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Warning: this article was written by Joseph Goodman, a “sports journalist” whose portfolio is largely composed of sensationalism, manufactured outrage, and (for lack of better term) rage-bait. His pieces have no apparent interest in facts or education, but only in stating an opinion that will draw the most viral engagement via aggravating large portions of al.com’s readership base. By reading the article, your click and visit length will be tracked and ascribed to Goodman’s profitability in al.com’s metrics, thereby encouraging the site to produce more articles and journalists in a similar vein.


A fellow fan of his work.. yeah he is awful. This is bad even for him.


He seems to regard himself as the spiritual heir to Finebaum in his print days, but he’s far too lazy and one-dimensional.  His work doesn’t even rise to the level of “yellow journalism”.


I was thinking he’s more of a Kevin scarbisnsky 2.0


Only amusing thing he’s done was get the attention of English soccer fans to Al.com before they got rid of the comments.


Stop posting Goodman articles


Goodman is trash, and you shouldn’t link his article to avoid giving him clicks.


This guy is... truly a clown


Clown article, bro


Suggestion: Post screenshots of the dumb shit Goodman says, not article links. He wrote this steaming pile of shit so people would click on it. Don’t give him or the sinking ship that is al dot com what they’re looking for.


Bingo. That’s all AL.com articles. Don’t dare stroll over to the politics section.


Get a job Goodman.


Dez and Kirk do the exact same thing for their schools. They aren’t the journalists, it’s up to Fowler and Reece to be the for real neutral ones.


I like Kirk. Yeah, he is a homer but he does it respectfully.


Plus we gotta balance out McElroy, who’s damn near an anti-homer in an attempt to be “objective”


AL.com is trash as a whole.


Really has gone downhill… I miss the days with the chat where you could provide the proper “feedback”


And you weren’t visually assaulted by ads every six print lines. I know someone who tried the paid version, and the experience was no different.  Cancelled before the free trial was even over..


Sad… this is really the only free “chat” left that’s any good (that I know of). Love this place, hope it lasts.


I don’t usually bash specific sports journalists, as it’s usually a boring topic, but the way he covered Bama basketball last year was despicable.


He is one of these writers that I really try not to let get under my skin. But every now and then he puts out something so bad it causes some kind of vestigial reaction that is purely instinctual.


lol skip


Do not read. He’s a douche. Also every former athlete that is a “broadcast journalist” has bias. Most of them are very open about it. Charles Barkley uses it as part of his schtick. Complete nonsense article.