carry a very large knife in my car


Are you planning on hiking through skid row? If not, you're fine. There aren't scary strangers with guns hiding behind the bushes on hiking trails in state and national parks. Bring bear mace if you're going anywhere where you might be concerned about wild life, and if you hear a rattlesnake, walk the other way.


It depends. As others have said, I wouldn’t bother with a knife. You can easily be disarmed by someone bigger or more skilled than you, and then it’s used against you. Bear spray would be the better option. That being said, I’ve been on a road trip across the US, and due to poor planning (Good GOD is Texas fucking huge! We don’t need so much Texas!!) ended up pulling the RV off at a rest stop off the highway because we were so tired we were seeing shit. Pull the drapes, drift off and next thing you know, someone is trying the doors on the RV. Someone in our group had a legally owned pistol with them, and boy were we glad they did. That’s not an option for you as a foreign tourist, obv, so more of a cautionary tale about where you choose to pitch your tent. If you’re staying in established campsites, bear spray is adequate, I think (my experience for campsites is strictly in the western US).


Buy a couple aerosol cans of wasp and hornet killer. That stuff will neutralize a bear if sprayed in the face. I saw a man jacked up on meth beat on two cops then ran. He ran into an old ladys back yard to hide but she sprayed him with wasp spray and he ran out an begged to be arrested. It was hilarious. Also wasp spray has a 10 or 20 foot stream so you can get them before they get to you.


Bear mace. A canister type one that you can aim well with and know which way to point it by feeling.


Just get a big can of bear spray, likely a big hunting knife wouldn’t really help you out. But bear spray would be better. I typically concealed carry a handgun with me when out camping etc, but you will be limited on being able to do things like this being that you’re not a US citizen. Most efficient solution for you will be bear spray.


It depends on the state, I don’t think foreigners can buy or carry. Crime in USA is not worst than most countries, don’t let the news scare you. And… most of the crime is unfortunately committed in the cities. If you’re going to be road tripping and camping, your biggest danger will be car trouble and animals.


My friend this is america. We bring guns to church


Lol, no but thanks for the many laughs.


You have a far better chance of being assaulted or robbed in a national park than disbursed camping. You’re also considering bringing a knife to a gun fight. Depending on where you’re going, it’s incredibly safe. Don’t be a jerk and 99% of folks will leave you alone.


It’s my opinion that you would be a fool to expose yourself to the American public without a firearm. This place is insane, literally


I generally have a flick knife and bear spray as a rule. State laws vary for sizes of knives, and even bear/pepper spray. That can be a problem if you are moving across several states, and you need to know the laws. It's not as complicated as the gun conversation, but something to note. ETA: You are less likely to use these against a human. It's just good to have them on you in the wilderness.


If you’re set on a knife check local laws. Some states you are required to open carry a fixed knife.


States allow citizens to legally carry weapons. Some states are more reserved than others, but all of these states that allowed concealed carry- only allow them to people who can legally own a firearm. Most of the crimes are in larger, inner cities. Do your research on what cities you plan to drive through and where the relevant dangerous areas are. The areas that are more touristy tend to be safer, but overall you should be fine. The US is large and don’t believe the over hyped media that has the US looking like the wild west in which there are no safe areas.


A “carry” knife depends on State. I live in Colorado so a pocket knife at a 3 1/2 inch blade is legal. Part of your camping gear I carry a 10 inch blade for chopping and many other knifes for whatever else. It’s ok. Search “pocket knife length” + State wherever you are going to be. Overseas I carry my Swiss Army with a lot of attachments.


No. We do have bear spray though.


Knives are fine anywhere. Guns can be carried in many states, check local ordinances.


I mean at minimum you should carry a sizable can of pepper spray but that’s just my opinion.




Most criminals seem to be opportunists and stay closer to urban areas. If you’re camping rurally or out in the “boonies” as they say, I would be more concerned about larger wildlife crittlers than anything else. That being said, always stay alert and aware of your surroundings and you should be fine.


As long as you’re not camping in the inner cities, you’re 10x more likely to be approached by wildlife than any thugs. Bear spray and radios are a must in the wilderness


I’ve never camped with anything except a Swiss Army knife, and I camp where there are black bears. The only use I have for that knife is charcuterie prep, the bottle opener, and the corkscrew. Oh, and whittling a marshmallow stick. It’s been years since I camped where I’m not at the top of the food chain.


I bring a knife or multi tool when camping, but it’s for cutting up food, fixing gear and shaving kindling if I’m having trouble getting a fire started. I’m not kidding myself into thinking that I could effectively use my knife to defend myself against a bad guy. I also don’t carry a gun, even though some people I have met people who do. The number of people who have successfully defended themselves against crime in the US with using a knife or gun is minuscule. You know those mass shootings that take place literally every weekend in America, in shopping malls, movie theaters, churches, schools, night clubs, etc etc? There were armed people at many of those. It didn’t change things.


