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Hell No




Not to be disrespectful but, No they wouldn’t. One of the few left with tradition. It ain’t broke. Don’t fix it.


Would like to see white helmets as that’s a nod to our history. Anything beyond that just isn’t Bama and could do without.


No. Of they start with that they will throw everything out the window. If you give an inch we won’t have any tradition left.


The fan base would 100% go nuts. Not the kinda nuts you are thinking.


Deez Nutz?


No. And get off my lawn.


This will not go well.


No. We don’t do that. Even if we did…black uniforms are fucked out. If you want a bunch of silly ass alternates go root for Oregon. Should the Yankees update their logo while we’re at it? Honestly I think the Packers should tear down Lambeau and build a dome. The gen z kids would love it.


Forget about it..


If we wear anything else we will be forever cursed












Trifecta of everything wrong with college football: Transfer portal, NIL, Alternate Unis.  Hard pass.


Nope. That’s for losers.


Nah not black. The only alt thing I'd like are white helmets.


No. Next


Absolutely not. You're not 'all for tradition' if you're trying to shit on the tradition...


Other than white helmets for one game, not no but hell no. Black is a Georgia color. And I don’t think the “fan base would go nuts”, other than to justifiably complain about it.


If you do white helmets one game it will turn into something all the time. It will never stop.


I disagree. Remember the Nike jerseys with the houndstooth collar trim? That didn’t “turn into something all the time”, and it wasn’t even a nod to Bama’s past.


That was a very minor change. White helmets is a major change.


Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk no


Here’s where I stand on this. Would I love alternate uniforms especially ones that go into our retro logo? Yes I would. But should we? No. For decades we have had a simple and classic look which is synonymous with our brand. We are one of the last teams (especially major P4 teams) that have not gotten rid of tradition in the uniforms. Look at Ole Miss and Tennessee for example. Do their alternates look great? Yes but now they have like 3 or 4 different uniforms for the season and the alternates become more recognizable and popular than the original. Then look at a team like Georgia who like us has stayed with pretty traditional uniforms. They are synonymous with those uniforms and have their entire brand in it. edit: Also if I remember correct we one time did a checker collar for Bear Bryant on the uniform but I think that was only once and is honestly the closest thing to a alternate uniform as I’ve ever seen from this team.


Personally I would love a grey themed alternate. Elephants are grey, it’s not a stretch. I realize this is likely an unpopular opinion, please don’t hurt me.


Switch teams, you clearly don’t respect what’s great about this school.


I think there could be some grey/white/crimson alternates that were retro looking with the retro A logo on the helmets. They could make them look cool. They won't though


Actually, they did exactly that for one game in the early 2010s.  Everything was normal except the elephant-skin base layer, and *maybe* the crimson was a little stronger/darker.  Looked pretty cool to me, at the time I wished it hadn’t been a one-off occurrence.


No they didn't do what I was describing


You’re right, I overlooked the “retro A”, my bad


Lol moreso the whole being grey bit


Found the evidence in an old online article… but pics were removed.  In 2014 and 2015, Nike sponsored “playoff uniforms” for those specific games. https://tide1009.com/nike-unveils-alabamas-college-football-playoff-uniform/


I know this. They weren't grey lol


I like this idea. Grey unis. Crimson arm stripes and A on helmets. Fuck yeah. This is a new era. But only one game a year


Love it, seriously.


Heeeeeell nahhhh to the naw naw naw, heeell to the nah






No. And I will stop watching if they do. Our uniforms are the only physical visual tradition we have and if the abandon that I am done with the sport.


White helmets is as close to alternative as your ever going to get, and even they have precedence


White helmets maybe


Tough crowd.


It is a pretty unpopular opinion. But hey, now you know


if you do wanna see the black & crimson color combo, the closest we’ve had to that was when the Tide had houndstooth-trimmed collars for the ‘06 Homecoming game against Ole Miss.


Yes .. tired of the same ole same ole. Living in Alabama … not far from the Bible Belt .. yes please.


