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Slow cars are fun cars Its only so much fun to go so fast you cant properly turn, hit a mountain, get pitted and then arrested. We dont want 50mph slow. We dont want 300mph fast. Something in between is nice


slow /= fun, unique with decent stats = fun, cars like goliath are fun(opinion), nobody wants to grind a whole season for a slow boring car.


Agreed, make them gimmicky


Lav, Tow truck/frost crawler, Shell cars i have never seen being used in a public server. not even once


Sometimes if I'm playing as a cop I'll spawn frost crawler and move a criminal's car so when they try to escape me they can't


So about 200mph fast? Aka cars as quick as the roadster and volt. But the issue is, we are getting cars that are averaging closer to 150mph with slow acceleration. And I don't see why slow = fun, if people find slow cars to be so fun, why aren't they used more?


I say anything by 150-250 is sweet


150MPH is pretty fast if you're in the city/town, it's a fun speed for racing.


A lot of them are unique, for example shogun. Has the hood open. Very interesting sounds. Very interesting looks in general, and has a custom texture only for the car! Plus it shoots flames from the front when it uses its ability which idk what it’s called but it’s kinda like a turbo after 150 which gives far better acceleration to 200+.


The reason why I see people not using them or liking them is because most of the community does not vote on Reddit or active on discord.


Count with me, let’s count these “5” fast cars. Concept Roadster Trailblazer Monster Volt Beig Parisian Aperture Shogun Power 1 Desert crawler (it goes over 200 miles try it) Torpedo Proto-8 Macaron Eclaire Succesor Stallion(yes even this car) Og la matador Og monster Brulee Mcl36 Javelin Icebreaker Arachnid Carbonara Snake Airtail Bloxy Hammerhead Torero Banana car M12 And even more that I forget. So you said:5 and a rough estimate is…31. If it reaches over 200 mph it classifies as a fast car, stop playing yourself


1/3 of total cars


I have 100 times more fun driving something like the bandit or longhorn than something like the concept or beignet


Idk man, the future effects on the Concept still go hard to this day


I love driving Poseidon around in my private server cause in a public server it’s full of jav and beig users


Ah yes. The car that somehow won despite not fitting the season at all.


I think they actually meant that they want a normal car other than a super car


The majority of players only use meta cars. Unless a new addition shakes up the meta, people won't use it. May as well make those additions interesting in some other way


Why not change the meta? Or just copy paste stats from meta vehicles?


Changing the meta too often tends to lead to powercreep (statcreep in this case?), and copy pasting stats is also tricky. On the meta point, let's say there was a new car added that was the fastest in the game. Let's call it the Cobra. Congrats, you've pushed the meta forward, but now everyone's gonna use the Cobra because it's the best. So if you want more variety in cars, you have to either make something faster than the Cobra or add a utility that gives people a reason to use it over the Cobra. Then the cycle repeats. If you add something faster, the next meta shake-up needs to also be faster. If you add a utility, the next car also has to have a better utility. With that also comes an ever-growing gap in cars' performance where the meta keeps pushing the bar higher and higher, while old cars keep sinking lower and lower.


You don't have to keep adding stronger things to change the meta, you can nerf what's there and buff something else. And you said nothing about copy pasting except that it's "tricky", which I don't exactly see how.


Nerfing and buffing cars constantly is still a recipe for disaster. It would either screw up progression or make the game feel random and by extension unfun Copy pasting stats is tricky because it's not inherently a *bad* thing, but it's not really a good thing either. Like yeah, theoretically, every car in the game could have the same stats as the roadster, but where's the fun in that? Stats are what vehicle balanced is based on. Take the roadster and éclair as examples. Both are 600K, but there's different reasons to use one over the other


Me who will fly off the mountain in an aperture because i cant turn for crap in a fast car 🤣


I don't care about speed I care about looks I just wand some cool looking cars like classic cars or unique cars I used Meg as my main car for 2,5 years because I liked the model of it and didn't care about the speed (even tho I had cars like icebreaker biegnet and Jav I didn't care about those because the meg was my fav)


I use some fun cars that are slow but I also use fun cars that are fast.


The aperture and torero are mine




You will never know the true meaning of fun until you have ridden a tank, doing max 74 MpH but blasting the shit out of every vehicle you see while being inmune to gunfire


Alr, It can be slow but it’s gotta have good acceleration.


Main example I can think of is tiny toy.


One example that I can think of is the torero. I absolutely love and adore that car and I think many others do too. It’s not to fast and not to slow. I think the top speed is around the low 210s and it’s just a super fun cruise car when. There’s not many cops to run from. That’s my answer.


Not slow like firetruck, slow like air tail


I dont want new cars I just want updates that actually focus on the game like robberies, weapon changes