You’ll be fine! I’ve lived in many US cities (and travelled globally) and I am not worried. I’ve never had anything happen. If anything, pepper spray or bear spray, but I wouldn’t make yourself get a weapon if that’s not what you’d do anywhere else. Enjoy your adventure!


I have heard 3rd hand that some people say they do, but I’ve never met anyone in 15 years of hiking that does. I wouldn’t recommend it.


In my states it would not be legal. You will need to check each state's laws.


Go to Bass Pro-shop or similar and get a collapsible baton. Best weapon for untrained person.


I’ve never thought to carry a weapon whilst in the US. I’m from the UK and typically we don’t carry weapons. I know there are exceptions, but it’s not typical. Guns are very illegal here. I was given bear spray whilst in Montana though- for bears, not humans.


It’s legal. But buy some bear spray. It’s easy to carry and recommended in most national parks. Good protection


A man in his early 20’s was killed by a mountain lion while hiking with his 20 something year old told brother a few months back about an hour from where I live in a major city. It happens sometimes around here and getting more common since we are moving closer and closer to their native habitats. But if he had a gun on him, he would still be alive. This is in central California. Bears here don’t really intimidate me but dam mountain lions I do not want to see one.


Came to say bear spray as well. As a woman who travels alone, I can attest, it works on men as well as bears.


Grizzly Bear will use the knife to pick his teeth after he eats you.


Bear spray is fine Many campers do carry, so it’s likely someone will be able to help you


Yes ,we have a few double shot rifles amd auto pistols Because .......


If I wasn’t carrying a gun, I’d absolutely be carrying bear spray.


Lol, I thought you meant a firearm. 44% of Americans own guns and believe it or not, the vast majority of gun owners are responsible with their firearms. I honestly wouldn't worry, just being aware of your surroundings will be enough protection.


You’re concerned about encounters with wildlife or with other people? If the latter, you’re fine assuming you aren’t camping in drug-heavy areas in the middle of cities. If wildlife, you’re much better off just learning how to handle wildlife (what to do / not do with a bear) and maybe get some bear spray or something. A knife generally won’t do much if an animal is that close to you.


Bear spray is a better bet than a knife, for bears but mostly people lol. I carry while hiking on the off chance something tries to eat my dog but I’ve never had any issues.


You won't be able to buy a gun from a store, but perhaps from an individual. Bear spray is useful for bears, OC spray is useful for humans, and you have some options there Small cannister and "gun" type units are common. [https://www.amazon.com/kimber-Defense-Less-Lethal-PepperBlaster-Pepper/dp/B078V4SRCK](https://www.amazon.com/kimber-Defense-Less-Lethal-PepperBlaster-Pepper/dp/B078V4SRCK) [https://byrna.com/](https://byrna.com/) [https://taser.com/collections/all-devices](https://taser.com/collections/all-devices) [https://www.sabrered.com/defense-spray](https://www.sabrered.com/defense-spray)


I would at least have a knife, but a can of bear spray or pepper spray can also give you a minute or more to get distance and call out for help. Maybe pack a whistle, if backpackers hear this they know someone needs help.


huge mistake. weapon laws vary greatly at the state, county and even township level. your big hunting knife might be legal in one town and very illegal in another. don't believe the news, most of the us is super chill, esp in the places where people go to road-trip and camp and such.


Knife blade laws can vary by state but I don’t think you’ll get hassled about a hunting knife if you’re obviously camping and such. It’s a good deterrent if nothing else. I’ve had no problem camping in the US but you never know I guess. Bears are usually my concern, not people


Yes ,we have a few double shot rifles amd auto pistols Because .......


Yup, in states I can. Never needed it, hope that trend continues.


You better carry, just in case.


if you’re a US resident id recommend just carrying a gun, even if you just keep one in your car


People think bear spray is for bitches. I guarantee those are the first people to bitch out when pepper sprayed. That shit is not a joke. Honestly the very best self defense for anyone, not 100% ready for the responsibility of carrying a firearm. I have a ltc in a right to carry state. My family laughs when I recommend oc spray. It's legal in all 50 states, makes bad guys "walk" away, and you don't have to worry about going to hell afterwards(or prison). I am very carry friendly. But I am also very understanding that I can spray someone without prison long before I could pull and kill them.... I'd rather spray... Rant over. Oc all day baby


I carry a knife and pepper spray in a hip bag. Always. I’m thinking about getting a small taser as well.


It's more how and what you carry that varies in legality from state to state. It's usually a good idea to put your gun in your trunk, out of reach, and declare it if you're contacted my law enforcement. Then open hip carry once you're in the wilderness area. Concealed carry has additional licencing requirements along with a required class, if it is allowed at all, regardless of open carry turning more civilian heads.


I feel like everyone else has got one so I don't need one . Plus I'm athletic and wear tennis shoes so if the shit goes down I'll just sprint away


When younger I hitchhiked around the country for 3 years, camping in national forests. I never felt the need to carry even though ii was riding with strangers because I was dealing with small town or rural people. I didn’t start carrying until I worked in a big city. Most of America is friendly and fine, and not as Hollywood and the media present. Most of the troublemakers are concentrated in the cities.