Find another team to be a fan of


In the Saban era, I’d say no. But, for this new era, why not? Let’s start with the white helmets and go from there. EDIT: lol cope, all you downvoters 🫵😂




Why not? We're ALABAMA, the standard for college football. We're not a second-rate nobody school who needs flashy gimmicks to keep people interested. Our uniforms are symbolic of the team and the culture. You're going to see the same uniforms out there every game. You're going to see the same team out there every game. You're going to see the same STANDARD out there every game. That's fucking alabama football It being a new era means it's even MORE important not to fuck with traditions.


Standard comes from how you play on the field, not uniform.


Obviously, play on the field is the most important thing. But symbols are also important. They represent something. Our 'boring' uniforms represent something - they represent a tradition of excellence and dominance. Alternate uniforms symbolize nothing. They represent nothing. They're just...clothes.


If alternate uniforms represent nothing and are “just clothes”, then so are the regular traditional uniforms. Because, essentially, they are still clothes. The logo & name on the uniforms + the player wearing them who’s apart of them is the standard of excellence and dominance. Alabama wore the traditional unis against Clemson in 2019 & got curb stomped. I assure you, ASSURE you, if AJ McCarron wore a white helmet, he’d still have 2 titles. BTW: between 2010-2011, they DID have altered uniforms that were not “tradition”, what difference did it make?


Brother, did you ever hear me say a single time that we would play worse if we wore alternates? Would Superman be just as strong without the S on his chest? Of course! So why doesn't he just wear what the fuck ever when he saves the world? The S MEANS something. The uniform is a symbolic link to an ideal. When you see the S, you immediately think of truth, justice, strength, etc. It's not 'just clothes.' When you see an Alabama uniform, you think excellence, tradition, dominance. When you see an Oregon uniform, what do you think, how does it make you feel? "Damn that's a cool highlighter." And for the record, while I didn't like the uniform change in 2010-11, it was a far cry from a real 'alternate uniform', to the point where basically no one even realizes it was different.


“Brother”, you keep talking about the “standard” being in the uniform. If we changed uniforms, it seems to me that you think we would, or you would not have replied to my comment being up in a fit about it. You don’t have to “say” anything. Comparing an actual sports team to a fictional character is quite a stretch, and I love Superman. If Alabama is Alabama, then showing up and winning would be the standard of excellence and dominance. Oregon teams that showed up fell to a weak conference slate that couldn’t match up to actual competition, ie Auburn 2010, LSU 2011, OSU 2014, Washington 2022-23, etc. They could wear the same uniform every game and still not have kept up with those teams during the non NIL period. But, that’s not your argument. They DID change them, which means they went against tradition. That’s a contradiction don’t you think? But I guess not because that would be moving the posts. You’re getting upset that I think we should have alternate uniforms like Greg Byrne’s gonna look at my comment and say, “you know what? THAT guy has a good point! Let’s change them!” If they change them, who cares? If they don’t, who cares? I’d hope they “elect to kick [butt]” like Saban said regardless. Have a good day, “brother” 🤙 Roll Tide to ya.


> It seems to me you think we would, or you would not have replied being up in a fit about it You asked a question, "why not?" and I answered it. At no point did I say or imply that we would play worse with alternate uniforms. The standard is not 'in' the uniform, the uniform REPRESENTS the standard. I think it would be lame and cheap to ditch that. > Comparing an actual sports team to a fictional character is quite a stretch, and I love Superman. Right, how could I forget that symbols are only important for fictional characters. How could I make such a silly mistake? Obviously no one cares about symbols in real life. > But, that’s not your argument. They DID change them, which means they went against tradition. That’s a contradiction don’t you think? But I guess not because that would be moving the posts. Right, like I said, I didn't like them. That's why I didn't like them. Not seeing the contradiction here. To be fair, I shouldn't have even responded to that point since it was a non-sequitur - this point was made under the assumption that my position was that alternate uniforms would make us play worse, which I've already covered above. > If they change them, who cares? If they don’t, who cares? I’d hope they “elect to kick [butt]” like Saban said regardless. I'm not going to like, stop watching or anything. But it would be lame and annoying. I would prefer that they not do lame and annoying things. Obviously I want us to win no matter what. Look, I get it. You don't care about symbols, you don't care about tradition, you don't care about meaning. You care about having a cool shirt to wear. Thankfully the majority of our fanbase feels differently. Roll Tide


I’m happy for you, dude :) Roll Tide to ya 🫵😂