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Knowingly passing an STD…? …which one? How did they know he knew? so many questions lol


Im guessing he told the girl after the fact? If they are charging him I would bet he had to have texted it to her


What an awful thing to do. Hopefully it’s nothing permanent. Considering he was arrested, I’d imagine it very well may be.


Id imagine if your getting arrested for it its probably permanent




quit watching Andrew Tate videos Jesus Christ




how would that be hime getting screwed?




a number of times




Usually this charge is seen in conjunction with a violent crime. It also covers non-sexual transmission for healthcare employees, police officers, corrections employees, medics, etc. that are attacked or deliberately contaminated at work. So it's not unheard of, but the part where it's a standalone charge is kind of weird.




Bullshit. There’s literally tv episodes and movies about this kinda shit.


For one, you used the wrong players name.


Bruh He got ARRESTED. This is not some girl trying to fuck him over. He committed a crime and TPD clearly felt they had enough evidence to slap cuffs on. This weird comment from you is Andrew Tate ass shit if that’s seriously how you interpreted this, so no, there’s no reach.


This is a criminal charge my man. Not a civil suit. No one is getting money.


Transferring confirmed not in his best interest


Not the only thing he’s transferring


Can safely say I did NOT have this on my bingo card. WTF.


This is crazy unless there is video or something


You want to watch a video of how he transmitted it ?!


See, this is why I *ONLY* fuck skill positions.


Elijah Itch-it


Omg, this is perfect. 😂


Is he even playing on the 1st lmaooo


now I’m double happy about us still pursuing linemen


That’s pretty fucked up. I really hope it’s a common, treatable disease. Not HIV.


If it was HIV, at one time, there would be much harsher charges. I’m not sure how it is now, when the average HIV patient can become “undetectable”, but knowingly passing HIV was definitely a big boy attempted murder type charge in the past.


It’s not anymore in most states. California used to criminalize HIV transmission but they stopped because what was happening was it was deterring tons of people from getting tested for it. Turns out people aren’t going to take preventable health measures if there’s a chance they could go to prison for doing so.


I have no idea how tha was downvoted lol


Alabama never had a specific statute for HIV/AIDS transmitted to a consenting partner. They do have it for healthcare/prisoner workers, etc. but it's under a totally different section of the law.


I’m not talking about Alabama specific statutes at all, anyways. I just remember that in the 90s and 2000s getting real deal serious felony charges for knowingly passing on HIV was definitely a thing in many places in America.


No wonder Sabans still after lineman


The Dark Side of the REC is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


All I’m saying is perhaps we should be reserved in our judgment here until we get all the facts. It wasn’t that long ago both this news organization and the Tuscaloosa PD showed they didn’t always act with integrity.


It's none of my business. That said, it's such an odd situation I do have questions.


This is... less then ideal


Wrap it up kids.


Get tested while you're at it


Wrap it in latex or she's getting your paychecks


Transmitting also not in his best interest.


Dude has to transfer now. He ain't getting any play time off the field after news like this.


Well umm, sounds like he has indeed been getting play time off the field.


Yeah but unless a chick is willing to “take one for the team” I’d imagine that’s coming to an end, at least in Tuscaloosa.




Yet I'm the asshole for requesting a recent STD test anytime I'm courting a potential partner. "I'm not a whore you fucking dick, fuck off." Like shit I never said you fucking were, excuse me for trying to practice safe sex. If you get offended by asking for recent sexual history fuck you and fuck anyone that refuses to disclose if they have a(n) STD with their sexual partners. Fuck is wrong with all these dirty ass people not giving a fuck about the well-being of others.


Well I mean if you’re asking for paperwork before she’s even agreed to a date, I can see how that would be off-putting. “Why is this dude so paranoid about STDs? He must’ve caught one before. Ewwww!!!”


I always just said I'm a germaphobe, so sex is off the table until I can be sure you're not unintentionally a carrier for anything. Everyone politely agreed and got checked.




•Trolling is any post that is designed to get negative reactions from others. •Personal attacks – name-calling, insulting another user’s abilities/intelligence, threats of physical violence, etc. •Harassment can take many forms, from post-stalking to unwanted private messages; it will also result in a very quick ban.


That’s a new way to get arrested. Hopefully he didn’t really know to begin with and he is cleared.


Go back in the portal please


I don't think he should be going in, out, and back into anything right now.






He will need an antivirus before entering the portal.


I know I’m speculating and I’m not a lawyer, but isn’t it basically like the bad bad ones when you get charged for it? (Herpes, HIV, etc..) Like, I’ve never heard of anyone getting charged with passing HPV or some shit lol


In many states they have a specific law for HIV/AIDS if you are aware of the diagnosis and did not disclose it to the other party. The charge he is booked on applies to any std though. Which seems really dumb and petty if it was a minor one. You gotta really piss someone off for that to escalate.


HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women. Also even non-permanent STDs can lead to serious reproductive/fertility issues for women as well.


There's no specific test for HPV for men all you can do is get the vaccine and use condoms https://www.cdc.gov/std/hpv/stdfact-hpv-and-men.htm


Yes. And this man clearly did not use a condom.


Isaac Haas from Purdue and Hokes Bluff, AL had one of these cases a few years back and it wasn’t about HIV


Charging someone criminally for transmitting herpes is fucking crazy considering 60-90% of US adults carry a strain of herpes, and in most people they do not know they have it and it will never affect their lives. The only states that still criminally charge people for STI transmission are backwater states with horrendous public health statistics because it leads to higher STI rates as it deters people from getting STI testing. If we’re arresting people for transmitting herpes we should arrest people for transmitting the common cold while we’re at it. Getting into the medical field has shown me just how little doctors care about herpes meanwhile the general population acts like it’s the bubonic plague. Almost no physicians test for asymptomatic herpes anymore because there’s absolutely no point. You just wasted money and resources on a test that 70% of people are going to test positive on, that positive test result is going to cause significant psychological stress on the patient who would’ve lived their life normally if they didn’t get tested, it accomplishes nothing. As for HPV, it’s even more common than herpes. 80-90% of US adults contract a sexually transmitted form of HPV in their lifetime. The majority of people clear the virus in 2 years, a small minority can have it persist and cause cancer. Get your HPV vaccines if you haven’t done so yet folks.


It’s probably just herpes and nothing deadly like aids. Still not a great look


"just" an uncurable disease that impacts how you interact with sex for the rest of your life.


while this is true, herpes is extremely common and something that often lays dormant in many people. an estimated 1 in 6 people have it in the US and 90% of those who do are unaware bc not everyone gets symptoms


You’re gonna have to post some citation on the 1 in 6 thing. There’s no damn way 16.67% of Americans have herpes. If so, my sexual history just got WAY more questionable than I thought it was.


1 in 8* https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/herpes/#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%20one,that%20they%20have%20the%20virus.


Would It really? A lot of people have cold sores which are just a nicer name for herpes.


Please take a clorox bath.




Sharing is caring.


Tide of infected semen.


I mean if you didn't give someone Chlamydia, did you really go to UA?


I mean, a lot (if not most of us) can attest that we didn’t.


I have neither attended UA or given someone an STD. Is my degree even real?


Downvotes are obviously not alums


This man gets it


Ain’t never gonna do it without the fez on Oh no


This is wild to me, I really thought it wasn’t a crime. I mean I thought it was for HIV. But last February a girl exposed me to herpes (knowingly) multiple times. I lucked out, but I looked up if that was legal and everything I read said you don’t have to disclose. I guess I was reading federal policy or something.


Does anyone know what STD it was?